Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 594

Chapter 37 .Return! A messy world!

The fleet of Stormwind Kingdom traversed the endless sea at the fastest speed for 3 days, but failed to land directly on Theramore. m..

Not only because the entire sea area of ​​Theramore was besieged by an unbelievable number of naga, there were also three days of sudden change in the whole world.

It was like a domino that had been completely erected, and was accidentally knocked over by a careless guy. As a result, the whole world became a mess.

The whole world is caught in the flames of war, from Quel’Thalas to Stranglethorn Vale, from Azshara to Tanaris, wherever there are alliances and tribes, there are already countless blood flowing out and endless hatred. Appeared, everything that the two sides built in 6 years collapsed overnight.

Until this time, even people with abnormal brains felt something was wrong!

The war appeared too fast, and it was sweeping too fast… It was almost frightening and caught off guard, but the wheel of war had already started. No one can take the initiative until the people who can decide on both sides appear. If all this is interrupted, the problem is here, and those who can call the shots disappeared!

All the news points to Theramore, but Theramore has not fallen! That city is still resisting Naga’s invasion, but the most important people have disappeared!

Whether it’s magic communication or dispatching scouts, there is no news, they let the Buddha disappear out of thin air!

The fleet of the Kingdom of Stormwind and the fleet of Kul Tiras meet outside the Barrens. Prince Anduin and Kul Tiras’s queen Fenna Golden Sword command the army, but they can’t do anything. These two rulers Their brains are not broken, so they will not fight those hundreds of thousands of naga on the sea,

But this does not mean that they cannot do other things.

“Come with me, Your Highness Fenner, I have found some “old friends” who may know something we don’t know.”

Anduin, dressed in disguise, waved to the half-elf girl sitting across from him. The latter was shocked, then reached out and took the cloak that Anduin handed over, and put the cloak on himself with the help of the maid. , And then followed Anduin to leave the Sea King, sitting in a small boat that had been prepared for a long time, and heading towards the coast of the Barrens.

Fenna Golden Sword, this is 6 points similar to Jaina, but combined with the slender prince peculiar to the Sindorei Elf. It is Jaina’s sister and Dai Lin’s youngest daughter. Her Majesty Dai Lin’s relationship was not good, but after Dai Lin’s accident, she personally brought the fleet to Theramore, but this rumor was self-defeating.

But the character of His Royal Highness Fenner is the same as in the legend, very cold…well, very, very cold, just like a piece of ice.

The disguised Marshal Windsor personally paddled his oars, with his two noble Highnesses and a few MI7 Ace Assassins, along the midnight current, gently touched the coastline of the Barrens, carrying a sword. The shield’s Anduin was the first to jump off the boat, and then stretched out his hand to help Fenna, but was ignored by the magnificent beauty. The prince leaped to the beach lightly, and the movement was much smoother than Anduin.

This proves that the prince’s gracefulness also proves that she is not a weak warrior…and possibly an assassin.

Anduin breathed a sigh of relief. He didn’t fluctuate because of such a trivial matter. In fact, when Varian was unsure of his life and death, he was mentally strained.

Not far away, four tall silhouettes also wearing cloaks were standing on the hillside not far away. Seeing Anduin and Fenner approaching, they also walked forward quickly, but they were caught by Windsor. You held the sword 10 meters away,

“Don’t get closer!”

The old marshal’s voice was full of scrutiny and distrust, but Anduin did not stop it. Under the current anxious war between the Alliance and the Horde, if he brought the Queen of Kul Tiras to meet the Horde news Going out, I’m afraid his reputation will drop to freezing point in an instant, and Fenner also saw the faces of the people on the opposite side under the hoods. She took a step back and wiped her hands on her waist. Two hands were like ice flakes, exuding deadly. The cold dagger appeared in the palm of his hand, as if he was about to rush out in the next moment.

“Wait, Fenna!”

Anduin stretched out his hand to stop the prince’s irrational behavior. He spread his hands, stepped forward, and whispered,

“Who is the opposite!”

“It’s me! Anduin, Baine.”

The sound of urn sound and anger came from the tallest figure, Baine Bloodhoof, the young chief of Thunder Bluff reached out his hood and revealed that sullen face. He and Anduin had knotted a long time ago. After the friendship, although the fathers of both sides did not want their children to become friends with their opponents, this did not affect the friendship between the two young people.

But now, whether it’s Bain or Anduin, there is a hint of hesitation.

“Bain, tell me, did you plan to ambush my father and the leader of the alliance?”

Anduin asked solemnly, the little tauren shook his head hurriedly. He glanced at his friends around him and said firmly,

“It’s not us, and the news we got is that you ambushed my father and the leader of the tribe!”

“I add something!”

Another voice sounded, and Garrosh unbuckled his hood. He didn’t wear a **** roar. This time he met without a weapon. The current chief of the Warsong clan looked around and whispered,

“Regarding the current war between the Alliance and the Horde, I suspect that a third party is secretly contributing to the flames! The suspect I am targeting is the Warlord Malkorok of the Dragonmaw clan, but Zaira told me that there is still Malkorok behind him. Others… exchange information, little prince, we fought side by side in Northrend. King Varian also has a special meaning to me. As I can see, the situation is very bad right now, if we want To stop these damn, unreasonable wars, we’d better cooperate once.”

Before Anduin spoke, Fenna’s indifferent voice rang. Her voice was very nice, like the singing of a lark.

“I don’t believe you, tribe! You… are not worthy of trust, unless you show evidence that this has nothing to do with you!”

“We have proved it!”

Delanos replied in place of Garrosh, “Garrosh strictly ordered the Warsong clan to guard the Warsong Lumberyard. Ashenvale has already formed a group, but only the Warsong clan did not join the battle. For this reason, Garrosh even executed it himself. There are 13 saboteurs who incited war. As for Baine, let’s put it this way, the tauren who attacked the vanguard of the Stonetalon Mountains are not bloodhoof fighters. Baine was placed with a…Do you know the horror totem? ”

Fenner did not speak, neither did Anduin, Marshal Windsor explained to the two Highnesses,

“The Grimtotem is a clan of the Tauren. According to the information we have, it is the most combative of the Tauren. It is said that the chief of the Grimtotem is a witch and has a very bad relationship with Chief Kane.”

“Yes, Magatha.”

Baine took the conversation, the little tauren’s tone was a little low, “I thought she was a kind old woman, but unfortunately, she betrayed my father and me. The situation we face is worse than you think, Thunder Bluff. The civil war has already begun… Magatha proclaimed revenge. Many bloodhoof fighters joined her. I can barely maintain it. There is no tauren fighter on the front line because of my blocking, but soon, I will Can’t stop it!”

“As for what we did.”

Delanos pointed to the north and continued, “My father, Warlock Saurfang in Stormheim is calming the hearts of the people there. Haven’t you received war information from the North? This is ours. Sincerity… Human girl, are you satisfied?”

Fenner groaned for a moment, flipped her wrist, put the dagger back into the scabbard, and said quickly,

“We have no more news than you, but what can be confirmed is that the leaders are still alive. At least the breath of my father’s life has not disappeared. The secret technique of the Kul Tiras royal family can guarantee this, but Theramore is Special things are imprisoned, and we can’t detect the internal situation.”

“I know a little bit more, but only a little bit more.”

Anduin pursed his lips. “During the time I followed my instructor, I heard the instructor say that, in addition to C’Thun and Yogg-Saron, who have been eliminated, in the deep sea of ​​Azeroth, there are actually the last An ancient god, it is the weakest, but it is also the most powerful. It is different from other ancient gods. It is better at using conspiracy to solve problems… And this time, I faintly felt its existence. I suspect that this is the trap it sets…but I need you to cooperate with me, at least we have to pretend to be hostile before we find the leaders.”

“By the way, your mentor?”

Garrosh thought of that man with great magical powers, if he existed, these problems would probably be solved immediately, but Anduin shook his head embarrassedly.

“The mentor is not currently in Azeroth… and he won’t intervene in this kind of mundane war.”

“Why? This is thousands of lives!”

Bain was a little excited and said, “Didn’t he ascend the highest position to protect his life?”

“Uh…actually, really not.”

The little prince spread his hands, “The teacher guards something greater, and he belongs to order. You may not understand it, but I can’t actually understand it, but he said that war and peace are both manifestations of order, unless It involves chaos and extinction, so that the balance of order will shift, otherwise it will not interfere with the war between us, but the good news is that as long as we are sure that this event is related to the ancient gods, we can ask the teacher to take action. .”

Several young leaders of the tribe exchanged glances with each other.

“Okay! We promise you, how exactly should we do this?”

“Let’s act by chance. In short, I need to stabilize the chaotic spy first. He thought he was disguised very well, but he didn’t know. When he approached, the Guardian of Truth told me of his existence. By the way, this is the secret road drawing to the Royal Court of Theramore…This is our sincerity!”

On the other side, with the last jump of Storm Fortress, this purple crystal spaceship finally appeared in the temporary starport of Netherstorm. Dick, who had already known some chaos that appeared in Gilneas, did not stay and took it for the first time. As the Ronin and his wife left Delano, Sylvanas had decided to temporarily join Illidan’s legion to pursue Alleria’s traces. On this point, Dick had no reason to refuse her.

And putting the Ranger General here on Illidan, Dick was also relieved enough.

But as soon as the Paladin passed through the Dark Portal and returned to Azeroth, his face became gloomy to the extreme.

As a world manager, everything that happens in this world can’t escape his eyes. Now, what he sees in his eyes is all war, all bloodshed, all destruction, all death!

This is more than ten times more chaotic than when Azeroth was at its most chaotic!

The mice hiding in the darkness crawled out of the lair while he was away and made a mess of the whole world, which had completely broken Dick’s bottom line.

“This disgusting chaos! Enough! Shivana! Jianxi! Taixi! Thorim! Prepare the Iron Legion for war! Predetermined goals, the whole world!”

“Odin, I need an explanation!”

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