Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 647

Chapter 1 .At the end of 27 years—!

Nothing major happened in the Dark Portal in 27 years. In fact, the demon invasion of Draenor at the end of 26 years was also suppressed by the tacit understanding of all parties.

Civilians don’t care about wars that are far away in another world. Even if they lose, they may lose with their own world, but they still don’t care. Anyway, no matter how bad the situation is, they always don’t know. Where did the 25-person land reclamation team or the horribly coaxing footman come from to deal with all this.

They only know that at the end of 26 years, the world leaders convened a meeting again in Menethil Port, which was just rebuilt. Even the leaders of the deep sea kingdoms also attended the meeting. After that, the tense world returned. Peace.

At least superficial peace.

In the end, the orcs had been beaten to pieces by the Stormwind army and had to return to the Swamp of Sorrows to recuperate into the tribe’s rule. For this, Thrall and the goblin consortium had to pay a large sum of money to the Alliance.

At the same time, the friction between the night elves and the crazy Blackrock orcs was finally determined. The orcs handed over to the night elves 17 Blackrock orcs who set off a confrontation, and retreated Azshara’s line of defense for dozens of kilometers.

Frankly speaking, this is only a formality for the night elves who have been aroused in anger, because they have eliminated all the culprits in the counterattack in Ashenvale, but fortunately, the night elves are in the other Under the persuasion of the leader, he finally gave up his plan to continue studying.

After Naga returned to the world and joined the power game, Tyrande and Malfurion knew very well what was the top priority.

This incident reminded Thrall. He had treated these rebellious Blackrock Orcs before being too kind, so after the meeting was over, the Blackrock Orcs launched a cleansing inside.

In general, after long consultations, the results obtained are barely acceptable by the military blocs of both sides.

Therefore, in this turbulent world, under this fragile peace agreement, the swords and guns of both sides have finally been put down, and there will be no more conflicts in the foreseeable future, at least three years.

But as Dick said, whether it’s the Alliance or the Horde, the 8th War destroyed the fragile trust they built in 6 years. This war has brought to the world far more profoundly than it seems on the surface.

It was a scar…before the scar was healed, the pain would prevent both parties from taking their angry gaze away from the opponent.

However, peace is always a good thing, even if it is short-lived, it is enough to make people look forward to.

Shadowmoon Valley Training Ground. This is a training ground established by Illidan on the northern battlefield that was almost flattened by flames after the last invasion. The demon hunter recruits will carry out advanced challenges here, so they are still being held here. There are more than 4000 various demons.

But right now, there is another legion in the training ground. They look like ordinary humans. They are shorter than the Eastern Kingdoms. The chief training officer is the heroic spirit from Valarjar. Guys, these guys who fight until they die and fight after death have real kung fu in their hands, but since everyone has learned combat skills from cruel wars, the way they train is also very simple.

fighting! If you don’t stop fighting, if you don’t get exhausted, then in this time of fighting except sleeping for 3 months, these trainees will become qualified soldiers.

Fighting the veterans, fighting the beasts, fighting the demons, fighting the heroic spirits… This is not a simple life. In the past 2 months, more than 150 people have died, but more people have persisted. , In other words, they have no right to give up.

At this time, in the center of the large training ground, a tall Vrykul holding two training tomahawks in his hand was discussing with 10 heavily armed trained soldiers.

“Come on, bastard!”

Gavincent arrogantly hooked his fingers at the ten soldiers holding various weapons. He stood there relaxed, looking like his whole body was flawed.


The soldier captain rushed up first, using a standard soldier charge. The blood red that enveloped his body made Gavinson nod his head. Not to mention strength, it was pure momentum. These guys were already qualified.


The epee he slashed made a whistling sound in the air, but the moment the blade fell on Gavincent’s shoulder, the tall Vrykul’s body was lightly on one side, and the blade almost rubbed his body. It smashed down, but soon, the warrior captain pulled his hands outwards, and the blade changed its direction and slashed down towards his arm, but it was immediately blocked by the training tomahawk that was swung.

“The consciousness is good, but the power is too weak.”

The Vrykul waved his other hand and patted the captain with the face of the battle axe. Then, in the siege of the remaining 9 people, the battle axe in both hands was lifted up in a playful posture. Like a storm of weapons, clang clang clang clang.

“Come on! Hard! You bastards!”

“Did you learn this kind of sissy offense here?”

“Hey, my grandmother is better than you!”

“Did your king send you here to be beaten? You can all be called “Elite” like this?”

“Go back and eat X!”

Faced with the foul language of the heroic spirits, the fighters who were beaten up again and again did not refute, but were more silent, more vigorous, and crazier brandishing weapons.

Under this extreme pressure, their understanding of anger has become more and more profound, and they have become more and more skilled in using it. Obviously, this is a training for the ability to manipulate anger, although the trainees need to bear both body and A double blow to the mind, but there is no doubt that it is very useful.

Just as groups of soldiers stepped onto the training ground to be “battered”, at the edge of the training ground, two people standing in the observation post on the top floor were also talking.

“Frankly speaking, the effect of this rude training method is really something I didn’t expect.”

Marty, wearing Shakan’s traditional costume, whispered, “Last month my rebuilt legion drove the demons out of the Witt Mountains. This is good news for my people to go down in the annals of history. I plan to use two years to send all the corps loyal to me under my command here for retraining.”

“Of course, this is just a trivial matter.”

Dick sat aside, playing with the sign of the eye of the storm on his finger with one hand. He casually watched his old friend Gavincent drill the “new army” sent from Xiakan. The war in that world was over. One year, now they rely on themselves to drive those remaining demons to a desperate situation.

Azeroth’s First Fleet returned home as early as the end of the year 26. It happened to be the second day that Martai swore to be the newly-built Wirts Continental Defense Leader, taking all Azeroth’s soldiers and Xiakan. Samples of all minerals in possession returned.

Although Maltai is not a good fighter, he is a qualified politician. He knows what a civilization that is almost destroyed requires, so he secretly commissioned the King of Outland to help him train a group of soldiers at the level of Azeroth. Come as the basic plate for him to rebuild civilization.

What is more admirable and willing to obey than a leader who leads people who have lost everything to rebuild civilization?

The Shakan civilization is gradually recovering. Dick and Illidan are happy to see this. Compared to the mere 40 slaves, they are more willing to accept a self-powered servant civilization, and Dick is not here to discuss these soldiers with Maltai today. .

The first large-scale exchange of resources between the two parties will begin soon. The major forces of Azeroth will provide everything needed by the Shakan civilization, books, knowledge, ready-made weapons, and even provide enough mentors to teach a mature power system .

And Xiakan gave everything they could, the luxuries with the characteristics of their civilization, the cherished samples of animals and plants, the obscure knowledge from the dragon age, and even the population…the elves, dwarves and… Dragon, these are all things Xia Kan can exchange.

The biggest one is their mineral resources in the world. Mimiron identified 17 important minerals and 125 secondary important minerals. It took Maltai a year to hoard a huge amount of exchange. Things, both parties are waiting for this transaction to proceed.

“In 3 days, Lord Dick, I will personally take my soldiers to Netherstorm…I heard that you have established a trading zone there?”

Marty is very interested in the trade between the two civilizations. He is a smart man, and Dick faced this question and chose a positive answer. He nodded.

“Yes, that is the area dedicated to witnessing the friendship between our two sides. All future exchanges will take place there, and you can discuss with those leaders about your proposal to send national envoys to various forces in Azeroth. They will be there too.”

Dick looked at His Majesty Marty, he saw some worry in those eyes, and he shook his hand.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Martai, we will follow that rule. Regarding the Xiakan civilization, the official will not trade with other forces except you, so what you need to pay attention to is those additional smuggling behaviors… But I think, It’s better to let go of them appropriately, which is conducive to the contact between our two parties.”

The ruler of Xiakan’s eyes lit up, he stepped back respectfully, leaning over and saluting,

“Xiakan under my rule will become the most loyal servant of Azeroth, and we will follow you until eternity.”

Dick stretched out his hand and gave it a soft hold.

“Well, Mr. Martai, you and I, and Illidan, we are friends, aren’t we? Stop talking about servants. Xiakan is an independent civilization. You and I know this.”

However, just when His Majesty Marty was about to exchange some more easy-going topics with Dick, the world manager, the figure of the dragon man Das appeared at the door of the room, and he walked forward with a solemn expression. As he said something, the eyes of the world manager narrowed at this moment.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Martai, I need to return to Azeroth to deal with some emergencies, don’t worry, this Mr. Demitil is my loyal entourage, and he will protect your safety during these 3 days. ”

Dick stood up, and Maltai also hurriedly got up. He looked at Dick with an apologetic smile, and then turned to leave. The ruler couldn’t help but nodded.

Although the primary and secondary relationship between the two parties has long been determined due to the strength of the two parties, an easy-going master still makes the servants more at ease. This is also the reason why Marty finally chose Dick between Dick and Illidan. Outland The king’s iron and blood temperament really made Maltai uneasy.

But Maltai is also curious, what is it that can make a distinguished world manager have such obvious mood swings?

Was it a sudden outbreak of war?

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