Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 562

Chapter 5 .Alleria’s Final News

Sylvanas and Vereesa are both old members of the Hidden Path. In fact, the successive members of the Windrunner are important pillars of the Hidden Path. For this surname, hunting and archery have become a kind of The instinct that really flows in the blood, as long as the blood is constantly extinct, this inheritance will continue.

There are two of Azeroth’s strongest hunters here, plus an archmage Ronin. The demons patrolling in the ruins can’t even plug their teeth. In just five minutes, the entire ruins He was completely wiped out. As a miscellaneous soldier with experience following the boss, he was very conscious of miscellaneous soldiers. He was the first to rush into the ruins, and according to his own memory, he quickly searched for the original store in the ruins. Storage box.

“Hi, here!”

Gamor’s voice caused Vereesa and Sylvanas to run over quickly, but the storage box in the Tauren’s hands was mostly burned by the flames, and only a few fine things remained, which made Vereesa somewhat Disappointed.

“Nothing… these **** demons!”

“No, my sister, look carefully, Alleria has left us a message!”

Sylvanas bent down, and she quickly searched among the black ashes, and finally took out a wooden sculpture that had been ruined for most of it, and there was a trace of excitement on the face of the general ranger. Her fingers fumbled around the pendant-like sculpture, and finally opened a gap and pulled out a small piece of paper rolled together.

She unfolded the paper and wrote a short paragraph in the ciphertext of the Windrunner family, and Sylvanas read it out.

“Escape with the help of strangers. They call themselves the Light Legion, and they claim to know Turalyon’s traces, but I don’t trust them. In this terrible place, no creatures are worth trusting. Leave a secret letter if If you can understand all this, please send my news back to Quel’Thalas and tell my sisters that I love them, but don’t let them come to me. There is nothing but despair on this road!”

“Now, I am going to continue my journey to find my husband, and say sorry to my sisters for me, and my Alator, my only son, I will bring your father back, I swear! — -Alleria Windrunner, 10 years in the Dark Portal.”

Vereesa’s expression didn’t know whether it was happy or sad. Finally, she lowered her head, wiped her wet eyes with her hand, and whispered,

“This is the trace left by the elder sister 16 years ago. Where did she go? And the Holy Light Legion, what is going on?”

Sylvanas folded the note and put it in her pocket, and then raised her head to look at the lonely mountain that gradually hovered upwards in the distance. With her good eyesight, she could clearly see the movement of people on the lonely mountain. Apparently it was the demons who had survived Illidari’s revenge. The ranger general gritted his teeth.

“No matter where she goes, I will find her! Even if it is…”

Sylvanas did not say the worst situation. She raised her head, hung the half-damaged statue around her neck, and pointed to the distant mountain.

“There is only one way forward here, and the end point is on that mountain. There must be other things left by Alleria there. I’m going to check it out!”

“I will go with you!”

Vereesa took her sister’s hand. At this moment, compared to Sylvanas, the more gentle high elves also showed the most determined look. They have been searching for 18 years and have never been so close. She didn’t want to wait any longer for the answer.

“Okay, okay, my wife is going on an adventure, I have to go with her…”

Ronin shook the staff in his hand, called out a gust of wind to disperse the bad smell around him, and then said to Gamour standing aside, “Your mission has been completed, soldier, where we are going next It’s dangerous, go back, Morinha will do what he promised you.”

Gamor’s face moved a little bit, but in the end he shook his head. Senxia’s warning kept circling in his heart. He gritted his teeth and said, “I will go with you. This is an exchange between me and Senxia. I I must follow you all the time, and then go back with you. In Niskara, I am more familiar than you, and if I guess right, there should be at least one demon warlord in that place, who is said to be a demon inquisitor who plays with the soul. .. I saw it once on the battlefield.”

“Well, let’s go!”

Sylvanas strode forward, the magical blood of the Windrunner family made her speed so fast, between the ruins of the battlefield, she and Vereesa were like two erratic shadows, alternately moving forward, and Ronin blessed Gamor with a swift technique. The two followed the rangers and rushed towards the last peak of Niskara. Soon, they arrived at the last demon camp on the top of the mountain.

“Illidari’s cleaning up here is obviously not thorough enough!”

Ronin frowned and looked at the densely packed demons in front of him. A large part of them were special species that he had never seen. In a camp the same size as this small town, there were at least more than 3,000 demon soldiers gathered. According to Gamore, there is at least one demon warlord here. According to the mage’s idea, they’d better summon reinforcements here. There is a legion portal, and Illidari will come to support it soon.

But facing the mystery close at hand, Sylvanas and Vereesa did not plan to wait any longer. The two rangers quickly entered a disguised state, separated in two directions, and quickly touched into the demon camp. , Ronin and Gamore stayed outside the camp, ready to support the battle that may occur.

Without mentioning Vereesa, the disguised Sylvanas swiftly moved forward in the twisted path of light and shadow, and the ranger general who had truly entered the state of hunting was indifferent and indifferent, like a decoration. Wearing a beautifully patterned war knife, the sharp blade is enough to make any opponent facing her feel trembling. With the help of the hunter’s perception, she quickly locked a church-like building located in the deepest part of the demon camp. There are a lot of demons going back and forth, but these low-level members of the Burning Legion are not a big threat to Sylvanas. She sneaked into the church more carefully than before, even with those hideous demons at the most dangerous time. Passing by, you have to endure the energy infestation from the demon’s fel furnace.

It wasn’t until 10 minutes later that she actually entered the interior of the church. At the moment she raised her head, she saw the war bow placed in front of a large extinguished legion portal, the familiar pattern, the kind Familiar perception, that is Alleria’s longbow!

The Bow of the Windrunner, the first patriarch of the Windrunner family, a weapon made from the branches of the mother tree, a symbol of each patriarch. Legend has it that when this bow is truly opened, freedom and the fortress wind will form a blue color on its edge The wind feathers will not only make the arrows shot more deadly, but also make the hunter faster and more swift.

Sylvanas’ heart immediately sank to the bottom. Alleria would not give up her weapons so easily, especially the Patriarch’s Testimony, which proved that she must have encountered some trouble here.

The general ranger strode forward in disguise. She wiped her hands on her waist, and two sharp elven sabers appeared in her hands. There are more than 6 elite demons guarding the church at all times. To get the bow, you must You have to kill them all without disturbing the demons outside! This seems like an impossible task, but for a ranger like Sylvanas, it is just a piece of cake.


The sharp light of the knife lit up behind a tall demon, the saber penetrated the heart, and the toxin smeared on the blade took the life of this ugly guy in an instant. When the big man’s body was shaking, Sylvanas’s The figure appeared from the disguise, and opened the Lingxian longbow with both hands. This time, there were three sharp void spikes on her bowstring. The moment the first demon’s body hit the ground, three sharp arrows The air running through the inside of the church, before the three demons could react, their heads were completely shattered.

After the ranger turned his bow back, he wiped his left hand on the demon’s corpse, and double knives appeared in his hands. Her body was leveraging on the wall next to her. The whole person was like a sharp arrow flying out of the bowstring, rushing towards the guardian Next to the Windrunner’s bow, there was a demon holding a weapon ready to counterattack, and the demon mage standing by the church door saw this scene. Without a word, he opened a dark green portal, apparently intending to grease the soles of his feet.

But at the moment when the teleportation technique lighted up, two paws with bright starlight appeared from behind it, one left and the other grabbed the head of the demon mage, this unlucky guy only turned his head and glanced back. , His head was completely smashed by two heavy bear paws, like Ursoc, almost exactly the same starlight giant bear appeared from the state of soul walking, its paws still have the blood and meat of the devil remaining, watching When the demon guard was attacking the mistress, the beast rushed forward two steps quickly, and its entire body disappeared into the air again. When it reappeared, the sharp claws ripped away the demon guard’s Chest.

This is a real beast, and its special physique gives it a more powerful soul walking ability. This is definitely the long-awaited pet of all hunters. After killing the last demon, the starlight bear rubbed his head. Rubbing Sylvanas’s arm, the latter reached out and patted its head, then inserted both sides back into the scabbard, turned around, and took the bow from the stand.

But before Sylvanas took a closer look at the longbow in her hand, a circle of beating dark green flames appeared behind her, and then, a hazy voice of letting the Buddha go straight into the soul sounded around.

“Well… the trap you have prepared for many years finally caught a new prey. I guess, like the last escaped mouse, you are also a mortal who calls yourself a windrunner, right?”

“So you caught Alleria? I’m curious, do you know where my sister is?”

Sylvanas did not look back, but carried the Windrunner warbow behind her back and drew the double knives out of the scabbard. The arrogant general ranger turned around, tilted her head and looked at the high-level demon and its Doglegs, her eyes were cold,

“Tell me the answer, I will give you a happy way to die!”

“Hehehe, it seems that you don’t know anything about your situation, mortal!”

The high-ranking judge Kumaratun opened his arms, and the dark green flames rolled and jumped behind him, and there were more than a dozen eyeballs floating around its body like a dark shadow, which were more like some eyeball demons. Behind it, the assembled demon army blocked the exit of the church. This head had black sharp horns and a black veil. Only the upper body and the lower body were shielded by the high-level demon floating in the air. With a light wave of his left hand, the elite demons behind it rushed towards Sylvanas.

“Your soul, your memory, everything about you will belong to me! Alleria’s escape is just an accident. I won’t let this accident happen for the second time. Oh, yes, and follow you. Those creatures that come, don’t even want to leave any of you!”

As soon as Kumaratun’s words were finished, a demon’s head was smashed at its feet like a smashed basketball. Sylvanas’s double knives were lightly waving like a fairy wielding a blade, and Her voice became colder and colder,

“Give you a suggestion, you better not touch them, devil.”

“Hehe, so what? You can’t even save yourself… Don’t resist, Windrunner, obey me, and you can suffer less!”

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