Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 99

Chapter 1 .Dick’s Expedition

Time is very naughty elves, they always disappear by our side, when we read a book, when we fall asleep, when we never notice changes in the world.

But it is not continuous. Whenever we deliberately observe, we can see traces of time slipping away, nails that grow longer, wrinkles on the top of the head, and increasing white hair.

Dick was sitting on the ship’s side. He looked into the distance. It was a azure sea. In the mist, a piece of obscured scenery was fleeting. This piece of fog is the scenery of the endless sea. It is said that it is the first place in mankind. Once stepping into the ocean, this mist already exists.

The melancholy eldest leaned her head on Dick’s shoulder, and the two of them sat together, no one was talking, and there was no one who didn’t open their eyes to disturb their stay together.

“Dick, where do you say people go after they die?”

The eldest lady stretched out her hand, and a ball of white ice flew in her palm, as if she was given life, changing rapidly, and eventually became an old mage with a mage hat. Although he could not see his expression, Di Ke knew that it was the shadow of Antonidas.

The death of the old mage not only caused great trouble to Jaina. In fact, if Krasus and the other archmages had not raised the banner of “revenge” in their grief, I am afraid it has been scattered to Mages all over the world have long been trapped in some kind of unspeakable confusion.

Antonidas’ imprint on Dalaran was too deep. Only the young Ronin couldn’t hold back the scene at all. After the harassment of the Eastern Continent Conference ended, the surviving wizards in Dalaran already had Signs of division.

Dick also stretched out his hand, and a warm golden light appeared in the palm of his hand. Under Dick’s unskilled control, the small golden light flew onto the old mage’s ice shadow, forming two wings behind him. , Turned into a circle of light above his head, making the old mage wearing a mage hat look a little nondescript.

“The brave man is favored by fate. After the archmage died in battle, he probably went to the sky to find the mysteries of the magic that he had not found yet, but his spirit remained. In your will, in other In the spirit of the mage.”

Dick turned his head and kissed the young lady’s forehead gently, feeling the fragrance of the young lady’s hair, and Dick’s voice became tactful.

“Look, as long as you don’t forget him and don’t forget everything he has done for Dalaran and for this world, I think he will never die. In fact, we are the same. If we are remembered, we can be forever Exist.”

“But… but I miss him so much…”

The eldest lady held Dick, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes and wet Dick’s shirt. The Paladin didn’t say much, just patted Jaina on the back. It’s not that he couldn’t understand the girl’s sadness, but now, He does not have much time to cherish the memory of the past.

The salty and wet sea breeze blew the ends of their hair. Dick looked back. In the mist, 27 large warships braved the wind and waves in the mist, and the canvas with the national emblem of Kul Tiras gleamed in the sun, like It is a behemoth that crosses the sea.

The banners of the Silver Hand and Stratholme battle group were flying high, followed by the Phoenix Banner.

The hunting sea breeze can’t dissipate the brave will, and the endless ocean can’t stop the soldiers’ pace.

When the fog dissipated the first moment, the noise, singing and the clapping of the sea mixed together, resounding through the sky. Looking down from the sky, a white water line lays horizontally in the sea. This is the first expedition of human civilization to the unknown, and it is also the first time that human civilization has stepped onto the world battlefield.

From various countries and forces in the Eastern Continent, paladins, wizards, dwarf warriors, human cavalry and priests, and mercenaries who responded to the call. A crappy army of 13 thousand people, this is the entire force of the Eastern Continent to participate in the upcoming Demon War.

Dick had no regrets, and not much anger.

There is almost no official assistance. In fact, if it were not for Jaina’s status, Kul Tiras would not send this fleet to serve as a transport mission.

No one is optimistic about them, even the inside of Silver Hand is full of doubts. Before his own problem was resolved, he rashly participated in another unknown war. The fire of justice arbitrarily took away all the elite forces of the Stratholme battle group, which was almost equal to a split. , So that the prestige that Dick had accumulated before was almost exhausted by this reckless move.

In addition to Kael’thas giving him real support, the other forces, like sending beggars, were assigned to this expeditionary army, the old, weak, and disabled.

When leaving from Nanhai Town, only a few people came to see him off, and that glass of farewell toast was so bitter.

But Dick doesn’t care so much. This result is much better than the original history. In the second demon war, the world tree was almost ingested by the devil and the whole world was almost reduced to a demon hunting ground. The representative turned out to be Theramore led by Jaina.

In the kind of battle that determines the future of the world, the human kingdom that claims to be the center of the world does not even have a little support, how short-sighted, how stupid.

It’s no wonder that after the beginning of the Reign of Chaos, the night elves, who were also on the alliance, were always full of suspicion for humans. The draenei who joined later was also close to humans, which almost made the human world in the first five years of the Chaos Age. , Almost completely squeezed out of the world’s mainstream decision-making circles.

It wasn’t until the return of “Ghost Wolf” Varian that this situation got better.

But Dick, who has a mission on his shoulders, can’t wait that long. Starting from the strong intervention in the contradiction between the Frostwolf Orcs and the Stormpike Dwarves, Dick’s acting style has changed a lot, especially when he witnessed the great demon. After the destruction of Dalaran, this change became more obvious.

Your shortsightedness and your stupidity have nothing to do with me. If you can’t do the right thing, then let me come!

The original history, let him go with the wind. Dick supported the young lady and stood in the command room of the flagship. His expression was firm and bold. Behind him, all the members of the Stratholme regiment, and those The soldiers who are willing to fight for the fate of the world have torn apart from the old world.

This is his expedition, this is the history that will be rewritten by his own hands.

“Mount Hyjal, here I am!”

Dick took the command knife handed over by Erigore and looked at the increasingly clear coastline in the distance. His left hand rested on the handle of the knife and his left finger pointed forward.

“The First Expeditionary Army, speed up!”

So in the waves of the endless sea, the fearless ones sang loudly and rushed to an unknown battlefield. No one knew where the upstream of the river of destiny would eventually go.

Let us bless them.

————————————————– ———————————

Durotar, the barren land on the west coast of Kalimdor. This is a red land. It is said to have originated from 10,000 years ago. When the Well of Eternity exploded, the blood of those who were torn apart was sprayed here. Dye it red on a piece of land.

It is said that this land has also been cursed and has since become barren.

Even the night elves don’t pay much attention to this land, otherwise the orcs who crossed the sea in the first half of the year would not have the opportunity to build their own city.

Although the sentry troops struggled to fight the devil, it was not a big problem to chase away the orcs who had not recovered from the “devil’s blood”.

Thrall carried a piece of wood and walked to the hot construction site. After half a year of adaptation and preparation, in the northernmost part of Durotar, the orcs have built large groups of crypts to live in, and now they plan to build a city. , As a sign of the beginning of a new life.

As a chief, Thrall has a lot of power, but he likes to work with his compatriots. This orc with blue eyes like the sea is not tall, but when he passes through the crowd, all the orcs turn towards him. Nodded.

Not only because he is the spiritual leader of the orcs, the shaman, but also because he inherited the legacy of the warchief Orgrim, and brought the orcs to this barren, but far away from war land.

Thrall opened his hands, his expression relaxed, and he called the will of the elements in his heart. Accompanied by the slight bulge of the ground, soon, an earthy yellow earth element that was twice as high as him appeared beside him, in the shaman. Under the command of, this huge earth element lifted the heavy stone and placed it on the wall that was about to be completed.

For spellcasters, they can easily do things that ordinary people can’t imagine. During this half of the year, the new generation of shamans of the orcs have slowly grown up. This is also Thrall’s determination to build a city. With these shaman’s work, the city can be completed in 3 months at most.

A city represents not only a place to live, but also the desire of the orcs who have been displaced for nearly 20 years for a hometown where they can live safely.

As a leader, Sal than anyone knows this.

When the sun sets, Thrall sits with the orc veterans and chats, but before he finishes eating the dry bread in his hand, a hurrying troll herald is riding a tall and swift. Long, came over from a distance.

Regardless of the fatigue of the wind and dust, the tall and dignified Troll Herald, when approaching Thrall, he quickly jumped off the Mercedes-Benz Raptor. As a tall, but agile troll, this kind of action is right. For them, it is not a problem at all.

“Warchief, the human messenger in Dustwallow Marsh sent a letter. Chief Sen’jin didn’t dare to make a decision alone, so I came to ask for your opinion!”

Hearing the words human, Thrall’s face became serious. He stuffed the last piece of dry bread into his mouth, clapped his hands, accepted the letter from the troll’s hand, and after unfolding it, he glanced roughly at it. , And then closed his eyes.

As an orc who has been taught all kinds of knowledge since childhood, Thrall’s understanding of human culture can be called a master among the heterogeneous, but even so, Thrall is still a little confused in the face of this very formal invitation.

“You said, the humans of Dustwallow Marsh sent a messenger? He claims to be Lordaeron or the so-called “First Expeditionary Army”?”

Thrall looked at the messenger, and the five big and three thick trolls scratched their head embarrassedly.

“Um… I really didn’t pay much attention to that, but that messenger seems to be able to fight very well, carrying a weird epee on his back, is a very powerful warrior!”

“Oh? It’s interesting to use a soldier as a messenger.”

Thrall touched his chin and said to the veterans around him,

“Help me get Varok over, and bring a few war wolves by the way. I will meet this “First Legion”.”

In the night, on the red barren ground, brave orc warriors rode on black war wolves, and galloped towards the southernmost human fortress in Durotar amid the howling of wolves.

After the two orc wars that drove madness and death, this is probably the first time that both sides have walked to the conference table.

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