Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 724

Chapter 15 .I am back

Time is not shifted by human will, especially in the process of waiting, time passes very, very fast.

In a blink of an eye, two days have passed.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, Huron looked at the cumbersome robe he was wearing with a little frown. It was a black full-body robe with a shield badge and advice from the Holy Light embroidered with purple and gold magic threads. Retro, but in general full of a special majesty, on the wrists and neckline, some delicate laces are also made of black velvet.

On the waistband of the robe, there are also various pendants, more than 12 badges on the chest, and a silver-white ribbon.

After this suit was completely worn, it was very heavy. It needed the help of 2 attendants before Huron could wear it completely. For it, Huron woke up 2 hours in advance and barely finished dressing now.

The loyal royal butler of the Menethil family handed a magnificent scepter in both hands. On the other hand, his mother, Queen Fiona, personally put on him a crown symbolizing the prince. Not as beautiful as the other concubines of Father Huron, but her elegance and wisdom made her the queen of the Lordaeron star empire after five years of marriage.

This was decided by the Queen Kalia herself, and Huron’s romantic father did not even object to it.

“My son, look at you, he is a natural ruler!”

Queen Fiona patted her son’s clothes with satisfaction, took two steps out, looked at her son’s dress, and finally took a wooden box from the hand of the maid, opened it gently, and took out a piece of it carefully. The pendant was hung around Huron’s neck.

“This is the image pendant left by your old grandfather. Inside is a portrait of your old grandmother when he was young. This is a real priceless treasure, my child, you really are the most noble person in the world. Look at this grace, my hometown. There has never been such a great bloodline.”

The queen covered half of her face with a fan with emotion and chuckled, but Huron said,

“But I don’t think I am, queen, shouldn’t we measure a person by merit rather than blood?”

Fiona noticed the entanglement on Huron’s face. She was as smart as her, and naturally knew what her son was worried about. So she waved her hand to push her servants down, and then took her son by the hand and sat on the chair, speaking to him earnestly. Say,

“Huron, you have been proud since you were a child, and you also have the capital of pride, but my child, your pride should not be used to question yourself.”

Queen Fiona is no longer young, and the years have carved marks on her face that cannot be wiped off, but humans in Oulu have a longer lifespan than humans in Azeroth, so Fiona is older than Huron’s. His Majesty Daabad is younger, but she is no less wise than her husband.

“In my hometown, Oulu, the Morty family is already second to none, but after I was sent to Azeroth as a marriage item, I knew why my proud father wanted to My most cherished daughter was sent out as goods, because Lordaeron was strong enough! Because Azeroth was strong enough to make my country shiver.”

The queen told her own story, not as calm as she had experienced it personally,

“For the first six months, I hated this humble feeling, do you understand? My son, I’m from Oulu, it’s a backward world, I even feel that my maid is laughing at me until I occasionally be in the garden I met your old grandmother, Your Majesty Kalia.”

“I didn’t know her identity at the time. I thought she was an old lady in the palace, but she didn’t look at me with that special look. My child, your old grandmother is a really kind person, although she is very kind. Serious, and didn’t laugh at me or comfort me, but what she said remained in my heart. She told me that blood is only noble because of human actions, you know? From that day on, I no longer complain about myself. I started fighting for everything I deserve. I used my caravan to earn back taxes for the palace in five years, equivalent to one year of the empire.”

Fiona put down the fan in her hand and touched her son’s head.

“Later because of this, I quarreled with your father, but he was reprimanded by His Majesty Kalia. Your grandmother looked at me. I was shocked until she satisfactorily put the scepter in her hand. On my shoulders, after I became a queen, I didn’t even know why she chose me, to choose an outland woman who was not a good or noble woman.”

“You’re right, my child, we should judge a person by merit rather than blood, but don’t forget that the glory in your blood is not brought by you. After stripping off this layer of glory, you can Do you achieve your current merits? Your blood and your merits are not two sides of the conflict. If you feel that others respect you because of your blood, then you should prove yourself more desperately.”

Fiona knocked on the table and increased her tone, “When someone introduces you, she will not say that this is the descendant of Queen Kalia, but will say, look, this is Your Majesty Huron, Queen Kalia is His elders! Understand? My child, your blood has given you a lot, and you need to give it back more!”

“Just like me, the blood of the Morty family gave me the qualification to enter the Palace of Lordaeron, and I used my efforts to make my family blood more noble. That’s why your grandmother chose me, blood. The nobleness only means that you have to pay more. Isn’t this something that a nobleman of blood should have understood long ago?”

“I know.”

Huron sighed, “Mother, I know everything you said, but everything the old grandfather did is so great that I will never be able to do better than him in my life. I told Colonel Kelman before. It is said that His Majesty Morton is under heavy pressure, but now, I also feel the same pressure. It is easy to surpass my father, but to surpass the old grandfather… The Holy Light is on, this is simply an impossible task.”

“But you overlooked a little bit, Huron!”

Queen Fiona smiled and knocked her son on the head with the fan in her hand, “Although your old grandfather was born a mortal, he eventually became a god… and you, just a mortal, you plan to become omnipotent. Creatures? Tell me, my Huron, isn’t this the stupid sorrow of stupid mortals?”

This sentence made Huron Mousse start, he shook his head with a grin.

“Okay, okay, my mother, I’m so stupid, it’s difficult for someone like my grandfather to appear next in this universe.”

“The time is up, come with me, Huron, to greet your old grandfather’s return!”

Queen Fiona stretched out her hand, Huron respectfully placed her hand on her arm, and the mother and son walked out of the palace, where the wizards were ready to go to Ulduar’s portal.

“Queen Fiona of the Lordaeron Empire, your Royal Highness Huron is here!”

With a low sound of the name, in the Star Dome Hall, which had been expanded more than 10 times but was still full of people, everyone’s eyes turned around and fell on the queen and prince who walked into the hall. There are high-ranking officials from 137 constellations and the federal government. At the forefront is a row of legends from the Hall of Valor.

Among them, there are Kelman, Gris, Lakish, and even representatives from the insects. Unfortunately, it is not Kerruk. The insect swordsman has not healed from serious injuries. This time it was a card who came here. Laksh’s elder, the tall bug-man’s head is still wearing a beautiful mage cat. In the eye contact between Huron and the cat, the governor feels that a wise man seems to live in the cat’s body. soul.

“Meow Hello, Dick’s heir, I’m the insect king Bigworth, what are you doing looking at me? Is there anything special on my face? It’s rude! Meow Be careful I let shovel **** The officer beats you! Meow the rude human kid!”

A small voice rang in Huron’s mind, and the Governor was startled, but before he could answer, another voice rang in the star dome hall.

“Come here, Huron, sit next to me!”

It was a hoarse female voice, it was a heroic spirit sitting in the front, “And you, Fiona, come here too!”

Queen Kalia is still the same, but her slightly fluorescent skin proves her identity. Huron and Fiona walked over respectfully, and the Emperor Abad Menethil sitting at the bottom It was a bit embarrassing, but he couldn’t help it. This grandmother was too harsh on the emperor, and Abad was not like her because of her romantic and lazy nature.

Huron looked around and found that sitting on her left was another heroic lady with blond hair and a sky-blue robe. She looked indifferent and frost-like. She glanced at Huron, her eyes almost To freeze his soul, on the other side is an elf lady, the same cold as frost, but the holy light surging in her makes Huron unable to help but admire her.

These two are supposed to be the wife of the old grandfather, Jaina Proudmoore and Liadrin, and his old grandmother, uh, can be regarded as a side-by-side mistress, this fact makes Huron very embarrassed, but more The embarrassing thing is that the regular wife has nothing to do, and as a result, he is the only one left in the world.

“Don’t scare the kids, Jaina, big sister Kalia, come and have a smile.”

Three minutes before the ceremony, another beautiful lady in black leather armor walked into the first row from the side, sat beside Jaina, reached out and touched the cold-looking mage’s face, and was stunned again in Huron. In his eyes, he touched his old grandmother’s chest, she looked like a hooligan.

“Shiva, you’re still so rude, sit down and don’t shame my Dick!”

“Hey, what is your Dick? Isn’t that ours?”

“…That sweet bastard!”

“Ahem! Be quiet!”

Odin, the war manager sitting at the forefront, gave a light cough and finally persuaded the unconscious women like Dick. Two minutes later, three bright stars shot into it from the sky above the star dome hall. In the exclamation of the people present, three figures of different shapes, shrouded in starlight, appeared on the stands in front of the hall.

That was Elune the Protoss of Azeroth, Iona the Creator, and Argus, the World Spirit of Xiakan. This was the first time a mysterious Protoss appeared in front of so many people. In fact If it weren’t for the leaders of several great kings and forces to suggest using this opportunity to strengthen internal stability, the Protoss would never agree with so many mortals watching this sacred ceremony.

The characters of the protoss don’t like to be muddled. At the moment they appeared, they raised their hands, and three stars of different colors were led into the world. They were the bright moonlight, the pale green life, and the khaki. The three energies are intertwined in the earth of the world, forming a confluence over the black crystal.

“This is the shadow of the beginning of all things, the place where the holy light shines, the star disks swirl here, all things are born from this, we are here to wake you up, Dick Bronzang Tang, the eternal world manager of Azeroth , The new compatriot of the Pantheon, outside of the world and time, you have been lost for too long, too long… Wake up, follow the way you came, don’t stay, come back!”

At the nodes where the three energies are intertwined, a warm stream of light flows on the surface of the spar, permeating into it, like a handful of flowing water that has no place to come, pours it on the surface of the black crystal, until the sleeping soul has When there was a tremor, Elune waved his left hand, and a passage was opened, and the huge amount of Titan energy contained in the furnace of origin from Uldum poured on the surface of the crystal.

It was like a dry sponge being thrown into the sea, absorbing water frantically, absorbing the energy that ordinary people would melt when touched, and even felt like a giant beast swallowed water.


The inflow of energy represented the recovery of the weak Titan Spirit. A crack appeared on the surface of the crystal stone. This scene made everyone’s hearts lifted up, just like the first moment of an eggshell being opened. The cracks grew more and more, until the surface of the crystal was full of cracks, and at this time, the black crystal had completely transformed into silver white.

It’s like the senses that a gestated life is about to be born.


With the last soft sound, the silver light rushed straight into the sky, and at this moment everyone present was enveloped in it. They felt the emergence of a breath, followed by a sigh that seemed to appear in their ears.

“Fur…I’m back!”

At this moment, the earth shook and the world…recovered. 89

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