Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 642

Chapter 40 . Debut Ceremony

The Starships of the First Fleet are actually not as advanced as the Demon Starships.

Although the assault starship was designed based on the model of the Fel Hammer, thanks to the generous help of the Ethereals, the engineers of the Void Space Agency selected the most styled of the 13 starship engines brought back from Dick. The one that meets the principles of Azeroth’s engineering is also the one with the lowest technical content.

These starships built in Ulduar’s Wisdom Sparks do not even have the ability to fly faster than light and leap into the void, so they can only use the Sargerit Keystone to open the portal to the planet Xakan.

But this is also impossible. The development of a civilization is far from being solved by simply getting some blueprints from high-level civilizations. The climbing of the science and technology tree cannot tolerate the slightest cleverness. In fact, even the rice with these engines is made by hand. Milron, the smartest guy in Azeroth, couldn’t understand how the engine works.

He can only make them according to the blueprints, and can guarantee their normal operation.

So it looks very tall. In fact, apart from the flagship Storm Fortress, the other starships of the First Fleet, strictly speaking, have not exceeded the level of civilization of Azeroth.

But it is also because of a large number of drawings and painful resources that I bought the knowledge from the Astral Consortium. Dick believes that within 10 years, the engineering masters of Azeroth, You can understand the mystery of this engine, and then move on to a more advanced design.

Moreover, in terms of firepower and sturdiness, these 9 assault starships are far beyond the demon starships of the Fel Hammer class. This is considered to be one of their few advantages. In fact, even Dick’s close friends, Prince Haramad of the Astral Consortium occasionally sighed with emotion.

Probably because there has never been a long peace, the power system of the Azeroth world has far exceeded the level of its original civilization, and nothing else, it can face the existence of high-level demon lords. , In Azeroth, it’s a lot of grabs. Is this TM the combat power that a first-level starry sky civilization should have?

The Karesh civilization has entered the era of inter-galactic commerce, but unfortunately the most capable group of them can’t beat Mondithius the Devourer of the Worlds, and the level of civilization is much lower than the Ethereal Azeroth. Civilization, but being able to chop melons and vegetables, forced Mondius into a desperate situation, which has proven Azeroth’s strength from the side.

As for super-light-speed flight and void transition… this level of technology is really impatient. Dick optimistically estimates that the first prototype can be manufactured in 100 years, and it is already Azeroth’s super-level performance. Up.

But fortunately, Illidan snatched the keystone of Sugrit, the existence of this space fetish almost perfectly compensated for this shortcoming. It only needs to set off a few months ago to carry Dick’s mission in the star realm. After Observer Algalon returns to Azeroth, they can even directly open the portal to the demon base, the Argus star field.

“But that’s something later…”

Dick got up from the command chair and moved his shoulders. After the 9 assault starships opened fire freely, the 7 demon starships that were caught off guard had already suffered heavy losses. They were far inferior to the first in tonnage and firepower. One fleet, so after the loss of 4 starships, the remaining 3 starships are under cover and are ready to escape.

Both Dick and the starship commanders knew that once the demon turned and escaped, the First Fleet would never catch up. Those small spaceships could move through space, and it would be a troublesome thing to let them run away.

“Hand over command! Colonel Laartes, before I come back, you will command here!”

Dick’s figure turned into a silver light and disappeared in the command room. A phantom commander wearing a special ribbon took over the command. This guy is said to be the captain of the best privateer fleet under Prince Haramad. , Well, that is, the legendary interstellar pirate.

He was ordered to help the First Fleet complete the first expedition. Prince Haramad is a real businessman, and the friendly cooperation between the two sides made Dick decide to believe him. Of course, the Astral Consortium is also Azeroth. The only high-level civilization that civilization can touch, so Dick must also believe in him.

Fortunately, the Astral Consortium has not disappointed Dick and Azeroth yet.

Raltes took over the command, as an interstellar predecessor, orderly, indifferently and accurately issued orders. In his opinion, this kind of elementary star wars is almost no fun, and the Burning Legion is enough to overwhelm the poor. The starship formations of the First Fleet, but unfortunately they obviously underestimated the madness of war madmen like Azeroth, so they have to pay the price for their contempt.

The indifferent voice of the soul of Laartes kept resounding in the spirits of everyone in the entire storm fortress. Finally, he looked at the situation on the battlefield and issued the final order.

“The air combat phase is over, the ships are transferred to the ground combat, the ODST special attack force checks the equipment for the last time, and performs airborne strikes and ground clearance operations after 5 minutes!”

Dick didn’t know that Colonel Laartes had determined that the air combat phase of Xiakan’s world was over. The first wave of raids was almost perfect, except that the most reckless Hill was hit by the demon starship’s counterattack through the rear deck, leading to an early landing. And the hapless Blackwater Blade was penetrated by the Fel Cannonball outside the main gun. Within 10 minutes, the First Fleet left the demons in the Xiakan Civilized Fleet and destroyed it.

Of course, it is only the lowest-level combat starship. It is said that the Burning Legion and the more terrifying fleet of destruction have not yet appeared, but at least for now, Azeroth has won the first stage of victory.


Dick’s figure landed on the deck of the fastest demon starship. It was accelerating, but apparently it hadn’t reached the speed of light. The Paladin looked at the 900-meter-long small starship at his feet. The fel mallet is almost carved out of a mold, and it seems that the demons have mastered the assembly line production of this kind of starship for a long time.

He took off the Longsword of Order from behind, and roughly calculated the speed of the starship through his eyes, and then held the hilt with both hands. The next moment, the brilliant blade of light appeared on the sky, as if from the clouds. Like a falling golden pillar of fire, Dick grinned and pierced the hilt of the sword fiercely. The starship’s sturdy shell couldn’t stop the attack of a world manager at all.


The entire upper deck was completely opened during the inversion of the Paladin’s sword. He had observed it more than once in the captured Fel Maul spacecraft, so he knew the location of the engine of this mass-produced spacecraft, this sword. , Pierce the 50-meter-diameter engine from the center.

The huge, out-of-control evil energy began to shine on the hull of this starship, like a dark green lightning, wrapped around the steel. Just before it completely out of control and exploded, Dick had disappeared. In situ.


The dark green fireball exploded in the air, and the starship was almost torn in half from the center by the big explosion of the engine. It was like a beast with its spine broken. Most of the ground that was completely destroyed in the air battle fell down.

But Dick’s attack has not stopped, his figure is spinning in the air, after this shocking attack, the remaining two fugitive starships almost instantly turned on the switch of void migration, risking the firepower of the first fleet. Within the net, an attempt was made to escape completely gambling on luck.

The Paladin did not catch up. On the contrary, silver flames entangled his body, and the moment the Angel of Order appeared, he raised his hands, and a large and amazing sun spear appeared in the center of his palm, right on the two starships. The moment the sun burst into the void, the sun spear was thrown out of the palm of his hand.

It was like a silver-white beam of light traversing the earth and the sky, and the sun spear accurately hit the center of the propeller of the demon starship that disappeared into the void.

Dick knew that such an attack could not penetrate the starship’s defensive barriers and then penetrate its engine, so he chose another weak point, the thruster!

The thruster that burned and sprayed the dark green tail flame toward the sky completely destroyed two-thirds of the fence-type thruster at the first moment the silver beam penetrated it, one-third of the starship. It has entered the void, but the sudden stop of the thruster put it into the most dangerous and craziest state.

The Void Engine is down! The void passage that had just been opened suddenly closed, like the sharpest guillotine, cut from one third of the starship, swallowing that third completely, and letting the broken starship that had lost everything fall from the sky. Into the land of Xia Kan.

Dick breathed a sigh of relief and retreated from the state of the angel of order.

You know, a starship is not necessarily more difficult to deal with than a demigod… In the absence of sufficient **** power, the latter is smaller and can almost sling the former.

Legend has it that Aldach, the strongest warrior civilization that swept a certain star field back then, and every supreme warrior who stood out in their cruel social system had the power to destroy a starship alone, but unfortunately, this unruly warrior The race, in Sargeras’ anger, turned into a wreck of time.

And at the same time that Dick solved the two escaped spaceships, the last starship that fleeed was also hit by the main artillery of Storm Fortress, which was controlled by Colonel Ralters himself, at the moment when the void passage was closed.

The old interstellar pirate really had two brushes, and the timing of the selection was amazingly perfect. That shelling shot accurately penetrated the starship’s rear deck and almost completely cut off the rear propellers. Dick could only see. When the shimmering purple beam of light dissipated, and the closed void swallowed a blazing dark green flame into it, the fate of those demons could be imagined.

While Dick was fighting against the starship alone, in the assault compartment at the bottom of the flagship storm fortress, the soldiers of the ODST assault force had made the final preparations.

Garrosh, wearing a red tight-fitting leather combat suit, carefully placed Gorehowl next to his cockpit. If this red-painted “Thor” assault armor is destroyed, this thing will be his last Weapon of self-protection.

The orc climbed the ladder into the 5-meter-high volume armored cockpit. Just above the head of this giant engineering creation, there was an uncomplicated control interface. When he climbed in, a layer of translucent The glass-like shield popped out from behind the armor and closed tightly in front of his eyes.

Garrosh didn’t really believe in the so-called “engineering miracles”, but Overlord Saurfang personally told him that ODST would be the most glorious and violent army in Azeroth, so he resolutely joined it, and then I met an “old acquaintance” that I didn’t like very much here.

The chief of Warsong turned his head and looked to the left. The same assault armor was erected there. Anduin Wrynn was looking at him with a sneer. The new “mount” of His Royal Highness from Stormwind was painted by him. In addition to the luxurious dark gold, there is also a roaring lion pattern on the front of the armor.

They made a bet before to see who killed more demons in the first battle of ODST.

Garrosh reached out and made a rude gesture towards Anduin. As his left hand entangled by the special device was raised, the left arm of the 5-meter-high engineering giant also raised at the same time, making a click. The voice, and the metal **** stood up high, representing Garrosh’s disdain.

Yes, it does not use Azeroth’s current popular manual control. These special engineering creations use Ulduar’s unique control mode. This is the brainchild of Mimiron. According to the guardian of wisdom, This suit of armor can increase the combat effectiveness of an ordinary soldier by 20 times, and after being proficient, manipulating it with his limbs will be as smooth as his own attack movements.

However, such expensive things are destined not to be equipped for ordinary soldiers.

“ODST attack troops are ready to enter the battlefield! Three minutes countdown!”

Colonel Lartes’ indifferent soul voice made the soldiers in the storm fort’s attack pod arouse 12 points, and beside these huge engineering robots lined up in two rows, there was a black, capsule-shaped one. The metal compartment was also opened at the same time.

Anduin took a deep breath and opened his legs in the control cabin according to the previous training. After a delay of less than 0.5 seconds, the giant armor also opened his legs at the same time, which took 10 seconds. Time put its 5 meter tall body into the black metal cabin.

Among them, there are not too complicated, but very reliable black iron levers to fix the assault armor in the metal cabin, and these levers also serve as shock absorbers.

According to the knowledge they have learned, this specially designed thing is their “landing pod”, and it is also the real weapon for the ODST troops to launch the first wave of attacks.

At the moment when the fully enclosed shell of the black metal cabin slowly closed, Anduin and Garrosh looked at each other. He saw the orc’s mouth open and close, and he knew what he said, because he Also saying the same thing.

“We will be the first to jump into hell!”

When Laartes’ last countdown ended, 500 projection holes were opened on the lower deck of Storm Fortress at the same moment. The metal capsule-shaped assault cabin, like a bomb dropped by a spacecraft, fell straight from a height of several thousand meters. ground.

At the same moment, the same black metal cabins were cast from other starships, as many as 3,500!

This spectacular scene is like a black bee flying out of a honeycomb, but it is also in the air. Dick, who watched this scene completely, knew that these attack pods are far more dangerous than bees. This is the Shakan civilization. World War I will be destined to be the stage for these craziest sharp knives to show themselves.

They are brave, unyielding, powerful, and glorious.

They will be the strongest barrier to the will of Azeroth’s civilization, and will be the first light of the counterattack era.

They are ODST, they bring the anger of the civilized world from the sky, they will clear everything that stands in front of them.

They are heroes, they are about to become heroes, and they will become the most distinctive symbol of this era.

They are Azeroth’s… **** paratroopers!

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