Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 75

Chapter 44 .Last Roll-Red Maple Leaf Flying

Since Quel’Thalas has officially announced that he has joined the Federation against the Undead, this time the coronation ceremony, Dathrohan, General Ethanlion, and Abydis all put aside their affairs and represented the Knights of the Silver Hand. Come to watch the ceremony.

Master Antonidas of Dalaran even went out in person, Alterac, Wildhammer dwarves and even Gilneas, who had already begun to close the country, sent a grand delegation.

In Quel’Thalas, the invasion of the undead was successfully defeated, and the situation in West Dallonemir has stabilized. Almost everyone has seen the dawn of the end of the “Dead Disaster”. They sincerely hope in Quel’Thalas. After joining, the order in northern Xinjiang can be restored to normal as soon as possible.

But only Dick knew that this was impossible.

Although he persuaded Anvina at the last moment, Dick estimated that Kel’Thuzad’s “sublimation ritual” was actually completed. With the help of the cunning Lich, Arthas would not die so easily in the Sunwell. In the collapse of, they must be hiding in a corner now, planning an evil conspiracy.

And Dick knew that this invasion of the undead was actually just the prelude to the “Reign of Chaos” 20 years after Azeroth. Compared with the thrilling events that took place in the next 20 years, the invasion of the undead is really inexhaustible. On the issue, in the final analysis, this is just a small regional incident in the Eastern Continent and Northern Xinjiang, and it does not involve a change in the destiny of the world at all.

The demons are ready to go. The second invasion of Azeroth is about to kick off. Kalimdor, the western continent ruled by the mysterious kaldorei night elves, will slowly lift its veil and withdraw last year. Orcs, ancient tauren, vicious trolls, cunning goblins, and even visitors from the outside world who have fallen into the human horizon, the guardian dragons and their dragon legions that have re-entered the world stage, from the birth of Azeroth to the Now the dark ancient gods, wait and so on.

Any one of these is much more difficult to deal with than appetizers like the invasion of the undead. Every time Dick thinks that the magnificent 20 years are about to begin, every time he thinks that he will see those who stand on the cusp of the tide, those in history. The heroes who have left their mark, he has a tremor from the bottom of his heart.

That is not fear, but excitement! That is the joy of longing for a higher stage! That is the ambition to desire more victory!

If there is a mission, Dick believes that these 20 years are his mission!

Under the stimulation of this emotion, Dick drank the red wine in his hand in one gulp. He looked at Miss Jaina, who was leaning his head on his shoulder, and his arm slid towards the slender waist of the young lady, holding her firmly. Fixed by his side.

There are also people I like, beautiful love, all of which I pursue!

Dick has never been like this, looking forward to the coming of the future soon!

Although he knows that the future, for him, means more adventures and more confrontation with death! But he didn’t care. After the **** battle in Quel’Thalas, Dick’s bravery had been completely urged.

In the stands, Great Astrology Master Solan Lean received the Sun King crown from Archmage Rothman, and wore it tremblingly on Kael’thas’s head, while Sylvanas took it from Haduron. In his hand, he took the “Pride of the Sunstrider”, which symbolized kingship, knelt on one knee and held it high.

The leaders of these Sin’dorei elves used their actions to show their support for Kael’thas, and the eyes of His Royal Highness were clear, he took a deep breath and held the hilt of the Pride of the Sunstrider. And lifted it high. At this moment, the elemental phoenix lying on Kael’thas’ shoulder also let out a cry. It spread its wings and circled Kael’thas. The Sun King flew twice.

Ao’s body suddenly grew bigger, just like the **** of Phoenix in Dick’s memory. It was behind Kael’thas, and the colorful light of flames firmly protected Kael’thas. At this moment, Kay Elsas is like the **** of fire descending on this world.

At this moment, countless bright red maple leaves fell from the sky under the spells of the Yinyue Masters. The elves who had the honor to participate in the coronation ceremony knelt to the ground in a convincing manner. Antonidas leaned over to pay his respects, and other guests also bent down. Dick and Jaina did the same. At this moment, amidst the cry of the Phoenix, they changed their names For the high elves of Sin’dorei, they finally have their own king again.

“Dip…”Sunset of the Phoenix Dynasty” is complete!”

“Drip… the large mission “The Pause of the Wheel of History” is completed!”


“Reward: All attributes +30”

“The review is complete, the current world twist is -19%, and the new template-followers open! The talent template is unlocked again!”

“Dip… Lord’s rank is reached! Lord’s power is being blessed!”


Dick, who had just straightened his body, heard a large series of reminders in his mind, and then a strange force exploded in his body, making his eyes black and his whole body becoming sore.

“Anna…Take me…Take me to places where no one…Hurry up…”

Before he finished speaking, Dick turned his eyes and passed out into a coma, but Miss Jaina was also a person who had experienced big scenes. She held Dick’s body with difficulty. When everyone was unaware, A small portal appeared behind the two people, and the eldest lady dragged Dick into the portal step by step.

————————————————– —————————-

The North Sea, which is an icy area, is inaccessible here. Due to the low temperature and harsh environment, few ships would choose to pass by.

The edge of the West Dallonemere area is surrounded by a circle of mountain peaks. Behind the mountain peaks is the icy water that is beating against the black cliffs. It is too desolate and there are no living things.

Arthas squatted his body with Frostmourne, and he could see that the king of the death knight was in a bad state. Dick, who was infused with the essence of the sun, was badly injured, and only left to be beaten by the furious Kael’thas. In the state of half-life, it was difficult for him to escape the catastrophe of the collapse of the sun well.

But as Dick expected, Kel’Thuzad’s Lich Sublimation Ritual was actually completed long ago, but this cunning Lich has been hiding in the secondary plane until the moment before the sun well detonated. , Led Arthas out of the danger.

In fact, without the order of the Lich King, Kel’Thuzad would not save Arthas at all. The cunning mages, whether they were before or now, acted in a style that suits their best interests.

Now, the sublimated Great Lich was floating on the coast not far from Alsace, his appearance was very different from before.

This is a piece of white bones. The white bones make up his body. Each bone is engraved with powerful magic patterns. Outside the bones, six golden rune chains are floating in the air, surrounding its bones. , Doing complex movements, this is the chain used by the Liches to confine their powerful mana, and it is also a necessary condition for maintaining their physical existence.

Outside of the body of white bones, Kel’Thuzad wore a gorgeous purple robe, which was different from ordinary robe. This robe was gorgeous and almost luxurious. The bottom of the robe was divided into four petals, and each petal was inlaid with diamonds. Gems, and in terms of texture, this is definitely a powerful magic item.

On top of his white bones, he wears a certain amethyst crown, which is also a rare magic item. Liches are all dressed up in this picture, which is said to highlight their disdain for the world and the pursuit of power.

On the bone’s claws, he carried three dark magic rings, and he held a crimson horse head staff in his hand.

Where is the Lich! This is clearly a mobile treasure house!

Liches don’t have vocal cords, and they don’t need that stuff to talk. For a lich with at least 3 times more magic power than a normal archmage, it is simply so easy to simulate sound with magic power.

“Alsace, I think you should look at this!”

After Kel’Thuzad became a lich, his cold voice became ethereal, and he seemed indifferent to everything, but…only the black and white little girl lying in its other bone claw Cat, yes, this is unbelievable, but this is indeed a living kitten, Kel’Thuzad is very gentle to it, and this kitten is also very nostalgic for the owner who has become a monster.

Mr. Bigworth, the most famous kitty in the history of Azeroth, it is said that its existence is the last trace of kindness in the soul of Kel’Thuzad. Dick doesn’t know whether this rumor is true or false, but the Lich is very concerned about it. A kitten is caring, but this is true.

In order to keep the kitten alive, it even opened several ventilation ducts in the natural disaster floating city, the war weapon of the undead and natural disasters. Of course, this also laid the groundwork for its destruction.

Hearing Kel’Thuzad’s words, Arthas raised his head and looked at the image projected into the air by the Great Lich.

It is a piece of hard ice, and you can see that in it, a trace of gray aura is wandering. That is the body of the Lich King, the once big orc shaman, which destroyed the powerful warlock Ner’zhul of a planet. soul.

“Arthas, my sword, the demons have become impatient, especially after the failure of the occupation of the sunwell, Archimonde no longer follows Kil’jaeden’s plan. This reckless guy is ready to do it arbitrarily. Our chance is here! I need you and Kel’Thuzad to help Archimonde descend in this world. This will be our first step towards freedom!”

Arthas pondered for a moment, then nodded.

“Yes, my master, but where should we go? As far as I know, it takes a powerful source of magic power for a great demon like Archimonde to enter the world. The sun well has been destroyed. We…”

“Let’s go to Dalaran!”

Kel’Thuzad interrupted Alsace’s question with a smile, and looked at the Lich King in the screen with restraint. The two groups of undead fires in the white skull were flashing.

“Master, I already know your plan. I know where to store the Book of Medivh and the Eye of Dalaran. We will complete your request!”

Ner’zhul in the picture was silent for a few seconds, and his old voice passed into the thinking of the two subordinates.

“Very well, Arthas, Kel’Thuzad, it is a difficult task to capture Dalaran. Therefore, I will send Anub’arak and Malogar to help you, and the nasty Nathrezim will also go there. , Remember, don’t be aware of our actions by the devil, my servants, soon, we will get everything we want!”

The cold tide repeatedly beats the coast, where evil conspiracies are planned, and the source of evil is revived here, but no one knows the secret of this evil until this poison ivy blooms poisonous flowers. Everything begins with fate. Everything will be attributed to fate.

————————————————– ——————————-

In the far south, Ironforge, this dwarf city in Dun Morogh, the Snowy Mountains, in the Great Forge, this top forging workshop that directly extracts underground magma as the source of forging, the King of Bronzebeard Dwarves, McGonagall Ni-Bronzebeard, Zhengjing bare-chested, holding a black forging hammer, beating the embryo of the long sword in front of him with one hammer.

The news of the death of his younger brother Muradin-Bronzebeard, the dwarf prince, was sent back to Ironforge a month ago. His Royal Highness poured all his anger and sorrow on the artifact that was about to take shape. Hungry for revenge, but as a king, he could not revenge himself, but his hatred for Arthas and the undead gave Magni, the top forging master, glowing with unimaginable power.

He beating endlessly for a whole month, spent most of the precious metals in Ironforge’s 300-year-old collection, and finally allowed the gem called the “Ember Messenger” to be perfectly integrated into the sword. He had a hunch, This sword will become the most powerful weapon against the undead. It will complete the revenge of the Bronzebeard King!

While Magni was making the final touches on the Excalibur, in the kingdom of Stormwind further south, under the broken mage tower on the Deadwind Trail, Grand Knight Alessandro was looking nervously at the closed wooden door in front of him.

His comrade-in-arms, his good brother Uther, the Lightbringer, was among them, in contact with the magic sword that was more evil than Frostmourne.

The great knight wondered for countless times whether he was crazy, and he would choose such a method to save Uther’s soul, but as Dick said, this is almost the only way.


The door was pushed open, and Alessandro looked at the familiar and unfamiliar figure walking out of it, and the blood red sword behind him, his throat was extremely thirsty.


“Me? I’m fine… Alessandro, my good brother, I’ve never been better than I am now, let’s go to Alsace to settle the account, I can’t wait…and, can converge Do you have that **** light? That thing makes me uncomfortable…”


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