Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 648

Chapter 2 .Mystery Crystal


No, of course it is not a war. The world has just restored a fragile peace in less than a year. Except for lunatics, no one will choose to start a war at this time.

Azeroth’s largest gang of lunatics was also expelled to Draenor two years ago. Under the command of the dominator, they have become an indispensable force in the Draenor theater, although according to Illidari’s observations, They are crazier than before, but for soldiers in the war, this is a good thing.

The slightly cruel “exile” system is still being implemented, but petty theft will no longer be directly exiled to that cruel world, unless a felony is committed. In general, the social situation of Azeroth is in this It is slowly recovering during the year, although it will take some time to recover to its peak.

Dick’s figure passed through the Dark Portal and stepped into the cursed land of Azeroth. This dark red land is synonymous with barren and barren. It’s hard to imagine the existence of creatures here, but in fact, it’s here. In addition to the large crater erected by the Dark Portal, the small town used as a garrison has developed into a city, very small but well-developed business.

As far as the Paladins saw, this place has almost become an important base for the smuggling industry in Azeroth and the world of Draenor, the enjoyment and weapons from Azeroth, the cherished medicinal materials from the world of Draenor, Rare minerals and creatures are highly sought-after high-end goods in the two worlds.

Smugglers from the goblin consortium will buy raw materials here at the lowest price, and then sell the goods they bring to earn two money. These cunning short green-skinned men are the big money owners in this city, but there are others too. Xiao Xiami will take a share in this fully mature business.

For example, the merchant’s guild in Stormwind, such as the Deep Mountain Mining Company in Ironforge, even the well-known carriage merchants in Gilneas, and representatives of various battle groups in Outland. In short, this is known as the “building in hell”. The city became more prosperous, and the upper class turned a blind eye to this. The huge taxes paid by this city even made Stormwind send several capable tax collectors.

This is a kind of abnormal prosperity based on world intercommunication, but Dick has not studied economics, so in his opinion, since this kind of business already exists, it is an inevitable result, and he does not need to interfere.

The Paladin stepped out of the Dark Portal, and the steel giants stationed on both sides of the Dark Portal saluted immediately. Dick waved his hand and motioned for them to continue on duty, and then looked at the famous “Eternal Night” sky of the Cursed Land, where, The starlight is brighter than anywhere else.

“This is peace… it’s a wonderful taste.”

Dick sighed. After taking a step, his figure turned into a silver glow and disappeared in place, soaring towards the central area of ​​Azeroth as quickly as possible.

Maelstrom, Broken Isles, something unexpected happened.

In the border area between Suramar and Azsuna, at this time, the red maple leaves on the magical plain outside Suramar have been fully bloomed, making this magically transformed land like a red velvet shawl. , The extraordinary beauty, coupled with the ruined walls with high elf style that appear from time to time in the maple leaf forest, adds a decayed bleak and remaining luxury to this place.

The elf wearing a white gauze dress wandered in the maple forest of Suramar. Her dress was dragged on the ground, which should have been covered with dust and fallen maple leaves, but no, where she walked, Taking refuge in the dust, Maple Leaf whirled and flew up, seeming to make way for this beautiful and non-human girl, and let the Buddha not want to disturb the inherent nobility, so he chose to give in.

She wears thin silk gloves on her hands, and on her forehead is a brilliant and shining gemstone headband. The unusually smooth gemstone polished by a skilled craftsman sticks to her smooth forehead, without taking away her eyes. On the contrary, this most beautiful jewel seems to set off her existence.

It’s like a pure white light, born from and out of light.

She was wearing a small crown, which was found in the depths of the sea, searched by countless naga, and finally found the most representative symbol of her status, the real treasure exchanged from history, that originally belonged to her, was Lost for ten thousand years, but once again returned to her hands.

Azshara stretched out her hand and gently stroked a drooping maple tree branch, as if stroking the face of a lover. In the depths of her silver eyes, there was a lingering melancholy and nostalgia, standing here once belonged to her. On the land, looking at the past, the queen of the deep sea shed a drop of nostalgic tears at the moment when no one noticed.

But soon, when she walked out of the Maple Leaf Forest, she saw the loyal to her army, the tall and strong guards of the Naga royal family, petite and powerful storm surge callers, they lined up in two rows to welcome the return of the Queen. .

Azshara’s face is no longer nostalgic. Her left hand gently shook the tidal scepter representing the authority of the Deep Sea Kingdom. Her eyes were cold. She looked at the two silhouettes standing on the beach, her mouth was wide. There was a sneer.

Even if she returns to the civilized world and establishes contact with other forces, it does not mean that she has forgotten her betrayal ten thousand years ago, whether it is Tyrande, Malfurion, or the great demon who swore allegiance to her. Instructor Eli Sander.

She has not forgotten, and she does not need to forget, women always hold grudges, let alone a queen who controls the sea of ​​the world?

“Qing Elisand, we haven’t seen it in 10,000 years, right?”

Azshara walked down the beach, wearing a pair of high heels made by the most brilliant dwarf craftsman on her small feet, just like gem shoes in a fairy tale, and these shoes are undoubtedly more expensive than the ruby ​​shoes in the fairy tale , And more beautiful.

Hearing Azshara’s casual questioning, the pale blue face of the Grand Magister Elisand changed drastically, and she leaned over to salute.

“Honorable Queen, I never expected to see you again in 10,000 years. This is the greatest honor of my life!”

Azshara ignored the bereavement dog. She knew what happened to Elisand a long time ago and was driven out of Suramar City. It is said that there was the shadow of the world manager in it. She turned her gaze to Avery again. The high elf across from Sand.

“who are you?”

Facing this kind of gaze, Great Arcanist Talissa also bowed respectfully to salute. At the time of her birth, Azshara had fallen to the bottom of the sea. She had only seen the record of this light in the light in the ancient books. , She never thought that one day she would actually see Azshara.

“His Majesty Azshara, Queen of the Deep Sea, I am Arcanist Thalyssa from Suramar, the current ruler of Suramar. It is an honor to meet a legendary person here.”

Thalyssa’s first impression of Azshara was… it was indeed extraordinary beauty and nobility, just like a natural ruler.

However, compared to Elisand’s trepidation, Thalyssa’s attitude is much more solemn. She is the current ruler of Suramar. Under her rule, the Night’s Sons of Chateaurée have begun to gradually get rid of the hunger of magic addiction Thirsty, although it needs to be attached to the Phoenix dynasty of Quel’Thalas, in Suramar City, Talissa’s reputation is already extremely high.

She abolished the unjust laws left behind by Elisand. She declared that everyone is equal. She started to rectify the gangs in the city. She opened the Hall of Stars to civilians and bought enough food from Pandaria. To alleviate hunger, and actively participate in world affairs, so that the reputation of the newly resurrected Suramar has been widely spread, especially after participating in the War of the Dead and the battle outside of Draenor, Suramar has officially become a small force On the world stage.

All of this made Talissa a qualified ruler. She has her pride. This pride does not allow her to be too humble in front of Azshara, even she herself is very curious about Azshara.

“Look up and let me see.”

Azshara said softly, although gentle, there was a strong tone in her tone that could not be denied.

Talissa raised her head, her face was already inferior to Elisand’s skinny and ugly look that was tortured by magic addiction. Under the shining of the mature Acando, Talissa’s face and her body had recovered. It changed its original appearance, with a hint of dark purple skin, a pointed chin, and those ears that were shorter than the night elves but longer than the Quel’Thalas elves, and the most outstanding were those eyes.

The eyes that truly belong to the magician are full of wisdom and self-confidence, as well as a hint of pride and stubbornness.

This look undoubtedly reminded Azshara of the proud magicians in the Kaldorei Elf Empire under her own rule, so she nodded in satisfaction.

“Very well… I am very happy to see the Night Sons regain their former glory, although you have left the elven empire… ah, let it pass, the elven empire is already in the past, since from that dark **** Climb out, go on bravely, Talissa.”

Azshara looked back, and she said softly.

“If Suramar is in trouble, you can come to Vaskir anytime to find me…I am happy to help you.”

This promise was undoubtedly an unexpected joy. There was a light flashing in the depths of Talissa’s eyes, and she whispered, “Thank you for your kindness, the noble light in the light, Suramar will remember your kindness.”

This sentence was spoken in the oldest Salas language. Azshara was taken aback by the familiar name, and then there was a pleasant expression on her beautiful face. She smiled and waved, Talissa Standing aside, Azshara continued to walk towards the sea, and as she passed Elisand, the queen dropped a word.

“I hate betrayers, and I hate losers even more. Unfortunately, you are both… but I will give you a chance, Grand Magister, to take your soldiers and my warriors to garrison the plate of Draenor. Ya Reservoir, stay there for 10 years, or find another place for Naga to live, I will allow you to return to the Kingdom of the Deep Sea!”

“I will give you everything you want, but Elisand, remember, this is your last chance. If you are confident that you can overcome the angry waves of the world, then let you go, but next time, not It will be so easy to pass.”

Elisande knelt on one knee, her face full of bitterness, but this was the only chance for the loser who had been expelled from Suramar and had to guard the night fortress and desperately desperate.

Her haughty head hung down deeply,

“Thank you for your kindness, the great Queen.”

The queen waved her hand without looking back, her loyal guard retreated into the sea like a tide, and also took Alisand away, leaving only Azshara and Talissa on the beach. , And in front of them, a delicate box was placed there, and an irregular crystal that looked like a long sword was placed in the box.

It shines with golden light, warm and sacred, but even as strong as Azshara, at the moment when he reaches out his hand and reaches the crystal surface, he can feel a whisper rising from his heart.

The language she hadn’t heard of, but it was not evil. The Buddha was making some kind of prediction or warning.

“What the **** is this…?”

Azshara retracted her finger, a lingering doubt on her face.

“If I were you, I would stay away from those weird things that fell from the sky… what looks beautiful may be the bearer of the most vicious curse.”

A gentle voice sounded behind Azshara and Talisa, and the Paladin strode out from the silver light. He was wearing a black hunting suit. The power of the gods lingering in the four-color light floated behind him, and the paladin against him was also there. A trace of special demeanor.

“So, what the **** is this?”

Azshara stretched out her fingers and drew her silver hair to the back of her head. She looked at Dick, whose gaze stayed in the crystal filled with holy light. After a while, he said,

“This is a prediction, this is a bad future.”

After speaking, the paladin glanced at the charming and graceful queen of the deep sea, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Speaking of which, Her Majesty, do you believe in fate?”

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