Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 688

Chapter 42 .Silent Kingdom

Mishilsa Anel, this is a special existence.

His origin is very mysterious, but just from his name, it can be seen that this most teenage boy is inseparable from the Lich King Arthas Menethil, who has been lost for several years, not to mention his hands. He also has a long sword recast from Frostmourne, the magic sword that was once chopped down by Dick.

But few people in Azeroth knew the existence of this child. In fact, Arthas buried his power seed in Anel’s body when he came back to light. The child only stayed in Azeroth. In less than 15 days, he followed Uther to Draenor in the Broken World.

Dick is not a merciless person. He asked Anel to meet his sister, Lordaeron Queen Kalya Menethil before leaving. The meeting between her brother and sister is especially touching, especially in the memory of Anel. Almost only stayed at the age of 10, that was the warmest time that Kalia and Arthas had spent. The orc wars had just begun to take shape. Lordaeron was still a peaceful and prosperous country, and everything was still very good. Beautiful.

But Anel’s fate is bound to be turbulent. No one would think that a child holding a magic sword will become a mediocre person in the future. Under Uther’s guidance, Anel quickly showed something surprising and fearful. With his talent, he can control a huge number of undead without using the helmet of dominance, and the child of the Buddha is born to manipulate death.

Once in a critical moment, he took over the Helm of Domination from Uther, and in terms of control, he could even be comparable to the heyday of the Lich King. It was a terrifying humanoid natural disaster. This is also what Dick can make Uther. The reason why Er took Anel to the ruins of Mac’Aree alone… This child is a legion by himself!

The fel lord Elgar who obeyed Hasabel, the high-ranking demon warlord who controlled the dark planet occupied by an entire legion, was close to victory and was not even close to Anel and the skeletal beast at his feet. At 20 meters, he even only needs to swing the magic battle axe in his hand to slash the dark energy wave towards the **** ant, destroying him!

But after Anel relied on his amazing talents to awaken the Eredar warriors who died in battle, Elgar, driven by the more violent death tide mixed with magic frenzy, could only roar, but distanced. Anel, who is close at hand, is getting farther and farther away!

There is an invisible abyss between the two Buddhas, and it cannot cross it.

“This is the death you dismissed.”

Anel looked at the demon lords crowded on the other side by countless bones and the undead of the Eredar demon. His small face was cold and unsmiling. Obviously, he tried his best to imitate Uther’s expression, but There is not enough time and precipitation brought about by war.

But this was enough. With the number of demons brought by Hasabel, they couldn’t break through the line of the undead that was more than ten times the number of them, and could only be eaten bit by bit.

Hasabel was entangled by Uther, there was no time to open a new portal, and the three demon lords were already too busy to take care of themselves. The world they occupy is a small world, even if all the demons in their world are removed. Bring it out, it may not be comparable to the number of the undead army that is still expanding.

It is true that Anel is not incomprehensible. The most effective way to deal with this sea of ​​undead is to beheaded, and Anel’s strength is not as strong as Uther’s, but for a demon lord like Elgar , The embarrassment lies in the embarrassment. They do not have enough strength to behead Anel holding the artifact in one blow. The soul of Frostmourne after the fracture has been wiped out, and the spirit of the new artifact is still in a state of ignorance. But the more so, the stronger Anel’s control of the artifact.

After all, he has not reached the peak, and the spirit of the artifact may also affect his performance. The result of the growth of this spirit and the user is the best. The reshaped Frostmourne has the effect of the twin blades of the crystal, not only You can freeze your opponent, and when necessary, you can also freeze yourself to achieve a super defense. Among the opponents present, only Hasabel has this strength and can kill Anel with a single blow.

But she has already lost that opportunity!

“A barbarian of another world! This is my world! My home field! You can’t think of anything!”

Hassabel’s fighting stance is extremely terrifying. It has been linked to Argus’ largest world portal for a long time, giving Hasabel a part of the ability to manipulate space. The place where she stands on both hooves is a place where space is broken and dark. The broken zone spread behind her, and 5 minutes after the battle began, a small part of the sky turned into a chaotic world with shining stars.

That is the image of broken worlds. The halberd in Hasabel’s hands is even more terrifying. Wherever he goes, it is not just the space of the battlefield. Every time Uther and her weapon cross, it takes 1 second. Get out of it, otherwise it will be swallowed by the spreading black hole.

There is a conspicuous dividing line on the armor of the left arm of the Eternal Silencer. Beyond that dividing line is the strongest Saronite iron that has been cut like a knife, which is the result of being swallowed by a broken black hole. .

This kind of opponent beyond Uther’s imagination is quite tricky. It can be regarded as the most difficult enemy he faces, but this doesn’t mean Uther is below. On the contrary, the Eternal Silence is more and more courageous than ever, and his speed Improved to the extreme, reduced the collision of that weird halberd, and began to use dark spells to gain victory.

The death knight is a master of shadow magic, and Uther is one of the best. In the previous collisions, he has injected three plagues into Hasabel’s body. The painful shadow plague is as cold as the bones. The ancient frost plague and the blood plague that made the blood boil, but he did not let them erupt. On the contrary, he ordered these plagues to lurch, and the number of the plagues became larger and larger in the repeated weapon collisions.

Time… here!

Hasabel’s halberd danced towards Uther’s head, while the death knight quickly retreated like a hunting black spider. The wings behind him flapped lightly, like a dark big bat. , The whole person flashed out of the battle circle, and the next moment, where he was standing, was completely swallowed by the rush of broken black holes.

At this time, the portal guardian was like standing among the stars. She had already wiped out all the space where she stood. She regarded Uther’s retreat as a kind of weakness, but she opened her left hand. The moment a huge shadow fire hit Uther, the death knight stretched out his left hand and squeezed it firmly.

It’s like holding an invisible life.


Standing in the void, Hasabel’s complexion changed drastically. At this moment, three very different, but extremely deadly plagues erupted together. Cold sweat leaked from her skin. In the long 25-thousand-year period, this It was the only few times that she felt the bone-chilling cold, but her blood began to boil, as if it had been heated to 10,000 degrees, her mouth and tongue were dry.

It stands to reason that this shouldn’t happen to a hot-loving demon, but in the end, the pain that emerged from the bone marrow caused the burning shadow fireball in her hand to extinguish in an instant, and she herself stood there with a halberd. In the chaotic starry sky.

“It’s overcast…”

Hasabel stared at Uther with vicious eyes, but after a while, besides the unbearable pain, she gave a smirk.

“You’re good, but you can’t kill me… As a mere mortal, how can you fight against the power of space!”

Her left hand opened, and two giant rifts appeared from outside the space of the battlefield. She failed in this head-to-head confrontation, but it didn’t matter, she won time!

She can now summon her own legion arbitrarily! And Uther, he can’t stop her! Because of his body, he can’t fight the black hole spreading around Hasabel… If he attacks by force, he will die!

“Hahaha! I admit that you are strong, undead, but the victory belongs to me! The legion is invincible! You will all be crushed by my legion!”

She looked back, and the three demon lords summoned by her from another world were already in a bitter battle. The low-level undead couldn’t kill them, but they also couldn’t break through the siege by force. Anel awakened a lot of Eredar. Mage, these antagonistic guys, under the orders of their new master, use a huge amount of energy that does not care at all, and those souls who are unwilling to rest, floating in the air, and roaring without any reason, those violent souls. The undead, from the sky to the ground, blocked the road to break through.

Those undead with red light in their eyes are like crazy, surging forward with a terrible aura that does not fear life and death. When the voice and will in the mind and soul are regarded as the highest, all sacrifices are not made. There is another problem. What’s more, the undead… The undead who died in the hands of Sargeras, from the deepest part of the soul, have an instinctive aversion to demons.

After Anel released it, this disgust became the strongest command that drove them to attack.

However, after the opening of Hasabel’s new portal, more and more demons poured into the battlefield, which slowed Anel’s offense. At this time, most of the ruins of Mac’Aree became crazy. The fighting battlefield, the brutal war against silence, has already attracted the attention of the Holy Light Army stationed here.

The reason why they did not choose to join the battle was because they felt that both sides of the battle should be eliminated.

The demons of the world of cholera, and the scum playing with dead souls!

However, Uther, the master and disciple, didn’t seem to need the help of the Light Legion. Uther looked at him being tortured in the three top plagues, but because he saw hope, Haza laughed loudly. Bell, he shook his head, and raised the bone sword in his left hand. The dark red death verdict buzzed in the air for a while, and then jumped into the storage ring. This unruly magic sword is like this kind of thorny tortoise. The opponent has been irritated to the extreme.

Uther, empty-handed, was immediately ridiculed by Hasabel.

“Why, did you give up?”

General Eredar scolded in a high-pitched tone. As the death ruling disappeared, the pain in her body gradually disappeared. She took it for granted that this was Uther’s surrender, but the next moment , A dark red crystal appeared in the death knight’s hand.

Uther glanced at Hasabel and crushed the crystal.

“You… a creature dominated by power like you can’t realize… the supreme meaning of death!”

A heavy battle axe shining with blood appeared in Uther’s hand. The moment the death knight’s hand held the battle axe, the blood became more than ten times thicker, and the battle axe was also instantaneous. Attracted Hasabel’s attention.

It seems to be a bony battle axe, it is like it is made entirely of the bones of some savage creature. The double blade is the extremely rough and jagged bone blade that has been polished. It is asymmetrical, but it shows a kind of wildness. The axe handle is a bone wrapped with a red cloth strip, and it is covered with black bone spurs. The moment Uther’s hand holds the axe handle, the bone spurs are like alive, piercing fiercely. In Uther’s skin.

“Grumbling, gurgling”

The sound of horror sounded like a giant beast swallowing water, it was drawing the user’s blood! It was drinking blood, Uther’s pale skin became paler, and the bland bone blade, accompanied by the injection of blood, as the body of the battle axe, was polished into a hideous, let In the swarthy eyes of the shuddering skull, a pulsating dark red flashed, and the activated runes painted on the surface of the battle axe…

Uther raised the battle axe that swallowed his blood in front of him and held it in both hands. At this moment, Hasabel faintly heard the roar of a giant beast!

It is longing for more blood! It is devouring everything! It is roaring, it is roaring, it is eager to die, it is eager to chew life, to fill its insatiable appetite.

Magic weapon!

The real magic weapon is even more rebellious than the death ruling! The highest sacred thing of blood! Throat of the curse!

It is said that this is a weapon made by a demon, but both Dick and Uther sneered at the argument. The demons cannot make such a terrible weapon. This obviously comes from another civilization, a civilization that makes people fearful. , A civilization more powerful than demons.

“do you know?”

Uther carried the battle axe and quickly rushed towards Hasabel’s self-proclaimed invincible black hole of destruction. The moment he reached the black hole, the invisible space began to tear his body. Only 2 seconds later, Uther’s armor He was completely torn apart, and for 5 seconds, his skinny body full of death energy was cut apart, but he didn’t seem to feel the pain.

Hasabel roared and waved the halberd, trying to beat the attacking Uther back, but the death knight was not afraid of the attack at all, letting the broken power of the halberd blade tear his body into three pieces. Piece.

But at the same time, the battle axe in his hand also fell on Hasabel’s arm.

The death knight stood indifferently in the broken black hole, letting the power of the invisible space cut his body, but no matter how they were destroyed, Uther’s body was healing at an ultra-fast speed. On the contrary, it was caused by the war. Hasabel slashed with the axe on his arm.

This portal guardian who can tear all spaces can’t even speak, her still young face is rapidly aging, and her body, when the battle axe fell on her skin, chopped out the first drop. At the moment of blood, she began to be swallowed, life, the most original life.

It ate most of it and gave back a small part to Uther, which seemed to be a “reward” for him.

“It is eager to swallow it. I am not its owner, but it knows that I can bring prey to it, so I can also use this cursed weapon. You are not the first demon it eats, and you will not be the last. !”

The black hole beside Uther began to collapse. He stretched out his hand to chop off Hasabel’s head, and then put the cursed throat back into the storage crystal with difficulty.

The excessive blood loss made the death knight stunned for a moment, but when he looked back, when he threw the skull in his hand onto the battlefield, at this moment, the entire Mac’Aree ruins became a place of silence.

The demons will lose this place… This is the revenge of the dead soul ten thousand years ago. It came 2 years late, but it finally came.

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