Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 552

Chapter 38 .Thanks from Protoss

There are a lot of Titan items left in Azeroth, and these items have a very significant feature, that is, they are very strong for energy storage and guidance.

Whether it’s the origin furnace hidden in the Hall of Origination in Uldum or the Naraksha engine in Pandaria, it’s proof of this. Even if the Titans have been out of this world for hundreds of thousands of years, they left behind. The devices are still operating almost perfectly, and no one can explain why the Titan energy that drives these devices has not escaped.

Maybe it’s because the Protoss masters energy usage skills far beyond what Azeroth mortals can imagine, or that this energy itself has some kind of abnormality, but anyway, Titan energy is not only stable. In some cases, when they are used in attacks, their power cannot be underestimated.

C’Thun’s death proved this point. Facing the weak ancient **** who had just escaped from prison, Dick released the energy in the Titan Prison below the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj. The Titan energy exploded through abnormal means to make it irritable. Imagine that the body of the Thousand Eyes Demon was completely torn into tens of millions of pieces, and now, Yogg-Saron, whose body has swelled nearly five times in an instant, will also become the next victim of this characteristic.

And every second passing by, the Titanic energy that constantly rushes into the body of the ancient **** through the Warhammer of Varanaar Ancient Guardian swallowed by Yogg-Saron will cause Yogg-Saron’s body to continue to expand. , It was like a balloon that was inflating rapidly, and the reason why Dick had to use a rune bag to pack the Valanar warhammer instead of fighting it directly was that the Paladin had no plans to completely repair it.

A repaired warhammer can only be a powerful weapon, and a world scepter that can barely maintain its shape when half repaired is the best bomb!

The huge amount of energy stored in Ulduar passed through Varanaar as a beacon, and rushed into Yogg-Saron’s body, but the warhammer itself was not completely repaired, and it was bearing such a huge amount. Under the pressure of the energy delivery of, those cracks that were barely made up, in the ancient god’s gastric juice that had completely corroded Heimdall’s body, once again burst out a chilling fissure luster.

“Death? No! I won’t accept it!”

Unstable blue energy escaped into the darkness along Yogg-Saron’s wound, like a blue lamp lit in the body of an ancient god, which has been completely covered with black tentacles. The ancient **** of the big balloon waved his tentacles with his last power. Nearly a thousand mouths on the surface of its body opened at this moment, but it was no longer able to make that terrifying roar that endangered the soul.

“Even if it is death, I will take you with you! N’Zoth will complete my unmatched mission! This world will eventually fall into chaos!”

The severely colliding black tentacles twisted their body in the air like a black snake. The moment it was about to touch the paladin’s body, the damaged Valanaar’s hammer could no longer withstand such a huge energy vortex. Existence was exploded again, and this time the fragments exploded were far more than the previous three pieces. This explosion was like a fuse, completely detonating the already unstable energy!


The blue rays of light rushed straight into the sky, and the body of the ancient **** in this hot energy was like ignited wood. The blue rays of light filled every position of every tentacles, and the tentacles were like Shining endless blue liquid, even every streak of the skin, every blood vessel is clearly visible, and finally, when this filling reaches its maximum intensity, the black ancient **** completely turns into a huge blue light group. , The light gushes out from under every inch of its skin, bursting like a thousand feet of sunlight.

Not being exploded, let alone being ignited, but the light spots that turned into blue and dissipated! It’s as if its existence has been completely erased!

In the ten-thousandth of a second after the explosion, under Dick’s control, the Creator’s engine that was running in the cliffs of the storm stopped again, and Ulduar’s energy operation was locked again, but even so, the aftermath of energy was still Swept across the entire plane of the cage, sweeping away the darkness, the magic shields placed by Malygos and Nozdormu were exploded layer by layer, until a full 10 minutes later, the aftermath of energy slowed down. Slow down.

The darkness is gone, originating from the edge of the plane that is completely torn above, the endless twisting void is rapidly corroding this separately spaced plane. Following its edge, the black space cracks little by little. The battered and battered plane slowly ripped apart, and this plane was collapsing, and maybe in ten minutes or so, it would cease to exist.


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, exhausted, indescribable exhaustion. This was definitely the hardest battle Dick had ever fought. After seeing the empty battlefield in front of him, Dick sat down. On the ground, he shook his head hard, trying to stay awake,

“I am a little tired.”

After speaking, Dick rolled his eyes upward and fainted.

This sudden situation caused everyone to panic. Hodir and Thorim lifted the Paladin from the filthy ground one after another. Ysera and Freya ran as fast as possible. The paladin checks his body,

“The blood flow is normal, the heart, uh, I mean, the lightning core is also functioning normally, he is just too tired.”

Freya removed her finger from Dick’s forehead, then looked at the people around her, showing her most heartfelt smile tens of thousands of years later.

“Let him rest.”

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief. If Dick had something to do with this big victory, all this would be too bad, but after Dick was the first to be sent out of the cage, the other people’s affairs would not be finished. It.

“Come and clean the battlefield!”

The Mechanical Guardian yelled in an exaggerated and sharp voice, “Valanaar’s Hammer can’t be lost! Get all its fragments back soon, before this plane collapses, yes! Don’t forget to use that one! The lamp pulled back poor Heimdall’s soul. I hope that fellow will not be buried with Yogg-Saron. Uh, don’t look at me like that! I’m just telling a joke! That’s a hero, he’s not so easy to die. of.”

However, the busy guardians and the dragon kings who cleaned the battlefield would probably never have guessed what happened to Dick. Of course, he didn’t just fainted.

Under the bright sky, the sun escapes and the breeze blows, like the most beautiful place in a dream.

The warm light continued to rub against Dick’s cheek like a brush, making him feel a slight itching when he was asleep, and finally, in a soft laughter, the Paladin opened his eyes and supported him with his hands. Standing under the green grass, standing up from the ground, the air here is very fresh, and even take a breath, it is like a wonderful experience that I have never had before, and the Buddha has come back to life.

He couldn’t help but move his shoulders, and the feeling of soreness in his whole body from the fierce battle with the ancient **** disappeared completely at this moment, just like the healthiest and most energetic times.

“Mom! I miss you so much! Give me a kiss ”

A breeze came from behind, and Anwina’s coquettish voice was still mixed in the wind, which made Dick couldn’t help turning his head. Under a lush canopy not far away, a beautiful figure was facing away from him. , The spirit of the sun was constantly noisy in this woman’s arms, and from time to time there was a gentle laughter, and the paladin subconsciously sorted out his clothes.

It was just as abrupt as when we met last time, even though he is no longer the little knight who hadn’t seen the world before, meeting this adult for the second time still made him a little nervous.

Protoss Elune is the incarnation of the entire Azeroth world. Who can not be nervous when faced with an existence that can’t be summarized by rank or life form?

However, the reappearance of Elune also means that Dick has finally fulfilled the promise he made six years ago. This made the Paladin breathe a sigh of relief, but also a hint of pride. For his pride, he awakened. The sleeping spirit of the world, this is the secret that only him, Anvina and Elune know, and it is also an unimaginable great achievement.

He saved a planet!

“Why don’t you just come and sit? Mr. Great Guardian.”

Elune’s voice awakened Dick from his contemplation. He grinned, then strode forward, and sat calmly on the rattan chair opposite Elune and Anwina. He looked up. Protoss, the face that was once invisible, has become clear but in a daze, it seems to be covered with a layer of gauze. Only those eyes can be seen, gentle and kind, just like the big sister next door, but a careful glance , In which the Buddha contains the entire world and the entire starry sky.

Dick couldn’t help but open his heart, even with the authority of the Great Guardian now, he couldn’t hide his heart. Even though she was sitting across from Dick now, Dick was certain that if he held out his hand, he would never even want to touch Elune.

This is no longer the distance on the boundary of the naked eye. This is the distance between two or even more dimensions. This is the distance that only God can measure!

After this closer contact, Dick was not even sure that this was not Elune’s body or consciousness, or, in a special way, a strand of thought that appeared before his eyes.

When she smiles at you, everything blooms, and when she is angry, the world screams.

This is the Titan, this is the God!

“Are you wondering?”

Elune smiled, a simple smile, Dick’s mood immediately became happy, even though he himself didn’t know why he wanted to be happy, and when faced with this question, he didn’t answer it immediately and didn’t need his answer.

The Protoss hugged Anwina, who was constantly noisy, and whispered,

“Don’t doubt my existence, Dick, even though I am asleep, my eyes never leave you. With my blessing, I can know everything that happened to you, and thank you anyway, Dick. , After Yogg-Saron was removed, Azeroth’s last acne has been cured, and the next, let’s leave it to time.”

“You did what you promised, and I should give you my reward, then tell me, Dick, what should I give you as a reward?”

G_cup actress idol’s first A_V wins the championship. Watch online! Please follow the WeChat public account!:  meinvlu123   (long press for three seconds to copy) !!

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