Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 706

Chapter 60 .Darkness is here, the world screams

The ruins of Mac’Aree under the eternal night seem a bit quiet and a little weird. After all, this is the necropolis of the world of Argus. Except for some semi-demons who need to draw the undead for experimentation, no people with normal brains will appear here. Even after demonization, they still have a fluctuating heart and soul. m..

But today, in the small cemetery where Archimonde’s soul stone was dug out, the excavated soil has not even been filled back. On the contrary, a six-sided, dark, engraved blasphemous rune. The altar was suspended above the barren ground. Judging from the lighted magic pattern, the altar was clearly activated.

The leader of the previous group of eredars who robbed the tomb held the heart-sized soul stone in their respectful hands, kneeling in front of this altar, and the eredars who followed him knelt behind him.

He lifted the soul stone in his hand high and sincerely placed it in the depression of the altar in front of him, stepped back two steps, and shouted,

“The great, eternal, and supreme dark Titan Sargeras, your existence itself is older than this absurd universe, and your brilliance cannot even be concealed by the omnipresent darkness and sunlight. Your loyal servant is here to show You pray and offer sacrifices to you, we beseech you, come to Argus, your glory, your legion has been defeated, this is a shameful failure, only the supreme can turn defeat into victory, can…”


A muffled voice sounded from the altar. The next moment, the bodies of the Eredars who knelt and prayed burned with black flames. They couldn’t even let out a howling, it was in the flames that ignited. At that moment, it turned to ashes.

When the abyss is condensed, the abyss is looking back at you, but it is not interested in you, because you have no meaning to it. Everyone expects that they can be rewarded by the superior, but never thought that his Existence itself is just like a grain of dust to the superior, meaningless.

He may pinch you to death because he is in a bad mood, and he will reward you with a pillar of fire because he is in a good mood. This is the most tragic thing in the world. The least valuable is probably a passionate loyalty, especially when they choose. A chaotic existence as a time of faith.

Archimonde’s soul stone slowly rose to mid-air under the traction of mysterious power. Even though the great devil was sluggish, he had already realized that something was wrong at this time. He was struggling crazily, trying to get out of that confinement. But even in his heyday, he could not be the opponent of the Dark Titan, not to mention that now, he is just a remnant soul hiding in the soul stone and lingering.

“No! No! Great master, great Sargeras, I am your loyal servant, no!”


The first sentence of Archimonde’s begging for mercy was just finished. The soul stone seemed to be held by an invisible hand, and then suddenly forcefully broke it from the center, and the purple soul escaped from the soul stone. After exiting, he could barely see that it was Archimonde’s form. He glanced back in horror, and then rushed out quickly, seeming to want to escape from here, but before he ran two steps, he was caught. The attraction that seemed like a black hole pulled towards the altar.

“Failures are not worthy of mentioning my name. You and Kil’jaeden are both failures! Become the sacrifice of my advent. This is the final meaning of your existence.”

“no no!!!”

Archimonde’s purple soul was sucked into the altar. Above the altar, a dark crack visible to the naked eye appeared in the sky, as if some powerful existence wanted to tear it apart completely and turn it into a It is the same as the door that enters and exits at will, but at the moment when Archimonde’s soul is about to be completely swallowed, a pillar of fire that lit up from the space burst out, mixed with red and silver light, that light blade general. A third of Kermond’s soul was completely shattered.

This big devil, even before he could even finish his last words, was completely dismembered by two guys he couldn’t afford to provoke, and his true form and spirit were destroyed.

Just when this sword was cut, the black rift had expanded to more than half of the sky, like a black mirror lying horizontally between the sky and the earth. Void storms raged in it, leading to the unknown, as if the next moment There must be an existence that destroys everything in strides.

But Archimonde’s sacrifice was incomplete, and another third was cut off by Dick, so this door has not been fully opened yet, but it won’t last long! The altar has been activated, and the coordinates of Argus and the place where Sargeras is located have been combined. The Dark Titan only needs a little time to accurately locate, and he can step into the world of Argus.

Standing before the dark mirror that tore everything, Dick could feel his hair being blown up, and everything around was slowly withering under the wind of the void. It was not an artistic statement. By Dick’s side, those The remaining ruins and broken walls are weathering at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they have taken away all the time they existed.

Dark debris flew in the air, blowing the cloak behind Dick and hunting, and the eternal night in the sky was torn apart at this moment, revealing a pale white light on the horizon, like the dawn of destruction general.

Just standing here, Sargeras’ aura seeps from the dark mirror, making Dick feel hard to breathe, can he really fight against such an opponent?

“You are… a new Titan? No, no, no… With this breath, you have embarked on the path of a Titan!”

Sargeras’ spirit weighed on Dick’s heart like a mountain. He couldn’t even sever this connection. He couldn’t. The opponent’s strength was simply crushed. In front of him, Dick continued to beg He couldn’t get a trace of purity. The whispers of thousands of souls made him upset. Silver-white flames bloomed on the surface of Dick’s body. With the help of the flames of order, Dick barely managed to suppress those voices. Isolated from the body.

“Dark Titan?”

Dick asked in spirit, “I have always been curious, how can you be captured by chaos with your existence? I am curious, are you really succumbing to chaos?”

“Hehe… you are the first person to talk to me like this in a long time. I miss this feeling of equal communication, but… little creature, what qualifications do you have for me to answer your curiosity? Or, when I am about to pass, you have to stand there and ask me to understand?”

Dick took a deep breath.

“I will be here waiting for you!”

“Okay! With backbone! As a reward for your courage, I will tell you…How can you defeat the devil if you don’t become a demon? How can you restrain the void if you don’t understand the void? Now…Run, let me experience it for a long time Unprecedented hunting, let me see if your existence on the path of the Titans will surprise me.”

“I will not run away! I will be here waiting for you!”

Dick gritted his teeth, the voice sneered, and he stopped responding. It seemed that Dick was no longer interested in him. Dick glanced at the dark fissure mirror, he took a step back, and walked away from the already unrecognizable The ruins of Mac’Aree, when they reappeared, were already standing in the chaotic Krokuun base.


Dick shouted. After a while, the old prophet with the redemption staff appeared in front of Dick. He was about to speak, but suddenly saw the little Ereda girl crawling on Dick’s shoulder and looking left and right. When his eyes met, Velen coughed in his throat, seeming to be frightened. He took a step back in shock. Obviously, the old prophet knew who it was.

“Hey, I saw you!”

Argus didn’t see Velen’s surprise. She sat on Dick’s shoulders and beckoned Velen, “A long time ago, you always took them to dance together. I like watching you dance, but why did you leave? Is it because of that bad-tempered uncle?”

Facing the protagonist’s question, Velen could not speak, but Dick took Argus from his shoulder mountain and placed it on the ground, then took the Protoss’s hand and handed it to Velen. He looked at Velen and whispered,

“Take her to Azeroth! Protect her!”

Velen shook his whole body, subconsciously puffed up his chest, and replied firmly, “I will use my life and soul to protect her, thank you, Dick, you really brought back important things for us!”

Dick shook his head, he knelt down and patted Argus on the head.

“You follow Velen to Azeroth, I’ll go back soon, little girl, are you willing to give me your home?”

Argus looked at Dick with his head tilted, doubt in his blue eyes.

“But I gave you home, where do I live?”

Dick smiled at her, took out the world scepter, and put it in her hand. This thing represents a part of Azeroth’s existence, allowing Argus to temporarily reside in it.

“I will give you a new home, a warm, fun, and happy home.”

Argus took the beautiful star-filled world scepter. She liked it very much. She played it over and over for a few seconds, and then nodded to Dick.

“Well then, I’ll leave Argus to you!”

At this moment, the whole world banged, and Dick’s will was completely integrated with this broken world at this moment. In Velen’s eyes, Dick’s body was elevated to an unimaginable level at this moment, just like a real person. The gods are generally terrifying.

Spiritual promotion, symbolic existence, planetary body… the last step is to complete it completely.

Dick felt that every breath he took represented the breath of this cruel world. While he controlled the whole broken world, he also endured the endless pain of this world.

The pain of the ground being torn apart, the pain of the sky being covered, the pain of drying up the water, the pain of fragmentation, and the pain that spread from the bone marrow made Dick unable to help his teeth, but His current spirit has been tough to the point of unimaginable, he did not utter a painful cry, after he got used to bearing the future of Azeroth on his shoulders, adding another planet’s suffering, it didn’t matter.

“When you arrive at your new home… and get along well with everyone ”

Dick patted Argus’ head. His forehead was covered with cold sweat. The little girl reached out and helped him wipe the sweat off. Dick smiled gently at her, “Say something to my wives for me, I Love them… if I haven’t returned for a long time, tell Anwina and let her take care of them for me, remember?”


Argus nodded vigorously, held the World Scepter in his arms, looked at Dick who turned to leave, and waved at him vigorously.

“Go back early, Dick!”

Dick waved his hand behind him without looking back, and said in the mind of Velen and Illidan, Odin,

“He will break through the Void Blockade in at most 3 hours… Go, take as many people as you can, go back… Go back to Draenor, go back to Azeroth, and bring the news of our victory. go back!”

“What about you! Dick…what’s the point without your victory?”

“If I can’t go back, tell them… Dick is dead, dying in battle with the darkest creature in the universe, what he got…”

Dick’s voice trembled, “This is my mission, this is what I should do… There must be someone to stay and stop him, otherwise none of you can leave!”

“Go! Never come back again…”

The silver flame ignited outside the paladin’s body, covering his existence in the brilliant silver-white armor, covered with a layer of flames of the power of the gods, and the bright galaxy wings behind him, as well as the top of his head. The Crown of Order on the upper side, the Holy Rune of Order surrounding his body, the Shield of Aggramar on his left hand, and the Tisharacher Flamebreaker on his right hand.

The whole world roared at this moment, and Dick’s figure was the deepest stroke in that scroll among the silver brilliance that penetrated the sky and the earth.

And outside the world, in the invisible rift in the void, the first flames began to burn.

The darkness is here, the world…sorrowful!

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