Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 561

Chapter 4 .Blessings from loved ones

Niskara, this is a floating island near the east of the Mardun continent, and is separated from the entire continent. There is a large demon camp here.

It is not special. In fact, there are such barracks everywhere on the broken Mardun continent. Just after arriving in Mardun, Gamol and the 107 Wing were sent to the battlefield of Niskara. This should have been Illidari was in a very inconspicuous place in the offensive frenzy of Mardun, but after a certain battle, when Gamol was cleaning the battlefield, he found that one in the liaison room of a legion that was destroyed by magical artillery. Broken green leaf emblem.

It was precisely because he turned it in as a trophy that Gamour was transferred back to Despair Ridge and thus saved a small life.

When the tauren returned to Niskara through Illidari’s legion portal again, what he saw was a cruel ruin after the war. After the demons made a brutal ambush against the cannon fodder legion stationed here, Illida Ray’s demon hunter, facing this provocation, chose a more brutal way to respond.

They manipulated the high-powered energy cannon of the Naaru spacecraft named Storm Fortress, a war fort suspended outside the starry sky of Mardun, and ploughed Niskara three times from beginning to end. To be sure, 80% of the demons Under such an irresistible attack of destruction, it has become a part of the ruins of the battlefield, but there will always be some demons who will survive, and that is the opponent that Gamor and Sylvanas will face in the process of exploration.

“Ahem, this **** place, this **** air!”

As soon as Ronin stepped out of the portal, he felt Marton’s infinite malice towards mortals. The air and the ground here are hot, almost containing no trace of moisture, and there is still a very pungent sulphur smell. After being attacked by the energy cannon, the hot energy rays also changed the air here, even with corrosive poisonous gas.

The archmage lightly tapped the sheep’s head staff in his hand on the ground. With the sound of the silver bell below the staff, the four barriers with air purification effects were enveloped on the bodies of the four people. They feel better.

“This…it’s hell!”

With a silver-white bow and quiver on his back, Vereesa stood in the life of her husband, frowning and looking at everything in front of her. The entire Niscala surface was completely opened in Illidari’s revenge action, like It was cut across the ground by a huge sickle more than a dozen times. The dark green magma that originated from the core of this floating island gushed out of it, forming a path full of poisonous gas and flames in the tragic ruins. The lake, where the ranger’s good eyesight can see, is a piece of dead land with no life reaction. There are only two colors here, as a fortress for black existence, and as a magical energy for green existence.

“Mortals can’t live here at all!”

Ronin turned his head and looked at Gamer, who silently picked up a metal emblem melted by energy from the dust on the ground. He curiously asked, “How did you stay in this ghost place for half a month? You are all Monster?”

Gamour ignored Ronin’s question. This tauren seemed to have really put life and death outside. He lowered his head and rubbed the metal emblem in his hand that had melted more than half of it. It was the sign in the 107th Alliance camp. Now The camp that was once full of scum has become part of this dead floating island.

Gamol thought he had no feelings for those scumbags, but after seeing their tragic cemetery with his own eyes, the Tauren realized that in the past 10 days, he and the 200 people who persisted to the end have become at least 200 people. In essence, friends, they are trusted comrades in arms. Those who cannot be trusted were already dead as early as the first wave of demons attacked.

This inexplicable sadness made Gamore’s mood worse. Facing the archmage’s inquiry, he replied in a nasty voice,

“It’s very simple, fill it with life!”


At this time, even Sylvanas, who was silent along the way, was attracted. Obviously, Gamol’s answer aroused their curiosity. The tauren felt the meaning of this kind of inquiry, but it made him It’s a bit uncomfortable, especially in places that have been fought but are now destroyed, so he flicks his tail, holds a shield in one hand, and a battle axe in the other, leading the way forward, and then introducing it with a feelingless voice. Niskara and the whole Marton.

“The 107 Wing that was sent to Niscala with me originally had 2434 soldiers. Yes, that’s the scum, villains, bad guys and criminals in the mouths of you big men. In the 7th hour of our landing here, Nice Kara’s demon found us and launched an attack. That was my first battle here. After barely repelling the demon’s attack, there were only 1254 people left in the 107 wing, and half of them were in the first 10 minutes of the battle. Li is dead, only those who can obey the command of Illidari’s demon hunters, and are brave enough and lucky enough to survive.”

Ronin’s gaze also dimmed as Gamol’s description. As the leader of Dalaran, he obviously knew of some of the special actions of Dick and Illidan, and even Khadgar had been with him for this. After arguing a few times, he thought Khadgar was too emotional at first, and sent these criminals and scum from all over the world to another battlefield to fight the devil. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

But it wasn’t until he heard what happened to the Cannon Fodder Legion from Gamore’s mouth that he suddenly realized that it was not that Khadgar was too emotional, maybe he was… too cold-blooded.

Compared to Ronin, Vereesa’s question was much more detailed. She looked around, and after the hunter instinctively determined that there was no threat around her, the lady in silver chain armor looked at Gamour and asked loudly,

“What about the addicts sent here by Quel’Thalas? And the addicts of Syndra and Suramar. The official propaganda says those poor people are cured here… Tell me, add Moore, tell me what happened to the addict!”

“Magic addict? Healed?”

Gamer couldn’t help but glanced back at Vereesa, his tail flicking, as if to match the weird smile on his face, “Isn’t it? Big guys, you actually believe this! Hahaha, but speaking of it! , Those addicts have indeed been cured.”

The tauren’s voice became weird and interesting. He kicked away the remains of the road ahead, chopped down the debris with an axe, and cleaned it up and said, “The day after I came to Marton, there were 50 A magic addiction elf was sent to Niskara, led by Alleri the Soul Eater, well, a ruthless Quel’Thalas Illidari, that is also your compatriot, right? But I remember clearly , Allaily sent a soul container to the skinny magic addiction elves, and painted a certain magic circle on their bodies, and sent them to the most dangerous front line, you know Allaily Did you tell them something?”


Sylvanas let out a cold snort, and Gamor immediately remembered Senxia’s warning, and then obediently replied, “Well, I remember it clearly, that cruel and ruthless Quel’Thalas Elf Standing at the gate of the barracks, she told them that either they would come back alive as Illidari with a demon soul, or they would remain on the battlefield as a corpse… She called them trash, and in my opinion, Illidari Those magic addiction elves are more cruel than us, and either become one of them or die. There is no third way to go.”

“This is a crime!”

Vereesa heard the real experience of the addicted elves from the front-line cannon fodder soldier, Gamour, and could not help but cursed, “Kael’thas is really crazy, and he will actually take his own son. Min sent here, this is simply…it is a kind of malfeasance, a blasphemy against the Phoenix Dynasty!”

“Enough! Vereesa!”

Sylvanas’ voice came from the rear. Although the Ranger General had resigned as the leader of Quel’Thalas, as a once big figure, she had a longer view than Vereesa, the existence of Arcando. , Can make Quel’Thalas accept the slow body reshaping, but those addicted elves who have been defeated in their minds can’t find any way to save them. All Kael’thas has done is just They found a glimmer of hope in their hopeless lives.

If they can really use Illidan’s method to become Illidari’s demon hunters, then they are equivalent to completing a difficult Nirvana rebirth, which is a good thing for them and for the distant world.

“Yes, how can this be a crime?”

Gamour also laughed in a low voice, grumbled his mouth and said, “Aren’t we scumbags and villains selected by Azeroth as the first true “warriors” to face the devil? Are we not redeeming ourselves in the past? Is it a sin committed? Even if it’s just a piece of bread that was stolen because of hunger, it’s a sin, isn’t it?”

This kind of self-deprecation left Ronin, Vereesa and Sylvanas speechless, but even big people like them could not interfere with certain plans determined by the real upper-levels of Azeroth, Dick and Yili. Dan, as well as all the kings and chiefs of the civilized world, have already acquiesced in the occurrence and progress of this incident, and even if they were they, they had no choice but to accept it.

“I’m even more curious, how did Illidan conceal the news of the war on this world?”

Ronin looked at the unchanging ruined battlefield around him, and he whispered, “According to Senxia, ​​Marton should be one of the advance bases of the Burning Legion. The demons have no reason to ignore the invasion of this place.”

“Illidari has arranged at least three levels of space blockade throughout Marton.”

Sylvanas’ eyes fell on a hill in the distance. There seemed to be something in the place, calling her constantly in the blood. She replied casually, “In addition to the space blockade, Naaru’s The spaceship storm fortress and its three frigates also completely surrounded Mardun from four directions. Those spaceships have special abilities that we can’t believe. They can cover all the connections between the world and the outside world. So in the Burning Legion, Mardun Still everything is business as usual, no one knows that this war is happening.”

“Huh? How do you know this? This should be confidential!”

Ronin was even more curious. As a result, Vereesa’s fingers pinched her waist severely. Only then did the Archmage realize that he had asked a stupid question. According to the rumored relationship between Sylvanas and Dick, She knew this was not surprising, but this time Ronin and Vereesa had misunderstood. These news were told by Liadrin before Sylvanas set off, that the Duchess of Theramore had returned when she was leaving. A piece of Illidari’s special teleportation stone was squeezed into Sylvanas’ hands. Once things reached the worst, the King of Outland, who was sitting in the Storm Fortress, would even personally take action to save the lives of these people.

Yes, this is also one of Dick’s requirements.

“We are here! I found that emblem in this place!”

Gamour led the crowd to walk in the ruins for nearly 10 minutes. At the end of the distorted path, there is a broken ruin, and further away, it is a demon camp that has not been destroyed by the energy cannon of the Storm Fortress. The tauren flicked his tail, looked at the tall demon guards patrolling not far away, and whispered,

“At the time the battle was about to end, my coalition and I were separated, and I got into here…Don’t look at me with that look, okay! You guessed it, I was planning to escape. But I discovered this by accident. There was no demon stationed here at the time. I found a storage box in the deepest part of the ruins. There were many things similar to this emblem, but I had no time to take this away!”

Gamor scratched his chin, and said with some doubts, “To be honest, I feel that the storage box should not be placed there by the devil, because it is half buried in the ground, like…like it was specially left. Logo.”

Sylvanas and Vereesa looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other’s eyes, Vereesa’s voice became excited.

“In other words, the eldest sister is probably not dead. She escaped from the devil and left these things specially… I knew that the eldest sister, such a powerful ranger, would definitely not die in this place!”

Sylvanas reacted more rationally. She stretched out her hand and took off the bright white warbow from behind. It was a substitute for her as the ancient guardian’s longbow. After Kael’thas knew of this action, The royal collection specially lent to her temporarily. In the center of this bow is an astrolabe for aiming. In the deep darkness around, this astrolabe is accompanied by the waving of the longbow, leaving a brilliant light and shadow in the air. .

“Go in and have a look!”

The Ranger General drew an orange slender arrow from the quiver behind it, like a sharp needle of a creature.

Spirit String Longbow, Void Spikes!

Sylvanas stood up abruptly from her hiding place, pulling away the familiar bowstring with both hands again, and the void spikes beating with deadly light leaped and buzzed in the palm of her hand. The moment she opened the bow, Two waves of thunder and lightning hovered back and forth on her arm, making the arrow even more dangerous and crazier.

With the best wishes for the missing relatives, Sylvanas opened her fingers lightly, and the moment the void spike was shot, it was enveloped by the blue electric current, which increased her speed by at least 30%, even if it was just an arrow. After flying out of the bowstring, it also became a throbbing blue thunder. When the demon guards on patrol did not react at all, the arrow pierced into the center of the patrol team with precision.

The next moment, the blue energy exploded, like a missile full of thunder and lightning exploded, sweeping away all the creatures within 30 meters of the impact point.

The scorching wind of Marton blew Sylvanas’ hair, her beautiful face was full of indifference and killing intent, and the ranger general holding a bow, standing there, like an unsheathed sharp blade, sharp. people.

Look… the ranger general who dominates the sky is back!

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