Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 685

Chapter 39 .Blood Battle of Argus

“The emperor’s will must be executed!”


The heavy hammer in Taixi’s hand was accompanied by the roar of the giant construct creature, and the head of the abyss lord who rushed towards him directly slammed into its deformed chest, splashing with flesh and blood. At the same time, there were more than a dozen heavy ones. The weapon hit various parts of Taixi’s body, splashing a series of sparks.

The construct creature let out a happy battle roar, and the warhammer in the hand danced with both hands and rotated crazily in place for three weeks, smashing all the demons who were close to it and trying to destroy it, and the most unlucky one was in the air. Passed a distance of nearly 300 meters, and then landed in 7 different places.

Not every lord of the abyss is a terrifying guy like Malonos. If that were the case, the Burning Legion would have occupied the entire universe. More demons would never get tired when facing this group, and would only die because of their injuries. Or the steel soldiers who were forcibly replaced from the front line, they do not have the advantage!

Jian Xi led the Iron Legion to fight on the battlefield farther away. The bodies of these two heavy structures loyal to Dick were covered with blood stains from the devil. Among Ulduar, they were transformed into them by Mimiron himself. With a body of steel, they are worthy of such glory.

Every time Jian Xi’s long sword swept, it would separate the demons around it with one blow, but even if they fought desperately, the number of demons still did not decrease.

“Stupid steel, melt it!”

Hoarse spirit fluctuations sounded in Jian Xi’s heart, who swept his sword. As a high-ranking warrior with his own soul, Jian Xi immediately realized that a powerful enemy had appeared!

His steel left foot frantically lifted, and then crashed on the ground. The shock wave brought by the powerful force shattered the surrounding ground at this moment, smashing the demons around him into dizziness, and Jian Xi’s The sharp blade never swayed empty. He felt the feeling of the sharp blade brushing these ugly souls, the touch of the body being torn apart, the cruelty of the passing of life.

His sword arc finally smashed to the right side of his body. At the moment when a dozen demon heads flew up, a shadowy space gap was torn apart beside him, and a monster almost entirely composed of shadows was blocked with sharp claws. Jian Xi’s strength went through Qianjun.


The shadow’s claws collided with the blade, and the vibration caused Jian Xi to retreat three steps, while the monster stomped on the ground, like a beast, leaping towards the steel giant.

Wherever it goes, everything is surrounded by shadows, and the devouring shadow fire burns everything around!

Including the demon in the same camp as it, this is a beast through and through, even if they have a higher hunting mind than the demon, it has fel stalkers, those twisted, crazier and more powerful legions than the Hellhound The shape of the stalker is like a twisted orangutan, but it does not have wings behind it. The purple shadow energy radiates vigorously in the wounds where the wings should exist, disturbing everything around and devouring everything.

It does not have the face that a hound should have, but it is more like his creator inlaid a more fierce and ugly white bone in its face to make it look more hideous. Its head is black, curved and curved. Dangerous black long horns, the tail that flicks is a scorpion-like barb at the end, and its strong and powerful claws are covered with pure shadows, and the Buddha is part of its body.

This is a more powerful hunting dog. From its body, Jian Xi smelled the breath of the top hunter.

Under its white bones eyes, there is crazy destruction. This shouldn’t be the look that a beast with a soul would have. Someone forcibly twisted it!

“I am… Shatug… for Sargeras… for the master… to tear you apart!”


The crazy impact caused Jian Xi’s body to sway, but he did not fall, and Shatoug’s claws had been buckled into Jian Xi’s steel body, just as it shouted when it appeared, full of corrosiveness. The shadow force melted the steel, and the claws were constantly torn off, and the melted steel splashed on the battlefield like a liquid, making the devastating demons afraid to approach.

Not afraid of Jianxi, but Shatoug, this belongs to Sargeras’ favorite shadow hound, this crazy hound is like the most savage existence in the world of Argus, so the demon of the legion knows it and its evil brother, The flame hound Farge, their twisted body and soul, exist purely for killing, and they don’t care who the prey is, they are purely for fun.

Even demons are afraid of them, and even like this **** beast being killed by the same **** steel swordsman!


Jian Xi’s sharp blade pierced the shadow hound Shatug’s body accurately and tore the wound open, but this hard weapon was also corroded by the shadow in the hound’s body, but this blow caused Shatug to The beast was completely angered by the damage!

It was gripping and biting frantically. It was powerful and arrogant. It couldn’t shrink back to this kind of beast. Jian Xi’s front chest was almost completely torn apart. Fortunately, he was a man of steel and didn’t feel pain. He raised his fists high, and hugged them together, like a heavy steel hammer, slamming against Shatug’s ugly face.

It’s like a roaring god!


There was a crack in the white bone mask on Shatuge’s face. It felt threatened. It took the initiative to abandon Jian Xi, stepped back, bite off the head of the abyss lord who was caught off guard next to him, and slashed its heart with its paws. , Threw it into his mouth, and the bite creaked, and the cracks on the mask slowly disappeared.

And Jian Xi ignored his body that was almost torn by the shadows. He picked up two demon warhammers from the battlefield. To deal with this kind of beast that can manipulate energy, a blunt weapon is better!

He and Shatoug faced each other in the empty battle circle and moved. In the end, Sargeras’s hound couldn’t stand his bloodthirsty, and took the initiative to attack Jian Xi, and then was knocked down by a hammer. On his head, when it comes to combat skills, it is too far behind.

While Shatug and Jianxi were fighting, its evil brother, the Flame Hound Farge, also found Taixi, who was guarding the second line of defense, under the high wall called Krokuun’s Wall, but Compared to Shatug, its luck is a bit worse.

Jian Xi is good at combat skills, while Tai Xi is more inclined to crush by force. This can be seen from his weapon. Tai Xi’s war hammer is almost as big as his body. As soon as Farge threw out from the crack, Taixi was hit by a hammer on the head and flew away wailing.

Regarding Kil’jaeden released Sargeras’ hound, Dick didn’t care at all. It was just a corner of the battlefield. He stood in Valarjar suspended above the sky, holding a silver-lit sun spear in his hand. , Wherever support is needed, the Sun Lance will fly to where, Odin has already gone to the ruins of Mac’Aree.

Uther and Mishilsa Anel awakened a large number of Eredar remains over there, forming Argus’s Scourge Legion, helping the Krokuen battlefield to share a lot of pressure, otherwise the It is impossible for Rokuen’s Wall to last for 30 days.

“Kil’jaeden is in a hurry…”

Velen stood behind Dick. He looked into the distance. The demon’s superiority still existed. However, under the tenacious counterattack of the Iron Legion, they could not quickly defeat this tough one without using large starships. Expedition.

“I heard that Uther killed the portal guardian of the Burning Legion in the ruins of Mac’Aree… This must have made Kil’jaeden feel the pressure and lost the portal to the world, plus the assistance of the Light Legion. , He had to turn his gaze there, they could not bear the terrible consequences of losing the portal.”

There was a trace of worry on the old prophet’s face, and Dick knew what he was worried about.

“If he insists on moving his main force to the battlefield of Mac’Aree ruins, based on your knowledge of Kil’jaeden, how likely is he to order the demon starship to launch an attack from between the star fields?”

Dick rubbed his fingers and asked in a low voice. Velen closed his eyes, and the black gemstone rosary quickly turned in his hand. The Atama crystal shard that he hung around his neck was suspended in the soul song that could predict the future. In the air, Velen opened his eyes after a moment.

“It’s 40% possible… But if I stay here, because of his hatred of me, he would be more willing to avenge himself… So, what I worry about is that he is desperate to destroy Mac’Aree with a starship… If the portal is completely lost in the case of.”

Velen’s expression was solemn and surprisingly peaceful.

“In the previous contact with him, I seemed to have seen certain fragments. Regarding the future, the prophecy told me that the relationship between Kil’jaeden and Sargeras is not as close as we thought… They are more of using each other. , So once Kil’jaeden realizes that Sargeras will punish or even kill him, he won’t sit still.”

“Well… I hope my Ethereal friend didn’t deceive us on our life-saving gadgets. If the things Haramed sells to us are useful, we can at least gain time to escape… The Sargerite Keystone is still there. In our hands, this is really fortunate.”

Dick turned his attention back to the battlefield. The Iron Legion was definitely the best soldier he could find. They were not afraid of casualties and were able to carry out the commander’s orders to the extreme. Their will was the same as their bodies, just like Composed entirely of steel, it will never flee, even at the last moment, it will do its best to die with its opponents.

Dick’s only regret was that he couldn’t give this group of fighters real wisdom. This was done by consuming Titan energy. The Titan energy in the Origin Furnace could not be used at will. In the end, he could only create this batch of steel soldiers.

Judging from Dick’s original intention, he was unwilling to treat it as a pure consumable, even if it was just a basic group consciousness, but in the current situation, he had to be cruel.

He brought only 15,000 steel soldiers and nearly 1 heroic spirit. The latter is more powerful, so it is used as a reserve team, while the former can only be used as a consumable.

And now, the Iron Army has only the last 3,000 people left. They have been fighting in Argus for 30 days! In Dick’s gaze, Sargeras’ hound couldn’t please even face the most powerful steel warrior under his command.

When Taixi smashed Farge’s head for the third time, the two badly beaten beasts were about to flee. Dick shook his head and waved with one hand. Two silver lights pierced the sky and pierced the beast. The torn portal smashed into pieces, pierced their bodies, and then they were beaten wildly by Jian Xi and Tai Xi who had caught up.

“Huh…the two hounds are just Sargeras’ playthings. What I am even more worried about is that Kil’jaeden suddenly went crazy and threw Aggramar, which he absolutely could not control, at Mac’care. Odin is not necessarily Aggramar’s opponent. If I had to choose, I would rather face him in person…”

Dick clenched his fists, stretched out **** and waved behind him. A few seconds later, Valarjar’s sky door suddenly opened, straddling the sky, and the finished heroic warrior was in Gavincent. He entered the battlefield in his roar and exchanged the last batch of steel legions that fought back.

They will wait for the next time they play in the maintenance of the mechanical dwarf, like a flesh-and-blood grinding disc, constantly grinding, constantly exhausting the last drop of blood of these demons, and Dick seems to have thought of something, and he turned around. , Looking at Hatton who stood by,

“Chief, how is your tribe’s work done?”

Hatton leaned over slightly, “Under the earth is our territory, the administrator, only need to wait three more days, Krokuen’s Wall will become the nightmare of these demons!”

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