Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 683

Chapter 37 .In Azeroth of Steel

“I hate this kind of gathering…I might as well kill a few demons and move my hands and feet when I have this time.”

Garrosh took out a few dried fruits from the fruit plate in his hand and threw them in his mouth while chewing, while complaining to Bain who was sitting next to him, “A group of heroes from Argus is fighting in full swing, but we are here to deal with it. These newcomers are really disappointing.”

The Warsong Chief is talking about the second batch of Azeroth commanders who were stationed in the world of Draenor. Compared with the first batch of generals and marshals who came to learn Star Wars, the number of the second batch of commanders with the army is too much. Too much, 700 low-level commanders from all races and forces are currently gathered in the training ground of Netherstorm, and they will be trained by the officers here.

As for the intermediate commanders, they were sent to Shadowmoon Valley, where they received personal teaching from General Turalyon. It is said that the mages used the new knowledge imparted by the Ethereals to establish a special “learning hall”, and the flow of time It has been slowed down to 2:1, that is to say, those who will serve as ground commanders in the Argus War will have 60 days of study time, which these low-level officers cannot enjoy.

This is why Garrosh complained about it. Although the combatants who had expeditioned to Xiakan had poor experience in star field combat, they were also drawn to the generals from the dwarf. They were veterans who had participated in the Battle of Xiakan. I have flew between the stars and seen a wider landscape, and fortunately, low-level commanders don’t need to know much in the Argus War.

To sum up, they only need to tell the steel soldiers under their command, where to go, how many to kill, and then complete the combat instructions of the superior. This is actually no different from the war in Azeroth. The only thing to learn is the starship combat rules and All kinds of new weapons that cannot be used in Azeroth.

Everyone knows that there is not enough time, but the most noble people in Azeroth have been fighting in **** for a month. If they procrastinate, they will really look a little different. You know, Dick is gone. It means that they can be presumptuous, and there is still a planetary will in Azeroth.

Who dares to make Elune angry? That’s the rhythm of destroying the country every minute.

“I said, you guy is not dead… I heard that during training last month, your shuttle almost hit the ground. You are really dead.”

An unceremonious voice came from behind Garrosh, but the orc warlord was not so angry. Without turning his head, he stretched out a finger and shook it.

“The little lion of Wrynn’s family, what’s the point of eloquence, don’t forget, you haven’t fulfilled the gambling agreement we made in Xiakan last time.”

Anduin, who was in uniform throughout his life, was embarrassed once in a while. Yes, during the Battle of Xiakan, the two of them, who were both commandos, made a bet to see who led the team to kill more demons. As a result, at the end of the war. , Garrosh won, although the difference is not much, but if you lose, you lose.

For characters of their level, it is not enough to deny the results of the battle, but don’t expect these two guys who have blood feuds to give each other a good face.

The relationship between Anduin and Garrosh is very special. They are not friends, but when fighting in Outland, they will not pull out each other’s hatred to do some meaningless liquidation. The rulers of Varian and Thrall have a kind With a special tacit understanding, they seemed to intend to keep their hatred in their generation. For Garrosh and Anduin, they didn’t inculcate too much vendetta thought.

Azeroth was destined to walk into the starry sky. The soldiers felt this when they were in Xiakan. When they flew far enough away from the world, all the hatred inside Azeroth changed. It’s not worth mentioning.

Anduin and Baine have a very good relationship. They have been good friends in the past few years. The tall Tauren Chieftain and the prince of Storm City gave each other a hug without hesitation in the eyes of many low-level commanders. , Even if Anduin’s height can only reach Baine’s chest, this chatting and laughing scene still stimulates some old-school commanders.

“His Royal Highness, please be respectful!”

A major in his 30s yelled that there was an undisguised hatred in his voice, “They are tribes, and standing by your side are the descendants of the murderer who killed your grandfather, the great Majesty Ryan! You should aim your weapons at them, not hug these beasts!”

If Varian was standing here, the major would certainly not be so righteously accusing him, but Anduin is only the crown prince, and only 17 years old, just a child, so these have not heard much about His Royal Highness. The commanders of the deeds are not so afraid, or respect him enough.

After all, it was Anduin’s young and excessive face that gave them an illusion: this is just a child, and they might be able to brush up on him, especially when Anduin made this under the public. When it’s obviously indecent.

There is never a shortage of self-righteous and bold guys in any world. Of course, it may also be because this major’s prejudice against the tribe is too deep. People of their age have just experienced orc wars completely, and there may be blood feuds in their hands. It is not easy to reverse the bad impression of the tribe.

And the commanders of the tribe are the same. Thrall, such a wise orc, is often called “soft” by these rude guys. In essence, they are not my race, and their hearts must be different. We We can’t ask everyone to look at all this from a higher position.

Anduin was not angry because of the fierce opposition from the major. The war career gave him a calm temperament, while Dick’s years of teaching instilled in him a more sensible way of doing things. Garrosh himself did not. Will be angry because of this human major’s insults, when a real fighter knows how difficult the opponents they face, in order to win, they can sacrifice all personal honor and disgrace.

“The bet should be fulfilled…”

As Anduin passed by Garrosh, the orc chewed on the pickled dried fruit while whispering, “I’m giving you this scene. Conquer them. Don’t let them choose! We are running out of time.”

Anduin’s footsteps stopped for a moment, then he nodded slightly, changed the direction of walking, and strode towards the front of the auditorium, where a loudspeaker was installed, when he stood in front of the loudspeaker , The commanders of the Alliance shouted one after another, while those of the tribe kept booing.

In these people’s eyes, Anduin was able to speak on behalf of the Alliance, which meant that the Alliance had overwhelmed the tribe, but in fact, Anduin was only a participant, and the real training camp ruler hadn’t come yet.

“Okay! Stop it, whether it’s the Alliance or the Horde, stop the noise you make! Now, immediately, immediately!”

Anduin’s extremely impatient voice, the low voice peculiar to young people, spread throughout the auditorium with the help of a loudspeaker. In front of him, 700 soldiers wearing different uniforms and different styles were immediately in an uproar. But before they could react, Anduin began his speech.

He wanted to say those words that had been held in his heart for more than a month, and wanted to tell all his thoughts to these people.

“Before the arrival of the 11 captains including Brigadier General Matthew and His Majesty Thaurisson of the First Fleet, I will spend 5 minutes explaining my impressions of this war and you.”

“I know that when most of you received the dispatch order 3 days ago, you didn’t even know what Argus represented, where you were going to be transferred, or even what you would face. I will tell you now!”

“The night elves suffered the first invasion of the Burning Legion ten thousand years ago. The number of demons that invaded was 30. They swept the Azeroth before the Great Sundering, whether it was the Kaldorei Empire or the Pandaren Empire. , All chose to escape or collapse under this power that does not belong to this world!”

“That was the first time that a demon pierced Azeroth with their fangs, and that time, Tyrande and Lord Malfurion paid for the destruction of the Well of Eternity, and ended it with a method similar to a surprise attack. After the battle of the ancients, from the comparison between the enemy and ourselves, we lost that battle!”

“And it’s a terrible loss!”

After Anduin finished speaking, the night elf generals who came here with General Barnes and Shandris Feathermoon were in an uproar, but Anduin’s story has attracted everyone’s attention, even The tribes who hated him also listened to this as a good story. After all, they were all soldiers, and everyone liked the topic of war.

“Ten thousand years later, 20 years after the Dark Portal, the devil launched a second war against Azeroth, the Battle of Mount Hyjal, and many people here have participated in that epic war. We used to fight The demigods of the wilderness and the dragons fought together, and finally paid most of the destruction of the World Tree, and repelled the Burning Legion led by the great demon Archimonde.”

The prince’s indifferent eyes swept over everyone present. He saw inspiration, cheers, contempt, and hatred. He continued,

“In the battle 8 years ago, the Burning Legion dispatched 350,000 demons. The most powerful group in Azeroth was almost everyone wounded. The night elves had more than 200 casualties. We won by 7:1. In World War I, the great devil died in battle, and it has not been resurrected until now. That is a tragic victory!”

“Two years ago, the Burning Legion used 230,000 demons to invade the world of Draenor. You may not have participated in this battle, or even heard of it, because we did not inform the bottom officers of the various forces in the world, but I want to What I said was that in that battle, fewer than 20,000 Azeroth soldiers died. We wiped out 230,000 demon soldiers. Under the leadership of Mr. Dick, the First Fleet was dominated by rookies with almost zero experience. In the expedition to the world of Xiakan, I personally participated in that battle. I was the first group of foreigners to land on the land of Xiakan in Azeroth.”

Anduin stopped to give everyone some reaction time, and then he continued,

“In that battle, we won. We liberated a civilization that was enslaved and enslaved by demons. It was a real victory. But then we learned that the Burning Legion’s stronghold in this starfield, the great demon of the Burning Legion, Kilgar The planet Dan and his Destruction Legion are on is the hometown of Argus…the draenei!”

Anduin took a deep breath.

“They are planning to launch an unprecedented offensive. The goal is to make them smash and sink Azeroth three times. That’s why they have the Argus strategy. We must attack them before the devil burns the flames of war into our world. In their world, a decisive battle is launched in their world to win life for our world, but the most important question is, do you know what we are facing?”

All the officers fell silent. Of course they wouldn’t know. All the information about Argus was top secret, and Anduin didn’t need their answer. The prince grinned with a mocking smile.

“There are 1,800 demons in the world of Argus, and if you count you, we only have 18 soldiers to march. This is the most elite force that Azeroth can use at a time. That is to say, each of you has to hack to death 100. Devil, we can win! And this is only their ground troops, outside of the planet Argus, a starship formation that is so huge that you can’t imagine it is parading all the time!”

There was a dead silence in the audience, and even the most violent orcs closed their mouths. Not every orc is Grom and can face 100 demons without changing their faces, and Anduin’s blow continues, cold. The voice came from his mouth, and it shook everyone’s heart.

Where he did not see, the 11 captains of the First Fleet had arrived, but Brigadier General Matthew stretched out his left hand with white gloves and motioned everyone to keep quiet. He looked at Anduin who was speaking there. , A look of appreciation appeared in his eyes.

This little lion of the Wrynn family can be called the leader of the next generation. The prince trained by Dick himself is definitely better than 99% of the people in Azeroth, but what is commendable is his warrior. An unyielding heart is worthy of being an excellent person with Wrynn’s blood flowing in his veins.

“This time, the total number of fleets that Azeroth can send is less than 100 ships. We have to break through hundreds of times the encirclement of starships and drop soldiers on the frontline battlefield of Argus. The most optimistic statistics are about a quarter. One or even half of the starship, the moment it just jumped out of the star field portal, it would be destroyed by the devil’s artillery fire, together with the us riding on it…that is, there are at least 200 people here, and even Argus’s land cannot be stepped on. It will fall into a strange starry sky that is extremely far away from home with a smashed attitude!”

The coldness of Anduin’s words from his bones silenced everyone. This was the result he wanted. He sighed.

“But don’t worry, if you are destined to face death, I and the orcs sitting over there, we will die before most of you, and we will be the first to jump into hell.”

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