Azur Lane: Savior

Chapter 20 – Training and Letters

"This is the last document you need to sign for this year Master, there will be no more document as of today because of a certain circumstance with the HQ." Belfast handed me the last piece of paper.

"Good, then i'll take a leisure later . Speaking of circumstances, what are the Naval HQ doing right now?" Greynar sipped the coffee prepared for him.

Belfast smiled. "I have a good news for you. A new rules has been decided under the suggestion from the new higher ups, Master, your position will have the same rank as a council member from the HQ." 

Greynar spit the coffee instantaneously after he heard the news. "What the fuck does that mean!!?" 

"Master, i think you have a greater standing than the other inside HQ because of your importance and figure." 

"THAT DOESN'T EXPLAIN ANYTHING!!" Greynar slapped the desk.

"You might as well try to figure it yourself Master." Belfast left the room as she teased Greynar. 

'Seriously, what are the HQ doing without my agreement. If this is the insider who Noir has the connection with, and if the memories of Noir has been erased, what is this bizarre situation. Perhaps, it wasn't completely deleted? No, maybe it was that guy objective, to make Noir has a broader influence than before, i better stop think about this, i'll let the future decide and goes with the flow'

"I will try to check on the exercise area, i wonder what are those girls doing right now" Greynar walked off from his office.

Volga and Enterprise are always training when they have the time, Enterprise always find her self busy with the sortie mission around the area because of the daily patrol and Sirens control. Volga also partaking on her sortie under Greynar's order with the guidance of Hornet and Yorktown who is also an aircraft carrier type. While it was peaceful in the port, the world outside isn't very peaceful, a fleets of Sirens always could be seen whenever they go sortie. Of course, it wasn't as they aimlessly attacked the Siren. They are trying to find the whereabouts of the Siren stronghold or the base of the Siren daily and pinpointed the location and monitor their movement before everything gone wrong. 

"Hyaahh!!" Enterprise destroyed the fighters using her rigging bow. 

"That's the not the real one, this is the real one Enterprise!" Volga quickly moved behind Enterprise and commanded her rigging to attack.

"Hummphh!"Enterprise backed off from the attack and countered it with several fighter plane. 

Volga distanced herself from Enterprise and surfed around Enterprise and spread out the dive bombers that has been deployed before making a quick attack. 

"Not bad to distract me but.." Enterprise jumped and shoot out another fighters from her bow. "This is nothing for the Grey Ghost!" Enterprise destroyed the dive bombers and aimed at Volga before destroyed her virtual rigging.

"No way... I thought i cornered you... Volga slumped, she was very confident that she could beat Enterprise in the fight.

When they had their first battle, Enterprise lose because she caught off guard by Volga ability to have a precise movement with her rigging and as for that, Enterprise asked Volga to be her training partner ever since, because Akagi cut off their relationship after a fight happened because of a different ideals between Enterprise and Akagi.

Enterprise noticed Greynar presence near the edge of the exercise arena. "Commander, have you been watching us this whole time? " 

Greynar clapped. "Yeah, it was a very intense fight, that girl still need more training to do, i hope you could guide her, Enterprise."

Enterprise nodded. "Leave it to me, i will make sure those experience will never happen again on others."

'Ah, she was talking about the Midway battle'

"Eh? Commander come to look at our training?" Volga switched her rigging to her virtual rigging to her normal rigging after the training was over, she rushed to Greynar in an instant. 

"I see that you're making a nice progress Volga." Greynar patted Volga head and caress her head.

Volga turns into a cheeks become brightly red. "Be-because of you Commander, i worked hard to be the best for everyone in the port."

"Then please keep up with it, don't push yourself too hard." Greynar smiled.

Enterprise sighed. "You two love-birds please notice the surrounding around you." 


Both of them stepped back and made an awkward atmosphere around each other. Greynar noticed that something seems to have flying above them, its an eagle.

"Enterprise, is that your eagle?" Greynar pointed out at the animal.

Enterprise saw the eagle and told it to come down and it landed on her shoulder, Greynar noticed that something attached to its leg.

Enterprise took a small paper from the eagle's leg. "I think she got a message for us, this is from Saratoga?" 

"What does it says?" Volga curiously tilted her head.

Greynar took the paper from Enterprise and read the message.

Hello Enterprise, it's your favorite girl, Saratoga-chan i will be at the port by tomorrow with the other ship from Eagle Union, make sure you welcome us with the Commander ~♡                            

Enterprise facepalmed. "She always like this, Commander, on behalf of Saratoga i apologize." Enterprise bowed.

Greynar shook his head. "No, no. It's okay, really, don't worry too much about it."

"Another new ship is coming? I'm very excited for it, i can't wait for their arrival. Commander lets make some food as a welcome gift in the kitchen, i will help you as much as i can~" Volga jumping excitedly. 

"Or are you wanting to eat the food for the welcome gift?" Greynar raised his brow.

"....I-i don't know what you're talking about." Volga tried to look away from Greynar eyes.

"Suspicious..." Greynar stared at Volga intensely. 

Greynar kept staring at her until she admitted her plan to eat the food after she finished in making it, Enterprise amused on how Greynar could make Volga become obedient with only a stare.

"Anyway Enterprise, why did Eagle Union send us some ships? I haven't heard of any news about it before."

"It's because of the recent change in your position Commander, they send you a new reinforcement." Enterprise explained the reason.

"So you knew huh... Lets prepare the feast then, i will contact the Royal Maids to help us in the kitchen, Volga lets go." 

"Okay Commander~" Volga happily follows Greynar. 

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