Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 686

Chapter 40 .Death place

Makere, here was the largest and most prosperous city in Argus. It is said that before the dark day, there were tens of millions of Eredans living here. Kil’jaeden and Velen ruled the thriving city here. Argus World.

But here is also the place where Dark Titan Sargeras landed in this world, and it was also the place where Argus was first destroyed.

Not all the eredars are willing to give up their belief in the Holy Light. These minorities chose to flee the moment Sargeras descended with billowing darkness. They finally gathered in the city of Mac’Aree and opened it up. The holy light barrier of this great city, the most powerful energy shield that an Eredar can make.

No one knows if this thing can stop Sargeras, but other than that, they don’t know how to fight against the Dark Titans, and they don’t know where to go… This is the worst, like crazy thinking. People who want to escape from **** do not know that they are already in **** and cannot escape.

These ants, who dared to reject Sargeras’ dark gift, did not anger the Dark Titan. They were as small as dust in the Dark Titan’s eyes. Sargeras just waved his hand gently, and the unimaginable energy overwhelmed everything in Mac’Aree, everything. Everything, together with the city and the people who took refuge in it, became the current ruins, even torn from the ground, lifted into the air, and turned into a lonely and dead place, but it also escaped. After the catastrophe on the continent of Argus.

Sargeras created the largest cemetery of Argus to show his great power. Since then, no one dared to resist the Dark Titan. He successfully took in all the power of Argus and killed him.

Even the eredars who have been transformed into demons will have emotions, anger, sorrow, and emotional ups and downs. They don’t want to approach this place full of eredar dead souls, those souls who were killed on the dark day. Hovering over the city of Mac’Aree all day, they were unwilling to accept their own destiny.

For 25 thousand years, these evil spirits madly attacked any existence that entered here. They were so crazy that even the demons were unwilling to provoke them. Mac’Aree was chosen by the legion for its unique terrain. For the portal to move to the ground, 80% of the space movement of the demon of Argus started from here. This is almost the most important area for the demon of Argus except for the Antoran Wasteland. However, here No longer belong to the devil.

The story started 10 days ago.

No matter how bright and stalwart the race was before, it is impossible to maintain its original form after being transformed into a demon. Fel energy is the worst energy in this world. It is very powerful and will tear everything it touches. There will be no reason to distort any creature that tries to control it, and the Eredars are typical of them.

“This is a world full of malice, and it is also a world full of death. Look here, my disciple, buried under the rubble is the best soldier in the world… to you and me.”

Uther stretched out his hand and wiped it on the ruined earth of the ruins of Makere. He put the soil in his hand in front of his eyes and watched it slip between his fingers. He casually watched the dozens of Ai rushing towards him. Ruida warriors, with their crimson skin, deformed and distorted bodies, and long horns, look almost exactly the same as the Demon Guardians. Their height is 3-4 meters. Compared with them, Uther is like a dwarf.

But in the magical world, whoever is strong and weak is not just a matter of body size. The Eternal Silencer takes down the buzzing death ruling from behind. This dark red bone sword is already impatiently trying to make a massacre. But it was held in Uther’s hand, and the cold blue-black hand armor held the hilt without a trace of tremor. In the warm sunlight of Mac’Aree, he breathed a sigh of relief. The hoarfrost that was visible to the naked eye was almost about to Everything in front of me freezes.

“Hey, Hey”

Two swords cried. Standing beside Uther, Mishilsa Anel, who looked like a young man, drew out the two long swords from his waist backhand, and the colder frost almost condensed in the sun. It became the essence, like two white dragons of ice, entwined around this young man in black armor and a crown of thorns.

“Give them to me, mentor.”

Anel took a step forward. He looked very much like someone’s face in the past, and Hao’s undisguised indifference and disgust shined, “Such clutter is really disgusting. The world is no longer saved. They are more Their world surrendered earlier…like a bunch of cowards.”

It’s a good thing that my disciple’s fighting spirit is high. In this terrible world, even the undead’s senses will not be too good. As a creature that has died and exists in another form, when it enters here, Wu Thiel could feel the kind of existence that no one else could feel.

The kind of irritability that rippling in the air and rippling under the world is like an already mad beast, who doesn’t care who the opponent is, just wants to pursue a crazy fight, and loses all reason.

This world is not dead yet…but it has encountered something more terrible than death. Under the influence of this inexplicable existence, almost no creature in this **** place is truly peaceful. Demons originate from blood. The deep irritability is just one reason that makes them aggressive, not even the main one.

“If a mortal enters here, it may not take three days to completely go crazy.”

Uther sighed with emotion, and then squeezed the bone sword in his hand on the ground. At the moment the blade touched the ground, the white frost spread wildly around, even in the warm sunlight. The slightest pause, the demons had rushed to a place less than 20 meters away from the two masters and apprentices, and they even raised their spears.


As if he did not see the danger, he closed his eyes and said in a deep voice,

“Follow your heart, Anel, there is nothing more important to the undead than this.”


The not-so-sturdy body of the Death Lord who got the permission immediately rushed out from Uther, like a cannonball out of the chamber, and even caused an air-burst. Even though the former Lich King was only in this new life There was a seed of strength left in his soul, but under Uther’s careful cultivation, the reborn Necromancer and the reborn Frostmourne in his hands had restored their original sharpness.

Maybe not as domineering as before, but time and time belong to him, and sooner or later he will become stronger, stronger than everything else! This is the leader of the future night watch, and this is the future of the undead!

Uther, with his eyes closed, did not go to see the fighting of the demons that Anel could not mention. He was like an old man with a dream, and whispered in a cold voice.

“Death will not be weak, it will not dodge, it will not give you time to breathe…”


The sharp blade of the reshaped Frostmourne left-hand sword, wrapped in ice, brushed the front of the Eredar demon’s neck, like a comfort between lovers, but wherever the blade went, The thick ice cut its throat, as if it had its own life, growing outward from the wound, quickly, and before life escaped from the body of this demon, it was with this overwhelming force. The demons were frozen together in an icicle.

It’s like a sculpture, a sculpture of ice.

“Death will not lose its goal, and will not choose to be silent…”


The two blades intersected, and around Anel’s body, a white ice storm visible to the naked eye began to circulate, frozen, and enveloped everything around it, like the vast snowflakes on the Northrend land. That is where Alsace died, and it is also The place where Anel was reborn.

The sword is like a dragon. Under the icy will of the manipulator, the two ice dragons rushed to the left and right with their teeth and claws, turning the Eredar demon who tried to sneak into two heavy ice blocks.

And the tall demon who tried his best to block Anel’s double-edged slash, a trace of fear flashed in its violent eyes. How could this young human like an ant have such a powerful force?

The devil’s feet pierced the ground. It couldn’t move. It could only watch the first dazzling ice blossoms that grew, and then moved quickly to the sides, eventually spreading to its arms, and its body was frozen. It doesn’t feel good, but it can’t help it, it can’t even howl.

“Death will not linger in the past, nor will it look forward to the future…”

Anel’s body walked forward from the demon who maintained a resisting posture, leaving behind 7 icicles completely frozen by the ice storm. Among them were the bodies of the Eredar demon who tried to besiege it, without a trace. Scars, but lost his life in the rapid low temperature.

Behind him, the black cloak was scattered on the ground, but it was not stained with even the slightest trace of dirt. Wherever he went, thick ice spread on the ground like an open flower.

He held two almost identical long swords in his left and right hands, slender and lighter than the former Frostmourne, but the coldness inherited in his bones and the absolute manipulation of death remained unchanged.

The eight demons standing opposite him have already sprouted and retired. They are not foolish fools. The current situation has proved that this guy is not easy to mess with, not to mention the old man behind him who closed his eyes and chanted Buddha poems.

It looked like a ruthless character.

And Uther’s long poem about death is not over yet.

“That is the absolute justice of time, everything has death, that is a symbol!”


The long sword in Anel’s hand slammed down when he was far away from the demons, and the sharp blade slashed through the air, bringing up the ice storm entwining around his body, roaring and rushing in a life-giving posture. The opponent ahead is like a curtain of ice, cones and ice storms, under this warm sun, it is like a blizzard falling from the sky.

Howling wind strikes!

“You have to bow down to death!”

The storm around Anel has swelled to the extreme, and the howling ice blows heavy snowflakes swirling around him. Except for his different physical posture, he is almost exactly the same as the Lich King before.

“You have to sing death!”

The life-like ice storm swept everything in front of him, but wherever he went, the demons who flee in a hurry were too late, and contact was ice.

“You have to incarnate as death!”

Bright icicles formed again, and the wailing of the devil broke the dead silence here, but it could not hide Uther’s last voice.

Anel leaped up, the most demon was like the most frightened chicken, turning around madly and fleeing, but Anel’s body jumped into the air, two bright dragon wings composed of frost spread behind him. Open, under his immature appearance, there is a heart of a full-fledged hunter.

He looked at the fleeing demon with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. After reaching the highest point, his body fell quickly, like a prey eagle.

“In the end, you have to transcend death!”


The heart of the last demon was pierced, and the ice-cold ice flower burst out of the wound at the moment its heart was pierced, covering its tall body completely, and the purple wailing soul was entwined on the long sword. Greedily ate into the sword.

But at the same moment, in the most central location of the Mac’Aree ruins, four portals opened at the same time, and the dark green portals, which looked like a rift in hell, pierced the screams of countless demons. Roar, they are eager to kill, eager to swallow everything.

A tall female Eredar demon was the first to walk out of the portal. She was wearing heavy armor, and her eyes sparkled with substantial magical flames. She also wore a magic helmet on her head, the demon. The top of her sharp horns was like steel lit by dark green flames. She looked at Anel, and the 15 icicles standing on the ground beside him, and the demons full of fear in them.

She shook her head, and finally set her eyes on Uther in the distance. She stretched out her hand and pulled out a crimson halberd from the void. The blade on the top of the halberd was dark red and deep, like a fragment of the world. general.

She flicked her fingers, and three molten portals opened in the air. Behind her, there was a more crazy aura, the breath of the demon lord from the other three worlds, behind her The dark bat wings opened and then closed slightly.

“I am Hasabel, the guardian of the portal of the legion, you are very strong… but this is my territory, even the light legions dare not to disturb me… so, are you ready to die? ”

Uther opened his eyes, and he breathed out a pale, cold breath.

“This is your place?”

“No… this is the place of the dead, this is the place of death, this… is my place!”


At this moment, death is calling, it is dancing, it is roaring, under the ruins of Mac’Aree, the resentment that has been buried for 25 years is given substance at this moment, they are laughing wildly, they are neighing.

They… finally can get revenge!

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