Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 676

Chapter 30 .confused

People who have seen the light will not be able to tolerate the darkness, and those who are born in the darkness will not think about looking for the light.

This is the rule of human nature. Whether it is a demonized Eredar or a human being, all creatures, as long as they have a soul, will have this kind of thinking and embarrassment.

When facing a life and world completely different from before, it is as if you are standing in front of a door. Will you push it open and walk into it, or will you turn and leave and return to your own dark hell?

Fate will torture everyone, but fate is obviously too harsh for Lieutenant Nest, and it almost appears before him in an unselectable way.

At the next moment when Lieutenant Eredar and his demon guards were stunned at Valarjar, who suddenly appeared in the sky with terrible spatial fluctuations, the light of teleportation flashed on the ground of Krokuun, look. When the figure came out of the light, Lieutenant Nyster’s first reaction was…Run!

Must run!

The invincible will die! If you don’t go…it will die!

The second lieutenant drove his demon dog and galloped wildly in the opposite direction. This reaction saved his life. The 12 demon guards who were still staying in the same place were in the next moment by the warbow of Holy Light opened by the Valkyrie Valkyrie. The shot light arrow penetrated through, and died on the spot with a pitiful posture.

These ordinary demon guards are not the opponents of the golden Valkyrie Valkyrie at all. From the biological level, at least elite-level demon warriors can fight against these angel-like militant creatures, and lose more and lose less. .

After all, it is Valarjar’s Valkyrie Guard, Odin’s most trusted armed maid, and her combat effectiveness is exploding.

But Lieutenant Nest’s escape route was forced to end in less than 10 seconds, when the first skull dragon carried the indifferent Uther and Mishilsa Anel from the panicked Nest. When the ensign flew over his head, the ensign even slumped on the back of the demon dog.

He saw the big one and the small two in black armor, black cloak, and a crown of black thorns. They stood on the head of the fierce bone dragon. Uther did not pay attention to an escape at all. On the body of the demon, and Death Lord Anel glanced at him curiously.

The moment the blue undead fire looked directly at Lieutenant Nest, the cowardly soul of the Lieutenant even felt a wave of fear and cold rising from the deepest part of his heart.


The Vrykul heroes descended from the sky, and Gavincent, holding the Dragon Slashing Axe, stood in front of Lieutenant Nest and his dog with his arms. The Lieutenant saw the golden figure with a height of more than 3 meters, and he bit it. Tooth, urge the demon dog to speed up.

“Go away!”

He shouted in Eredan, “Let me pass! Bastard!”

But unfortunately, Gavincent didn’t understand. He looked at the vicious demon hound with its mouth full of teeth and disgusting scales, and the one lying behind the demon hound. Ereda demon, he saw the fear and panic swaying in the demon’s eyes, and he snorted coldly.

This is a coward…

“Give me…come down!”

Just when the dog’s teeth were about to bite his neck, Gavincent raised his fist and hit the dog’s head with a punch.


The demon dog couldn’t even make a wailing sound, its head was hit on the ground by the heavy fist wrapped in golden anger, the ground appeared cracked, green blood was splashing, and the hard head of this fierce creature was directly It was blown up by this blow, its body twitched, and Lieutenant Nyster was thrown out, and he rolled several times on the ground. He got up from the ground dizzyly, and it was oncoming. A dark red axe blade, that sharp blade, and the whistling sound of the cutting air made Nester horrified to the extreme.

Is this the legendary barbarian?

It is so powerful! Damn barbarian! Most importantly… he is dying! He is dying!

Nest looked at the fast approaching axe blade, and in the next moment his head would be cut open, and then the corpse would be thrown in the wilderness. This terrible ending made the ensign’s fragile mind collapse to the extreme, the string in his heart. After the explosion, he turned his eyes and he was so shocked and dizzy.

And Gavincent’s axe also stopped in front of the ensign’s forehead. It was not that the heroic spirit could not get his hands, but that he had received a strange order.

“Gavincent, bring the Demon Eredar in front of you to Valarjar!”

Lieutenant Nest did not know that he had taken a life, and he did not even know that this kind of escape from the dead was more because he had been adhering to the kind of “open one eye and close one eye” in the past few hundred years. Attitude.

“Are you sure he is the Eredar who has let you off many times?”

Dick looked at Chief Hatton standing behind him. The Chief was very respectful to Dick. He nodded, “Yes, respectable manager. Lieutenant Nestor is a very famous guy in Crocoon. He Being squeezed out by his colleagues is because he is a “demon” but has an unnecessary “kindness”. He even turns a blind eye to our actions to save our compatriots.”

The paladin’s eyes narrowed. This is how he was thinking about a problem. He rubbed his chin and looked at Gavincent who was dragging the ensign’s arm and dragging him towards Valarjar.

“In Eredar society, are there many people like Lieutenant Nester?”

Hatton pondered for a moment, then nodded.

“A lot… It is said that among the Eredars born in the ruins of Mac’Aree, there are many young people like Nestor. They have not experienced the era before the darkness, and most of their parents are unwilling Obeying the rebels of Kil’jaeden and Sargeras, the most important thing is that the ruins of Mac’Aree is the only place where there is still sunlight. We tried to win them, but Kil’jaeden’s eyes are everywhere… .”

“Very good…This shows that they are not broken to their bones, and they still have the hope of being saved.”

Dick opened his eyes, turned and said to Velen, “Then this young man will leave it to you, prophet, I know you have an unspeakable guilt for your world, so just before it is completely destroyed, Save more people who are worth saving. I will also send you the Gemini. They will come in handy.”

Velen nodded, and the black crystal rosary in his hand flicked quickly.

“I will do my best to do this, thank you for your kindness, Dick.”

The Paladin didn’t answer, he just saw another kind of hope from Nestor, Argus’ hope. After experiencing so many things, Dick would no longer judge the good and evil of a creature by his simple appearance. , What he values ​​more is the soul.

Dick raised his head to look at the dark sky of Argus, and the light of the starship had already been experienced in the distant place beyond the sky.

Kil’jaeden is on the move!

“Purge the ground demons in the Krokuen area as quickly as possible and prepare to welcome Kil’jaeden’s welcome!”

Dick quickly gave a big order, he sighed, his figure turned into silver light and disappeared in place at this moment, the next moment, outside the sky, a silver lightsaber shot up into the sky, followed by It was the large group of flames that lit up, and then the second one.

The ground troops of the heroic spirits used Valarjar’s sky gate as a guide. The first wave of heroic spirits fell from the sky and hit the center of the Gukoto camp. The demons who had just received the invasion instruction had not had time to prepare before they were ready to go. Head-to-head war.

Their opponents are no longer the natives who will be frightened by their faces, nor the weak soldiers, standing opposite them are the heroic spirits who are not weaker than them, the body of steel, the will of steel. , More skillful combat skills than them, more crazier combat posture than them.

They have not been able to defeat them in ten thousand years, and now they are here!

The moment Gavincent cut the first demon warlord into two halves, the frantic battle kicked off.

The Gu Keto camp persisted for 37 minutes before being moved to the flat ground by the heroic spirits. The earthlings who followed immediately began to manipulate the ground, creating the first wall on the barren Krokuen land, and the mobilized Kroo The young people of the Kuhn tribe also participated in this kind of construction with a very fanatical attitude.

Chief Hatton brought reinforcements, and he promised everyone that after this battle, those who are willing to leave Argus will be allowed to live in a world with abundant supplies, and they will be placed in the Nagrand Prairie. Until they find a new planet suitable for their survival.

Hatton’s prestige in the Krokuen tribe has reached an unimaginable level. His words will not be doubted. This almost directly hits the hearts of those suffering people who have been trapped for 2 years in these difficult times. That is the softest. In the corner of, although when they saw Velen appear, the old people cursed him frantically and even stoned him, but after Velen knelt on one knee and apologized and promised, everything became orderly stand up.

The broken ones who are accustomed to suffering are tolerant, especially after Velen returned to Argus alone. This sincere attitude has undoubtedly won the approval of most people, as well as the expectation of a new life. After the view of Gran Meadows, after Hatton and Velen promised, everyone was excited.

The most exciting thing in the dark is to see hope. Even if they have to withstand continuous attacks for up to 2 months, how many people can persist until the end?

No one knows… but at least at this moment, they are brave and hopeful, which is enough.

For Lieutenant Nyster, who had just awakened in Valarjar’s camp, the ups and downs of fate were undoubtedly too drastic.

He opened his eyes in the dizziness, and what came into sight were two women, Eredar, sitting in the front chair. They were so beautiful, so noble, so… wait, this Isn’t Kil’jaeden-sama’s adjutant?

Nest’s blurred eyes became horrified at this moment. The Eredar twins are well-known in Eredar society, but they are more of a notoriety. The young Eredars are more willing to tell how they are. How to brutally kill those compatriots who are not willing to obey, and how to torment those dregs who dare to oppose Lord Kil’jaeden.

Yes, it’s all notoriety.

As an Eredar who joined the army, Nestor had naturally seen Gemini, but the current Gemini seemed to be different from what he remembered.

They are still so beautiful and so tempting, but the magic patterns on their bodies, those magic patterns that were supposed to represent shadows and flames, have turned into a kind of golden…warmth, making Nest wonder what to do Describe the feeling.

Well, this Eredar otaku, who is different from ordinary Eredars, said that he didn’t hate this feeling.

“you’re awake…”

“Nest-Oris, you have been selected…”

The faces of the Ereda twins are almost exactly the same. Except for the different skins, they are almost carved out of the same mold, and they have a special frequency when they speak. After one person finishes speaking, the other will immediately pick it up. The complete words are often said by two people together.

“Pain, betrayal, perplexity…”

“Hate, suspicion, confusion…”

“This is the cornerstone of everything…”

“This is the backbone of everything…”

The Gemini spoke to Lieutenant Nestor in the same tone as the Buddha’s ritual. They have said these words countless times, and the ensign can recite back and forth, but to the surprise of Nestor, after saying this, the tone of Gemini But suddenly turned,

“But that has passed…forget these…”

“Yes, we found… a force worth following… that is a truly great force.”

“Re-believe in the Holy Light, Nest Orris…”

“You will become like us, and return to noble like us. The foul energy has defiled us…”

“This is the second redemption… it’s our only chance!”

“Believe in the Holy Light!”

Lieutenant Nest did not know how his future destiny would be turbulent, but at least for now, his expression was….

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