Babylonian Empire

Page 8

The F-16 is not a car, has no reflectors, and cannot receive information from the early warning aircraft. Nahumi, the lead plane of the "chisel" team, did not notice that two of the four planes in his formation actually fell behind.

Fortunately, the distance was widened, so when the planes in front were ambushed one after another, Iftach and Raymond did not choose to follow the climb, but turned to the right in advance and flew towards the scheduled attack location. go.

Climbing up wasn't the best option, it was just that the planes ahead were flying too close and they had no choice.The two lagging planes took precautions. Instead of flying over the opponent's anti-aircraft artillery positions, they turned directly ahead of time and flew towards the scheduled reactor.

Throwing this kind of unguided ordinary bomb requires superb bombing skills. When to dive and when to drop bombs, you need to have exact standards. This is also the starting point for the formation to choose the lake as the attack route. It takes 10 minutes to fly to reach 1000 1000 meters before entering the target, fly down from a high altitude, dive and throw from a pre-practiced angle.

Looking at things on the ground in the sky is different from what you see on the ground, and it is also different when you look at it from different angles. Therefore, if you choose a different angle, it is easy to fly over the target without dropping the bomb in time.

However, there is no other way at present, and these two planes are the last hope!

Iftach looked at the angry F-15 fighter jets, feeling very calm. Even if they could use machine guns to wipe out all the opponent's anti-aircraft artillery, so what?Mistakes have already been made, and the most correct choice for them is to provide themselves with more cover to prevent themselves from being attacked by the opponent's fighter jets. The anti-aircraft artillery position just now shows that the opponent probably already knows about this action.

Iftarch piloted a fighter jet, looking for landmarks, ready to drop bombs over the nuclear reactor flying at high speed.It's just snot, and I still want to spit it out from time to time.

Raymond's eyes were a little red. He was still discussing with him last night, saying that if he was attacked, he would be the easiest person to become a martyr. Unexpectedly, the pilots in front had already left before him.

Revenge, revenge!Raymond buckled the oxygen mask to his face. Although he did not need to breathe oxygen in the air below 3000 meters, in order to calm his mind and concentrate, Raymond began to breathe the oxygen in the oxygen mask.

The distance of 1000 kilometers is more than a minute for a fighter jet flying at high speed. After tens of seconds, the two fighter jets have already approached the Oslak reactor, and their altitude has also increased to [-] meters.

Block the balloons!The two looked at the sky ahead, frowning slightly.

There are dozens of colorful balloons densely packed in the air at a height of several hundred meters in front of them. If you want to fly over it, yes, it is very difficult to dive and drop bombs.

If a plane flying at high speed collides with the steel cables that block the balloons, the plane will definitely explode in an instant.

"The original plan remains the same, dive and drop bombs." Iftach said.There were only the two of them left in the bombing team. Iftach was the colonel and Raymond was the captain. Naturally, they had to obey the orders of Iftarch.

"Yes!" Raymond replied on the radio. There was a sense of sadness in his voice. Flying into the blocked balloons all over the place was definitely a narrow escape.

If you don't dive to drop the bomb, you can only drop it horizontally. The plane flies horizontally and the bomb is dropped. The accuracy of this kind of bombing is very poor, unless it is the carpet bombing of the B-52 bomber.

But there is no way, in the active arsenal, only this mk84 bomb is the most powerful, able to deal with the thick concrete wall of the opponent's nuclear reactor.

In an instant, it entered the final stage.

Iftach originally switched the switch to the bomb mode, but when he dived, he suddenly switched to the machine gun.

In the gap between several blocked balloons, the tall circular concrete building with a horseshoe-shaped earth embankment beside it is Iraq's "Tammuz-1" nuclear reactor.

Iftarch pushed the joystick forward, the plane dived rapidly, the speed became faster and faster, and the outline of the land became clearer and clearer.

"Blocking balloons are just children's toys!" Iftachi growled and pressed the button in his hand.

&61a1 "Vulcan" 20mm caliber Gatling 6-barreled aerial gun, the barrel was spinning continuously, spit out tongues of fire, several balloons next to it were shot down one after another.

Ok, switch to bomb it!Iftachi flipped the switch skillfully left and right, switching to the bomb operation.

There is only one firing button, which is on the joystick, and controlling the firing of various weapons needs to be realized by switching switches.

The head-up image has already been projected on the glass in front of the cockpit. You only need to put the round concrete building on the front sight by mistake, and when it is lowered to 200 meters, press the button and pull it up again.

At this moment, he had already ignored the instruments in the cockpit, and Iftach kept his eyes on the bigger and bigger target on the glass.

On the anti-aircraft artillery position below, they started to shoot at the diving plane, but this kind of backward anti-aircraft artillery could not catch the falling trajectory of the opponent's plane at all, and the opponent's plane was still in the dive. .

Raymond followed Iftarch and swooped down.

Seeing Iftage firing the cannon in the rapid dive in front, Raymond was so impressed that the other party was an ace pilot. It was this action that he couldn't do by himself. It required a keen reaction speed, and it was still mounting Made in the case of two heavy bombs.

What Raymond didn't know was that Iftachi's vision had begun to blur at this moment, and the huge overload caused him to have black vision.

Under normal circumstances, this less than five overloads would be no problem for him at all, but today he is not feeling well.Originally, the blood flow was not smooth, and during the violent maneuver, the blood could not be transported to the head in time. Finally, his vision began to blur, and his eyes were completely dark.

Having tried his best, Iftarch pressed the button resignedly: .

Under the wing, two huge bombs deftly broke away from the wing pylons, drew a graceful arc in the air, and fell downward.

Iftach felt the plane lighten suddenly, he exhausted all his strength to pull the joystick back, if it was too late, it might crash.

At the last moment, Raymond was still admiring the ace pilot's ability, but at this moment, his eyes widened: the two bombs did not fly towards the reactor at all, but fell towards the steam turbine plant in front.

The nuclear reactor only provides heat, transfers the heat to water, turns it into high-pressure steam, and then drives the steam turbine to rotate, drives the generator to generate electricity, or outputs power.

Damn it!The bombing route was wrong, and the dive was too late, and the dive angle was too small. If you fly like this, you will miss the reactor.Raymond was restless.

Pull up and get in again?Raymond looked at the outline of the land that was approaching, gritted his teeth, and pressed the joystick down.

Increase the dive angle!Instead of diving vertically at [-] degrees, I don't believe that the reactor will not be blown up. Raymond made up his mind.

The nose of the aircraft gradually lowered, and finally, it was almost facing the ground. The red circle of the head-up display had been put on the round building. Raymond opened the weapon safety, ready to drop the bomb.

This kind of dive requires great courage, the speed is so fast, as long as it is 0.1 second late, the plane will be destroyed.And if thrown too early, the bomb may miss its mark.

Lei Meng scanned the altimeter with the corner of his eyes, and it was turning rapidly. Soon, the altitude would be close to 200 meters.

Raymond's right hand has already pressed the launch button of the joystick, and the most exciting moment has arrived.Drop the bomb, and then pull it up quickly. If you slow down a little, you will passionately kiss the earth and become a meatloaf, which will be eaten by Saddam without oil and vinegar.

Suddenly, Lei Meng felt the fuselage shaking violently, and suddenly, the scene in front of him began to spin rapidly.

Oops, into a spin!

A spin is a motion in which an aircraft rotates along a steep helical track with a small radius while at the same time descending sharply in a sustained stall state. The onboard computer of the f-16 has been restricted. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to enter the spin. However, when the pilot is performing special missions, in order to increase the maneuverability of the aircraft, he will think that the onboard computer is unlocked. That is to say, The computer will no longer prohibit the aircraft from making these maneuvers that could cause an accident.

At such a low altitude, there is no ability to reverse the spin, and the only option is to escape by ejection.

Raymond didn't hesitate. He had no choice. He pulled down the ejection tab under the seat. With a "bang", four cap-breaking guns fired simultaneously, making four holes in the glass canopy. Then, the ejection seat The rocket started to ignite, pushing the seat upwards, the seat opened the canopy, and flew out of the cockpit with Raymond.

In the next second, the plane hit the ground and exploded.

Chapter 9 MiG-25 interception

Chapter 9 MiG-25 interception——

Two brilliant flames flashed like meteors, and then, Lei Meng felt a light on his body, and the ejection seat had been separated from his body. Since it was at a low altitude, the parachute opened without any delay.

A dazzling umbrella flower slowly descended in the sky, but Lei Meng was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scene on the earth. He knew that he was about to encounter the biggest trouble in his life.

Compared with those companions who have lost their lives, he is still relatively lucky, because he is still alive:.However, how long he can live, I am afraid only God knows.

This is in the hinterland of Iraq, near the heavily defended nuclear reactor. Although the helicopters of the search and rescue team are on standby at all times, it is absolutely impossible to rescue him from the border between Israel and Jordan. He can only rely on himself and return to Israel.

If you are unfortunately caught, the best way is to kill yourself in advance, relying on the Arabs' hatred of yourself, I am afraid that your life will be worse than death.

Raymond fell to the ground in a conflicted mood.Fortunately, due to the wind, he was several kilometers away from the nuclear reactor.

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