Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 593

Chapter 36 .Shadow of War? Alliance and Horde

Quel’Thalas, the front line of Eversong Forest.

This used to be the frontline battlefield for Sin’dorei against the undead. Numerous elven warriors were buried here to commemorate their sacrifices and to guard against attacks by large groups of undead wandering in the ghost land. The battle line has not been abolished, and there is a heavily armed ranger army and magician army stationed here all year round.

But after all, the undead natural disasters are no longer a climate, and the new night watchman commander is not interested in paying attention to the undead of different quality levels in Ghostlands, so the war here has actually settled down.

Quel’Thalas is a peninsular terrain. After the wise men of the Phoenix Dynasty discussed it for a long time, they finally decided to keep the undead in the Ghostlands. Although these resurrected dead almost destroyed the country before, they are now wandering. The undead will become the best refuge in this country.

Quel’Thalas needs to recuperate, but the unexpected war has disrupted all the planned rhythms in this country.

“The troll rushed up!”

An elf ranger yelled hoarsely, then drew the huge bow in his hand and shot the four arrows in his hand at a very fast speed, knocking the two Amani trolls rushing into the front line to the ground. But the next moment, this brave ranger was hit by a throwing axe thrown by the troll axe thrower, and the whole person was taken by Juli and flew back several meters.

The stone axe tore his skin and internal organs. When he fell to the ground, the young elf was breathing quickly, but he could not feel the presence of air. After a few seconds of hard support, he took the last A trace of nostalgia for life fell on the land at the forefront of Yongge Forest.

His sacrifice was not worthless. He bought time for the magician around him. After a violent shock of magic power, a magical flame rising from the ground completely swallowed the troll who had just attacked the young ranger. However, more trolls rushed over on the flames, their eyes were red, and the spirit of the beast appeared on their bodies, which made them stronger, more bloodthirsty, and crazier!

Hadulun Mingyi, the number two character of this ranger unit is leading his own guards on the forefront to fight against the crazy Amani trolls. Reinforcements are coming. Before they arrive, the front of Eversong Forest is absolutely not allowed. fall!

Behind this front, there are 7 villages of Sin’dorei elves. Once the trolls break through, those civilians cannot stop death.

But their number was too small. Hadulun Mingyi cut off a troll berserker’s head with a halberd. He looked up and saw that dense green-skinned trolls were rushing out of their front. Look, there are at least 30,000 trolls in front of you! This is definitely not just the Amani trolls, there are not so many Amanis who have been driven into desperation by the Sin’dorei!

Maybe there are evil branch trolls from the Hinterlands, and it is said that they were also driven down by the Wildhammer dwarves.

But Hadulun’s thoughts were not over yet, a sharp blade of light pierced from the shadow behind him, and the Ranger Lord felt murderous. Regardless of the dirt on the ground, he rolled forward for 2 weeks and fell on On the ground, with the halberd in his hand, he saw the real face of the attacker. It was an old troll with only one arm, wearing a red kerchief, and losing one eye, but which one was left His eyes were filled with the hatred of destroying everything, as well as the craziness of grief and shuddering.

He is very old, the hair on his head has turned gray, but time did not take away his fierceness, but made him even more dangerous!

“Zul’jin! You are not dead yet!”

Hadulun gritted his teeth and looked at the leader of the Amani troll. This **** troll has killed at least a thousand elves since his birth. This is the villain that Sin’dorei hates the most. Look at the ranger lord. When he arrived at Zul’jin, without even thinking about it, the Phoenix halberd in his hand smashed towards the vicious old troll with the whistling wind.

“But you will live to this day!”


The crimson halberd collided with the special-shaped blade in the remaining hand of the troll. The old Zul’jin did not retreat, but the young Hadulun was overturned by the giant force and retreated several steps.

The Amani troll lord looked at Haduron who was provoking him with disdain.

“Only you? Anastrian is my defeat! Want my head? Let Kael’thas come in person!”

After speaking, before Harduren could respond, he laughed and raised his only hand.

“Oh, yes, Kael’thas can’t come back! So arrogant elves, you! Everyone wants to get something from us, but now, we want to regain everything we lost! The great Amani Empire Come back! We want revenge!”

Zul’jin’s fist blade pointed towards Hadulun, and the evil smile blooming in his one-eyed one made Hadulun shudder.

“The revenge… starts with you!”

“What could be better than serving the holy soul of the bear? Come on, give me your soul!”

“Hahaha, I am a falcon, you are a prey!”

“I heard that you learn to summon beasts? You will regret it greatly!”

“You want me to say…burn you to death!”

Four low, thick, angry, or calm voices jumped out from around Hadulun, and the four beasts of the Amani troll surrounded him from four directions, each of which was not Weaker than his good hands.

Hadulun looked around and clenched the halberd in his hand. He knew… it might be difficult to go back alive today.

“Please forgive me… I will let you go!”

Zul’jin walked forward surrounded by the black magic lord Maracas, and said arrogantly to Hadulun, “Kneel down! Then go back to Silvermoon City with the news of the return of the Amani Empire… Oh, yes. , Silvermoon City has been ruined, forget it, go back wherever you want, and bring my fear to your people!”

“Don’t think about it!”

Hadulun slid the halberd in his left hand. He raised his head and looked at Zul’jin, “There is only Hadulun who died in battle, and there is no Hadulun who surrendered!”

“Good! I fulfill your wish!”

Zulkin shrugged noncommittal, then turned and waved.

“Kill him! Send his head back!”


A faint sound of death lit up in front of Zul’jin’s eyes, and the sudden white sonic cloud wrapped in a sharp arrow pierced toward his door. The old troll’s eyes shrank, and the next moment, A spatula will separate the Nali Arrow from the center.

To kill Zulkin is not just a question of an arrow, but from this arrow, Zulkin let the Buddha see an old “friend”.

The figure of Rogerio Star Chaser appeared on a branch in the distance. The indifferent ranger wore a black blindfold and interrupted Hadulun’s tragic and vigorous voice with an indifferent voice that did not belong to the elf.

“I know the news of Amani’s return…you can get out of here!”

“Or I will send you away.”

Another voice appeared on the front line accompanied by the fragmentation of the portal. The archmage Romans walked out of the portal with the Spellbreaker Guard. His old face was majestic and majestic, the magic in his hand. The rod pointed to Zul’jin,

“Say, troll, what do you know about your Majesty Kael’thas?”


Zul’jin grinned and showed a malicious smile, “I know a lot, but why should I tell you? Get ready for Kael’thas’ funeral, tusk, sunstrider, extinction!”

At the same time that Quel’Thalas was entangled in the war, at the junction of Ashenvale and Azshara, another war of no inferiority was also going on.

“Shoot these Blackrock Orcs back! Or leave them here forever!”

Sentinel Commander Barnes wiped a hand of blood from his face, and the knife wheel in his hand turned quickly, cutting open the chest of a Blackrock Assassin who threw out from behind him. Beside him, the corpses of the elves and the orcs overlapped. As a result, almost the entire deck of the Tarendis Bridge was occupied, and after the billowing torrent of the Blackrock Orcs, the completely destroyed Tarendis Camp had been ignited by flames.

Together with the 347 elves in the camp were set ablaze, there is no doubt that this is a long-planned…war.

But Barnes can’t help, even if there are elven soldiers in the silver wing post behind him, but they can’t rush across the Tarendis Bridge to save their fellow citizens, connecting Ashenvale and Azshara. This is the only one who connects Ashenvale to Azshara. A stone bridge, and in the Battle of Hyjal 6 years ago, in order to deal with the demons entrenched in Azshara, the coalition forces personally blew up the bridge, and this one has just been constructed.

The Blackrock Orcs blocked the bridge tightly, almost isolating all the offensives of the elves, but their offensives were not active. On the contrary, their behavior seemed to be a real provocation, angering the elves.

There is no doubt that they succeeded.

Barnes and his assassin troops were already out of anger, they shot straight to the point, and almost every blow could take the life of an orc, but even so, it still…no.

“Hahaha, it doesn’t feel good to watch your compatriots burned to death!”

An old Blackrock veteran was lying on the other end of the bridge, mocking the elves who were attacking frantically. There was an arrow in his chest. He was obviously alive soon, but his tone was full of something. Disgusting malice,

“Ah, it’s painful, right?”

“But our pain is a thousand times that of you, ten thousand times that of yours! Do you think we forgot the scene where you slaughtered our compatriots? Do you think the Blackrock Orcs kneeled in humiliation? No! We don’t! Everything is for now! We want revenge! We want to kill the Alliance! Kill you! Kill!”

“Let him shut up!”

Barnes roared behind him, and the marksman at Silver Wing Post immediately bent his arrow and pierced the orc’s head, but there was no way to stop the more frenzied fight.

The elves want to save people, the orcs want to kill, even if they should take revenge on Stormwind, not the night elves… But for the crazy guy, these things have long since become meaningless.

Once the wheel of war begins, all justice, mercy and judgment will be ruthlessly crushed. There is only life and death on the battlefield, no good and evil!

“Druids are here! They are here!”

The shout from behind gave Barnes a glimmer of hope, and he waved his hand.

“Archer, clear the sky for the druids, let them save…”


Barnes’s hopeful words were not finished yet, the flaming Tarendis camp opposite, under the attack of the orc trebuchet, in the flames, completely collapsed.

The ashes from the flames are like red butterflies, flapping their wings and flying in the air of death. Barnes’ eyes are completely red at this moment. There is his lover and his brother…

“Kill them all! Revenge for the compatriots! An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and blood for blood!”

Desperate and angry voices sounded over Ashenvale, and with the final firing of the Moonblade Ballista, life and death… everything was settled.

The dust settled, and Muradin’s mood, when he personally brought the Mountaineer Army to Menethil Harbor, what he saw was a burning ruin, and the entire city was enveloped in flames.

This city that had just been attacked by the naga was attacked by orcs riding the ancestor dragon a few hours ago. Although it was not captured, the city that the dwarves took nearly a hundred years to build was completely destroyed. .

The survivors stood blankly outside the burning city, watching the angry dwarf prince vowing to make the orcs pay their debts. Those who had lost their relatives and friends lay on the ruins and wept bitterly, while others were silent. Watching it all.

Gibbs, half of his body in a bandage, is one of them. By his side, the surviving crew of the Northland Spear gathered there, waiting for the boss to speak. They are eager for revenge, the Dark Lord. Never conceal hatred, never retain hatred.

Blood for blood, tooth for tooth, this is their tradition.

“Boss, who will be cut tonight?”

Phil Laren, who was bandaged on his neck and arms, asked murderously. Gibbs raised his hand and motioned for him to shut up. After a while, he lowered his head and drew a religious symbol on his chest. A terrifying murderous aura jumped out of this old sea dog.

“Contact the Kraken Fleet! Let them pick us up as quickly as possible! Let Tony and Shattrath also act, prepare weapons and ammunition, this time, we are going to kill!”

“Go to Twilight Highlands! Go to Durotar! Go to the Burning Steppes! Go to Azshara! Kill all the **** orcs!”

“In the name of the Dark Lord, we have suffered a loss, and it is time for them to bleed!”

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