Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 726

Chapter 17 .Freedom and travel

“You bastard, let me wait so long…”

Jaina was holding Dick’s left arm, her face was full of sadness. Of course, it was more of a surprise that a certain treasure was recovered. That kind of joy cannot be faked, and Liadrin stood on his right. He didn’t act like a baby with his arms, just stood there, but the joy in those beautiful eyes couldn’t be concealed either.

Sylvanas was sitting across from Dick, her eyes swept across his face almost inch by inch, as if she wanted to see a slight change from the almost unchanged face. This is naturally futile, but everyone During the reunion, Shiva could still hold onto that kind of reservedness, even though she wanted to throw Dick directly.

The most dignified Queen Kaliya sits by the window of this dust-covered office for 2000. She seems unwilling to get together with others to welcome his return, but she has a touch of comfort when she squints to look out the window. With the relaxation from the heart, it can be seen that Her Majesty’s mood is also very good.

As if something missing in the heart was filled, the cold heart itself cheered because of this filling. It was a complete joy, and in the end, it was the best answer to the hard work of the past.

Sometimes, people’s needs are really simple, waiting and finally gaining, this is the best ending.

With these women who missed him, he also missed him for two hours in a warm and moving atmosphere. Dick got up to leave the office. He still needed to do a lot of things, and he needed to talk to the celestial psyche, even though After making up their minds not to participate in the affairs of the world, and those old friends who have been for many years, they also have to drink a good meal.

When he stood up, Shiva rushed over and gave him a warm hug. The gentle expression that lasted for several hours finally collapsed in tears. Feeling the trembling body, Dick placed his chin on Hill. On top of Vanas’ head, he hugged her with both hands.

“Hey, I’m back, I won’t leave again.”

“you swear!”

The request like a child made Dick startled. He then looked at the people around him, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his **** were joined together.

“Okay… I swear, I won’t leave you anymore.”


A dull noise sounded from the sky, the language of the gods is powerful, especially when they swear, the existence of this power will create a special bondage, the more noble people are, the more noble people are for the oath. Persistence and value will be higher, not to mention the existence of Dick.

Shiva sniffed and let go of Dick. She looked at him pitifully like a small tabby cat.

“That’s it.”

“Well, that’s it!”

Dick smiled and stroked her head, turned and walked towards the door, and then he felt another person standing behind him. He turned his head and was met by the silent embrace of Kalia.

He was a little caught off guard. Although at the beginning, the relationship between the two was more of a misunderstanding, but now, Dick feels that he should accept it. He stretched out his hand and hugged Kalia with some emotion. Body, and then I heard the queen whisper,

“Welcome back, my Dick.”

“Thank you, Kalia…I, I won’t leave you anymore.”

This special reunion touched each other. When he left the room, Dick’s eyes were also a little sour, but he had to admit that this kind of feeling of willing someone to wait for you for a thousand years is really good. Some people regard you as The feeling of being the best treasure is enough to immerse you in it.

This is the feeling of being loved, and the best gift for those who travel far away.

He wandered between the cities of Ulduar. In 2000, he returned here more than once in the form of dreams. When he looked at the city from a special perspective, he suddenly discovered that, Everything here seems to be a proof of his distant past.

What makes him feel most profound is that the whole world is changing, and it has become dizzying for him, making him feel strange, but this city is as heavy as ever, a sense of perpetuity that escapes time. It is like a guardian standing on the edge of the world, watching the world slowly change.

Dick likes this feeling. When he sees the earthen servants who are busy in the city, he will greet them with a smile. Some old servants who existed here 2000 years ago will be very excited to talk to him. , Communication, it seems that because of Dick’s return, the city is re-filled with a positive feeling, just like bringing it to life!

His figure disappeared from the ground and appeared on the highest dome of Ulduar. Thousands of years of falling snow covered it. Standing in it, he could even see the edge of the storm cliff. This place is almost The slowest change in Azeroth seems to retain the scenery from 2000 years ago, making him feel like he has returned to his own era.

“You are really laid back.”

A gentle voice came from behind him. Dick did not look back. He just waved his hand as if to welcome the man, “Aren’t you also very leisurely? Are you ready to leave the world?”

Elune walked over from behind Dick. She and Dick stood in a line, looking at the scenery in the distant storm and falling snow. After a while, when the atmosphere between the two became silent, Elune pointed Nodded,

“In the past 2000 years, the speed of change in this world is incredible. It has surpassed the sum of the past hundreds of thousands of years. The power that this world feeds back to me is getting stronger and stronger. If I want to, I can leave Azeroth now. , To become a true Protoss… into a long period of growth.”

Dick pondered for a moment, he looked up at the stars, the eternal galaxy seemed to conceive endless secrets,

“What about Titan’s body? Have you found it?”

“There is an uninhabited planet in the Luen region, which is very suitable for my requirements. I have selected it as early as 1,000 years ago and have been dragging it until now. After you return, I think I can safely transfer this world. Leave it to you, and then go to the depths of the starry sky to shape my Titan body… Iona will go with me.”

Elune sighed, rubbing her forehead with a headache.

“But you guy threw me a big trouble when he came back. Azeroth looks very strong now, but it still needs a guardian to supervise the direction of civilization. You said you need to rest, then Who can I give this responsibility to? Argus? That little girl who only knows how to play.”

Facing this complaint, Dick did not immediately answer. After a few minutes of silence, he stretched out his finger and shook it in front of Elune.

“Don’t worry, wait for a while, I will solve this trouble perfectly.”

“Oh? How to say?”

Elune looked at him with interest, her eyes filled with endless starry sky like Dick were full of curiosity, “Did you find another sleeping star in your imprisonment in 2000?”

“Do not!”

Dick turned his hands behind his back, and he closed his eyes slightly. “Actually, I was preparing for this 2,000 years ago. I promised you and Iona would rebuild the Pantheon. Now, The time has come!”

Elune’s expression became extremely serious at this moment,

“Did you find them?”

Tens of thousands of years ago, the meeting between the Pantheon and the Dark Titan in Neharan, the Land of Peace, was brewed by Sargeras into a raid. The Pantheon was completely destroyed in that war, and Aggramar was captured by Sargeras. , Iona flees desperately, and the other Titan spirits, when they are on the verge of death, are saved by the mystery watcher Norgannon who has prepared in advance with a mysterious spell.

On Dick’s path to the Titans, there has been a discussion about the final whereabouts of the Titans’ spirits, but it is too far away from Azeroth. Even after 2000, it is difficult for their fleet to reach there across the endless starry sky. The depths of the universe.

And once this news is known by the Dark Titans, then the spirits of Titans who have no ability to counterattack will fall into an extremely dangerous situation.

Elune had always wanted to find news about these brothers, but she didn’t expect that Dick would have made all the preparations for this matter before he disappeared.

He took a breath, stretched out his hand and waved in the air in front of him. At this moment, the sky of Eternal Night was opened under the control of a more advanced and powerful will. A warm golden sunlight opened from the sky. Shining like a sharp sword among the cold cliffs.

The white giant eagle soaring in the sky revolves around the light, which looks like the most perfect interpretation of the first light in the heavens and the earth in the myth.

Dick stood in the shining circle. He closed his eyes slightly and opened his hands, as if he was enjoying the sunlight. He flicked his fingers and the sunlight became hotter.

“Yes, I found them. I wanted to look for them after Argus, but I was late for 2000, but that’s okay. The long wait will end today. I will bring them back. This is me. Something that must be done.”

A smile appeared on Elune’s face. She did not doubt Dick’s statement. The Paladin has always been a trustworthy person. Whether it was the difficult years 2000 years ago or now, he is as reliable as ever. .

She stretched out her hand and flicked the air in front of her eyes. In the sky on the other side, a bright moonlight shone down from the sky. The magical scenery of the sun and the moon attracted a lot of people’s exclamation. In terms of this, this is just a small game.

“Have you really decided to take a rest? Dick, this is not like you. You are not like this in the memory. You will always be enthusiastic, and will never frown in the face of all difficulties, and will never be tired.” Now, you look more like a person than a Titan, and the Titan will not be tired.”

Dick looked back at Elune and shook his head.

“I have pushed the world a long way as a mortal. This is the limit I can do. Since my age is over, let it sleep in time, Elune, this world will be theirs after all. Yes, we always have to learn to let go. They have their challenges and we have our opponents. For mortals, knowing that there are some gods above their heads is a great thing. They can explore and develop as much as they can. , In the worst moments, there will always be gods coming out to solve problems.”

The paladin’s eyes closed, and he smiled like a cat satisfied in the sun.

“You see, we only need to be prepared to solve the trouble…Others, let them think for themselves, I won’t take them all the way to the top of the star field. I was the guardian. , Now I am a Titan, I have never been a nanny.”

“A free journey belonging to the Azeroth civilization is about to begin. Let us do one last thing for them.” 19

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