Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 549

Chapter 35 .Order is Useless-Hella’s Legacy


Silver blades of light flashed, dozens of tentacles hovering in the air seemed to be cut apart by invisible sharp blades, separated from the body of the ancient god, and finally fell to the ground, twisted, letting the Buddha want Returning to the chaos, but under the obstacle of the throbbing silver light at the break, he was unable to return to his body.

The fierce battle has never stopped, but now it is moving in the best direction.

Driven by the Angel of Order, the silver light even illuminates one-third of the sky in the cell for the first time. In the silver halo, the chaos all over the cell is suppressed to a minimum. Freya and Ysera seized this time and healed everyone’s body wounds as much as possible. The silver angel’s light wings kept shining in the air, and his speed was reaching the extreme, as if the entire sky was filled with silver sharp edges. A touch of sharpness lights up, and there must be a scar on the body of the ancient god.

Yogg-Saron’s magical shield has been broken. In the face of such an ultra-fast attack, its huge body has become a real burden. The nearly endless number of black tentacles are constantly shining in the air, trying to block the silver light. Jumping, but still can’t let that ray of light really stay in the space, like a clumsy warrior, facing a swift assassin, only parry, but no counterattack.

Just the Angel of Order completely attracted most of Yogg-Saron’s attention.

“Take advantage of this opportunity! Attack its body!”

Malygos raised his crystallized head, and a breath of magic power exploded the forest of tentacles that was blocking him. Heimdall took the lead and jumped into the pool of Yogg-Saron by following the cracks that were blown up. The golden anger was here. Ascends to his whole body for a moment, causing the heroic warrior to jump up. The moment he fell into the body of the ancient god, the storm sword was also entangled with sharp golden anger and pierced fiercely into the filthy flesh and blood. , In Heimdall’s roar, a huge wound was left on that body.

Followed by the scorching dragon fire, the throbbing blue lightning, even Hodir, who has always been silent, set off a cold frost storm at this moment, freezing all the tentacles in front of him, and then Was smashed severely by the ice hammer in his hand.

The crazy growler of the ancient god, twisting his body, trying to completely crush the ants that climbed on his body, but under the restraint of the constantly shining and lethal order angel, it does everything except mad anger. Not!

After using more times, the battle tactics of the Angel of Order have become more complicated. It is not at all like the first battle. It is more dependent on instinct. Now, in the battlefield full of tentacles, he has flew over. The fleeting gap is getting faster and faster, like a real silver lightning. Yogg-Saron’s tentacles can’t catch him at all. It’s like slaughtering an elephant with a sharp knife, as long as the knife is enough. It was sharp and swung fast enough to even kill the chaotic life before the blood ran out.

But is it really that simple?

“Do you think you won?”

“No! Shake in front of my true form! Face the **** of death!”


Nearly a thousand mouths on the surface of Yogg-Saron’s body were completely opened at this moment, and nearly a thousand voices merged into one, forming a substantial whirlpool sound, smashing out toward the entire space, crushing the spirit, for the second time!

Heimdall was standing on the surface of Yogg-Saron. This blow directly smashed the heroic gatekeeper out, and the dragon fire was swayed in the sky, almost completely burning a fifth of Yogg-Saron’s body. The Jiao Dragon King also wailed and slammed into the ground, Nozdormu jumped into the timeline, but the next moment he was “squeezed” out of the timeline by the sound waves.

The silver light also stagnated for less than a second under this unexpected blow. He was far from Yogg-Saron’s body, but even so, at the moment when he stagnated, the masonry on the ground below him Protruding upward, the four tentacles that are larger, sharper, and more terrifying than ordinary tentacles rushed into the sky, along the four directions, with unimaginable force, smashing the Angel of Order in the center fiercely.


The swaying space swayed more violently. After the bombardment, the Angel of Order, protected by six silver wings of light, seemed to be stunned. He shook his head and was about to strike back again, Yogg-Saron’s third time. Mental crushing has come again, and this time, it is no longer a spreading impact released towards the entire space, but condensed in one direction, like a long spear containing chaos and darkness.

The angel who was caught off guard was hit fiercely.


From appearing to the present, the silver light of the unsuccessful Angel of Order was completely shrouded in the darkness of chaos. He took the blow head-on, and the result was that the silver light was beating violently, and the chaotic thinking existed in him. The sacred object on the body could not invade his mind, so this malicious energy attacked his body as much as possible, squeezed into the existing crack, and pushed it to the sides.

It’s like rushing into a glued object, squeezing it to the outside.

The confrontation between the two extraordinary creatures at this moment, from the heart to the outside of the body, in less than 1 second, the energy that originally operated in a unified manner was forcibly twisted, and finally it was difficult to tear apart and split it into two. Part… Dick and Anvina.

They were taken apart!

Abruptly from the state of an angel of order, it was re-split into two independent individuals!


As soon as Dick’s eyes opened, a huge tentacled was pulled out. The shining bone spurs on it were daunting, but the next moment, a golden light blocked the paladin, blocking the incoming tentacles. , The next moment, the muffled sound of the sun spirit changed Dick’s face. He stretched out his hand and hugged Anvina in his arms. Before his body light disappeared, two black tentacles were left and the other right. Drew it again.

“Hehe, do you think I will let you run away?”

“Wishful thinking! Die here! Your soul… is mine!”

Yogg-Saron’s vicious voice sounded from the deepest part of the Paladin’s mind, but in the rush of two hot crimson flames, the two tentacles were finally blocked.

A giant steel beast shrouded in red flames blocked the strikes of two tentacles with hard hands, one left and one right, and Mimiron’s sharp voice sounded at this moment.

“Quickly dodging! Then use the offensive just now to do it again!”


Dick nodded, holding An Wei Na who was crying painfully, disappeared into the dark air in the golden flash of thunder, and when she appeared again, she had already appeared at the very edge of the cell.

He looked at the chaotic battlefield, gritted his teeth, and took out a crystal stone from his closest pocket. The interior was completely enveloped by gray mist. He glanced at Anwina and then turned his gaze to the surface. It looked extremely embarrassed, but Yogg-Saron, who was still capable of fighting, took a deep breath and put the spar into his mouth.

“The 13 lights failed to kill it… The Angel of Order actually…”

“Hella… I hope you left me some good things.”


In fact, as early as the end of the story of the Kingdom of Shadows, Dick found two things from the remains of Hela, a lantern that can absorb the soul, and a spar of unknown function. With that lantern, not long ago In the decisive battle with Alsace, those soul storms that should have exploded and destroyed everything were wiped out, so at least that lantern is a real treasure.

And this spar… After Dick completed the task called Dark Overturn, he found the other half of this spar from Arthas’s corpse. Hela gave it to Arthas to use Proving the identity, while controlling the emblem of Val’kyr, when these two things are combined into one, it becomes what he is chewing on.

It was a transparent spar, with gray mist surging inside, like the regular mist that was diffused in the Kingdom of Shadows controlled by Hela. Apart from that, it has no characteristics, whether it is magic or spirit. Power, still similar to the energy of the Holy Light, cannot enter it, like a fragile block of ice, but it has a firmness far beyond its appearance.

“Shadow Stone-The Odds of Rules”

“Use: Eat it!”

“Explanation: Rules constitute everything in the world!”

This is the description of this thing, full of a special mystery. Frankly speaking, any person with normal intelligence will not put this thing in his mouth rashly, but even the incarnation of the angel of order is defeated, An Wei Na was seriously injured, and if the Guardians and the Dragon Kings struggled to protect themselves, if they were to seek victory, he would have to fight again.

The more you understand Chaos, the less Dick dared to pin this war on a protracted war. Chaos is a weird thing. It doesn’t mean that everything is fine if it can’t defeat you.

The damage and influence of this kind of power will become more and more serious with the accumulation of time. This can be seen from the entire history of Ulduar’s evolution, especially in the current situation of facing the ancient gods. The rate of corrosion will definitely deteriorate by a factor of 10 or even a hundred times higher than usual. It is no exaggeration to say that if you stay here for a minute, it is extremely likely that a major change will occur that will surprise everyone.

“Crack, click”

Dick’s teeth were constantly shaking, and there was no such bad feeling as if he had eaten the glass. In fact, after the thing was crushed by the Paladin, the rest of it was like real ice flakes, quickly in his mouth. The inside melted, and Dick could feel that the mist inside the spar was leaking into his body through his mouth. He didn’t know what it meant, but as the last boring piece of borneol disappeared in his mouth, Dick suddenly felt The body suddenly lightened.

He turned his head and saw himself standing still. He stretched out his hand. The transparent perception undoubtedly indicated the occurrence of a bad situation… the soul is out of the body!

On the battlefield against the ancient gods, the soul is out of the body!

“Is there anything worse than this?”

Dick raised his head speechlessly, and then he was taken aback by what he saw.

In the state of soul, Dick looked at Yogg-Saron. This ugly and terrifying ancient **** appeared more terrifying and huge in this vision, with a black, twisted mist invisible to the naked eye on its body. Surrounded by it, it was like an energy coat, wrapping every tentacles and every sharp tooth of it. Dick even saw Yogg-Saron’s “emotions”, which was constantly shaking. The arrogant luster lingering outside the tentacles proves that this evil **** from ancient times is mocking the challenger’s overpowering ability.

Mimiron’s bullets, the magic of the dragon kings, Thorim’s thunder and Hodir’s frost are all outside this twisted energy coat. They are blocked forever, unable to penetrate this chaotic force field and cannot truly It hurt Yogg-Saron, and on the ancient god’s split body, the wound that was split by Dick with the superimposed power of 13 lights was still there.

In the vision of the soul, the paladin saw things that the naked eye could not see. Various colors of luster lingered on Yogg-Saron’s wounds, preventing chaos from repairing the wounds. The same wounds still appeared in the incarnations of order angels On the huge tentacles that were severed, and under the wound, a more distorted dark luster throbbed. That was the true deadly core of the ancient gods, a group of distorted thoughts and wills.

This creature has completely exceeded the imagination of mortals. Its existence is probably the actual proof of the chaos. The attack that everyone has set off before is infinitely close to damaging it, but it is a pity that such an attack can no longer happen!

“What do you want to show me?”

The Paladin murmured to himself. Soon, mist and gray mist poured out from the paladin’s body, and soon wrapped him and his soul in it, like a gray cocoon, in the last touch of darkness. After being isolated, the gray mist completely formed an oval eggshell.

Then Dick saw Hela… to be precise, part of Hela’s memory.

Fang Buddha observed the behavior of the ruler of the Kingdom of Shadows from the perspective of an absolutely hidden third party, as if he had experienced it personally. Dick suddenly became interested in this, because he was certain that Hela could take this crystal The stone stays, inevitably means that this stone hides some things that she would not want to give up even if she died… This is the true meaning of the inheritance. She doesn’t care who gets the inheritance, she just It is enough to let this legacy be passed on!

Hela sat on her bone throne. She stretched out her claws covered with cyan scales and took a lamp from her waist. Dick’s eyes lit up, and this was the lamp she got!

Hela used a finger to hook out a purple soul from the lamp that exuded the faint white light. She placed it in front of her eyes, and then stretched out her hand to eject a drop of blood, which permeated the confused soul in front of her, blood and soul. Fusion, the soul is distorted in pain. Obviously, this is not a beautiful process, accompanied by pain, depression, and torture.

But Dick became more interested. He was eager to know the purpose of Hela doing all this. He eagerly wanted to know what kind of posture would this soul with Hela’s blood become?

As a result, after 2 seconds, the soul could no longer bear something in the blood, just like a bluffing balloon, it burst open with a bang, the soul died, and even a trace was not left.

Hela seemed very depressed, but she didn’t give up. Instead, she re-took another soul and did the same. However, the blood thrown out this time was half smaller, but the result did not change.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time… Until 5 minutes later, this repeated process has made Dick a little anxious. In the current situation, 5 minutes is enough to happen. But at this moment, Hela’s attempt was something different for the first time.

What she ejected was no longer blood, but a mist. Seeing this, Dick’s eyes immediately narrowed. He was no longer the mortal who didn’t know anything before. The meaning of this mist. It’s definitely not just as simple as it looks. As a guy who came out of the battlefield of the Kingdom of Shadows, Dick knows the meaning of this mist…that is the embodiment of the rules of the Kingdom of Shadows!

Hela changed a carrier, and this time, she succeeded!

While the soul was trembling with the gray mist, Hela’s body was also trembling, that was the frequency! The frequency of energy output, Hela carefully controlled this frequency change process, and finally, when the frequency in the two bodies reached the same, the purple soul in her hand finally began to change shape, and finally formed under Hela’s manipulation. Dick has seen things many times…the whole body is covered with water plants and debris, and the whole body is entangled in gray mist, with the appearance of his life, but from another level, he has been bound to Hela and the kingdom of shadows. Creature…Kvaldir, or Helagar!

The final weapon developed by Hela to fight Odin’s Heroic Legion belongs to her “Heroic” Legion!

Dick suddenly realized that…It turned out that this spar recorded the birth of Helagar, and at the moment when the misty picture ended, all the mist suddenly disappeared before Dick’s eyes, and then quickly condensed. It became a shining spot of light, which penetrated into Dick’s body.

The paladin’s body trembled, and at the next moment he opened his eyes. He knew why this stone was called a strange thing of rules, because it really contained a certain rule, or a part of that rule. .. After countless failures, Hela finally figured out the frequency, the frequency at which the energy and soul have reached the perfect fusion, and she placed it in this spar.

The Paladin who received the precious gift immediately took out the lantern, hooked out the first collected soul, wrapped the holy light on the soul, and then manipulated the shining of the holy light according to the frequency engraved in the body, but 2 seconds After the clock, the group of swaying souls completely dissipated under the increasingly shining holy light!

Dick’s complexion became ashen…frequency, the frequency that Hela left him enough for the energy and soul to merge, couldn’t reach it!

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