Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 550

Chapter 36 .One-man army? Dick’s army of heroic spi

The soul is always the most mysterious thing. Hela can manipulate the soul and the rules to merge to form a powerful and weird Helagar, which does not mean that Dick can also, although there are higher order rules in his body that far exceed the rules of the kingdom of shadows. , But the real problem is: with his current power level, he is still far from the frequency that can merge the rules of the holy light with the soul!

“Anwina, you have a try!”

Because the attack just now was forcibly separated from the state of the Angel of Order, An Wei Na seemed a little short of breath, but under the current circumstances, Guang Ling took the burden for the first time.

“Lend me your power!”

The light spirit standing on Dick’s shoulder shouted. The paladin immediately mobilized the holy light in his body and delivered it to the light spirit, but after both of them used the strength of gnashing their teeth, they were still far away from that frequency. distant.

“No! This frequency is already above our fusion!”

There is a trace of fatigue in Anvina’s voice that cannot be concealed. Just now, she blocked a wave of offensive in front of Yogg-Saron for Dick. The body of the elemental creature was also seriously injured, and it was almost impossible in Yogg-Saron. In addition to the disturbing soul of Stop, she also endured great pain. She grabbed Dick’s hair, who was still mobilizing the energy of the Holy Light, and screamed,

“You must enter that state before it can reach that frequency!”

“Asshole! Asshole!”

Dick clenched his fists. He looked at his comrades who were almost using their bodies to resist Yogg-Saron’s tentacles in order to buy time for himself. His teeth were about to be crushed at this moment.

“But when we enter that state, we can no longer control the actions of “it”! I have not yet been able to fully grasp the incarnation of the angel of order! It will not act according to our will, unless…”

“Unless what?”

An Wei Na clutched her head and screamed, “Say what you have! Chaos is rapidly increasing!”

“Unless we merge to the time it appeared in less than 2 seconds, push the frequency to that point in one fell swoop!”

“But even so, we can only convert one!”

“Do not!”

A bloodshot of horror has appeared in the paladin’s eyes. Under the dual oppression of pressure and chaos, his spirit has gone to an extreme. When you have only one way to go in front of you, and there are life-killing all over your back. When a horrible monster, all the adventures will become meaningful, that is, all risks are taken in order to survive.

All risks can be forgiven in that situation.

“More than one! There won’t be only one…”

Dick sat cross-legged on the ground. He took a deep breath and held the lantern in front of him. He panted. In the increasingly dense chaos, he felt that both sides of his forehead were rapidly agitating. , It was pain, he was almost reaching the limit.

He held the lantern and infiltrated his will. This is not the first time he did this. When he called Mishilsa Anel, he had infiltrated his will. It was not a perfect one. Experience, the world of dead souls in that lantern, cold, silent, and dead.

But this time, he needs to do it.

“I am Dick! Dick Don! Duke Theramore, I know, you have heard of my name! We fought together on the Northland Plains, and some of you have seen me and Arta Fight…but now, I need your help!”

“Wake up, the souls who died for this world! Wake up!”

“The most powerful and righteous warriors in the world and I are fighting the oldest evil in Azeroth. We are exhausted and we are on the verge of defeat. What’s more terrifying is that if we die here, no one can stop it. The invasion of our world will turn all things into chaos, all spirits will fall into the abyss, and the nations will turn into a sea of ​​flames! Our last hope will disappear and be annihilated!”

“Have you heard? Dead souls! I need your help! I need you to return to this world in another posture. I need you to merge with my will, and I need you to become my heroic legion to see what lies ahead. All evil!”

“Have you heard? Answer me! Souls, in the name of Dick Tang, I call you to stand up again and fight for me!”

“Fight for this world!”

“Answer me, are you willing?”

No one responded…but the next moment, a purple storm rushed out of the lantern that had been twisted by Dick, like the one formed by the anger that Alsace was about to provoke Frostmourne at last. It was like a soul storm across the entire Icecrown Citadel. They enveloped Dick inside the storm. They could no longer make a sound, and could only use wailing instead of their own answer.

But this is enough!

“Hahaha! I know, I know you will not be afraid! I know that you are the real heroes!”

Dick laughed wildly and supported his body with an epee. Those souls even risked being swallowed by Chaos, blocking Yogg-Saron’s dream for him, and Anvina’s voice became louder at this moment.

“Quick! Take advantage of it now!”

“Good! Lords, today we live and die together! Today we go to **** together!”


The golden holy light completely enveloped the entire purple soul storm in an explosive posture. Under the current situation, it is no longer acceptable for Dick to gently connect the holy light to them, although in terms of the soul body, no matter how warm The holy light will cause great pain, but at this moment, these souls insist on putting the holy light on them with a tough posture.

Then there is the second rule, Thunder!

“Ka Ka”

The sound of two raging thunders made Heimdall who was fighting on the front line unable to help but turn his head. The next moment, he was completely shocked by the sight he saw. It was a purple, golden soul storm, and from The thunder and lightning spreading from its center to the top, like a bifurcated blue line, rushed toward the top. Under the double blow of the holy light and thunder and lightning, those weak souls suddenly disappeared, only the strongest. Those only persisted.

Finally, there is the third rule, order!

The silver light came out quickly from Dick’s raised left arm. Compared with the lethality of lightning and holy light on dead souls, pure order did not harm them. On the contrary, the power of silver made them suffer. The tormented soul became more stable with that trace.

And Yogg-Saron apparently noticed the sudden rise of the soul storm. The ancient **** uttered an arrogant roar, and its tentacles, which had been almost split by two-thirds, began to wriggle again. Those hidden under the lake, even This moment completely penetrated the ground and rushed towards the soul storm that Dick had gathered.

“Ah… look, soul, this is what I want… my food! You delivered it to me!”

“Stop it! Don’t let it get close to those souls!”

The panting Heimdall was the first to jump up from the spot, swung his sword and slashed on the **** substance of a hill-like black tentacles, sharp, entangling anger, but corroded by the potholes of the storm. The sword slashed in half, the heroic gatekeeper simply abandoned the sword and rushed up with his fists roaring, like a monk, slamming the huge tentacles with his fists.

The dragon kings, who were almost completely scarred all over their bodies, lifted into the air again, spraying out the dragon’s breath that obstructed the progress of the tentacles with their last force, almost completely blocking the space between Dick and the tentacles, and they were almost pierced by the tentacles in the accident. Thorim raised the Umir Northland Storm in his hand, and the dazzling thunder, with the cooperation of the cold frost, completely shrouded those tentacles in this grid.

No matter who it is, anyone who can appear on this battlefield is not a weak person. You can see at a glance how desperate the scope of this soul storm is, but the more it is, the more it can reflect its value, Di It is impossible for Ke to not know the desperate situation that so many souls appear on the battlefield once they are swallowed by Yogg-Saron!

But he did it anyway, which means that Dick is taking risks, and the rule of risk is: the greater the risk, the greater the reward!

Once Dick succeeds, it means that Yogg-Saron, who is so powerful that it makes people tremble, is likely to usher in its end in no time!

This is not only known by the Dragon King and the Watchers, but also by Yogg-Saron!

“Stupid! Look around you, that is the power that has betrayed you!”

The heavy mental crush once again swept the audience, and this time, even Nozdormu could no longer exempt the chaotic spirit of this third heavy crush. The dragon king in the sky could not dodge, and was curled up by the thick tentacles. Barbs and sharp teeth pierced into their bodies. The angry ancient **** was completely tired of these **** flies. It roared to crush them completely, and the ubiquitous sound of the ears made the will most powerful. The determined Heimdall couldn’t help bending down, and then was swept out by the few remaining tentacles.

Mimiron is manipulating the unsightly Flame King Kong that has been corroded by Yogg-Saron’s dark blood to block in front of those tentacles. As a mechanical body, he is affected the least, but facing the black rushing from all directions. With the same huge tentacles, even if the powerful Flame King Kong is fully fired, it can only temporarily delay their attack speed.

The body of the ancient gods is far stronger than mortal creatures. Mimiron’s Flame King Kong armed with steel and flames, in the face of this kind of extraordinary existence that has already surpassed ordinary creatures, is no better than flesh and blood dragon kings. How much.

20 seconds! This is the time that the corroded and rusty Flame King Kong persisted under the full attack of Yogg-Saron! When the last energy conduit was also forcibly broken, Mimiron decisively used the jet rocket behind his back to fly out of the body of the completely destroyed King Kong, and the tentacles passed the station and stopped on the spot. At the moment of the giant mechanical creation, the mechanical guardian glared funny eyes and pressed the red button on his arm.

“Ahem…I usually call this a perfect kill!”


After the flame King Kong issued the detonation order, he faithfully turned every piece of his metal into the deadliest explosive. At this moment, all the tentacles within hundreds of meters of his body were swept away, even on the hard ground. , Have exploded a huge depression!

Mimiron may not be the most powerful guardian, but those who underestimate it must pay a huge price!

“Roar! Damn steel creation! I want to tear your soul apart!”

This attack is almost the most serious injury suffered by Yogg-Saron after the two frantic attacks caused by Dick. Nearly a thousand mouths with sharp teeth and fangs are on the surface of his body. Opened almost at the same moment, the harsh hustle and bustle gathered into a sharp sword that reached the soul, just like the blow that destroyed the incarnation of the Angel of Order before Dick, it rushed towards the mechanical guardian who had nowhere to dodge.

The air cannot be obstructed! Space cannot be hindered! Mimiron couldn’t even make the move to escape, and could only watch the spiral of dark energy rushing towards his body.

“Oh… it’s time to play GG…”

Mimiron muttered to himself with some regret, and then closed his eyes made of red jewels. The Mechanical Guardian knew very well about his own strength. Facing Yogg-Saron’s desperate blow, he Can’t escape, not everyone has the endurance of the Angel of Order.

But at this moment, Dick, who was wrapped in a huge purple, gold, blue, and silver soul storm, finally completed the complete coverage of the three rules, and at the same moment, Anvina desperately combined herself and herself. The frequency of the Holy Light in Dick’s body has increased to a level where it can be merged into an angel of order, and the mirror-like substance reappears in the center of the palms of the two people’s hands, and then quickly begins to swallow the two energies with the same frequency. biological.

Under the lead of the special power seed in the body, the silver angel of order is coming back again.

Just one second before Dick’s consciousness was about to enter the weird state of deep sleep, he and Anwina coincided with each other. They had a clear heart, and at the same time they used the energy output frequency to their best, pushing upward, like an impact. A field line close at hand is like the last point of contact on a runway.

“Impact! Rush over!”

“It’s close! I feel it!”

“Conscious…I am blurred…One last time, punch!”



Mimiron, who had closed his eyes, suddenly heard the screams from Yogg-Saron. He opened his eyes when he was waiting to die, and then saw a scene that looked like a heaven.

The silver light appeared again, like a banner of victory swaying.

The angel of order stands on the dark ground. The six wings of light behind him are constantly flying. Behind him, a storm of silver light is forming a special substance, like a rain of silver light, passing through the darkness. The sky blocked, bit by bit, the dark vortex swept by Yogg-Saron, and washed away!

The remaining light spots fell on the ground, forming one after another, warriors wrapped in silver light. There were humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, taller taurens, and similar to him. The dwarfs, the Vrykul, they appeared one after another under the silver storm, lined up behind the angel of order, and soon, as if in a moment, and as if after a long time, the silver storm above the head had disappeared. But a silver, orderly, and heroic legion had already appeared.

The silent legion, the silent legion, the terrifying legion, the unforgettable legion!


The Angel of Order drew out the Epee of Order that was inserted on the ground, and the silver light was flowing on the blade. It could be seen that his condition was not very good, and the domineering that swept the battlefield when he first appeared was gone. But this time, he no longer needs to do it himself.

He raised the long sword like an order to launch an attack. Under the control of the Angel of Order, the blade finally slashed forward fiercely. That was the direction of Yogg-Saron’s body. The next moment, endless silver light, Flooded Mimiron’s vision.

Thus, the heroes of order began to charge!

Thus, the kingdom of darkness collapsed at this moment!

Thus, victory has arrived!

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