Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 201

Chapter 30 Rush to kill

The chapter name will be changed back in two days, and the content has been changed. Brothers, don’t worry, subscribe! )

The upper layer of the Blackrock Tower was destroyed.

To be precise, when Kazloga completely turned the upper layer of the Blackrock Tower into ruins, when the demon laughed wildly and disappeared into the space rift, the Dark Iron dwarves rushed into the ruins of the Blackrock Tower for the first time, leaving those lingering breaths behind. , And the Blackrock Orcs who lost the chieftain, all drove out of the Blackrock Tower!

Of course, Thaurissan did not do too much. He did not order that the panicked Blackrock Orcs, Burning Trolls, and Ogres should be killed. He just expelled them to the vast Burning Plains. The Dark Iron Dwarves like to stay. In the cave, the searing canyon controlled by them is also rich in minerals, so there is no demand for the burning plain.

However, the Dark Iron dwarves have not been able to fully recover the upper layers of the Blackrock Tower, because a lot of demons have been stationed there near the original Blackrock Arena. These ugly creatures were summoned by the doom lord at that time, Kazloga tearing apart the space. The guys who came to help fight, after Kazloga gained freedom and completely disappeared in this world, these forgotten guys, nearly 4,000 in number, simply ulcerated and occupied the land!

One-third of the entire Blackrock Spire became a gathering place for demons. Facing these crazy demons, even brave dwarves cautiously stopped the offensive and built a new line of defense in the ruins. Is planning to isolate these demons.

This process lasted for nearly half a month. The more seriously injured people, Darth and Demetril, including Liadrin who didn’t want to leave, were also sent away by Dick. The high elf lady was physically exhausted. It’s too big, it takes a while to rest for a while to prevent the root cause of the disease.

Marshal Windsor, who had left the spies in the Black Iron Bar, promised that they would receive the best treatment in Stormwind, but Dick jumped to the “Twilight Prophet”‘s cautious attitude, and finally asked Thaurissan’s royal spell. Teachers, open the portal and send them directly back to Theramore.

Only Jaina was still with Dick. Da Xiuben was dissatisfied with the behavior of Dick and Liadrin leaving her to go out and “play” by herself. This time, she was able to stay behind. .

Although in the battle with the devil, the cunning black dragon prince finally evacuated, but Dick knew that this guy must have not left Blackrock Mountain, the Paladin had long ago hated Nefarian, plus “Dragon Scourge” “The mission requirements, Dick made up his mind this time, to kill the black dragon prince and the black dragon forces attached to him!

At least let them not dare to show up on the continent of Azeroth before Deathwing reappears, otherwise they will always be stared at by this conspirator in secret, even Dick will feel scalp hair. Hemp.

Dick is now waiting for the arrival of the red dragon in the Black Iron Bar where Anxinzong’s business is booming. He believes that the red dragon will definitely come. After all, judging from Nefarian’s move to move the entire Blackwing Lair, that Valastazzi must have taken away very important evidence one night.

Probably it was the corpse of Chromagus!

With that thing, the black dragon prince secretly slaughtered other dragons the guilt of slaughtering other dragons could not escape, and the body of Chromagus was clearly part of an adult red dragon. This alone was enough to cause a wave of giants. The dragon was angry.

Probably Nefarian himself couldn’t think of it, besides it and its diehards, there is another person in this world who knows the existence of the Black Wing Blood Ring, right?

On the night of Blackstone Mountain, Dick lay on the sofa alone, holding the doctrine of the Holy Light in his hand, while watching, thinking about the scene of himself appearing outside the Blackwing Blood Ring with the Red Dragon Legion, in Jaina and When Liadrin and others fell into Wo, when Dick was tied in the air and could only watch this happen, the Paladin had never wanted to kill a guy so strongly.

But before the arrival of the red dragons, Dick hadn’t been able to do anything, but fortunately, he also had his own things to do at this time, and it was a very important thing.

After entering the high-ranking lord, Dick found some changes in his body. In addition to the extremely high toughness of his body, the Silver Hand finally responded to Dick’s orders for the first time after a year!

The Paladin found that as long as he consciously drives the silver fist on his left arm, the power of order contained in it will actively enter his body and mix with the golden light, and it is not the pure gold of the past. It is a bright silver luster.

When Dick killed those orcs and defeated Black Hand, he used this “mutated” holy light. Compared with ordinary holy lights, this bright silver light tends to attack. The temperature of the weapon becomes extremely high, and even the steel can be melted in a short time!

Although the form of expression is not as overbearing as the holy light of the Ashbringer, the actual effect is not much different.

But this light is not all attacks. In the past few days of research, Dick discovered that the Holy Light mixed with silver luster is equally effective in purifying.

In the practice with the great warlock Prager of the Black Iron Bar, Prager was a curse of pain on Dick’s body. After this silver holy light was washed, the effect was reduced by at least one-third, and it was probably The order attribute of the silver fist, this kind of silver holy light’s damage to non-order creatures is amazing!

The only regret is that this light still has no healing power, and although the power of order stored in the silver fist will continue to be produced, there is always a limit. When fighting at full strength, this silver holy light can exist at most 10 It will dissipate in -15 minutes, and the next time it is used, it will take at least nearly 20 ramps.

In other words, in addition to the two assassins given by Norgannon, Dick also learned the third assassin from the Silver Fist, which he called “Silver Holy Flame”.

The capacity of the holy light in Dick’s body is no longer inferior to the original Uther. The only regret is that the purity of the holy light is still worse, but it is understandable that the original Uther was a proper hero. And now Dick is just a high-ranking lord, who can have such a huge total amount of light is enough to be proud.

It is conservatively estimated that when Dick reaches the hero level, the total amount of holy light in his body may be at least one third more than that of the Ashbringer Mograine. At that time, he was a veritable incarnation of holy light. .

And even though he entered the high-ranking lord, Dick still did not put down the study of the doctrine of the light in his opponent’s hand. He did not do anything about it, but the paladin did discover that in this most primitive manuscript, there are some Fao crowns. For the use of the orderly energy of the Holy Light, this made him a treasure.

High-ranking lords mean a deeper understanding of energy, and their energy attack intensity is more than that of the lords. This is definitely a way to effectively increase combat effectiveness, and Dick cannot tolerate the slightest sloppy in this regard.

And just when he was immersed in the realization of energy, the door of the room was gently pushed open, and the dwarf warlock Prager respectfully took a mysterious person whose whole body was covered in a black veil. Entering Dick’s room, the Paladin did not turn his head. After the dwarf warlock closed the door and left, Dick put down the books in his hand, stood up, and moved his arms.

“Varastraz, you are late!”

The paladin absorbed the essence of the red dragon presented by the red dragon, which was equivalent to binding himself and Valastazzi. So the moment the red dragon entered the room, he knew the identity of the hiding guy.

There is also a purer green dragon essence from Eranikus in his body, which also means that any green dragon with a rank lower than Eranikus cannot hide its traces by his side, and the two superimpose, so Dick’s dragon’s convergent life has been promoted to the second level, which is why he can break through the shackles and enter the high-level lord.

The paladin even has an arrogant association. If he can collect the essence of the five-color dragon, can the power of the dragon reach the fifth rank?

Of course, this is just thinking about it, the black dragon king, the guardian of the earth, Nesario, that is, after the death wing fell, all the blood flowing in the black dragon’s body has the origin of chaos. This kind of fallen essence, even Give it to Dick, and Dick will not absorb it.

The risk is too great. Before he becomes a hero, Dick will not fight the ancient **** head-on. That is too dangerous!

However, faced with Dick’s joking questioning, the red dragon took off his hat. Compared with the last time he met, the form of the Valastazz High Elf is somewhat different. There are three more lines on his handsome cheeks. The black claw marks abruptly broke the red dragon’s appearance, and Dick also noticed that the red dragon was walking in a strange posture, limping, looking like it had injured his left leg.

“Justice is never late! Of course we may be late, in fact, on the third day of the destruction of the upper Blackrock Tower, I was near here!”

Valastazzi squeezed his face, dragged his handicapped left leg to Dick, and then suddenly laughed and gave the Paladin a hug.

“It’s great that you can escape alive! I thought you were already dead in the ruins, but I heard from some “friends” that there was an acquaintance from the Black Iron Bar, and I guessed it was you! ”

Dick was also taken aback by the red dragon’s outburst of enthusiasm. He smiled and invited the red dragon to sit on the sofa and poured him a glass of wine. Then he asked.

“You are hurt?”

Valastazzi showed a regretful expression. He knocked on his left leg. “That monster is very difficult to deal with. Even me, it took a lot of effort to kill it. The monster itself exists. There was a defect, but even so, I paid the price of a left leg to bring its body back to the Red Jade Temple.”

Having said this, Hong Long’s expression became excited.

“When the queen saw the evidence, she was furious, and even summoned three other dragon kings for it. We had planned to launch an attack on the black dragons entrenched in the Black Rock Mountain to punish them for their crimes, but unfortunately, there is the Black Rock Tower. A demon appeared, and the black dragon was expelled.”

Valastazzi looked at Dick with a weird smile on his face, “I know that you did it! Don’t deny it, I don’t exclude the use of tactics when my strength is insufficient, and I Besides, what you did is beautiful! We are surrounded by Blackstone Mountain all week, and the black dragons that escaped from Blackstone Mountain were caught by us and thrown into the Obsidian Temple, which was specially made for the black dragon. Prison, where they will spend the rest of their lives sadly!”

Finally, the red dragon regretfully scratched the orange noise on his chin.

“It’s a pity that Nefarian was not caught. The black dragon was too cunning. Who doesn’t know when it sneaked away, but it doesn’t matter. The regrouped Black Dragon Legion only has a few unpunished guys left. We have Enough time and patience, keep playing with them!”

Dick has been listening to Valastazzi in silence. After the red dragon’s narration came to an end, Dick put the wine glass to his mouth and let the sweet and sour red wine moisturize his throat before he lifted one. The finger shook in front of Valastazzi.

“I have two questions! My Red Dragon friend.”

“First, do you really believe that the monster is an improvisation by Nefarian? Can you imagine how terrifying that monster would become if its flaws are fixed? A dragon with a five-color head The invincible dragon?”

Valastazzi’s expression changed, but before he could ask a question, Dick held out his second finger.

“The second question, do you really believe that Nefarian escaped? My friend, if you can guarantee that you and the Red Dragon Army behind you will catch the black dragon at all costs! I will tell you a secret, A secret I discovered in the Blackwing Lair after you left!”

Dick clenched his fists, his eyes full of indifference, “Trust me, you will be interested in this secret!”

Three chapters left, add tomorrow! Great Summoning-Summon brothers to help! ! )

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