Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 643

Chapter 41 The first horn

Judging from the fact that Xiakan’s invasion of Draenor went very unsuccessfully, and from the news returned by the former army that had landed in Draenor, Illidan, the king of Outland who had betrayed the Burning Legion, was clearly prepared in advance.

The invasion entered a stalemate at the beginning, which required the reserve army remaining in Xiakan to quickly enter the demon portal to support the battle ahead. In fact, the demon warlord stationed in the world of Xiakan, the powerful doomsday lord Kazzak did the same. want.

Unfortunately, the moment Kazak reopened the Legion’s portal, the First Fleet appeared in the sky of Xiakan. This kind of offensive method that had never been the same before gave Kazak a huge shock. In 10 minutes, it saw the invincible Burning Legion starship being destroyed by the torrid.

Even if Kazzak knew that it was only the lowest-level combat starship, it could only be used to attack low-level civilizations like Xiakan, but when it saw the familiar Storm Fortress, it knew where the fleet came from. …Azeroth, the world where the invincible legion has failed twice in shame.

That is the world where the Legion is gnashing their teeth, but can’t do anything about it.

“Damn it!”

When Dick destroyed the two starships by himself, Kazzak had an unknown foreboding. He stood up from his Flame Throne, and his sharp claws rubbed the Dragon King’s sword in his hand. It was a shining one. With a huge long knife of colorful light, Kazak stared at Dick’s movements with hazy eyes, but the next moment, the three starships separated from the fleet transferred the scorching fire to the devil’s fel cannon. position.

Seeing that the ground of the only anti-aircraft artillery on that side was completely opened during the bombing, the corner of Kazzak’s eyes twitched. The arrival of the First Fleet was too sudden. Who knew that the civilization of Azeroth suddenly had this They are not prepared for air strikes at all.

In the end, the cunning high-level demon lord gritted his teeth and looked sternly at the tens of thousands of human laborers who were working in the distance.

“Klantor! Take your abyssal fire demon, and burn me the **** group of humans!”

Kazzak gave an order, and the giant volcano located behind it shook suddenly, and then a huge hellfire stood up from the volcano. No, that’s not hellfire, it’s an advanced form of hellfire. , The abyssal fire demon that is truly like a walking magma mountain, this rare demon is hotter than hellfire.

They have lost the ability to fall from the sky, but as compensation, they have a super sacrificial halo all over their bodies. Wherever they go, all creatures that can’t stop this halo will be ignited from within. It is a terrifying weapon of mass attack type warfare.

Clantor is the leader of these dozens of abyssal fire demons. He obeyed Kazzak’s orders incomparably, and immediately took a big step, rushing towards the panicked human prisoners, the burning mana The fire burst out on this already anxious land, like a group of blazing chariots.

However, Kazzak was already ready to escape.

There are nearly 8 demons in the entire Xiakan, but they are scattered throughout the continent of Telves. The landing area of ​​this legion portal has only 3 elite demons as a reserve army. It is difficult for them to face 10 aggressive starships. win.

The demon lord heard a series of connected whistling sounds. It raised its head blankly. As a result, it saw dense black metal cabins projected from below the starships. The super-high-speed rubbing air even brought them out in the air. The scorching red sparks.

And their landing point is the portal landing area that has panicked.

Kazzak had never seen such an attack method, but it knew that it was time to go… Azeroth sent a demigod to Xiakan. Maybe Malonos the destroyer was not afraid, but it… it… Can’t stop it!

“This is not my fault!”

Kazzak threw a word, and at the moment the black metal cabins hit the ground and the whole earth was torn apart, it turned and jumped into a black vortex that was as high as its body.

It ran away!

Frankly speaking, being knocked into a metal can and thrown from a distance of thousands of meters is not a pleasant process, but Anduin still gritted his teeth and suffered from the unaccustomed feeling. With a sense of weightlessness, the beating red numbers inside the black metal can in front of him were telling him that he was getting closer and closer to the ground.

Until the red number returned to zero, Anduin felt that his entire mind was empty, and the next moment, the violent shock of hindsight awakened him from that state of absent-mindedness, it was the feeling of hitting the ground, if there was no such set The special assault armor, at this height, Anduin’s only ending is to be smashed into flesh.

But now, the impact of this smashing into the ground with super huge kinetic energy just made him dizzy, and there was a kind of pressure in his chest. It was a feeling of wanting to vomit blood, but he still managed to get through.

Two seconds later, Anduin sniffed and raised his hands. Two metal arms like arms slammed open the door of the black assault cabin that had been released before him. Some twisted landing pods came out.

As soon as he walked out, Anduin’s eyes were slightly squinted by Xia Kan’s slightly hot sunlight, but then he opened his eyes and saw everything around him.

Around him is a large, sunken impact-shaped pit. Around the landing capsule, there are corpses that are smashed. There are more than 20 demons. In that kind of terrible bombardment, all their bones are covered. Smashed, the green blood and residual limbs rendered the big pit like hell.

Anduin looked back and saw that there were 9 different landing pods on the ground hundreds of meters beyond the area where he landed. They were members of his assault squad, and they were also standing by manipulating their armor. On Xiakan’s land, farther away, the Iron Legion had already begun to land. Compared with the wild landing method of ODST, the Iron Legion came out of the starship’s teleporting beam.

Then, Anduin heard the whistling sound of a sharp blade breaking through the air, and he subconsciously blocked his arm in front. After a 0.5 second delay, the hard metal arm also blocked the front of the armor.


The huge saboteur’s huge sword was blocked from the metal arm, and its ugly face still had a touch of shock, and Anduin, who had reacted, immediately flashed the **** paratrooper’s rules in his mind.

“We will be the first to jump into hell!”

So the next moment, the left arm of the prince’s assault armor was swung down, and a sharp metal sword was thrown out, and then pierced fiercely into the heart of the destroyer.

The Destroyer is 7 meters high, and the assault armor is 5 meters high. Anduin only needs to stab upward, and the sharp Lian Sword will tear the Destroyer’s heart into three pieces.

“The second assault team, ready for battle!”


Anduin kicked the destruction demon with one kick, and then stretched his left arm to the weapon suspension unit behind the armor. After a while, a huge, black firearm appeared in his hand, and his left hand held the handle of the giant firearm. The Lianjian in his right hand retracted, a little awkwardly, turned on the switch of the special assault gun, and then rubbed it up and down.

“Ka Ka”

The golden bullets are loaded. These bullets use traditional high-explosive gunpowder, but each bullet is the size of an adult’s arm. A short-range attack is enough to interrupt the skin and bones of any known demon, but due to the armor Can’t carry too much weight, so each gun, only 100 rounds of bullets, is mounted on the weapon suspension system behind the 5-meter-high armor.

But enough!

Xiakan’s wind dissipated the smoke on the battlefield. Anduin saw the opposite scene. It was densely packed. The demons were a bit chaotic because of the impact of ODST’s debut. They were everywhere. They were just like their admonitions. Really jumped into hell.

The little prince swallowed, and then gave the final order in the communication channel in a hoarse voice.

“Warrior of Stormwind! Follow me…charge!”

As soon as the voice fell, another saboteur rushed towards Anduin with his magic axe, but the little prince coldly slipped it into the front sight of the armor, and then pulled the trigger.


The tail flame of the one-meter-long bullet burst out black and cold, like an iron box muzzle, and opened a tear-shaped wound on its chest. The power of the gunpowder explosion completely shredded its internal organs. This brute force The infinite guy stared blankly at his rapidly losing strength body, but in the end, he fell head-on at Anduin’s feet.

“Boom Boom Boom”

The sound of firearms became one piece, and the flesh and blood storm exploded in the demons in front of you. 10 assault armors and 10 elite soldiers, armed with killing machines from Ulduar, completely suppressed the attacks of hundreds of demons. .

“The instructor said he would put the sharpest swords on the soldiers of Azeroth… he did it!”

Anduin murmured to himself, and shot the last bullet out, without looking at the **** slaughterhouse created by himself and the assault soldiers, he licked his thirsty lips because of the rapid killing, and backhanded again. A heavy alloy battle axe is drawn from the weapon rack at the back. The battle axe made of alloy is equipped with evil-breaking runes attached by enchanting masters on both sides, and it is charged with the large magic spar at the bottom of the battle axe.

The prince began to run, and the 1-ton big guy also started to run under his more and more skillful manipulation, just like the tectonic puppet he first saw in Dalaran. Those huge ones were manipulated by magic. The big guy left an invincible impression in his childhood heart.

And now, he controls a killing machine 10 times more powerful than those toys, in another world far away from his hometown, head-to-head confrontation with these **** demons. This extreme killing gives him a subtle sense of sight. But then, the will to fight dominates his even. With a roar, he jumped up from the ground, holding a 4-meter-high alloy battle axe in both hands, and smashed a demon guard who could not dodge into a mass of flesh. With a punch, he grabbed a succubus who sneaked from the shadows in his hand. He slowly tightened the strength of his five fingers, and watched coldly as the cunning demon was crushed into a mess of dirty flesh and blood in his hands.

Cyclonus’ adrenaline made Anduin’s eyes a bloodshot.

“That’s it! We should be so strong!”

He waved his left hand and threw the mass of flesh and blood in his hand at the low-level demons who had been defeated by this terrible metal monster.

“Kill them all!”

On the other side, the armor controlled by Garrosh holds two one-handed battle axes, and smashes into the front of those low-level demons like a Scarlet Storm. Compared to Anduin who has just entered the state, the Son of the Juggernaut has already fallen into a trance. In a state of killing like rage.

With the blessing of armor that has become like an arm, this natural warrior can even manipulate this bulky guy to perform terrible attacks similar to the whirlwind.

ODST fell from the sky and smashed into the center of the demons. The 3,500 armored raid in the center of the area, Kazzak’s escape, let the 4 demons who lost their command successfully enter the chaos, and in the larger number of steel legions. The moment the soldiers entered the demon front from three directions, when the first fleet soaring in the sky of Xiakan like a suspended mountain vented its gunfire on the heads of the demons, they realized that the present They, like the meat on the chopping board, have lost all the ability to fight back.

There was a ripple in the void beyond Xiakan’s planet, and Kazak’s figure jumped out of it. It was quite fortunate to let out a sigh of relief. From outside the void, it looked at the tiny planet, little by little. The light represents the failure of the demon’s invasion force.

“Bah, another shameful failure!”

Kazzak shook the Dragon King’s Warblade with great depression, “Kil’jaeden underestimated Illidan… It’s a complete failure! Bastard!”

The tall doomsday lord cursed a few words in the empty void, then turned around and wanted to leave this star field, as a high-level demon lord, to survive in the void, this is instinct.

But the moment it turned around, its tall body stopped in place.

A silver creature is like a broken floating island that can be seen everywhere in the void, suspended under the starlight not far from it. The silver creature wears a silver armor and a battle robe engraved with holy scriptures. It is silver white. Beneath his hood, there is a frightening darkness. His left hand is a delicate armband with a worn-out war shield on it, and his right hand is holding a tuning fork-shaped long sword with silver light, as if Lightsaber in general.

Six wings of silver light fluttered behind him. Judging from where he stayed, he seemed to have been waiting for Kazzak for a long time.

The demon lord swallowed his saliva, and subconsciously squeezed the Dragon King’s War Blade. It looked at the twisted void around it, and suddenly had an ominous premonition that it might be… hard to return.

“Damn… humiliating… failure!”

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