Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 705

Chapter 59 .Broken Protoss? Argus


The crisp sound of footsteps sounded in the fortress of Antorus, which had been completely destroyed. After the mountain was completely destroyed 3 days ago, it has become a forbidden place that the demons of the Antoran Wasteland cannot attack. Coming in, under the protection of tens of thousands of steel legions and starships cruising in the sky, almost no one on this planet can invade here.

However, the reason why the coalition forces blocked the ruins is very vague. Many commanders on the defensive line don’t know what else is worth fighting for in this dilapidated and unsightly ruin, but the task is the task, and no one will object to it. , Especially when the battle is going to the present.

The large-scale battle has ended, and now only the demon hunters are still hunting the high-level demons hidden in every corner of Argus, to receive enough high-quality demon souls for the future development and growth of Illidari With the foundation laid, the tired soldiers rested in the ruins of Mac’Aree and Krokuun’s position, and everyone was waiting for the day to return.

Although so far, there is no clear news as to when we will leave this world where there is nothing but demons, but everyone is full of confidence. They came to fight. Now that the battle is over, there is nothing. What happened to the soldier.

Unfortunately, they don’t know. In fact, the biggest crisis has never been resolved. It exists outside the world. They don’t know when it will bring the end of destruction. At least it will never come, but that is impossible.

Dick is now unwilling to think about what to do if Sargeras comes, because it doesn’t make sense. Maybe after Elune is fully mature, he can play against Sargeras, but for them now, that’s An insurmountable peak, that represents the most powerful force in this universe, in front of him, everything must be surrendered.

But before leaving, Dick had one last thing to do.

He wandered through the ruins of Antorus. The power of the gods behind him was filled with dazzling brilliance in this unusually active place to help Dick isolate those unnecessary energies, even though these energies were completely It is impossible to hurt him.

Of course he is not watching a scene of destruction here, he is looking for something, or it may be a passage, or it may be a beacon. In the message left by Aggramar, Dick found out about the existence of Protoss Argus. It proved that there was also a Protoss bred inside Eredar’s planet, otherwise, with Sargeras’ method of acting, he would most likely break Argus with a single sword instead of transforming it into the base camp of the Burning Legion.

In Dick’s opinion, this undeveloped protagonist Argus, like Elune, is actually an experimental product of Sargeras. The Dark Titan’s plan to reorganize the Dark Pantheon is definitely not a day or two. Maybe it was discovered at the beginning. When Argus existed, he had this idea, but according to Aggramar, Argus should not have really matured yet.

His current state is similar to Elune, both in a state of rapid growth, but there is still a long way to go before the individual matures, and in previous chats with Elune, Dick knew that one thing is for the Protoss The most important thing.

The growth of the Protoss depends on the civilization they carry. The more prosperous the civilization, the faster the Protoss will grow. For example, Elune, supported by the rapid development of Azeroth’s civilization, the speed of Protoss growth Almost faster than in the past ten thousand years, her ability to transform between planets already represents this growth trajectory, but Argus is not.

The Argus civilization was originally a very vigorous civilization. Under the leadership of Velen and Kil’jaeden, the progress of that civilization was beyond imagination. According to the development of such a plot, Argus should be earlier than Elune. Adults, but Sargeras’ intervention ruined all of this, and the current world of Argus was on the verge of collapse. According to Elune, the will of the Protoss should have been weakened to the extreme.

Dick has to find him, if he can, he wants to save him!

The paladin’s will searched back and forth in the ruins and penetrated into the ground, but after repeated walking several times, it failed to find even a trace of Protoss-related things. There was only a tumbling magma underground, so where did it exist?

Dick no longer wandered around everywhere, he flicked around in place, and countless golden rays of light entangled, twisted and formed behind him, and finally formed a chair on which the Paladin was sitting, lost in thought.

Elune’s form of existence is also very strange. She once said in person that she does not exist in Azeroth in the conventional sense, but there is no doubt that her body is sleeping deep in Azeroth, just a mortal. It is impossible to observe that, according to this statement, Argus’s existence must be the same.

To contact it, you have to find a place where it sleeps, but there is no underground! The inner core of Argus’ planet has been almost hollowed out by the demons. Under the heavy crust, there is a terrifying hollow, where there is nothing!

The Paladin took a deep breath. He soothed his brows and flicked his left hand lightly. The star-lit world scepter appeared in his hand. He placed it on the ground, and then closed his eyes, intending to take his spirit. Into this world, as a person with the supreme authority of a certain world, he can do this, but it is a very dangerous thing, especially in a world of broken artistic conception like Argus. If it’s not good, Dick’s soul will be damaged. After all, the object he blends into is a whole world.

But he had to take this risk, otherwise he wouldn’t even want to find anything related to Argus.

The paladin concentrated on his breath. Soon, he felt the rapid expansion of his senses. Soon, he felt himself transformed into the Antorus Throne Mountain Range under his feet. His will penetrated into the earth and reached the scorching core of the earth. But nothing, Argus is not here!

His will continues to expand outward, he feels that he has become the earth and the sky, quickly taking over everything in this world, he can feel the pain of the earth, he can feel the sadness of the eternal night sky, he can feel the already The cry of the sea that turned into a sea of ​​venom, everything he felt was the suffering of this world.

It’s hard to imagine that if there really are protagonists in this world, what kind of pain it bears now when the world of Argus is broken, just contact, Dick felt the kind of despair born from the bone marrow, He couldn’t imagine what miserable the Protoss of this planet would look like.

And there is one more thing, this is too simple… this kind of taking over is too simple. Putting the Buddha on this earth and the sky are all unowned. Dick can control them with just a little touch. This is not normal! Or is it that the Protoss of Argus has given up control of all this world, or is he too weak to control all of this?

Dick didn’t know, but neither result was very good, so he accelerated the speed of consciousness blending again. His consciousness swept across the sea of ​​poisonous fog, blended into the land of Krokuun, blended into Antoran, As he tried to pack the entire broken world into his pocket, a faint voice rang in his ears,

“You…who are you? What are you looking for?”

Dick turned his head back suddenly, of course, in a conscious state, and then he saw the shadow.

He was stunned.

It was a child, a child in a black and white dress, and it was a girl, an Eredar child, no different from the draenei children he had seen running around in the Exodar. Her face was dirty. Xiong, those eyes were full of blue sheen. When she saw Dick, she took a timid step back, as if she was a little scared.

This made Dick not know what to say for a while. In his impression, since Argus had reached such a prosperous civilization 25 thousand years ago, the Protoss of Argus should be more than Elune. Mature, at least should be the image of an adult, but unexpectedly, it is actually a cute little loli.

But when he saw the wound on the face of the star, Dick suddenly realized that she might have been the same as Elune before. As a result, because of Argus’s breaking, her strength quickly weakened, and she eventually became this It seems that if the world continues to shatter, chances are that this child may not even be able to maintain his body.

This is a child who grew up in suffering.

Her name is Argus.

“Well, my name is Dick, and your name is Argus, right?”

A smile appeared on Dick’s face. He knelt down and beckoned to the little girl, “Come on, you see that I have no ill will, right?”

The Protoss didn’t seem to trust Dick, but it came from the same aura of both parties and the authority aura bestowed by Elune on Dick, which made Argus have a natural affection for him, and he hesitated for a few seconds. After that, the little girl slowly walked to Dick’s eyes, and there was a hint of curiosity in her blue eyes.

“Why can you see me? They can’t see me? It turns out that there are many people in this world. They will come here to greet me one day of the year. I like watching them singing and dancing. They are gone, and an uncle who is just like you, but much more fierce than you, came over. He brought these demons. I hate these demons. They will only destroy. They will destroy the world and make me feel painful.”

Argus probably stayed alone for too long. After realizing that Dick was very good at talking, she seemed to confide in others, saying what she said in her heart, and when it came to pain, she stretched out her hand and touched it. After touching the scar on his face, it looked really painful.

Dick didn’t know what to say.

The fierce uncle Argus was talking about should be Sargeras… that bastard!

He sighed, stretched out his hand, and tried to pat Argus’ head. As a result, the Protoss’ eyes widened and seemed to be frightened, but in the end, he let the hand fall on her head and Dick touched it. The head of the trembling Protoss asked in a low voice,

“It’s because of the pain that you gave up control of the world, right?”

Xingling nodded and said in that kind of childish voice, “Because it is painful. Since they want this world so much, I will give it to them. They never talk to me, and I don’t like talking to them, right. , Dick, you have a smell, it smells good, which big sister is that?”

Dick immediately understood why the Protoss Argus had fallen to this point. She took the initiative to give up control of the world, which was equivalent to giving up the possibility of growth, but it was precisely because she gave up this broken world. It was not contaminated by the continued fel energy of the demons, and did not become like Aggramar. I am afraid that Sargeras didn’t even think of this, right?

When Argus talked about Big Sister, Dick realized that she was talking about Elune, and he shrugged.

“Yes, in my world, besides Elune, there is also Iona. You should have felt her breath, although you may not know her, then, Argus…”

Dick knocked on Protoss’ little head and couldn’t help but laugh as he watched her holding her head glaringly cute. He laughed and said,

“Would you like to leave here? Go to another world, Azeroth, and meet Elune, she will take care of you, don’t you remember the eredars who used to dance for you? It’s also there, where can you continue to play with them, and there is an idiot named An Wei Na Guang Ling, she has a puppy-like dragon, she will love playing with you.”

Argus was a little moved when she heard this, but she looked at Dick, tilted her head and said,

“But I feel that this place is very important, and there are those who live underground in Krokuen. When the fierce uncle was about to smash the world, I saved them, and I built a place for them. Cave, they should still be there. I can’t give up on them, the man named Hatton, if I leave, no one will protect them. They will be killed by demons! I don’t like death.”

“It turns out that you saved them! No wonder they can persist under the raging devil for 2 years, you are so amazing!”

Dick stretched out his hand and pinched Argus’s face, and smiled and said to her, “I will take Hatton and the others to Azeroth. Would you like to go with them?”

Argus tilted his head and thought for a long time, then nodded. Dick let out a sigh of relief, stood up, and stretched out his hand towards her. Argus looked at the palm of his hand, hesitated, then stretched out his hand and held Di Gram’s palm.

At this moment, Dick’s observation of the world of Argus was more than ten times more acute, and he could even hear the voice of every creature. He even felt that as long as he wanted to, he could appear in any place, just like the world. Like a king, he closed his eyes and muttered to himself,

“So this is… Is this the real existence of Titan Protoss? This feeling is really…”

“Master Sargeras, your loyal servant offers sacrifices for you… I beg you to come to this world…”

A sudden sound made Dick open his eyes suddenly, the ruins of Mac’Aree, there…there was someone calling Sargeras! And the connection has been established.

“Damn it!”

Dick hugged the ignorant Argus, his figure flashed, and he returned to the storm fortress. He ignored Turalyon’s greetings, and directly opened the highest-level communication channel and shouted,

“Owned by the Azeroth fleet! All those who perform the mission in Argus, immediately! Return to the Krokuen base immediately!”

“Ilidan, get ready to open the portal to Draenor!”

“Velen! Let everyone prepare for evacuation as quickly as possible!”

“He… he is coming!”

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