Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 675

Chapter 29 .The curtain opened!

Argus’ day was not so good for the creatures on this land.

Due to the loss of the world barrier of the planet, all kinds of cosmic rays can easily enter this world, and after the continent is fragmented, the ecological cycle of the entire planet has collapsed. Except for the undercurrent hidden deep underground, there is almost no drop in the entire continent. Liquid water, even the wind, bombarded everything on the earth with scorching heat.

It is impossible for mortals to survive here, and the Krokuen tribe in the barrenest region would not survive if they hadn’t found the big crypt in the ground.

Compared with the scorching heat of the day, at night…no, this world has almost lost the difference between day and night. Except for the Mac’Aree region, the whole world is almost under the dark green eternal night sky. Of course , If you simply divide it by temperature, the night here is even more unbearable than the scorching heat during the day.

The ultra-low temperature of more than 40 degrees below zero, most demons can not tolerate this temperature, they are more willing to stay in the camp to “warm up”, so the night is always the best time for infiltrators.

Edwin VanCleef stands on the plain beyond the hills of the Krokuen tribe. His black leather armor is shining with a deep lavender light. This is a sign of the activation of the constant temperature circle. In this way, people can freeze to death. Under the low temperature, they must use this magic circle to protect themselves.

He and two other stalkers from the Assassin Alliance were digging on the extremely frozen ground in the quiet night. They dug a shallow hole with difficulty, and then carefully took the six in their arms. The prismatic beacon was buried in the pothole.

The door to the world opened by the Sargerite Keystone does not require location guidance. It only needs to know the coordinates to transmit across the stars. This was one of Sargeras’ treasures when the Pantheon still existed. Teleportation is rough, this thing itself is not for single use, it is a strategic time and space treasure, is responsible for teleporting an entire army to another place.

At the cost of being broken, this treasure can even change the position of an entire planet. In the game, Illidan used the Sargerite keystone to forcibly drag the world of Argus to the planet of Azeroth.

This is certainly a brave move, but considering the circumstances at the time, it is understandable to do so.

The infiltrators have already received the news that the Azeroth advance army is coming. They must arrange their access points in advance. The portal opened by the keystone is located in the universe. Entering Argus from the universe requires a precise node to proceed. Traction.

This is also the reason why Van Cleef worked hard in this deadly cold night. After burying the 7 beacon stones, the constant temperature circle on their leather armor has reached its limit. Edwin finally raised his head and looked at this place. Outside the desolate and broken dark green plain, the faintly visible legion forging camp was shining with star-like light.

This land made Edwin feel fear from the deepest depths of his heart. There is no hope, no future, no life, nothing… He can’t imagine how the world would become if Azeroth became like this. miserable.

This is also the same thought of many infiltrators who once dismissed the situation outside the world. They didn’t know how terrifying **** was until they entered hell. They stayed here to protect their world and not to become the present. The hell.

This is a natural sense of mission. Even the most fierce villain will feel this heavy after seeing such a strong contrast. Even a villain will not want to live in hell, at least at this moment. , The warm light of Azeroth is like a beacon in the darkness, inspiring these dark walkers who are fighting in hell.

“Okay, let’s go back!”

Edwin retracted his gaze and said to the two people around him, “Tomorrow, this place will be a different one.”

The two comrades who didn’t even know their names nodded suddenly. They were also looking forward to the hope that tomorrow, whether it’s destroyed or changed, let it come, let it give this **** world, give this already In a world that has lost everything, it would be better to change a little bit more.

The three people disappeared into the complex and hideous mountains in the Krokuen area. Behind them, there was nothing but depression.

Yes, it won’t be too far…

Nest is an Eredar second lieutenant stationed by the Burning Legion in the Krukun area. He is carrying 12 demon guards, riding on the demon dog, and conducting border patrols once a day.

He was a newborn born 17 thousand years after the “Day of Darkness”, and he is still only 8,000 years old. In the Eredar civilization, he is an out-and-out young man. When he was a child, he was unbearable with physical demons. Before Hua’s parents committed suicide, they had described to him the appearance of Argus more than 25 thousand years ago. The memory has been very vague, but Nest can still vaguely remember. The parents said that the world at that time, and It’s not as cold and cruel as it is now, nor is it that you must be under the same starry sky with the devil as it is now.

They said that at that time it was a warm scene with the sun shining on the earth. At that time, under the leadership of the prophet Velen, the entire Argus world was thriving until they were bewitched by Kil’jaeden to believe in the Dark Titan and look forward to the Dark Titan. Befall.

“The worst thing we have done in our life is to listen to Kil’jaeden’s stupid prophecy… we have to make atonement for Argus…”

This was the last sentence left by his parents before committing suicide. Nest knew that his parents were not the only ones who could not stand the demonization and the darkness of the world. In fact, before he was born, there were thousands of Ai The Ruida people chose to end up in pain.

But Nest will not, because he has never seen the sun shining on the earth. From the time he was born, Argus has been like this ghost. It is said that you can see it in the ruins of Mac’Aree. Sunshine, it’s a pity that it is the necropolis of the Eredars. It is an unknown place, followed by a place with a very high military level.

As Lieutenant Nest, he could not enter there.

The generation of Nestor doesn’t like everything about Argus, but they don’t hate it, because they have not experienced the taste of light. They were born in hell, thinking that **** is everything in the world, so naturally they can’t talk about the legendary light. Longing for them, they live in this broken world in a chaotic way, follow the Burning Legion to conquer other worlds, some people choose to become demons.

And a cowardly young man like Nestor, they are more willing to live so muddled.

Riding a demon dog to patrol the Krokuen area is a meaningless job. Apart from demons, this wilderness is the stalkers of the Krokuen tribe who are as timid as a mouse but occasionally show their minions. Neither is threatening. Kil’jaeden thought he had perfect control of the world of Argus, but it was not.

At least Nestor knows that the Krokuen tribe can persist in the Krokuen area for 25 thousand years, not only because of the terrain, but many new Eredans sympathize with them. Yes, they are demonic. But it doesn’t mean that they have been demons since they were born. This is a process of transformation.

Nest himself is also one of them. He has let go of those injured Krokuen stalkers more than once. He feels so hostile to each other that it is silly to kill each other. There is no deep hatred between them, so he even more Willing to open one eye and close one eye. This attitude made Lieutenant Nyster a small “celebrity” on this border. This is probably the reason why he has not been promoted after being stationed here for 500 years. One.

Lieutenant Ereda couldn’t help but grabbed his arm. The scarlet, covered with all kinds of **** skin, there was a large crack on the skin. The wound was barely bandaged with the skin of a demon hound. It was an assassination not long ago. A memorial left to him.

I don’t know since when, those “shadow killers”, the demons called those guys this way, and their activities became more and more frequent. It is said that in the Antoran Wasteland, those guys even dared to fight frontal against the regular army, and Destroyed a large military base, the second lieutenant could not imagine how they did it, but the assassination made him remember.

It was in the command room of Camp Gucoto. Nestor almost watched the human who jumped out of the darkness. Within 2 seconds, he cut the neck of his cruel and cunning boss open again. How did it re-enter the shadows before the Demon Guard could react.

That hideous wound that bleeds outwards makes Nest feel a bitter cold when he thinks of it now. It’s not that he hasn’t seen how the succubus and Shiva of the Legion kill in the same way, but that human being… is disappearing. Before, that human glanced at him, the kind of cold, without any emotion, just let the Buddha look at a piece of flesh in the eyes, which is still unforgettable by Nest.

He had never thought that a weak person with a height of less than 2 meters and a weapon similar to a toothpick could have that kind of eyes and that kind of killing intent, making his whole body like an ice cave. Yes, Nai. Stout knew that he could survive not because of how strong he was, but purely because the killer was unwilling to waste time on him.

These fascinating **** would only choose those high-powered demons to start. A little rookie like him would not be selected by them. This made Lieutenant Nyster feel fortunate and have another unforgettable sadness.

“But that’s fine, at least I won’t be sent to the battlefield.”

The second lieutenant mumbled to comfort himself, “At least you don’t have to face the barbarians in the wild world. It is said that the legion has failed 3 times in one world…Don’t send me to the battlefield, I will be scared to death… .”

However, the cowardly ensign did not know that he did not have to go to the battlefield, but the barbarians in his mouth had already arrived.


The dark green energy storm bloomed in the starry sky outside the world of Argus. It was not the same as the last sneak. This time the keystone was opened more wanton and rampant. It even kept shining and spreading in the sky, just like It’s like the flowing water in the star field, eventually contaminating the small half of the starry sky into a giant star field portal.

Among the tens of thousands of monitors in the world of Argus, among the panicked screams of countless demons, a golden city shining endlessly appeared slowly from the dark green portal.

Dick and Odin are standing on Valarjar’s Glory Square. Behind them is Velen with nostalgia and complexity, Illidan with cruel face, guardian ready to go, and cold as frost. Uther and his disciple, Mishilsa Anel, who carried the recast Swords of Frostmourne, the Death Lord.

Behind these people are neatly organized, armed and armored heroic legions. The moment they were born, they fought for the last hope of Azeroth, and now, their battlefield is here! Their glory, their existence, their meaning is here!

On this planet where everything has been lost.

After all, Valarjar’s area is limited, and they can’t take too many people, so those who can stand here are all elites.

“we are coming…”

Dick looked at the dark green planet in front of him, and he breathed a sigh of relief, “Argus…”

“Fight here to the end! Waiting for the real decisive battle to come!”

Odin waved his hand, and after positioning the accurate beacon of the teleportation, the entire Valarjar shone in the air as a golden shadow, disappearing into the star field, and in the furious roar of Kil’jaeden, the entire world of Argus All the legions were also moving frantically towards Valarjar’s landing point in the Krokuen area at the same time.

This is an invasion, this is a slap in the face… Velen is back with a group of invaders.

He is going to kill them! He swears!

For others, such as the infiltrators who got out of the crypt and the warriors of the Krokuen tribe who got the news in advance, this city that fell from the sky meant a glimmer of hope in the dark, although it was faltering, But it is a real hope.

For others, such as Lieutenant Nyster, who stared dumbfounded at the golden city floating in the sky, this was truly bad news.

The era of change appeared in front of Lieutenant Nest in a devastating way, and his fate, as well as the fate of this world, became blurred.

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