Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 76

Chapter 1 .Oh, followers!

East Dallonemir, one of the only three remaining territories of Lordaeron that has been destroyed, can still maintain tranquility and peace even when the neighboring West Dallonemir has been completely occupied by the undead. Of course As a war zone, it is no longer suitable for civilians to survive.

The residents of the entire East Dallonemere have been escorted by the reserve knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand through the shores of Dallonemere Lake, passing by the cold wind camp, and sent into the Hillsbrad Hills. In the Dunhold area, a new home has been rebuilt.

Because there are too many refugees, just the hillsbrad hills, which are not fertile, can not bear so many civilians. Therefore, under the leadership of the princess of Lordaeron, Kalya Menethil, who cheered up, The first immigrant fleet, under the **** of the fleet of Kul Tiras, the nation of the ocean of mankind, has gone to Kalimdor on the western continent.

This action is said to have been strongly supported by the leader of Dalaran, the archmage Antonidas. After the death of his old friend King Terenas, the stubborn archmage finally remembered the words of the mysterious black-robed prophet. He even deliberately sent his proud disciple, the queen daughter of Kul Tiras, Jaina Proudmoore, to serve as the national archmage in Theramore, a newly-built human kingdom in the Western Continent.

Of course, this operation is still in the planning stage, with the help of Princess Kalia and some old Lordaeron officials who escaped. It is said that those immigrants have built the first town in the Western Continent.

But these things, to be honest, have nothing to do with the soldiers who are still staying in East Dalungmir.


The blood-red sword slashed across the tall death knight’s body and knocked it out of the skeletal war horse. For ordinary people, the seemingly invincible powerful necromancer was facing a stronger force than them. At that time, it can only be like a lamb to be slaughtered, letting the soldiers chop and kill.

Dalyan turned his head and glanced at the recruits who had formed a small formation and were fighting with the undead who had plunged into the Sorido River, and focused on the death knight who was climbing from the ground.

He clenched the anger blade in his hand. The arc-shaped, sharp blade flashed a bit of sharp light, and the whole blade hummed.

Dalyan grinned helplessly, and smirked at the waiting death knight.

“Sorry, I wanted to play with you for a while, but the old man is angry, so I beg you… to die!”

Being able to become a death knight meant that the necromancer already possessed a certain amount of wisdom. He stared at Dalyan and didn’t understand what this guy was talking about.

But the next moment, Dalyan suddenly disappeared under his undead fire gaze, and the death knight was startled, and then he felt a sharp blade across his body, like a sharp paper knife across a piece of paper, he bowed his head in a daze. I saw that there was an “X”-shaped wound on my chest. The wound was exposed, and the turbid black mist tried to repair the body, but a trace of **** power prevented the wound from healing.

Behind him, Dalyan, who stopped from the rapid charge, took a deep breath. The buzzing of the blade of anger in his hand had stopped. After beheading the uninteresting enemy, this wild The Warrior’s Blade also stopped.

Dalyan backed the Blade of Wrath to his back. Brother Dick told him very early that artifacts are not the same as ordinary weapons. They have their own will, especially the Blade of Wrath, its predecessor, Scamdor- The Destroyer, that is a weapon that carries the will of the first king of mankind, and its will is particularly irritable.

In the face of such a low-level death knight, the Blade of Wrath will become anxious, and what it longs for is always real battles, not such play tricks.

Dalyan’s current strength is still too weak to control the will of the Wrath Blade, so he can only be a “swordsman” role, but fortunately, the Wrath Blade has inherited Scamdor’s loyalty, and it will not take the initiative. Abandon Dalyan.

If Dalyan encountered a magic sword like “Apocalypse”, he would have been swallowed up by his soul long ago.

And Dalyan’s name for the Blade of Wrath is also very interesting. He doesn’t know why, he calls it “the old man”. The strangest thing is that the blade of Wrath doesn’t seem to oppose this name.

“Close the team! Check the battlefield for the last time!”

Dalyan yelled to the recruits behind him and mounted his silver war horse. The recruits who had just experienced the fight did not panic. Following the teachings of the veterans, they carefully searched for anything of value on the battlefield.

For the Stratholme battle group that has just taken over the Desolme fortress in Ghostlands, everything is in short supply.

The power Kael’thas now possesses is that the hundreds of thousands of undead and demons left in Quel’Thalas by Arthas, as well as the Amani trolls who took advantage of the turmoil, are very reluctant, as a “protocol.” As part of Dick’s Stratholme battle group, they were forced to separate one-third of their power and garrison at the southernmost Fort Desom in the Ghostlands.

This is a good thing for Dick, but it is a very bad thing for the commanders of the battle group.

Because they are once again full of recruits who are useless except for their energy. Fortunately, apart from the fierce battles that the Crusader fortress and Coldwind Camp will never lack, the squad of undead who sneaked into East Dalungmir and destroyed Cultists can also let these recruits practice their hands.

The battle in West Dallone Mill is tight. The Knights of the Silver Hand have even begun to send special personnel to recruit warriors willing to join the army in the distant Kingdom of Stormwind. The undead are never afraid of war of attrition, so they are sent to the battlefield to let them die. To make sense, we must prepare holy water and defensive armor for them.

Or use a more direct method to turn them into paladins!

This is also an activity that Dick has been conducting secretly after returning to Stratholme headquarters.

Although Stratholme is part of the Knights of the Silver Hand, to be honest, in the absence of the two leaders, Uther and Alessandro, they want to rely on Darth, who has an extraordinary relationship with Dick. It was impossible for Sohan to suppress him.

And Dick had a legitimate reason to do this: he was being ordered to train a group of elven paladins for Quel’Thalas.

The Sin’dorei Phoenix Knights, or according to Dick’s name, the Blood Knights.

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“Idiot! Open your arms! Stretched out! Didn’t you eat at noon?”

With his strong upper body open, his chest covered with terrible scars, he was wearing a pair of army pants and leather boots, and his back was dressed in a nondescript red cloak. The recruit instructor with a big bald head was like a demon. His back was shining yellow. The radiant beheading big axe, with the whip in his hand, walked back and forth among the trembling recruits.

Seeing a recruit whose actions were not standard, he drew up with a whip with great strength. Those who were drawn would often roll directly on the ground in pain, but they did not dare to whine. According to the temper of the instructor, they wailed. Will be more terrible whipping.

Anyway, the apprentice pastors from the Holy Light Abbey and Holy Light’s Hope Chapel are standing by, and they won’t kill anyone no matter how they fight.

“Look at your stupid look! Putting you on the battlefield will only cost you your life in vain!”

The demon-like instructor returned to the front of the crowd and looked at the one white or twenty recruits in front of him with disdain. His eyes were like sharp blades. A glance at you would make you scared, but this kind of momentum is not good. The brave and ruthless momentum is the murderous aura accumulated from the battlefield countless times. This is the reason why no one would disagree even after undergoing such rigorous training.

Standing in front of them is the famous battle hero of the Silver Hand, the first warrior of the Stratholme battle group, Major Herod, one of the civilian heroes who was awarded the surname “Bringer of Dawn” by Princess Kalia. The entire northern Xinjiang is considered the number one person.

“Now, disband! Go and eat! Two hours later, train equestrian subjects!”

Although Herod’s swearing was very fierce, in fact, he was very satisfied with these recruits who were carefully selected from the East Dalungmir militia.

He is a pure warrior, a knight who was born on the battlefield and died on the battlefield. As the veteran of the Stratholme battle group, he could have a better future. He also won the surname “Bringer of Dawn”, but he was transferred to war. Like Errigor in the Tirisfal Theater, who was in full swing, he was a senior commander, but he refused the appointment. He only wanted to stay in Stratholme.

This orphaned civilian paladin stubbornly believed that this was his home, even though he was born in the lakeside town of Stormwind Kingdom.

“Hi Herod, are you training recruits again?”

Dalyan walked over with his helmet and greeted Herod in a friendly manner. The young master of Mograine still admired this battle hero. Although the artifact is in hand, he is still He couldn’t beat Herod. After all, he was only 19 years old, more than 4 years younger than Dick, and still a young adult.

“You should call me sir! You skin monkey!”

Herod laughed and put his arms around Dalyan’s neck, strangled him hard, then let go and patted his shoulder.

“Go, follow me to see the regiment leader. It is said that the commanders of the elves are here today, and they are said to be our former comrades in arms.”

“Oh! You are talking about Knight Myra! I know him, he and Big Brother Dick defeated Arthas in Quel’Thalas, wow! That’s cool!”

Dali shook his fist cheerfully. When Dick was mentioned, he called him “Big Brother”, and his eyes were full of worship. However, Herod, who knew the inside story, was not disappointed, but shook his head. , Dalyan with excitement walked towards the headquarters.

Dick’s situation is not as good as Dalyan imagined. To be precise, he is terrible!

“The power of the lord is blessing… the remaining time is 96 hours, 45 minutes and 13 seconds…”

This is Dick’s current state. Although he had known for a long time that the promotion from a rare elite rank to a lord rank was a great improvement, but he did not expect this process to be so painful.

After fainting at the coronation ceremony of Kael’thas that day, he was sent back to Stratholme for the first time, but ten days have passed. Unable to use, the whole person is like an ordinary person without the power to bind a chicken.

Dick knew that this was the power of the lord who was transforming his body, but he absolutely didn’t want to experience it a second time during this process, although he knew that when the high-level lord was promoted to the rank of hero, he estimated that he would be uncomfortable again. Once, but that’s something for now.

Miss Jaina has been taking good care of Dick for these ten days, but as a top nobleman who was born as a prince, you can’t expect Miss Jaina to take care of people so well. Her mind Dick has taken over, but from the second At the beginning of the day, taking care of Dick was completely entrusted to another woman.

“Come on, Mr. Dick, open your mouth!”

With a gentle voice, a charming expression, and a beautiful incomprehensible thing, Dick sitting in a chair humming, looked at the battered cheek in front of him, but endless worries surged in his mind.

Dick knew that after the completion of Quel’Thalas’ large mission, he unlocked a “follower” template, but he really didn’t know that the first follower unlocked turned out to be this troublesome lady.

Liadrin Delor, the high-level priest who suffered a nervous breakdown after being shot by Lor’themar, somehow became his own follower. What’s more, the fate of the two people has been The mysterious powers of Norgannon were tied together.

Liadrin knew that in addition to being reborn, all the secrets of her life, her own life form, had also been forcibly changed into a weird state between creatures and heroic spirits. Regarding this, Liadrin said it was okay. But under Dick’s forced smile, he was still a little sad.

Now that the follower option has been set, why not give yourself a beautiful girl like Sylvanas with a big body?

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