Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 684

Chapter 38 .Under Azeroth of Steel

In the auditorium of Voidstorm, the voice of Andu’s cause and effect continued to echo.

“But don’t worry, if you are destined to face death, I and the orcs sitting over there, we will die before most of you, and we will be the first to jump into hell.”

Some alliance generals exclaimed. This kind of noble person’s expression made them frightened, but before their voices sounded, Anduin raised his left hand to signal them to be quiet, because he hadn’t finished speaking.

“Most of us are the lucky ones who have survived the chaotic war of more than 20 years. Whether we want to admit it or not, Azeroth will eventually go to peace. In addition to our heroic warfare, there is also Dick. The efforts of the husband and his guardians, their significance to this world is definitely not just a group of high-ranking “gods”, they are the true guardians.”

“More than a month ago, they left Azeroth and went to Argus for an outpost war. You may not know the reason. I can tell you that they are winning the final repair and learning for us, as well as preparing for the war. time!”

“The true nobles and true heroes of this world, including the draenei prophet Lord Velen, are fighting in the devil’s hell, and every second we have now is their life in exchange for! ”

Anduin’s voice became louder,

“I don’t understand why at this moment, when the blood of the most noble is flowing for us in hell, we have to fight against each other because of hatred. It’s ridiculous! Everyone, this is ridiculous!”

“I have never denied the existence of hatred. As the major said, I have never forgotten that my grandfather died in the hands of an orc assassin, but for my country and for my world, I am willing to These hatreds are hidden in my heart. After the more vicious opponent is defeated, I have enough time to deal with these hatreds.”

“I know that recently in every country and every force, there are some very irresponsible sayings: Let those gods die. This world belongs to us, and the Argus War may just be their own words. Scam… I also know that many of you are supporters of this statement.”

Anduin’s gaze became fierce, and the cold killing intent developed by the killing radiated from his body, making the soldiers sitting in the first row feel the change in Anduin’s mentality.

“If here, in this training ground, I heard any such saying, I will send you to the military judge, I swear by my blood and my last name, I will do it, no matter you are Whoever, no matter what contribution you have made to your country, no matter how many enemies you have killed, I don’t allow anyone to slander true heroes on my territory.”

“What conspirators with ulterior motives will eventually get is a cold noose. We will not let them go. As for you, you are soldiers. You must live up to your vows when you joined the army and the uniforms you wear.”

“You can’t see the darkness because someone has propped up the light for you. You don’t feel desperate. It’s because someone is holding on to your hope. You get it easily. It’s because the nobles are carrying the weight for you!”

Anduin raised his fist.

“But should we enjoy all this for granted? After the guardians and heroes died in Argus, should we rely on a group of cowards who only know how to sit and watch the sky to defend our world and our people?”

“Mr. Dick is my mentor. I respect him as much as my father. He has taught me through years of precepts and deeds, what kind of person I should be and what I should do.”

“He told me more than once that this world will be ours, because we are the main body of the Azeroth civilization. Whether it is humans, night elves, dwarves, or orcs, we are the most important thing to make up this world. Part of it, but our responsibility, our innate mission, should not be shouldered by the noble ones.”

Anduin slammed his fist on the table, and made a dull sound, like a bell exploding in everyone’s hearts.

“I want to shoulder my mission and responsibility to my world and my people. Now, it’s time for me to move forward! I will take the **** paratroopers of Stormwind and jump into the battlefield of Argus in the first second of the battle. Here, we will fulfill our vows, we will first jump into hell, and then fight in hell, for victory! For hope!”

“If I am timid, if I am weak, if I dare not do that, if I violate everything I say, anyone in the room can kill me…because I was no longer worthy of my last name. , Not worthy of the blood flowing in my body.”

“This is what I want to say. This may be my last voice in this world, but I won’t regret it, because I know what a great war I want to participate in, and I know what my future will be like. The greatness of the world, I will not fail all of this, and I will not escape destiny.”

Anduin retracted his hands on the table, straightened his military uniform, and then gave a standard military salute to the 700 officers present, and then strode off the podium. Garrosh and Baine were the tribal instructors. Representative, at the moment Anduin stepped off the podium, he stretched out his hand and held Anduin’s hand together.

“What Prince Anduin said is what Baine and I want to say. We will also take the great lads of the tribe and jump into Argus during the war. I will take over the glory left by my father, and I will become the tribe in Argus’ first battle flag, and I won’t regret coming here!”

Garrosh’s voice also spread throughout the hall, and in the midst of silence, he summed it up in one sentence.

“I was fortunate enough to fight alongside Mr. Dick. I have seen his steel-like will and dedication to the world. I will follow him and become a steel-like Azeroth. I will let those demons know, What is Azeroth like steel!”

“We can be destroyed, we can be killed, but we will never be defeated!”

Silence… then thunderous applause.

Brigadier General Matthew looked back at the captains standing behind him, his very delicate beard and eyebrows raised.

“Did you see it? Brothers, those kids said to build a steel-like Azeroth, I think we have fallen behind.”

“You are behind, Matthew, I won’t!”

Thaurissan carried his hand of the Balrog on his back. The dark iron dwarf emperor seemed to like the sense of conquest of sailing in the void. Until now, he was still the captain of the Hill. He patted his chest.

“I think Wrynn’s little lion said it very well. I even hanged a bunch of garbage advocating negative war a few days ago. I don’t know what they heard from there, but since the war is about to begin. , Then let us take these children and beat those demons into the water!”

Matthew shrugged and strode towards the hall.

“Of course, I had planned that way.”

While the war commanders were madly studying in Outland, some special and important things happened in Azeroth that would not be known to ordinary people.

Ulduar’s star dome hall, after Dick took away most of Ulduar’s guardians, the place was deserted. Dick gave the rare first death order, not allowing Jaina and Leah. Delin went to Argus with the army. He himself had no idea about this battle. He didn’t want his wives to take risks together.

This caused the two people to feel very bad. It was not so easy to imprison the archmage and the heroic paladin. Dick simply blocked Ulduar’s authority and locked the two of his favorite people in Ulduar. Of course, this is a strong protection. If he can come back, everything can be explained. If he can’t come back, at least he can leave something in this world.

Liadrin’s follower contract was finally cancelled by Dick. He was afraid that if he died in battle, his soul would be annihilated and Liadrin would die with him, but this made the Elf lady almost crazy. Fortunately, Velind, who had also encountered her, accompanied her, otherwise Liadrin, who had always been dignified, would be going crazy.

But today, these very bad girls gathered in the Star Dome Hall uncharacteristically. A lady with an unclear face sat in the position that Dick often did, whether it was Jaina or Liadrin. Vilind, who was still jumping off, all respected her very much.

Yes, this is Elune, the Protoss Titan. In Ulduar’s special environment, she can achieve this kind of short-term liberalization. Today, she appears here to welcome the important person who is about to return. .

No one spoke, they had been waiting here for 10 minutes, and at the end of the 11th minute, the light of the star dome hall flashed, and Algalon, the observer of the worlds, appeared in it, but this one The Titan creation made up of stars all over his body, but his body became soft and fell to the ground.

There are still scary wounds caused by magical energy on his body. It seems that his return from Argus is not smooth, but even though he is exhausted to the extreme, Algalon still struggles to put his hands in front of Elune. , In the palm of his hand, there was a green leaf-like halo floating.

“You did a good job! Algalon, you didn’t live up to this world!”

Elune stood up. She did not immediately accept the halo of green leaves. Instead, she poured a part of the pure world origin into Algalon’s body. The observers of the world did not speak, but the face on his face The unclear expression, but it represents a certain kind of glory, yes, the glory that is difficult to tell.

He shouldered the most important task entrusted by Dick. It only took 1 day to return to Azeroth from the Argus star field, which almost exhausted all his energy. He urgently needs a rest now. He brought the Titan Spirit of the Creator back to Azeroth!

The most important goal of the war between Dick and the Guardians has been achieved. They only have to persist until the expeditionary army arrives, and Elune’s finger gently taps on the green leaf, accompanied by the origin of the world. Infused, Iona’s consciousness that had fallen asleep due to lack of power slowly awakened.

Accompanied by the special rhythm of life, at this moment, the wild demigods that exist on the entire Azeroth land have their eyes turned to Ulduar’s direction. These existences that bring life elements to the extreme are the most sensitive to life. of.

A truly great man has descended on Azeroth!

“Wake up, great creator…”

Elune held her hands under the green leaves, letting the pale green light wrap her hands, “Wake up, this world needs you… The Pantheon needs you…”

A soft groan rose from the blade, and the light and shadow of the creator slowly emerged outside the blade. A life stronger than Freya could touch Ulduar’s Titan at the moment it was set. The city uttered a roar, and the Buddha was welcoming her.

After the Argus star field was attacked by Kil’jaeden, Iona helped Dick recover from her injury, and fell asleep due to lack of power. When she opened her eyes, she didn’t know that she had arrived. Azeroth, but when she saw Elune in front of her, the still confused creator immediately recovered.

“Elune… The Pantheon is up, is it really you? This is… Could it be that…”

“Yes, Creator, this is Azeroth, sheltered by the Wall of Stars, thank you for helping me.”

Elune leaned slightly, and the founder stretched out his hand to lift her up. As a kind-character Titan, she didn’t care about these pompous gifts. She took a deep breath and felt the vigorous growth of Azeroth’s life, she sighed with emotion. To,

“Elune, you have an enviable civilization… and a warrior like Dick, this is your luck, wait… I smell chaos, Dick told me that you have cleared the existence of chaos, but How can there be…”

Sure enough, he is the master of life. With just a slight sweep, you can see the darkness hidden under this world, Elune has a trace of sadness.

“That is N’Zoth, one of the minions that chaos put into this world, its body has been wiped out, but it uses a special way to connect itself with a demiplane of life. Although Dick blocked the demiplane, he still couldn’t stop it from bewitching mortals through dreams…In fact, it has now caused a lot of trouble in the mortal world.”

“Those stupid mortals who claim to have received the “oracles” preach against the guardian system. They want to give up their aid to Argus, but they are suppressed by the wise rulers. But if things go on like this, I’m afraid the mortal civilization of this world It will still be poisoned.”

“Just lost the body and saved the soul?”

After hearing Elune’s troubles, Iona smiled slightly. Although she was still weak, her face showed a win-winner smile, “Then leave it to me… If the rule of that plane is life. , The guy named N’Zoth, he will regret it.”

“I can’t treat a good boy like Dick badly…I will let him know that it chose to keep the soul and infect life, what a stupid decision!”

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