Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 687

Chapter 41 .Death vs. Attack

Hasabel used to be a student of the Argus Awakener Academy. The place that exists in her ancient memory is not too good. It has a strict system. For students, it is like a prison. It takes enough credits to graduate, and those who fail to graduate from Awakener College will be ridiculed ruthlessly.

Hasabel has no such troubles. When she was an Eredar, she was a very lonely guy, but with good grades, and students with good grades generally have greater ambitions than scumbags. Called ambition, she aspires to be a real strong, eager to leave her name in the history of Argus.

Ambition requires strength. This is very clear to Hasabel. Unlike other classmates, Hasabel, a silent girl, does not reject the attributes of strength. For her, as long as she can change herself She has no choice but to get stronger power.

And good students can enter the eyes of teachers faster. At that time, the Dean of the Awakener Academy Kil’jaeden quickly discovered Hasabel’s special talent, and he pulled it into his camp. When the dark day fell, Hasabel was the first Eredar to accept the power of Sargeras.

She got everything she wanted as she wished, and then began to use this latest power to cross all worlds, shredding the bodies of the weak, shredding their worlds, in Eredar’s demon warriors, Hasabel is not The strongest, but she is definitely the most soldier-like.

Ruthless, precise, knowing what she should do, and 100% able to complete the orders of her superiors. Therefore, after thousands of years of warfare, she became the garrison and manager of the Mac’Aree space transition zone. Everything that is fierce has won glory for himself, and guarded the gate to the world for Kil’jaeden and Lord Sargeras.

This is the supreme glory.

The reason why Argus can become the base camp of the Burning Legion in this star field is because of the existence of this portal. Countless demons go to the realms through the portal and carry out crazy destruction. Here… this is except for Antorus. ·Besides the Burning Throne, the most important strategic location for the entire Argus.

The number of demon legions stationed here is not too much, but they are definitely the elite of the elite. As Hasabel said, even the sincere Light Legion dare not attack here easily, but today, she is deserted. Thousands of years later, finally ushered in the first opponent.

There were only two weird guys, one old and one small, standing in front of her. Hassabel could tell at a glance that their bodies were already dead, but they were no different from the living. She had also heard that she had fallen in the legion. In the land of sand, there are so many undead, just like the two people in front of her, but she never took them to heart until Uther raised the hideous bone sword.

“Boom Rumble”

The earth started shaking and shaking, but it was not an earthquake… definitely not! Hasabel is capable of distinguishing all these differences. This is not an earthquake, but…something under the earth has been awakened!

She felt the threat and wanted to immediately rush to stop Uther, but at the moment she got up, Anel’s double swords were raised to the sky, and a special force shrouded in this place that had been surrounded by countless demons. , The young man wrapped in a heavy blizzard, the moment he raised his swords, the heavy storm that wrapped around his body became even more crazy, like a king standing on the highest point.

He is calling… his soldiers!

On the frozen blade in Anel’s hand, the 7 runes lit up one by one. At the moment when the last rune was lit, on the ruins, the first soldier who was awakened lost all his flesh and blood. His arm pierced the dark head.


The dust escaped, the thick, moss-covered slate was lifted, and the bone claws that were completely different from humans pierced the sky, and Hasabel’s eyes closed. If only one…

“Boom Boom Boom”

The portal guardian’s thoughts were not completed yet, and a forest of bones appeared on the ground. The dusty and majestic ruins of Mac’Aree, still majestic in the sun, were almost at this moment exposed by all the bones buried under it, and all the grudges. I opened the surface and looked at the twisted bones crawling out of the ground while shaking their bodies, watching them like a legion that suddenly appeared, completely enclosing the entire battlefield in less than ten seconds.

The faint blue undead fire was ignited, watching the bones with clothes that had long been rotten and holding ancient weapons that were broken in time in their hands, watching the skulls of Eredar’s bones burn Hassabel suddenly felt dizzy.

She turned her head suddenly, in the sky farther away, those souls! Those Eredar dead souls wandering in the ruins of Mac’Aree, who are not even willing to provoke the demons… They are here too! The dizziness just now was the wailing of these evil spirits, gathered together, it can even affect the spirit of a demon like her!

“You… can you control the power of death? Can you make them work for you?”

The portal guard turned her head, her eyes sparkled with a very interested look. She saw Uther surrounded by bones, and Anel standing in place, the young undead holding two swords, standing There, the ground under his feet separated outwards, and with the shaking of the ground, a huge, unimaginable beast-shaped white bone struggled to get up from the mud under the ground, and put Anel on his head.

It looks like a leopard, yes, Hasabel recognizes this beast, the rock shadow leopard, the special beast of Argus. It is fierce and full of power. The white bone is yellow like a stone, which represents this white bone shadow. The leopard has mastered a part of the earth’s power, but was here in that dark day.

The undead fire shining in the eyes of its black hole is like a bonfire that burns wildly, and it is not blue, but, red… as red as blood, and there is frost. The thick frost is fast in this shadow. The leopard’s bones gathered, wrapped around its paws, its bone spurs, and its tail, like a giant killing beast shrouded in frost.

It looked frightening. Anel stood on top of this shadow leopard. His black cloak was drifting outwards in the cold wind. He looked at Hasabel indifferently and watched the three heads from Hasabel. A three-headed demon lord with completely different shapes came out of the portal behind him.

“Here… our site!”

Anel’s voice was as cold as ice, but Hasabel sneered, even if surrounded by bones, even if the demons around her showed a cautious defensive posture, this powerful portal guardian did not have a trace of fear. , The magical halberd in her hand swung a few times, and a black crack that made people scalp numb was drawn in the air.

“Anyone can say big things, and you really think that relying on these broken bones, you want to break my kingdom? Infatuation… delusion!”

The moment when the last gnashing word was uttered, Hasabel’s body rushed from the ground to the elevated Anel, the hard ground exploded under the force of this blow, and her wings opened, like It was a green meteor rushing into the sky, but when her halberd swept towards Anel, it was blocked in the air by a dark shadow like a dragon that rushed up from another direction.


The bone sword of the death ruling collided with Hassabel’s halberd, and the place where the weapon was handed over exploded with the traces of space fragmentation, like glass shattered from the center, spreading in all directions, white sound bursting clouds Swinging away at this moment, Uther was holding swords in both hands, and there was no expression on his face. The dark bat wings behind him suddenly shrank, like two heavy hammers, hitting the flying up from below. Sabel.

The body of the guardian of the portal flew backward more than ten meters, her wings flapped lightly, stopping her figure in the air.

“Anel, command the legion, break here!”

Uther said without looking back, “She… gave it to me.”


Hasabel felt despised, and with a wave of her one hand, the three demon lords who came out of the portal raised their weapons one after another.

“Ukanna, guide the flames of Knossos!”

“Dahidio, brandish the poison of Rancona!”

“Elgar, open the darkness of Nathresa!”

“Take your undefeated legion, and tear me up these fragile skeletons! Kill me that little mess!”

“Yes, Master Hassabel!”

The three-headed lords were given orders and authority. The portal behind them, which was supposed to be extinguished, became solid again at this moment. What rolled into it was the three legions fighting against flames, poison, and darkness. Under the leadership of the chief lord, when they threw out the portal, they began to tear the bones outside the field.

But the bones do not waile, nor are they afraid. They only march silently. Under Anel’s command, these bones, from the dead 25 thousand years ago, are extremely powerful in the destruction of Sargeras’ dark power. Some of the resisters were torn to pieces in an instant, but even if only one tenth remained, it was hundreds of thousands of bones!

Eredars are much stronger than humans, even their bones are stronger than human walking corpses!

Infiltrated by darkness and evil energy for thousands of years, these bones are not as fragile as they seem. More importantly, in those days, Arthas, the undead natural disasters of the Lich King crossed the world, and they did not rely on high-end death knights. It’s not a powerful hatred, and it’s not a scarce lich!

They are rampant all over the world, relying on the most fragile, most inconspicuous, but also the most number of walking dead bones!

When the quality does not reach a certain limit, quantity is always the advantage that determines the outcome of the war. A demon hound with endless flames wrapped around its body smashed a boneless head with a paw, and the soul fire dissipated, but at the same time, the other ten The bone claws of the skeleton pierced into its body, tearing the terrifying hound to pieces in an instant.

The tall fel lord wields a huge axe. Each axe can chop dozens of bones, but it can’t stop the pale ocean from surging towards its feet, like ants that eat elephants, white. The bones gathered at its feet, climbed up to its body, biting its flesh and blood, like a pale sea, wherever it went, there was only a gnawed hairy corpse.

The weaker demon imps are the only ones that can escape. At the moment when the pale sea surging, these cunning little guys quickly flashed into the phase space, hiding in another dimension, looking tremblingly. The invincible army was pulverized bit by bit by the silent legion, and swallowed bit by bit.

Their silence was ridiculed at first, then valued, hostile, and finally feared!

The moment Anel took out the black helmet of dominance from his storage ring and placed it on top of his head. After he made up his mind, he glanced at it. At this moment, countless blue flames were all together. It turned into a pulsating crimson shadow.

It was like a death beast that really started to go crazy, and the voice that was changed by the helmet of dominance became colder and colder.

“Shock them! Shred them! Eat… them!”

“Ohhhhhh! Don’t be mad! Your legion is not worth mentioning!”

The wild fel lord Elgar held a large dark axe in both hands and split the bones blocking the way, and leaped towards Anel. Above them, Uther and Hassabel had turned black and dark green. The shadows are flying in the air, making it difficult to see their existence.

“These fragile bones can’t stop my darkness!”

Elgar waved his hand, and the dark frenzy exploded from the portal. Wherever the dark storm went, everything was annihilated. He laughed and slashed in the direction of Anel. What he said was actually very It makes sense. After adapting to the battle mode of the sea of ​​bones, the demons responded with spells and stabilized the situation. The bones are purely hand-to-hand soldiers. Under such an attack, they appear very fragile.

But Anel didn’t panic. Looking at Elgar who was slashing towards him all the way, the death lord’s finger lightly swiped in the air.

“The Eredars have fallen into darkness, you have become demons, you have abandoned everything… but unfortunately, you only received fel irrigation in mortal bodies, so I would say…fight for me Come on! Eredar’s soldiers!”


A demon mage who was trying his best to sway flames to stop the surge of bones was caught off guard. He was caught off guard by a mana sword pierced through his chest. He turned his head in disbelief and saw that only half of the bones had just been bitten by the bones. Compatriot Erida in the body, but the broken, **** face was shining with a red flame that had just been lit.

The demon mage stared in horror at the wobbly standing corpses around them. They were the Legion warriors who had just fought alongside them, but now… they were enemies.



The demon mage only had time to say this, and another long knife pierced his chest again. Its eyes were wide, and it looked at Mac’Aree and the sunny sky without a god. It knew that from the war dead. The moment they rejoined the battlefield, they lost.

A few minutes later, the body of the demon mage who lost all his life shook. The new will distorted its existence. It shook its head. It seemed that it was a little unsuitable for the world after death, but the voice in his mind commanded again. It became roaring, and smashed the fel fireball gathered in its hand at the demon warriors who were still resisting behind it.

A rout began.

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