Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 27

Chapter 11 .The battle subsided

Dick couldn’t see his current state, so he didn’t know his image in the eyes of Erigore and the Paladins who had escaped from the dead.

That is the Holy Light! The materialized holy light!

Dick’s body was entwined with the flying light of the holy light, and the surrounding air seemed to be burning with the flames of the holy light. The pale golden flames filled Dick’s surroundings. With his movement, the arc of holy light under his feet The area also moved, burning Ramsden’s body continuously.

This is a knight skill-dedication, injecting the energy of holy light into the earth, burning all nearby enemies.

However, the orderly trial thrown by the hand of Silver just now threw Ramsden into a rare stun effect.

Judgment skills, this is a way the Paladin uses the Holy Light in the game. According to the different effects, there are 7 ways to release the trial, and the trial of order is also one of them, but after combining the power of order of Tyr , Dick’s judgment spell has a special effect.

At present, it is aimed at non-order creatures, with a stunning effect. I don’t know how long it will take, but Dick is absolutely unwilling to let this opportunity go!

After the holy light personally blessed, the holy energy in Dick’s body skyrocketed to 100 points, which was six times the previous amount, so he can also spend a little bit now. The holy energy can be injected into the fire of justice and let the blue warhammer crystal hammer. The face turned into a golden color, and every hammer blow could leave a terrifying burning wound on Ramsden’s body.

Moreover, the special effects of the fire of justice determine that this wound is definitely not superficial. It is burning Ramsden’s inner undead fire, which is killing it!

In this case, Ramsden came out of his vertigo after being hammered six times by Dick, but the gaze it looked at Dick was no longer the same insidious and ferocious as it was before. This time, it Finally frightened, it wanted to turn around and escape, but Dick stretched out his left hand again, and another flail of Holy Light fell on its head.

“Feel the power of order!”

Dick roared and jumped up with his last strength, pulling the holy fire behind him with both hands. When the kinetic energy and madness of his whole body reached the peak, he hit Ramsden’s severely wounded with a hammer. On the skull.

This blow was like wind and thunder, a dazzling golden arc across the sky and landed on Ramsden’s body. The pure holy light and all the holy energy were in this blow, and Dick was completely infused. Among the holy hammer, at the point where the warhammer and Ramsden touched, the holy light flame that rose up was like a torch that was lit, and completely burned on this high-level abomination body.

Under the pressure of this completely restrained force, even if Ramsden eats more undead, he can never recover.


The huge body of hatred fell on the ground, and the blazing fire of holy light quickly swallowed its body completely. In this energy collision, plague, poison gas, corpse insects, all evil, never want to escape from nothing. Purifying light everywhere.


Seeing Ramsden’s body, its skeleton, and everything in it were reduced to ashes in the Holy Light. Dick suddenly opened his eyes. One thing, even in the burning of the Holy Light, has changed. Form, but not damaged at all.

Dick bent down hard and took the things in his hands.

The starting point is heavy, but Dick can still see that this chain that has become gray and autumn is exactly Ramsden’s assassin. However, this black chain has been burned in the golden light, and the burrs on the outside have been Completely ruined, even the sharp iron hook on the head disappeared. Dick glanced again, and then the item information jumped into his eyes.

“Dragon Hook (damaged


“Strength +15, firmness +40, precision +25”

“Explanation: This is a chain weapon specially made by Kel’Thuzad for Ramsden. The burning of the holy light has removed its gloomy atmosphere and destroyed the integrity of this weapon. However, if you can encounter a project Learn from the master, it will shine new light, one of the necessary equipment for hunting large creatures.”

“Hmm… really rare elites!”

Dick got the new equipment and was ready to turn around and leave with joy.

It is set in the game that rare elites are those elite monsters that carry treasures. They are rare and powerful, but each has its own special value, such as Ramsden, such as the dragon hook on its body.

Dick discovered a new way to acquire equipment, but at the moment he turned around, he saw five knights who had died bravely in order to win time for himself. Sadness surged into his heart and persisted in the fight. The current body finally let out an overwhelmed wailing, Dick’s legs softened, his eyes turned black, and the whole person fell completely on the ground covered by the holy light.

“Dick! God! What happened!”

The surviving knights throughout the city witnessed Dick’s feat against Ramsden. If you say who they admire most now, there is no doubt that Dick is undoubtedly, although the pain of losing their comrades makes the Paladins still in In grief, but after Dick fell, everyone immediately focused on him.

Erigore ran to Dick and squatted down. He also thought that Dick had something wrong, and was about to use healing spells to extend Dick’s life, but when he was holding Dick’s head hard, he heard it. There was a dull grunt, which made the old knight a little bit dumbfounded.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, he’s just… he’s just too tired.”

The old knight put Dick’s head on the ground, he glanced at the nervous knights around, and said seriously,

“Dick and Dalyan have achieved what they can do. We must continue to maintain the lifeline of this commoner, and there can be no slack. Dave, you go to Master Uther and Alexandre. Lord Luo, our place has been cleared, let them send civilians here as soon as possible!”

“Yes! Captain!”

A **** knight put his fist on his chest, knocked hard, then turned and limped away. After Ramsden was killed, the conscious undead would not choose to enter the King’s Square. Only relying on the slow-moving ordinary undead could not stop a paladin.

When the other Paladins dispersed and condensed the remains of the dead companion, Erigor used one hand to pull Dalyan, who had passed out of a coma, with one hand. As an experienced old knight, his As his eyes swept across the young faces of Dick and Daly, he couldn’t help but sigh.

The battle is over, but the storm that follows has just begun.

————————————————– ————-

When Dick woke up, it was already three days later. He opened his eyes, ignorantly moved the body that was almost recovered, and then stretched out and sat up from the bed. With this movement, Dick was a stumbling block. , He squeezed his hand at the edge of the wooden bed, and unexpectedly broke off a piece of the hard wooden board.

Huh…how do you feel so much stronger in your own power!

Dick called up the mission log, and after scanning it, he found something wrong.

Under the crisis, this task was overfulfilled. The final figure showed that it exceeded expectations by three times. The rewards were also very generous. Strength +10, Agility +10. This is the most rewarding besides killing Kel’Thuzad. Once again.

What surprised Dick was that after Ramsden died, he had already received a reward, but the task of breaking his arm gave himself another reward, although this reward, um, how to say it, Some are weird.

“Dungeon Key-Stratholme”


“Use: Stratholme into other timelines, 20/20”

“Explanation: It is said that this kind of thing is one of the countless inspirations that Norgannon got when he came across a mysterious creature named “Polyza” when he was roaming in the universe and talked with him.”


Dick looked at the blue key glowing in his hand speechlessly, shook his head, put it in his pocket, and then drove his aching left leg out of the room.

“Ah, you are awake! Knight Dick!”

“Good day, Knight Dick!”

“Salute you, warrior!”

“Warrior, come here to taste the dwarf’s beautiful bar, I won’t charge you!”

As soon as he left the house, Dick was surrounded by the residents of the small town of Light’s Wish Chapel. After the tragedy in Stratholme, everyone was shocked by Alsace’s madness. Again, here Highlighted in the tragedy is the bravery of the Cavaliers of Dick and Dalyan.

With their efforts, a total of more than 3,000 people have been saved. Although these refugees have been sent to the peaceful Hillsbrad Hills by pastors, under their propaganda, almost everyone knows. Dick Knight.

This kind of treatment was something that Dick did not expect, but he could feel the respect from the heart of these simple civilians, which made him somewhat embarrassed, but when there were more and more people watching Dick, Ah Rigor appeared in time.

This enthusiastic guy, despite his injured arm hanging from his neck, walked up and gave Dick a hug, and then shouted to the civilians around,

“Mr. Uther and Lord Alessandro, want to talk to Knight Dick, everyone, please let us pass first!”

As soon as this voice appeared, the civilians immediately let go. It was not that they were afraid of Uther, but that this light messenger was almost the same as the incarnation of the light in the eyes of these believers. Hearing that Mr. Uther was about to summon the Dick knight, the well-intentioned people gradually dispersed.

“Hi, you kid!”

Erigore patted Dick **** the shoulder.

“How does it feel to be a hero?”

“It’s okay!”

Dick shrugged, stubbornly, with a smile on his face, he and Erigore walked side by side to the main hall of the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel. After walking for a while, Dick asked suddenly,

“Those knights who died in battle…”


The eloquent Erigore closed his mouth, and his expression became sad.

“Their funeral will be held this afternoon, in the tomb of the Holy Light at the back of the chapel, remember to come.”


Dick nodded, and was about to turn around and walk towards the chapel, but Erigore slapped his head suddenly and stopped Dick.

“Dick, wait a minute, there is something for you!”

While he was speaking, the old knight brought out a bunch of gray things from the storage backpack behind his belt and handed it to Dick.

“This is your trophy. I took it to Omarion to fix it, and I asked the quartermaster to look for it in the warehouse, and then I could barely help you fix it. This is a good thing. If I meet someone who hates it, You can use it to deal with it!”

Dick held the string of things in his hand, heavy, and there was a complicated three-prong lock on the top. He glanced at this weird thing, and the item information appeared in his eyes.

“Dragon Hook”


“Strength +15, firmness +40, precision +25”

“Note: This is a chain weapon specially made by Kel’Thuzad for Ramsden. After being repaired by the master craftsman Omarion, a multifunctional engineering lock was added, which is indispensable for hunting large creatures. One of the equipment.”

“Thank you, Errigal!”

Dick put the dragon hook into the storage backpack and shouted to the old knight, who had already walked away without looking back, but waved his hand behind him.

Dick smiled, turned and walked into the hall of the Holy Light’s Wish Chapel. He knew that Uther was looking for himself at this time, but it was definitely more than a compliment.

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