Azur Lane: Savior

Chapter 19 – The Aftermath

"Commander, here is the document that you need to sign." Enterprise placed a bundle of document in front of my desk.

"..mmm, thanks Enterprise." I currently signing off a bunch of minor inconvenience paper due to the war with the Iron Blood.

Few weeks after our battle, i received a news that the HQ will not recruit a new Commander into the port because the position of Commander has become more difficult to achieve and a new disposition inside the HQ which i wont bother to explain because its too troublesome. The project "Manjuu" that i and Akashi developed will be released tomorrow, mass producing the creature takes quite some time but Akashi done it by the time i recovered, we could get little help with them around our port. Akashi also developing a new machine related to the Manjuus recently, i dont know what is it but she seems to be secretive about it.

A knock came, Volga entered my room. "Commander, how was your work?" 

"Ahh, it's pretty fun actually, but my real job is at the battlefield." 

I had a fun talk with Volga while working until the next breaktime.

The next day, Greynar also worked in room.

"Master, there is a recent news from Iris Orthodoxy, it seems that Iron Blood has made contact with them." Belfast as Greynar's temporary secretary was brewing coffee next to him. 

"Really? What does the Cardinal says about it?" Greynar sipping the coffee while working on the desk.

"The Cardinal declined their offer. But there seems an opposition within the Iris Orthodoxy." 

'If im right about the old event, Iris of Light and Dark, this will be the first step towards the breakdown of the country. Vichya Dominion and Iris Libre will be born soon'

"Regarding that country, im afraid the future will be bleak with sadness and sorrow." 

"...What do you mean by that, Master?" Belfast moved beside Greynar.

"I have a hunch that something big will definitely happened and the balance of power will shaken once again, not even i could fix it." Greynar fixed his sit position as he done with his work. 

"This will be a problematic situation, in case that hunch is right, we, the Royal Navy will try to have a meeting with the Cardinal herself."

"I'll let the Royal Navy decide, i don't know if i could interfere in others matter but because of the Royal Navy relation with Iris Orthodoxy, i might could help you with it, anyway good work on the documents." 

"I'll take my leave then, Master." Belfast left the room quietly.

Greynar slumped on the desk while playing with his pen.

'It is a problematic situation, whether i could prevent it or not, its not up to me but those Sirens. The Saviour didn't talk to me after i recovered, but im sure that guy are looking through my eyes right now.' Greynar looked through the blue sky outside the window 'The White Tower that i have seen, was it their experiment? I'll take a break here these thoughts making me exhausted'

Hours later Greynar moved to his bed because he finished his work. Ever since Greynar recovered, the Commander room is now his room. He's still getting accustomed to his new role because of the drastic change he had gone through. Greynar also trying to be more active interacting with other KANSEN, especially Repulse and Renown which he already knew. 

Greynar heard a step outside his room. "Commander? Are you there?" The door opened, Renown came in to the room.

"Renown? Do you need something?" Greynar was laying in bed.

"No, i don't need anything, im actually here just to talk with you." Renown took a sit near the bed.

"What do you want to talk about?" 

"It's about... My sister. There always an awkward moment between me and my sister, so i want to get an advice from you how to deal with this." Renown speaking while fidgeting her finger.

Greynar saw her behavior and laughed. "So its that it? Well its not my type to discuss about your personal affair but all i could say is just be true to yourself and be honest with each other, im sure Repulse would do the same thing when you also being honest." 

"But im not confident, i don't know if i could be honest with Repulse." Renown looked dejected and lowered her face.

Greynar sighed and arose from his bed. "We'll need to fix that attitude of yours Renown, come, follow me." 

Renown followed Greynar outside of the building into the yard behind the building, one would say that the tree under it could make your mind relax

"First off, you need to relax yourself a bit." Greynar took a seat under the tree and closed his eye. "Nature is a good place to relax your mind and body, this is because of the surrounding environment." 

Renown followed Greynar instruction and sat down under the tree, and relaxed herself.

"Do you feel relaxed yet?" 

Renown nodded, Greynar and Renown has been under the tree for a minutes. Greynar took a look at the surrounding around him and made a mental note about the place.

'I better take Volga to this spot because this is a very nice place to sleep'

Greynar looked through Renown and smiled.

'I'll let her doze off a bit'

After half an hour, Greynar woke up from his doze under the tree, he looked at Renown who is still sleeping. 

"Renown, this is a good place for doze but we don't have time for this. If you are done relaxing, we'll proceed to the next step." Greynar proceeded to walk inside of the building.

 Renown woke up and rushed to Greynar. "What's the next step now?" 

"The next step to build your confident is..." Renown looked at Greynar with a hopeful face. "...Nothing!" Only to be betrayed by her own expectation, and Greynar was laughing on the floor.

"WH-What do you mean by that!?" Renown shouted while making a very confused face. "Do you mean im hopeless?" 

"No, its not what you are thinking, it's just about how yourself needed a little push from behind." Greynar stretching his arm and muttered. "Well, i just want to take a break and looking at your face when sleeping."

"What did you say Commander?" Renown currently looking down on Greynar with a scary expression.

"Uhhh... Nothing?" Greynar scratched his head and headed to outside of his office. "Time to run!"

"GET BACK HERE COMMANDER!!" Renown chased after Greynar.

It was then Greynar got caught by Renown while Repulse looked at Greynar with a sympathetic face. Volga who got back from her exercise with Enterprise asked how did Greynar got his injury, of course Greynar lied and told her that he fall on a bunch of bush which Volga blindly believed the lie. In the end, Renown and Repulse started being honest with each other thanks to Greynar.

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