Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 649

Chapter 3 .Draenei’s Summer Festival

Dick’s question came too suddenly. Fast update without ads.

However, such strange women as Azshara would naturally not be stumped by this question, she pondered for a moment, then said,

“If you can show me the true existence of destiny, I might believe it. For me, destiny… hasn’t existed since the beginning.”


Dick nodded noncommitantly, and then pointed his finger to the surface of the crystal that was placed in the delicate box. In the process, Azshara told him how the crystal was discovered.

“About two days ago, my astrologers saw a ray of light across the sky. Generally speaking, meteors like this kind of falling to the ground can always get some special interpretations. For skilled astrologers, they can The fragments of the future can be seen from these interpretations, but this time is different!”

The queen of the deep sea played with the scepter in her hand and said in an incredible tone,

“The light falling from the sky didn’t show anything, just let the Buddha be incompatible with the world itself, as if being forcibly thrown into this world. This kind of situation has never happened before. This phenomenon makes me Very curious, so I mobilized the naga to find the place where the light finally landed, and then in the big trench outside Suramar, my loyal naga found this thing.”

Her Majesty was playing with her fingers boringly. She watched Dick’s fingertips touch the crystal.

“This thing is very mysterious. I can feel that it is filled with the energy of the Holy Light, but the arrangement of the energy is unheard of. It seems to contain some special information, but it cannot be interpreted! Whenever my mind enters it , Will be pushed out by a huge but harmless force, which is rejecting my observation.”


As soon as Azshara’s voice fell, a huge and soft energy appeared on the surface of the crystal, as if a box was opened, the light inside lingered outside the box, the crystal that rejected her , But it seemed as if he had been imprisoned under Dick’s contact.

Dick’s figure was buried in the light and shadow. He frowned, as if thinking, but Azshara and Talissa, who were dumbfounded, could see that a touch of complicated Holy Light text emerged from the crystal surface. Suspended in the air, it was like the light and shadow of a special magic when it was activated.

“Did you open it?”

Azshara asked.

Dick retracted his finger, all the visions, all the light, all the sacred texts just disappeared at this moment, as if everything he saw before had never appeared.


The paladin’s expression was a little dignified. He shook his finger and replied, “There is a special permission blockade inside this thing. It’s an old-fashioned method, but it’s effective, but I know what this thing is.”

“The fragments of Naaru…and are fragments that carry some kind of important information.”

“Naaru? Those tangram creatures worshipped by the draenei?”

Azshara immediately lost all interest. She looked at the crystal a little boredly, and turned around neatly and wanted to walk into the ocean.

“Then leave it to you, Mr. Dick. I’m not interested in those babbling guys at all. I’m going back to Vaschiel. Good luck.”

“Wait… Queen of the Deep Sea, you’d better come to the Exodar with me.”

Dick stretched out his hand to close the box, held it in his hand, and said to Azshara, “Although I don’t see much, there is no doubt that some of it is definitely of interest to you.”

Azshara turned her head, her silver eyes fixed on the box in Dick’s hand.

“Related to me?”

“Well, it has a great relationship with you.”

Dick nodded, and then turned to Talissa who was standing aside, and said, “The arcanist of Suramar, block all news about this crystal, oh yes, the Void Storm in Draenor three days later. There is a trade fair, if you are not busy, you can go to it, there are many good things you haven’t seen.”

Talissa nodded respectfully. Compared with the legendary Azshara, the world manager in front of him seemed more real. Moreover, Talissa knew the true meaning of Dick’s existence and gave Dick’s instructions. , She did not dare to neglect.

Dick and Azshara wandered towards the sea. One was the world manager and the other was the queen of the deep sea. Under the will of these two, the sea could only surging up a wave rushing towards the sea of ​​mist, and it was better than the natural world. All waves are faster, and of course, whether it is Dick or Azshara, there are faster ways to move forward.

It is hard to say which is faster than the speed of light or the portal.

Azuremyst Isle, this is the gathering place chosen by the Delani people after they fall on Azeroth. It and the adjacent Bloodmystitch Island are the existence mode of Twin Isles. It is located in the sea of ​​mist. The night elves originally planned They planted a seed of the World Tree in the Sea of ​​Mist as their second hometown, but due to Dick’s intervention, they saw the traces of the nightmare contamination inside the seed in advance.

Therefore, Darnassus, the world tree that should have existed in the sea of ​​mist, has no trace until today.

Of course, this incident is only one of the most inconspicuous things that Dick did for Azeroth. The night elves themselves did not realize that Dick actually avoided a sad and cruel fate for them. From this point of view, Dick saved the fate of thousands of night elves, but no one cared about these, not even Dick.

When you decide to give everything for a world, except for the world itself, everything else is the minutiae.

Apart from repeated adventures and rescues, Dick did not realize that he was more like the incarnation of the will of this world than the sleeping star Elune.

The jewel-like shell of the exodar is located in the part of the Azure Island bordering the sea. It is like a palace made of gems. Although it looks complete, Dick knows that, enter in Exodar. At that moment in this world, it had been pierced through the hull by Ulduar under the control of Yogg-Saron. Of course, this also avoided the tragedy of Exodar directly crashing into Azuremyst Isle.

The fate of thousands of draenei was preserved, but the price was that the Exodar was more severely damaged than in the game. The spaceship in the game is said to have the possibility of restarting, but now, the engine is penetrated by the Esso Da, has completely lost the ability to soar into the star field.

But to be honest, this tragic result made no difference to the draenei who followed Velen. On the contrary, these sad exiles accepted this rich new world with great enthusiasm and began to create An environment suitable for their survival.

Today, when destiny has been changed, the world is far more peaceful than the original destiny. Therefore, the draenei reconstruction plan is proceeding very smoothly. When Dick and Azshara arrived at Azuremyst Isle, the draenei people They are celebrating their ancient festival.

The day of the summer solstice is said to have been the longest day in the remote Argus world. In the original Argus world, people would climb the mountains and pray to the stars on this day, as well as grand dinners and dances. The Spring Festival on Azeroth is as lively as the Winter Veil Festival.

However, after falling to Azeroth, there was a slight deviation in this festival. The draenei were still using the Argus calendar, but in fact, the summer solstice of Argus was in the calendar of Azeroth. It’s a day covered in white snow.

But this does not affect the yearning of these poor people who have regained their place of existence for a new life, and after the major forces in Azeroth have made it clear that they will accept the draenei exiles in an open manner, this yearning It became the real beginning of a beautiful new life.

Of course, Azuremyst Isle and Bloodsecret Island could not accommodate the draenei civilization that slowly recovered. After the draenei of Outland returned to Azeroth, their number reached 60, two islands. It couldn’t hold so many people at all, so after two years of negotiation, the night elves and the orcs finally made concessions.

A long narrow area near the Sea of ​​Mist, Ashenvale and Stonetalon Mountains on the Black Sea shore, was “leased” to the draenei for 200 years. The actual controller of the Stonetalon Mountains, the spokesperson of the tribe, also stated , As long as the draenei do not attack and spy on the orcs’ fortresses and defenses, they are willing to live in peace with these exiles who look very similar to the Eredar demons.

To this end, Velen paid almost half of the money and gems of the entire draenei exile. The value is worth 30 years of taxes in the richest dwarf kingdom, but for the exiles who have lost everything, money and gems Gems are useless, what they need is a piece of land where they can live.

They are also long-lived species, 200 years are only enough for a generation to thrive, but Velen, as the most powerful prophet of Azeroth, knows that if it develops in its current form, 200 years later, the draenei will not Will worry about living in the land again, this world is full of hope for the future, even more hopeful than the former Argus.

This is probably the best gift a draenei can get after thousands of years of exile.

So after Dick and Azshara landed silently, what I saw was the draenei dressed in festive costumes, under the auspices of the Great Prophet Velen, sincerely following the ancient traditions, praying to the stars and the light. The scene is said to be the beginning of the summer festival. After the prayers, there will be three days of feast and joy.

For the draenei who are busy building their homes, there is no better spiritual enjoyment than this day.

On the large square at the entrance of the Exodar, the garrisons of the Hand of Argus wear ceremonial armor and hold golden spears with draenei jeweled shields and ribbons. They stand on both sides of the stands. , The leader of the garrison officers, the strongest Maraad stood not far behind Velen.

The great prophet wore a white robe inlaid with purple gems, which looked more solemn than the sacrificial gown he often wore. The cuffs were very wide. After the prophet opened his arms, the sleeves hung like a flag. On his arm, Velen was solemn, and on his purple-skinned forehead, the sacred purple rune was suspended in the air, shining brightly, the same existence as Dick’s Order of Order. Of course, Dick knew that. Also known as the “Draenei Leader’s Seal”.

Behind his sacrificial robes are fixed ornaments that resemble a golden crown. With Velen’s white beard that hangs down to his abdomen, it looks quite sacred. The staff, let the crystal on the staff float slowly, holding a string of black jewel beads in one hand.

At the moment he opened his mouth, a triangular circle engraved with the pattern of holy light appeared behind him, and the golden light was imprinted in the air like a Buddha flame, accompanied by Velen’s chanting. The light is constantly swaying and reorganizing, and it seems that there is a sense of hope and order.

“Blessed are the forerunners, and the forerunners light up the darkness for them!”

Velen’s solemn voice spread throughout the square. At this moment, everything was silent, and even the sound of the wind blowing the woods was covered.

“Blessed are the brave people, who make their faith as solid as a rock in a cruel world!”

“Blessed are the wise people. They let all disasters and misfortunes become the driving force for the follow-ups to move forward!”

“Blessed are those who are full of hope. They are bathed with the best blessings from the other side of hope.”

“The tragic history of the exiles finally ends at this moment… My people, my friends, we will gather under this banner, and we will use the forbearance of the past to illuminate our staggering progress.”

“The hope of a new life lies in everyone’s heart, meditating on the preciousness of peace, meditating on the grace of this world.”

The prophet’s voice slowly lowed in this short and meaningful prayer, and it was like the sky before the storm, sending out deafening encouragement.

“People of the Exodar, celebrate this era! Celebrate what we have now! This is the best era! This is the era of hope that belongs to us.”

“On the summer day, the longest day, the stars and the holy light will remember our dedication and hard work, and we will also remember the enlightenment they gave us.”

“The new life begins!”

As a result, the entire square was plunged into cheering happiness and joy, which made Azshara a little uncomfortable standing outside the square. Whether in the past or in the present, her understanding of **** was incompatible with the prophet, but even It is as expensive as Azshara, and I have to admit that the prophet’s voice and everything in front of him can’t help but embrace this beauty.

“He is a truly kind man, a brave man, and a wise man.”

Dick said with emotion beside her, “The exiles of Argus should be thankful that they have such a wise leader.”

“You have such a high opinion of him?”

Azshara glanced at Dick unexpectedly, curled her lips, “In my opinion, he is nothing more than a magic stick who plays faith.”

“Oh? Will a **** stick take the initiative to seal the evil he can’t defeat?”

Dick shook his head, he let out a sigh of relief.

“As for my evaluation of him, of course, this is my fellow traveler.”

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