Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 98

-Another battlefield

On the fifteenth day of Dalaran’s destruction, the Light’s Hope Chapel.

This is the second national meeting hosted by this chapel, but compared to the first Northern Xinjiang meeting, the number of people present this time is far beyond.

At the moment when the image stone destroyed by Dalaran was transmitted to all the forces in the entire Eastern Kingdom by the wizards at the fastest speed, the appearance of this meeting was inevitable.

Regardless of the outcome, this will be the first step for all the forces in the East Continent to stick to a corner and shift their attention to the entire world, and the mysterious veil of the world of Azeroth will also be in front of these creatures living in the East Continent. , Slowly pull away.

The sun king Kael’thas of Quel’Thalas-Sunstrider, the handsome face of this young king, no longer has the confidence to master everything. Instead, it is deeply worried and exhausted. Sylvanas was sitting next to him, and the beautiful face of the ranger general also had a touch of wind and frost.

The supreme commander of the Knights of the Silver Hand, Alessandro Mograine, the name of the Ashbringer has spread throughout the northern borders. Under his leadership, it was only a month’s time for Sidalongmir’s The situation tends to stabilize. Although it has not yet completely recovered this land, the Knights have indeed launched a counterattack for the first time and have regained one-third of the land.

But at the same time, the complete fall of Silverpine Forest made this hard-won victory lose its due brilliance. Like Kael’thas, this wise leader also has helpless worries on his face.

The mage lord of Dalaran, the interim leaders introduced by more than 4,000 mages who survived the disaster, the archmage Ronin and Ansrem, and the archmage Delandon with bandages on his body, their robe Above, dotted with a small white flower, this is a mourning for the victims of Dalaran.

Miss Jaina, who had returned from a long journey, was not as lively and happy as she used to be. She seemed to have matured a lot overnight. The old black wizard hat worn on top of her head and the one behind her back were full of chills. The cold of ebony and the violet badge on the chest all represent the current status of the eldest lady, the true successor of the archmage Antonidas, and the new member of the six-member council.

But Dick knew that the eldest lady would not care about these, if she could, she only wanted the mentor to live, but…

The mage participating in the meeting was silent like a stone, but the cold breath from them was enough to make others look at them. These mages were about to be driven mad by one after another.

Stormpike Marshal Fandral sits in the second row. Sitting in front of him is a dwarf with a delicate crown and fire-red armor. He has yellow eyes and a beard that is braided into a beautiful braid. It is Magni-Bronzebeard, the king of the Kingdom of Bronzebeard, and the nominal allegiance of all dwarves.

Sitting on his right hand was Dick’s old acquaintance, and also the old acquaintance of the mage Ronin, Lord Wildhammer Falstad.

To the left of the dwarf camp, there is a special envoy from the Southern Storm Kingdom, who is also familiar to Dick. The assassinated King Ryan’s relatives, the little King Anduin-Wrynn has not yet grown up, the current King Varian- When Wrynn’s handling of the country was not superb enough, the Archduke Berval-Fortagan, who served as the regent, was a powerful paladin and a skilled politician.

Of course, Dick also knows his other identity. In 7 years, he will sacrifice himself and become the third Lich King, controlling the undead to retreat in Northrend, and the undead natural disaster that once spread to the entire world is over.

But under the current situation, Dick felt that this heroic paladin would probably not encounter such a tragic ending.

Next to the Duke of Fortagen, sits the 5-year-old Crown Prince Anduin Wrynn of the Kingdom of Storms. This little guy is now a child who has no worries, but if all goes well, his father will be in four years. Lost in a conspiracy, when he returns again, his father will become the protagonist of history, known as the fearless king of “ghost wolf”.

The camp of the Stormwind Kingdom turned to the left, sitting a middle-aged man in a noble dress, the actual ruler of Kul Tiras, and Dailin Proudmoore, who likes to be called “Admiral” by others. Miss’s father, if nothing happens, he will become Dick’s father-in-law.

At this time, the ruler of Kul Tiras was looking at Dick who was standing on the podium with a scrutiny gaze. It could be seen that the king of military origin had nothing to do with Dick’s senses. not so good.

Next to General Dai Lin, in the last seat of the first row, a lady with a blond shawl and a crown sits quietly. She is wearing a white plain dress and looks like a melancholy flower, but The royal education she received from an early age gave her a touch of tenacity in addition to her fragility, which made her eyes shine. This is the government of Lordaeron in exile, and now the newly born Queen of Theramore-Kaliya-Mi Nehir.

Once the world only knew that she was Alsace’s sister, but in the changed history, she had begun to glow, truly belonged to the heir of King Terenas and belonged to the last descendant of Menethil.

Dick, wearing a blue dress, stood on the podium. He scanned everyone present from left to right. It is no exaggeration to say that if Archimonde shoots a few shots of “Death One” here now. “Pointing” is enough to mess up half of the world.

But Dick, who has seen too many things, no longer has the trembling he once had. He is like a real Azeroth paladin standing on this podium. The traces left by another world to him have long been In battle after battle, being wiped clean, like a furnace’s fire training, turned him into a better and more outstanding person.

He looked at the full of leaders sitting in the audience, saw the supportive eyes of Sylvanas and Vereesa, saw Ronin’s will to revenge, and saw Alessandro’s mixed admiration and indifference. , Saw Kael’thas’ gentle smile, saw Marshal Fandral’s quietly raised fist, saw Little Anduin’s curiosity, saw Missy’s dependence, saw General Dai Lin’s scrutiny, saw Carly Ya grateful.

But there are many people, he can’t see them, Uther, Arthas, Kel’Thuzad, Anastrian, Dalkhan, Gene Greymane, Antonidas, these people brought him It is about sacrifice, about salvation, about betrayal, about the memory of death, it is cold, it is painful.

The time of the past year or so has been circulating in his mind. All these changes and all the circulation have caused Dick to fall into the entanglement of memory.

When warmth and death spread out, he gradually understood that all this destroyed him, but all this also made him.

When he embarks on this world-changing Titan road, he is no longer the ordinary guy in the past, he is Dick, he will become Dick, and under this starry sky, he will be remembered, and will eventually The forgotten person.

It is not like, not disgust, but existence.

Dick took a deep breath and opened his hands.

“Everyone, the dark power that has never been seen has spread into this world. Every minute and every second, we are suffering on the blade of destruction. Whether you face it or ignore it, it is there and left for us. Time for hesitation is running out.”

“So, let’s throw away the red tape and get to the point…”

————————————————– ———————

At the same time as the Eastern Continent Conference, Kalimdor, the sacred mountain of Hyjal, at the foot of Nordrassil, the world tree, the heritage kingdom of the ancient elven empire, the night elves that nominally rule the entire Kalimdor, also A crucial meeting was held.

When compared with the calmness of Dick and the leaders of the human kingdom, these night elves who have but purple skin, long ears, enjoy the blessing of eternal life, believe in the moon **** Elune, are vigorous, and are known as “sons of the forest.” They seem a little flustered.

“Ashenvale has fallen by one third, and Azshara has completely fallen into the hands of those demons. It is unbelievable that they are back after ten thousand years!”

With bandages on his arms, the male elf in delicate leather armor sat on a wooden chair and said to the honorable Moon Sacrifice,

“Sentinel troops can’t stop those vicious demons at all. They opened portals in Ashenvale and Azshara, and a continuous army of demons gushed out of them. I even saw the ugly figure ten thousand years ago. The abyss lord known as the “destroyer” recognizes us… they come with hatred and sacrifice to the lord. Their goal is the world tree!”

This is obviously a secret conversation. In the exquisite tree house, there are only four people sitting. Apart from the wounded elf, the most striking thing is the female elf sitting in the center. Compared with other night elves, Her skin was fairer, she was wearing a white sacrificial gown, and there was a crescent-like emblem on her forehead.

That face is the essence of all things, unimaginable beauty, it is a temperament between glamorous and noble, it is a holy breath that can attract everyone.

The priestess of the moon, Tyrande-Wind Whisperer, led the night elves to overthrow the rule of the upper elves and returned the invading demons to the void ten thousand years ago. She is also one of the leaders of the kaldorei elves. By.

She frowned, listened to the report by the commander of the sentry unit Ashenvale, thought for a few minutes, and said

“Of course they covet the World Tree. The Well of Eternity has been destroyed. This tree carries the core power of the world. After all, we are not the elven empire of 10,000 years ago. Our strength is not enough to deal with the demon that strikes again. , Barnes, you let the sentries retreat to the middle of Ashenvale. I will wake up the druids and the demigods who fought with us ten thousand years ago. We need their power.”

The sentinel commander named Barnes-Huijin nodded. The sentinel was originally the standing army formed by the night elves after the night elves became independent. Tyrande is not an elite force. He is also very wise. Elf, also a veteran of ten thousand years ago, he naturally knew what to do.

But when the priestess was about to leave, Barnes suddenly remembered another thing and hurriedly said,

“Sir, please wait a moment!”

Tyrande turned his head and looked at Barnes.

“Is there anything else? Commander.”

“It’s like this. In addition to us, when my scouts were patrolling, they also found that the orcs who called themselves the “Warsong Clan” were also resisting the demons on another front. They were crazier than us. They seemed to be in harmony. Those demons have stubborn hatred. I think, if we can, can we also unite with the orcs… After all, those barbarians are more suitable to stand in front of the war than our people.”

Barnes offered his opinion, but Tyrande frowned and thought for a while, then asked,

“But I remember, those orcs, they don’t seem to be friendly races. It is said that they have been cutting down trees in Ashenvale?”

“Yes, this really makes us unbearable!”

Barnes seemed to think of some bad memories, gritted his teeth, but finally said in a good mood, “But now, resisting the devil is our top priority before everything else. I heard that apart from this grumpy In addition to the Warsong clan, in the deserted Durotar, there is another group of orcs building the city. According to the return of the scouts, they are much friendlier than the orcs of the Warsong clan.”

Tyrande nodded and said in her unique light and hoarse voice,

“Then, you might as well send an envoy to get in touch with them. If they are willing to dedicate their power to resist the devil, we don’t mind giving Durotar to them.”

Barnes stood up, saluted the priestess, and said loudly,

“Then, I will send an envoy in the near future. I heard that those humans are also beginning to move in the Dustwallow Marsh bordering Durotar. I will inspect them at the same time. If necessary, I will try my best to bring them into ours. In the camp.”

Dick didn’t know the distant Kalimdor. The night elves who had lived in seclusion for thousands of years had planned to include Theramore on the investigation of allies. In the quarrelsome meeting place, Dick sat in the back row, holding his sorrow. The arms of the young lady’s eldest, the two cuddled together, hugged each other to keep warm.

It seems that all the quarrels have nothing to do with him. From time to time, he looks to the east, on the other side of the endless sea, on the mysterious and vast land, that is another battlefield.

That would be the beginning of another period of his war.

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