Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 689

Chapter 43 .Broken Sword Hall

“Tread, step, step.”

A low voice sounded in this dark hall, mixed with the sound of pushing the door open, a bit rough, but in this absolutely quiet place, it seemed so abrupt and conspicuous.

This is not the first time Kil’jaeden has stepped into the deepest part of Antorus, stepped into this dark-shrouded hall, but it is certain that the great devil is absolutely unwilling to come to this place.

Kil’jaeden’s wings closed behind his body, and his red tail flicked and flicked, which represented the master’s unhappy mood at this time. Krokuhn’s confrontation has been going on for 40 days! 40 **** days! But the place is still solid, Kil’jaeden even tried to attack himself, but the combination of Velen and Dick made him return without success three times.

The ruins of Mac’Aree were also breached. Although the urgently dispatched War Council regained the most important portal area after 3 hours, the area had been destroyed quite badly, and the death knights did not know how to persuade them. After the stubborn Holy Light Legion, now those hidden mice are also pouring out… the battle for Mac’Aree has begun.

“What a terrible situation!”

The fraudster walked in the darkness, his dark green eyes flashed hideous and helpless. Although he didn’t like Archimonde very much, he now hopes that the guy is still alive and can at least be quickly resurrected because of the lack of high-end combat power. This is the most important reason for the failure of these 40 days of shame!

The expedition to Draenor caused the Legion to lose high-ranking demon warlords such as Malonos, Brutalus, and Kazzak. Even if it was a wounded one, Archimonde was used by Medivh several years ago. The last power was pitted in the void, and it hasn’t been fully resurrected yet.

Although the number of Antorus’s warlords was large, none of them could face Dick and the **** Odin. Mac’Aree’s undead army also exceeded Kil’jaeden’s expectations. Hasabel died on the spot. The creator was rescued, and the sabotage witch, who was given the heavy responsibility by Sargeras, would disappear. It seems that the possibility of death in battle is extremely high.

In the early stage of the expeditionary attack, Kil’jaeden did not believe that he would fail, but now, he has tasted the bitter fruit of failure, and the most frustrated thing is that he clearly has the weapon of decisive victory in his hand, but the big devil just can’t use it. , A large starship launched to the ground, in the current form of Argus, 70% will cause catastrophic consequences.

“It’s like playing a mouse in a glass house!”

The big devil sighed. In the current difficult situation, he must find a way to pick Dick and Odin out of the tortoise-shell defenses, so that it is possible to expel the **** who are not afraid of death.

The legion wins in numbers. Although the steel legion on the opposite side is not afraid and will not retreat, even if it is the last one, it will have to fight tenaciously. However, under the absolute advantage, more than a hundred times the number advantage, as long as the two tricky **** are killed, The Legion is invincible in this world!

“Just find an opponent who can make them unable to take care of the others, Azeroth? Huh… wait, no matter what your conspiracy! The next expedition, an assault… will level you!”

Kil’jaeden muttered to himself, Valarjar’s sudden appearance gave him the feeling at first that he was trying to rescue the creator’s Titan Spirit, but when they started fighting on both sides of Krokuun and Mac’Aree At that time, the great devil with great wisdom immediately realized the meaning behind this move.

They are more like advance troops, exchanging self-sacrifice for something, such as precious time… That world is preparing for a war!


A civilization that had just left the ground, brazenly prepared for a cross-galactic expedition to attack Argus, the stronghold of the Burning Legion, but Kil’jaeden did not think it was ridiculous. The failure of the Xiakan War had clearly told him, The King of Outland has mastered the correct use of the Sargerite Keystone, and the Star Fleet, which is inferior in that world but does exist, also has the strength to fight the Legion head-on.

Looking at Azeroth with the eyes of the past, it will suffer a loss, and the death of several high-level demons has caused Kil’jaeden to suffer enough!

This expeditionary army of less than 2 persisted for 40 days under the siege of millions of demons. This has already sounded the alarm for him. The fact that such an advance army can be used as an abandoned child in exchange for time is enough to show that it will come later. How big is the scale of the war, Kil’jaeden has already sensed the danger, and he must eliminate this hidden danger as quickly as possible.

So he came here, the deepest part of Antorus, the eternally silent Hall of Broken Sword.

This is not a good place. Even a demon of the level of Kil’jaeden will feel uncomfortable when walking here. He looked around, and the darkness here is very peculiar. It cannot be illuminated by torches. Yes, it is more like actively devouring all the light, like owning the life of oneself.

It’s very quiet here, but Kil’jaeden knows that this quietness is just the appearance. It’s actually a very noisy place…but he can’t hear it, or the owner here doesn’t want him to hear it, and neither does he himself. He was willing to hear the sound that existed invisible, but was almost immune to it, that made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Yes, he doesn’t want to hear.

“Tread, step, step”

The low footsteps continued to sound in the Broken Sword Hall, and at the moment when it reached the center, a low breathing sound sounded like a giant beast swallowing water.


This sound broke the silence of the hall, like a seal was opened, the complete silence was torn, noisy, inaudible, as if thousands of people whispered at the same time, that voice is the deepest in Kil’jaeden’s heart. It exploded, his power was useless and could not be stopped. The whispering made the flames in the eyes of the great devil violently jump up, and then fell quickly.

“Fu…every time I come here is so difficult. I really hate this place. I don’t know how you persisted. Are you interested in telling me how?”

Kil’jaeden’s voice was like greetings between old friends, but it was full of malice. The voice of the deep breath was reduced a bit. After a while, there was a tyrannical, indescribable sense of brokenness in that voice. Mixed malice, unimaginable madness almost rushed to the face.


Accompanied by the mania of the master of this voice, the invisible darkness was also dissipated at this moment, but it was more like being taken back by the existence of breathing. The dark red flame illuminated the interior of the hall, but the flame was not just ignited. , In fact, it has always existed, but all the light has been swallowed by the darkness.

The style of creation of this hall is definitely not the rough or twisted style of the devil, nor the dark green entangled by evil energy, but a dark red like rust. On both sides of the hall are sculptures of sword blades, but they are The two broken swords, and at the bottom of the hall, is a complicated pattern, which seems to have some special meaning attached to it.

But the most striking thing is the existence on the throne of burning steel sitting on the edge of the hall.

Is a giant of steel.

He wears a battle helmet in the style of Odin’s wing helmet, which is like a steel gate. He wears a very lightweight warrior armor without shoulder armor. Judging from the size of a steel creature, he looks more like a naked upper body. His skin was cracked, and blood flowing like magma could be seen inside the torn wound in the chest and shoulders.

He leaned on the throne, his fists and the armor of his legs were sharp and hideous flame barbs. When the great demon looked at it, it was as if he had seen an insurmountable peak, and there was an insurmountable peak in his eyes. What an unabashed jealousy, greed, and resentment!

This attitude can’t be concealed by those keen senses, especially the existence in front of him. He opened his eyes, and what ignited in his pupils was a real pillar of flame. It was a real tyranny. His expression was very calm, but the more It is calm, and with this chaotic and terrible atmosphere, the more weird it becomes.

It’s like a lunatic.

“Leave here…or be torn apart by me!”

The low voice sounded in the hall, and the giant sitting on the throne of burning steel did not move, and even his expression did not change. That voice appeared out of nowhere.

“In order to cast this body for you… I almost emptied my world.”

Kil’jaeden did not leave. On the contrary, he rubbed his chin with his sharp claws, and walked back and forth on the ground in front of the giant. “Sargers said you are the most important part of restoring world order, although I don’t see it. What is the use of a Titan Spirit who is extremely weak and pulled into the darkness, but…I am willing to trust him again.”

The big devil looked up at the giants sitting on the throne, nearly 10 meters high,

“Listen, Aggramar, the Titan who fell into the darkness, for you, I ruined my world, and now you should show your usefulness, the invader of Azeroth…Azeroth, Did you know? That planet that hides the Protoss and must be destroyed, yes, the invaders there have come to Argus, and there are two very tricky ones…”

“Oh… the great Kil’jaeden also has an opponent he can’t fight against?”

The voice sounded at this moment, full of sarcasm, “It sounds like you have already given up.”

The big devil didn’t care, he spread his hands and talked freely.

“I admit that I can’t beat them. There is nothing to be ashamed of. I am not the same as Archimonde. Pure strength is not very useful to me. Besides, isn’t there you? Great Aggrama, I have I can’t wait to see you break through their direction and bring them scenes of destruction and death.”

“Tsk tusk tusk, the Titan, which originally symbolized hope and the future, has now become a messenger of death and destruction. This is really ironic, isn’t it?”

Kil’jaeden seemed to be deliberately irritating the giant in front of him. He took two steps forward, his voice even lower.

“Don’t struggle, Aggramar, you have fallen into the darkness. You are not a guardian of the Pantheon. You are now a dog of Sargeras… Of course, so am I… I don’t deny this, but Don’t show off your firm will in front of me, **** it! You chopsticks!”


Kil’jaeden’s fist hit Aggrama’s leg. He was breathing quickly. The great devil didn’t know why every time he saw Aggramar, he was so angry that he couldn’t control himself. mood.

“Call … call … after three days, I want to see Croatia become a scorched earth Kuhn, go, Aggramar messenger of death, I have to go back and deal with other things, and let us destroy the battlefield goodbye Right.”

The big devil retracted his fist that was so painful, but when he turned around, the voices of those tens of thousands of people sounded again. It was Aggramar’s voice, and it sounded like a very tired fellow.

“You hate me because Sargeras ordered you to destroy your world and reshape the body of the Titan… I know this, Kil’jaeden, you can’t lie to me, you love your world, even if You keep calling it meaningless, but I can see that you love it… You actually regret it, right?”


Kil’jaeden did not answer, but strode out of the Broken Sword Hall and closed the door severely.

It doesn’t make sense for him not to regret it… He destroyed his world with his own hands, and there is no point in loving or not.

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