Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 725

Chapter 16 .Bright Times

You are one and ten thousand, the beginning and the end, the moment, and the eternity. You are the king of kings, the blood of all blood, and the spirit of all souls. When we recite your name, you will surely make your way and deed On the earth, it is like walking in your country.

This is a prayer often used by mad believers to sing the gods. In their minds, the gods are omnipotent. They can change the world with one thought, and make the whole world tremble when they are angry. A peaceful smile can bring the world back to peace.

Their existence is the foundation of a stable world.

But in fact, this is not the case.

Gods are not omnipotent, and their existence is not as great as fanatics imagine. With Dick’s current status as the spirit of the Titans, when he holds the power of the world, he can indeed be able to flood the sea and the earth in one year. Cracked, the sky shattered.

But after being angry, he was also unable to repair the wounds of this world, and he couldn’t create a rock that he couldn’t move. To put it sensibly, he was a strong man beyond mortal thinking, but he stood on the level of the entire universe. , He is far from invincible.

But for mortals, thinking and reason are unreliable things. People are often blinded by the shock of the surface. You can’t expect a mortal to be calm when he sees the existence of a city that can easily destroy a city. Think about it, is this a god?

For them, Dick’s existence is no longer different from a god, as long as he wants, Tisharacher in his hand can easily cut off a planet.

One blow can destroy the existence of the world. What is the difference between this and a god?


Dick’s figure appeared in the silver light. He once again stepped on the ground of the Star Dome Hall. At this moment, the entire Ulduar roared, as if celebrating the true return of his master. The moment his vision and his hearing were reopened, his will spanned the entire sky over Azeroth, the breath of the wind, the fragrance of flowers, and everything that existed in every corner of this world.

That gust of wind, that rainstorm, that thunder and lightning, that gentle smile, that happy voice, the bagpipes that sounded in the country, all of these, lively, everything from the hometown, are presented to Dick in an explosive manner. Before his eyes, he felt a little dizzy.

Every time he breathed, Buddha moved people’s hearts. Beyond the cliffs of the storm, in the sky of eternal night, there was a violent wind blowing, falling snow fluttering, and the frost dwarves of Frost Castle rode giant eagles in the sky exclaiming, On the horizon, a bright light has appeared, like an open door in the sky.

Under this unconscious force, the breathing rate of many people is exactly the same as Dick’s at this moment.

Several older Governors coughed immediately, which also awakened Dick. He woke up from the chaos that had just awakened. His breathing was restored at this moment, and the power that enveloped the audience was also Recovered at this moment, and in an instant, the giant who was as tall as a mountain in everyone’s eyes and could reach the sky with his hand dissipated at this moment.

So he changed from a **** to an ordinary mortal.

He looked at the people in front of him with those clear eyes that contained the whole world of Buddha, Odin, Velen, Varian, Valera, Anduin, Tyrande, Malfurion, Illidan, Uther, Fording…the people who are shining all over.

He nodded slightly at them.

And Jaina with red eyes, Liadrin with her fists clenched, Sylvanas with her eyes closed slightly, and Kalia with her body upright, he smiled at them slightly.

He looked back again, and finally saw Elune’s face, which was no longer fuzzy, but a face like a bright moon, as well as Iona who was rescued from the creator’s secret room, and the last one just now. The black-haired **** his shoulder, Argus, the Protoss he sent to Azeroth from the world of Argus.

He stretched out his hand and patted Argus’ head, then looked up to the sky, where Guangling Anwina lay on Alduin’s head and cried into a tearful person. In the 2000 years when Dick disappeared, this cunning but The quirky girl is the one who suffers the most. She is not only the loneliness of the soul, but also the loneliness of the other half of the soul lost in the void.

Many times when crossing the world with Alduin, when there is no one else around, her tears will overflow in her eyes, and her and Dick’s souls have long been fused.

Dick took a deep breath and beckoned to her. Alduin, known as the “World Devourer” in countless worlds, roared, a light spot disappeared on top of its head, and when it reappeared, he was already sitting. On Dick’s shoulder, the most familiar position.

This is the second encounter after 2000, and Dick has finally become the most traditional image in the mural.

On that shoulder sits the image of a little golden girl.

He took a deep breath and looked at the people in front of him. Although they were asleep in the crystal, Dick already knew everything that happened outside of Huron, and he knew that his world had passed 2000. In years, he knew that this was a new era.

Everyone was looking at him, and they were all looking forward to speaking after the return of the **** of order.

Will he be dissatisfied with the current Azeroth Federation, will he change the habits that have become traditional?

Don’t doubt that Dick, who has the highest authority in Azeroth, has the ability to change the world. Nothing else. It is the supreme commandership of all the Iron Legions alone. This is enough to make the craziest ever appear in the Federation. Chaos, as long as Dick’s mind moves, at least 37 star areas that rely on the guard and protection of the Iron Legion will be out of the control of the Federation.

There are also those legendary heroes, as long as Dick is willing, they will be the most steadfast sword and shield of the **** of order.

The king of the world…deservedly!

“My name is Dick… Dick Don, I was a mortal.”

Dick’s first sentence caught everyone’s attention for 12 points, but he just looked at the audience who sat in the Star Dome Hall, the true lifeblood of this federation.

“When I face the Dark Titans, I just want to win a way to survive for the civilization that I have been protecting. I don’t want to let me and my companions, all those who sacrificed and paid for this world, all their efforts were in vain. I I thought maybe I would die, and I also thought I would fail, but fortunately, fate is on our side, but for this world, the manager Dick has already died in the last battle of Argus.”

There was a smile on Dick’s mouth, and he ignored the whispers in the audience.

“When I wake up again, when I return to this world after 2000, I feel the cheers of this world, I feel the vigorous development of this civilization, once, I will step into the starry sky and become an advanced star civilization as Ai Xerath’s goal, and now, the highest ideals of our generation have been truly realized… You, everyone after 2000, this new, brilliant world, this great and glorious era, no longer needs one The world manager.”

“You have done well enough. No one can criticize you anymore. Go on according to your own ideas and methods, and pass the civilization fire of Azeroth in your hands to the endless corners of the universe, even if it is used Thunder and flames, steel and blood… Let our glory spread across this dazzling star field!”

“You can do it, you must do it!”

Dick took a deep breath, his tone increased.

“From the moment all life in Azeroth was born, freedom and courage were engraved in his bones. No one can stop the burning of this fire of freedom and courage, which are symbols and memories engraved in our souls. We did not live up to our time, and you did not live up to yours. The light and shadow of the world intertwined and opened two completely different roads before my eyes in the cold time.”

“It tells me that my time is over.”

“But, I will still be you, and I will be the strongest backing in this world!”

“If you need it, I will put on the armor of this world again and take up arms.”

“If you need it, I can still give everything I have for this civilization.”

“If you need it, I will still be the fire bearer of the fire of hope.”

Dick’s sonorous voice spread throughout Ulduar, and it rang in almost everyone’s heart. The sound of fighting like a battlefield is refreshing, and a **** will not lie to mortals. , This world is free.

“Thank it, thank you for this bright era, it will be the best era in the world, but I know that a better world is in your hands!”

“Don’t live up to it, don’t live up to this blessing!”

At this moment, Azeroth is like a boy who has escaped from his infancy and explored the world freely, and finally got the approval of his parents. He will truly enter that world, know that world, and finally transform that world.

Dick extended his hands to the women who had waited for him for 2000. The next moment, the three protoss and all the legendary heroes present disappeared in the light, that is, at the same moment, the final farewell to everyone His heart sounded.

“Now… please give a tired soul a rest. I will put down everything in my hands and truly reintegrate into this world. My years of serving Azeroth will come to an end. Next, I should live for myself. Alive.”

“I will start a new life for those who have been neglected by me, those who have been left behind by me, and those who have been let down by me.”

“When this world is threatened by darkness and evil again, when justice and hope are persecuted again, when the fire of civilization is crumbling, I will appear again…”

“Don’t look for me, I am there, I have never left.”

The last son of Dick who was still present, Huron Menethil was surprised to find that he had a golden tuning fork-shaped sword in his hand that shed the strong and pure energy of the holy light. He has been in the family story more than once. I have heard of this sword, it is the weapon that Dick has used for the longest time, the true legendary sword in the history of Azeroth.

At this moment, an impulse was rippling in Huron’s heart. He raised the long sword, and the golden holy light illuminated the entire hall at this moment, just like the fire bearer in the dark, the figure and the former The person facing the darkness is so similar.

“Salute to the forever world manager!”


Everyone got up at this moment, and I don’t know who was the first to sing the national anthem of the Federation. Soon, the voice rang into one, and the will of hundreds of people gathered together at this moment, letting the high-spirited singing pass through this. The barrier of the hall rushed into the sky, and finally passed to the whole world.

This is a farewell…but it is also a new beginning, isn’t it? 89

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