Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 26

Chapter 10 .Holy Light! Holy Light!

Ramsden is the first abomination made by Kel’Thuzad himself, although it is not as good as Kel’Thuzad’s physical strength or strength, the other an abomination carefully crafted after Kel’Thuzad became a lich, more advanced.” “God of War” Pakovic, but it cannot be denied that Kel’Thuzad’s exquisite craftsmanship has indeed brought a different place to this hatred.

In the magical and civilized world of Azeroth, not every creature can be crowned with a title.

Similar to “Brighter”, “Awakened”, “Life Binder” and other lofty titles, it not only represents the strength of the title owner that is so powerful that it is recognized by everyone, but also represents what they are good at. .

The “swallower” is also such a title.

Ramsden, who stood up from the ground, was even more hideous. It had been smashed and deformed, and the skull burned by the Holy Light was gnawing frantically at the undead that was picked up from the side, chewing hard, completely disregarding it. The plague virus contained in the bodies of these undead.

But as it swallowed, the wounds burned by the holy light on its body surface healed quickly. Of course, it did not return to its original state, but quickly repopulated in the state of disgusting granulation. The penetrating injury was severely blocked. This weird and terrifying scene makes it look more like a monster!

But its left eye could not be recovered, and that big eye had been completely destroyed by the projectile fired by Dick.

Ramsden is called a high-level hatred, and naturally has his own wisdom and consciousness. Although it is very superficial, it undoubtedly knows the bug in front of him! it’s him! He hurt himself!

“Ramsden…it hurts!…Ramsden, eat meat!”

Abomination roared, its only remaining small eyes were shining with sinister light, and the deformed stump behind it turned, relying on its own huge power to manipulate the chain that hooked Dick’s left leg, swinging left. Smashing from the right, Dick was like the head of a flying hammer, constantly being knocked on the wall on the left and right, making a terrifying thumping sound.

Although at the first impact, Dick opened the barrier of holy light and hardly withstood the first damage, but in this state where he could not control his own actions at all, he could not use holy water to restore holy energy, only Relying on the few possible 15 points of Holy Energy in his body to maintain the barrier of Holy Light.

How long can this state be maintained?

The answer is 4 seconds!

In the 5th second, the 7th impact, at the moment when the Holy Light barrier shattered, his back hit the wall. This time, with the 150-point strength of Ramsden, he felt his chest and back The backs were about to stick together, and there was a creaking sound in the body. It was the bones wailing and the body was neighing.

The next moment, “Bang!”



After three more impacts, Dick’s eyes turned black. Like Dalyan before, his face was covered with blood. He was lying on the ground like a mass of rotten meat, only his chest was constantly undulating, proving that Dick was still alive. Not to mention that Dick only had 40 energy points, even if he had 400 points, he would be seriously injured under these four unsuspecting crazy crashes.

This is the case now. Ramsden is just a rare elite after all. 11 hits have already made its stumps feel tired, but it doesn’t matter, its small eyes once again revealed a fierce light, it drags the chain, Drag Dick towards him bit by bit, it will eat this human who dares to hurt itself!

Ate it!

“Let go of him! Monster!”

With a roar, a bizarre epee with a burning red light appeared in front of Ramsden. The monster with weak wisdom also felt a fierce aura from this sword, and hated the movement of dragging Dick. Unable to slow down a bit, it raised the sickle and bone-cutter axe in his hand, and crossed it in front of him, blocking the heavy chopping of the war sword, and then flung it outwards. Dalyan in the air turned over, panting. It landed on the ground and confronted Ramsden.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Errigal and others rushed out of King’s Square and immediately ran towards Dick.

The bare-chested Dalyan holds the Blade of Wrath diagonally in both hands. Although he has obtained the most orthodox warrior inheritance, his body has reached its limit. The thirty-three artifacts of eleven professions are not the kind of blessings. Amplifying weapons with huge attributes, their effects are similar to the fire of justice, and their tyrannical combat power is based on the user’s tyrannical force.

Dalyan is not strong enough yet, it is a blessing to invite heaven to be able to kill the hatred just now with a single sword.

Now facing Ramsden, Dalyan himself didn’t know how long he could last. But he changed Scamdor, and Scamdor changed him at the same time. Dalyan’s deep pride and indomitable heart have been inspired. In this situation, he can’t run away!

Once he escapes, not only the confidence he just built will collapse, but even Scamdor will abandon him. This is the disadvantage of choosing the artifact, whether it is Scamdor or the fire of justice, in certain scenarios, it will always With stubborn persistence, at this time, the user is equivalent to being driven to a dead end by these artifacts, and has to give it a go.

“Quick! Get him off quickly!”

Erigore was half kneeling on the ground, one arm hanging beside him, his face and body were blood stained, but now he couldn’t care so much anymore, his only remaining hand was pressed on Dick’s chest. , The knight was agitating the power of the holy light throughout his body, pouring it into Dick’s body.

The other paladins were hurriedly fighting against the hooks that were tightly wrapped around Dick’s legs. As mentioned above, the hooks used by the haters have burrs on the surface. These burrs can increase the lethality. , Is a very insidious weapon, and the paladins don’t care about so much right now. They can’t break the chains with their swords, so they simply use steel armored hands to solve the mess.

The sharp burrs, even the steel armor gloves, can’t stop them. The burrs pierced into their hands, but the Paladins did not give up. They gritted their teeth, endured the pain, exhausted all their strength, roared, and tried to entangle themselves. Together the hooks are pulled apart.

“Quick! Quick!”

Erigore was no longer the good old man at this time. He had a grim expression and roared at others. Even if the energy of the Holy Light protects Dick’s body, if he is hit by abomination again, Dick will undoubtedly die. .

No one is grieving because of Errigal’s anger, because Dick and Errigal have proven themselves in the battle. Without them, these Paladins would have died in battle.

Dalyan’s frontal battle was not Ramsden’s opponent at all. He had tried his best to delay, but he still couldn’t escape Ramsden’s Bone Chopping Axe. He was hit in the body with one blow, and his whole person slid more than ten meters on the ground. , He tried to prop up his body with a long sword, but in the end he fell weakly to the ground.

At this moment, the knights cheered and the hook was finally untied, but at the next moment, the long hook became active like a poisonous snake.

Ramsden! This monster is out of trouble!

“Damn it!”

Erigore grabbed the long sword with one hand and was about to rush over, but the young knights stopped him.

“Captain! You come to save the Dick Knight, let’s stop it! Come on!”

The knights roared and shouted, grabbed their weapons, and rushed towards Ramsden. Everyone knew that their rush was like a man-armed car, but they saw Dick and Dalyan. , These peers have persisted to this point for a just cause, and everyone’s inner courage has been inspired.

No one flinches!

No one escaped!

This is courage. The ancestors who fought hard to establish the first country in the wilderness, they used this courage to fight against all kinds of beasts and invincible trolls, and countless warriors went to the next battle. Dead on the battlefield, without giving up, he forced the troll into the wild land.

They held the battle flag high, proudly in this cruel world, and eventually even the proud high elves had to surrender to the rear of the human army.

This is courage! God bestows the most precious gift to mankind! Once it appears, it is difficult to extinguish the flame!

Ten young paladins struggled to stop Ramsden from advancing. Every moment, someone was knocked into the air. Every moment, someone stretched out his hand and was seriously injured. The eyes of Errigal, who was kneeling on the ground, were already red.

“Look! Dick, look! Open your eyes, **** idiot! We need you! Open your eyes!”

His left hand was constantly pressing on Dick’s chest, and every second, the Holy Light followed his arm into Dick’s body, and the beating heart was already weakly regaining its momentum.



It was the sound of hatred and the warriors’ weapons, and it was also the sound of Dick’s chest beating.

“I…I am…cough cough…”

Maybe it was God’s inspiration, maybe it was the awakening of the soul. After a few seconds, Dick suddenly opened his eyes, and he opened his mouth to spit out a blood clotted blood. He looked at Erigore and asked with difficulty.

“Listen! Dick, listen! This may be difficult, but apart from the weapons in your and Dalyan’s hands, we can’t hurt this monster. Dalyan is exhausted, and now only you!”

Dick raised his head with difficulty and glanced at the Paladins who were using their lives to stop Ramsden from advancing. He struggled, and with the help of Erigore, stood up, holding the Righteousness in his **** left hand. Huo, he put his hand into his rucksack with difficulty, but before he took out the second bottle of holy water, it fell to the ground.

“I…holy water! Give me the holy water!”

Erigore hurriedly bent down, took the holy water in his hand, twisted it away, and placed it next to Dick’s mouth, watching him swallow the holy water that was absolutely difficult to swallow and had not undergone follow-up treatment. Gore took a deep breath.

“Listen, Dick, I found that when you fight, you just use the most primitive way to drive the Holy Light. This is wrong! The Holy Light in your body is pure, purer than the Holy Light of all of us, so you You have to learn to use it in a more flexible way!”

“There is no time for you to practice slowly. Listen well, don’t use it as a weapon. The Holy Light can feel your thinking! Understand? It has its own consciousness, to blend into it, to perceive it, to go Respond to it!”


Dick held the hammer handle of the fire of justice. He felt the heat from his numb body. He gritted his teeth and walked step by step towards Ramsden, who was killing the Paladins. His eyes were full of anger. , He has never been so angry.

Holy Light…

I don’t know what you are.

I don’t even know if you exist.

Before that, I never wanted to serve you.

But now…I need your strength!

If you can hear… answer me!

I need your strength!

Give me your strength!

Starting today, I will be your true believer!

Give me your strength!

Dick raised the warhammer, he was about to launch an attack, but at this moment, a majestic will poured into his body.

“Then… as you wish, my child.”


Dick felt that his whole body was about to explode, that was the divine power! A terrifying divine power!

I don’t know where it came from, or how to rush into the body. In short, Dick’s body is still numb, but the holy power that arises from within is like water filled with a wooden bucket, and it urgently needs to escape. .

What method should be used?

What technique is used?

Dick’s mind turned sharply, and he immediately thought of the skills of the knights in the game, so in Erigord’s sluggish eyes, a surging holy light energy rushed from Dick to the ground, less than an instant, It churned up from the ground again, so around Dick, a large area of ​​land became a vein of light intertwined and turned into a golden surface.

Ramsden, who was about to hunt down the remaining paladins, wailed when he stepped on this land. It seems that this ground is no longer the ground where the Holy Light surges. For the hatred, here is it. Like a burning circle of fire.

Dick stared at Ramsden coldly. He pressed the warhammer to the ground with his right hand, and raised his left hand with difficulty. In the palm of the silver shining, a large group of rich holy power gushed out from the palm of his hand, accompanied by it. The palm that Dick slid down fiercely formed a large warhammer in the air, like a tossing flail, and slammed on top of Ramsden’s head fiercely.

“Come on trial! Monster!”

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