Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 553

Chapter 39 .The circle of order, the holy light is

This is not a good question.

It’s more like a trap of language. Although it has been determined that Elune will not harm him, and as long as he says one thing, the planetary spirit will probably try to help him get the best, but Dick still thinks this problem is not good. Reply.

It’s not that his behavior has been so high that he is not fake. The more reason is that he kept thinking in his mind until 2 minutes later, he still didn’t think of what he needed.

love? No, he already has the best.

Power is meaningless to him now. After Ulduar’s raid is completed, the Titan Legion he can mobilize can destroy any country in the world in an instant.

The power is not realistic. The most important thing is that after so many things, the Paladin no longer feels that he will believe in the power of unknown origin. Even if it is given by Elune, Dick is unwilling to accept it. The more determined he is. The strong will always only believe in what they get with their own hands.

After rubbing for several minutes, Dick scratched his head and gave an unprecedented smirk. He said slyly,

“How about… world peace?”

Elune’s eyes widened suddenly at this moment, and as she approached her, she covered her mouth and chuckled, “Are you sure?”

Dick shrugged, Elune’s kind attitude relieved him of the pressure, and the Paladin leaned on the chair and spread his hands.

“Seriously, if I have to make a request, this is the only thing left. I will get the things I want. You know, I’m not used to accepting gifts from others…so still It’s not as meaningful as world peace, but frankly speaking, it’s not that I don’t believe in your mighty power, but can you really make the whole world peaceful?”

“Does your next question ask, can I make a rock that I can’t lift?”

Elune’s glowing fingers stroked the bewildered Anvena’s head, and finally shook her head.

“It’s a pity that I can’t do it for peace in the world or the stone, you know, Dick, I am not a god… There is no **** in this world, if a person who claims to be a **** appears in front of you , What was your first reaction?”

“I will stab it with a sword. All self-proclaimed gods are idiots, and I have killed more than one “god.” Dick pursed his mouth, squinted his eyes, clenched his fists, and then loosened it again. Open, “So, please stop mentioning awards. Everything I do is voluntary, and to help you is to help myself.”

“So you want me to be a dumb guy? You want me to turn a blind eye to the real good boy?”

The Protoss sounded in the gentle wind with a hint of playfulness. After this slightly fluctuating pause, Dick’s face also showed an apologetic smile, and Elune shook his head gently.

“I’m asleep in the center of this planet. It may take a thousand years to wait until the next awakening. If you hadn’t blocked all the cracks outside the planet, I would probably not wait for the next awakening and I would be in this kind of sleep Die completely, Dick, you not only saved this planet, you also saved me, but this is not the end, good boy, you and I both know what kind of responsibility the Pantheon puts on my shoulders, it’s just A small victory, Dick…we still have a long way to go.”

“I also embarked on the path they arranged…”

The paladin closed his eyes and felt that he was fully restored to his most perfect state, and the cheering energy and the power flowing in his veins, he was like a dream, “Titan Road, I thought it was glory, but now it looks , This is more like a shackle, I have to move forward, keep moving forward, otherwise I will lose all hope, they want me to become a Titan… even if I don’t want to…”

The Paladin opened his eyes, supported his body with his hands, and leaned forward slightly.

“They are more like a bunch of bastards, aren’t they?”


Elune raised her head and let out a series of silver bells of laughter. She seemed to be amused by Dick. She waved her hand and moved softly. She seemed to be Anvina, her daughter, who was afraid to wake up and fall asleep in her arms. .

“This is the first time I have heard someone comment on the supreme Pantheon in this way, but what you seem to say makes sense, but… you and I will eventually become a member of the Pantheon, whether you like it or not, Dick, Maybe you are used to everything, but from my point of view, choosing you is probably the most correct thing Norgannon has done.”

The Protoss stretched out his hand, and a ball of bright white light converged in the palm of her hand, and finally the appearance of a complete planet appeared, it was the slowly rotating Azeroth, and Elune projected the planet outward slightly. Pull, a dozen identical projections appeared in front of Dick’s eyes,

“In all the timelines of Azeroth, he has chosen a person who inherits his mission. They are either amazing and talented, or determined, or wise as a monster, or arbitrary, do you know? Dick, in you When I first appeared, I…never paid attention to you, because among these spacewalkers, you are very inconspicuous, even mediocre to vulgar.”

The Paladin touched his nose, and then he heard Elune’s voice change.

“But now, nine years later, you alone have come this far…”

Along with her voice, except for the planet projection in the palm of her hand, the other projections were all infested by the light of various colors, red, green, black, and purple, representing some kind of unknown, only the first one. The projection is still rotating, even brighter.

“Only you have successfully cured Azeroth. Since 6 years ago, the world has rushed toward the hope with a determined attitude. You are not better than them, and even now you, It’s not the best among other practitioners, but you alone did it…that’s why I said that Norgannon’s choice of you is the most correct thing.”

Elune’s other hand touched the other projections lightly, and the light and shadow quickly dissipated. She glanced at Dick.

“From today, because of everything you do, the world you live in will truly become Azeroth…Do you know what I mean?”

“Will it become the main world?”

Dick nodded, “I have guessed the ending, but I didn’t expect that Norgannon will give you the final choice.”

“This is just a kind of protection…Countless choices of life make up, countless choices make up destiny. Amansur and Norgannon have joined forces to make me the strongest cradle, and I just need to learn from these countless kinds of destiny, Choose the best one. Fortunately, I found it.”

The light and shadow of the world in Elune’s hand disappeared. Her eyes were bent like crescents, representing her good mood. When Dick was meditating, she ended the discussion with a profound sentence.

“Do you know why everyone else fails?”


“Because you are the only one who does not consider interests or self, but focuses on saving everyone you can save… Kael’thas, Quel’Thalas, Sylvanas, Uther, F Ding, Mograine, Windsor, Garrosh…Everyone, whether you like it or not, you will do everything to save them. You have a special sense of mission in this world. , Instead of treating it as a pure game, and not losing yourself in power.”

“In other words, you love this world, even though I don’t even know where this heavy, selfless love comes from… But it doesn’t matter anymore, Leiden recognized you, Odin recognized you , The whole Ulduar shines again because of you, and the world is great because of you.”

“Dick, good boy, because of this selflessness, I want to give you what you need most.”

The Protoss held Anwina in one hand, and gently waved the other hand. The entire wind-swept grassland changed from heaven to earth at this moment. Sun, starlight, and all the rays of light changed alternately at this moment, and finally the world fell into darkness , Quiet, lonely, seems to be waiting for something exciting to happen.

“Did you know? The Holy Light and the Titans have jointly constructed the current you, your holy name is order, but you have never really understood the meaning of order.”

Elune’s voice became ethereal and without a trace, and she, who was holding Anvena, disappeared in the slowly falling darkness.

“Order has never been pure peace, nor pure beauty. You can’t control the angel, not because you have insufficient power, but because you haven’t understood the reason for its emergence, the foundation of its existence… feel it well, Dick, feel the power that you haven’t really understood, the rules that are far beyond the world and exist in the ancient barbaric stars.”

“I said I would give you the best, my good boy, accept it, accept this, the best reward I can give you.”

Before Dick had time to speak, the darkness in front of him began to roll, and the Paladin had to swallow his doubts back. He focused on the rolling darkness in front of him, which was like a thick black cloth, covering In front of his eyes, at the moment Dick’s attention was fully concentrated, a ray of light flashed across the darkness, like the first sharp sword that pierced the thick darkness.

“The light was born in the darkest place…”

This sentence jumped into his heart, and the ray of light flashed across his eyes quickly. When looking at the ray of light, there was no other thing in his eyes, that is, the piece of light and the light that followed, that It is the light and shadow that is completely opposed to the darkness, that is hope, that is beauty, that is reality, that is everything… And after that, the darkness beyond the light also came into Dick’s eyes, originally out of place, completely opposed Both of them seemed so harmonious in his eyes at this moment.

So he understood that that is the most basic element that composes everything: light and darkness.

And the evolution that followed it was like a stream of light that was dragged by that ray of light. It finally formed a stable system that was constantly rotating at the center of darkness. Dick looked intently, that was A starry sky composed entirely of stars, a starry sky shrouded in light.

The most important thing is that he has seen the starry sky, right in the Blackrock Tower. When facing Nefarian, he saw the starry sky. It was the illusion shown to him by the Holy Light, and Elune released the Buddha commentary. The ordinary voice also floated in his heart, but it revealed a real secret.

“That is the Holy Light, the first light born in the universe. It ended the dark era and brought light to the entire universe. It is a mysterious phenomenon. I know what you want to ask, but it appears in your soul. The voice in it is not the holy light, it is just a certain existence formed by your understanding of the holy light. It is harmless, but if you are careful enough, you will find that every time it appears, the only question is one question.”

“It asked me for a reason…a reason for the Holy Light to give me strength.”

Dick muttered to himself, and the Protoss added the second half of this sentence for him, “So, that is actually your torture of your own soul. When you truly understand the Holy Light at a higher level, it will naturally It will give you the power you deserve. The true light has no manifestation of wisdom. Its existence is the best interpretation of light, and all users of light in the world, including you, understand The holy light is actually your own pursuit and protection of beautiful things, the purest and most beautiful wishes, words and deeds of all the world… Hope, it will give you endless power.”

“Forget this question, Dick, look at it with your heart, it belongs to the memory of this world.”

At this moment, the Paladin finally unlocked the final secret of the personified light… The light is not light. He has been believing and begging for it, only himself.

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