Babylonian Empire

Page 9

According to the movements during training, he put his legs together, and when he landed on the ground, he bent his legs, cushioned them, and then rolled on the momentum, completing the steps of landing.

Skydiving is not as simple as it seems. If the landing action is not done well, the leg fracture will be broken, and the death will be unfortunate.Although Raymond is not afraid of death, he wants to preserve his usefulness and fight for the establishment of a great Jewish state.

After landing, Raymond cut off the parachute with an umbrella knife, and immediately ran westward quickly. There was a forest to the west. After passing through the forest, there was a small river. After crossing the river, there was a village. Get out a car, and you can quickly get out of the dangerous area here.

"Operation Babylon is terminated, and all aircraft return immediately."

The furious Bahari swooped down and bombarded the hidden anti-aircraft guns all over the place, smashing a few unlucky anti-aircraft gunners into pieces, and then calmed down.

On the radar screen, more than a dozen light spots flashed, and the fighter jets that took off from the Iraqi air force base had already rushed here.

Relying on advanced fighter jets and powerful air-to-air missiles, Bahari is not afraid of those backward MiGs. However, it is no longer necessary to fight on his own. He already knows that this bombing operation was a complete failure. What came down was to take the rest of the people back intact. At this time, the plane's fuel was running out. If the entanglement continued here, when the fuel ran out, my fighter squadron would probably stay here too.

Bahari calmed down and ordered to return.

Iftach's eyes gradually brightened. Thinking of the experience just now, he was really afraid. As long as he pulled the joystick one second later, the plane would be destroyed. He glanced sideways, only to find that a white flower appeared in the sky. umbrella flower.

Raymond!Iftarch knew that the umbrella flower must be Raymond, and he crashed!

Looking down again, thick smoke has already risen from the nuclear reactor.

"Operation Babylon is terminated, and all planes return immediately." Hearing the voice from the headset, Iftach did not fly over to assess the bombing results, and immediately turned the plane westward, preparing to return with the f-15.

The MiGs were already chasing after him. Although his fighter was outstanding, he only had two life-saving Sidewinder missiles left. If he was surrounded by MiGs, he would probably be slaughtered.

As for Raymond on the ground, we can only wish him good luck.

"Formation attention, leave high altitude, bearing 270, quickly leave low altitude." Bahari ordered calmly.

Almost within a few minutes, at least three or four radar beams had swept over Bahari's plane. In order to avoid being attacked by the opponent's anti-aircraft missiles, Bahari immediately ordered to leave at a low altitude.

Since the earth has a curved surface, after flying to a low altitude, it can effectively avoid being locked by the opponent's radar. As long as it leaves the vicinity of Baghdad, the air defense firepower in other parts of Iraq will be greatly weakened.However, when flying at low altitude, the air resistance is very high, which leads to intensified fuel burning, and there is not much fuel left. Therefore, after entering Saudi Arabia, you can only fly back at high altitude. However, after entering Saudi Arabia, you will be protected by other fighter jets of the Air Force , the risk is greatly reduced.

Although undergoing drastic changes, those who can fly fighter jets are the elites of the army. They quickly calmed down, formed formations, and quickly penetrated westward at low altitude.

Iftage was driving an f-16, which was more than ten kilometers away from the f-15 formation in front.

Iftach turned on the afterburner switch, and immediately, the powerful engine exploded with greater thrust, and a white mist-like sharp wave appeared in front of the plane. The plane broke through the sound barrier and flew at supersonic speed.

The f-16 is a single-engine aircraft, and its acceleration performance is not as good as that of the twin-engine f-15. In the dangerous airspace of Iraq, with only two short-range Sidewinder missiles, it would be very dangerous. Therefore, Iftach chose Turn on the afterburner and catch up with the formation in front as soon as possible.

Supersonic flight at low altitude is strictly prohibited. A powerful sonic boom will be formed on the ground, and people on the ground will be strongly affected. However, Iftachi can’t control that much, let alone Iraq below people:.

With the afterburner turned on, aviation fuel began to be consumed at an alarming rate. Iftach looked at the f-15 formation close at hand, and turned off the afterburner.

"Report, chisel No. [-] is low on fuel, and chisel No. [-] is low on fuel." Iftaki glanced at the gauges on the dashboard, and calculated with his heart that if he couldn't make it back to Israel, he would have to land in Saudi Arabia or Jordan.

Bahari heard Iftach's voice through the earphones. Chisel No. 16 was his plane. Although he was the commander of the formation, Iftach's military rank was higher than his own. Furthermore, the eight f -[-], he was the only one left, and Bahari didn't want to crash because of insufficient fuel.

Anyway, these f-15s of mine are just to protect the bombing formation. Now there is only one left, and I have to take it back. Besides, I have already flown to Karbala Province. The air defense force here is very weak. I will fly for another ten minutes , it will go beyond the borders of Iraq.And those planes that had just taken off and were about to intercept were probably still a hundred kilometers away at this moment, and by the time they chased them, they had already flown out of Iraq.

Bahari made up his mind, "Formation attention, altitude 400, speed 270, direction [-]."

Iftach watched the F-15 in front of him fly out of his sight, and he immediately pulled the joystick back, the nose of the plane lifted, and began to climb upwards.

As soon as he entered the low altitude, the red light of the radar warning receiver on the instrument panel of Iftachi flashed, and the eager voice of the onboard computer came from the earphone: "You have been locked, you have been locked."

Bahari's voice came from the headset: "The radar jamming pod is activated immediately, and the formation turns right as a whole to release the lock."

The four MiG-25s are praying mantises catching cicadas, and the orioles are behind them. They have already followed the rear of the formation. The lead plane is the talented Iraqi pilot, "Sky Falcon" Reyel.

The MiG-25 was imported from the Soviet Union in the spring of 1980. It is an important interceptor aircraft for the Soviet Union's homeland air defense.It is a high-altitude and high-speed interceptor fighter developed by the Mikoyan Design Bureau of the Soviet Union.It is the world's first fighter jet with a speed exceeding Mach 3.The nickname given by NATO is "Fox Bat".

In order to overcome the thermal effect caused by the huge speed, the MiG-25 did not use the common aluminum alloy structure, but used stainless steel in large quantities.Relying on the advantage of speed, MiG-25 has a great advantage in volley operations. At this time, MiG-21 and MiG-23 are still coming slowly behind.

However, the MiG-25's avionics system is very backward. The large-scale use of electronic tubes has poor results. The most obvious is that the high-power radar lacks the ability to look down and shoot down. The power of the MiG-25 It is said that a rabbit can be roasted 300 meters away, and the search distance is also [-] kilometers. However, the resolution is not very high, especially when the opponent is at a low altitude, the echo from the ground will turn the radar screen into a Snowflake, but couldn't find the target.

Therefore, Reyel has been following the opponent. Due to the lack of support from the early warning aircraft, Bahari did not notice that in just a few minutes, a group of uninvited guests followed.

Reyel was overjoyed when he saw the opponent pulling up from a low altitude, and ordered to the formation: "Start the radar, lock it immediately:."


At this time, Bahari is facing a very troublesome situation. The opponent's plane appears behind him and has locked his own formation. Then, at the next moment, there will definitely be missiles coming. If his formation turns around to fight, then, no matter whether it can If you fight back these planes, your formation will be smashed into pieces by other fighters that are coming. If you don't fight, then your formation will be beaten. It will only be beaten and not fight back. This is not the style of the Israeli Air Force.

Suddenly, there was a rapid alarm sound from the earphones, and the other party had already launched a missile!

"The radar jamming pod was activated immediately, and the formation turned right as a whole to release the lock." Bahari had no time to say anything else, so he got rid of the attack first.

The formation immediately changed direction and released electromagnetic interference at the same time, especially the two two-seater F-15s, with an extra weapon operator, who immediately activated the interference pods mounted under the wings.

To change direction, as long as the course of the aircraft is consistent with the direction of the opponent's radar beam, the opponent's radar will lose the target, and the missiles that have been launched will not find the target due to unlocking, and finally self-destruct.

It's useless, the missile is still approaching rapidly.

The jamming pod mounted under the wing had less than half the power of the MiG-25 radar, so it couldn't interfere with the opponent's radar at all, and the steering just now was unsuccessful.

In an emergency, Bahari had a whim, and it seemed that he could only return to the low altitude.

"All formations, dive immediately."

The Soviet Union's electronic technology is not good, that's notorious, otherwise, why didn't the opponent lock on their formation when they were at low altitude just now?But as soon as it was pulled up, it was attacked. Now, it can only go back to the low altitude.

This is also very dangerous. If this trick doesn't work, you will fly to low altitude and lose your altitude advantage. It will be very disadvantageous in low-altitude fighting with the MiGs that came later, especially the MiG-21, which is very good at low-altitude dogfighting. .

The light spots on Reyel's radar screen disappeared, and he wished he could smash the radar screen with his gloved hands. This kind of radar is really weak. If we persist for two more seconds, the missile will enter the process of autonomous flight. There is no need for the help of airborne radar.

Medium-range air-to-air missiles are not left alone after launch. During two-thirds of the distance, the radar of the carrier aircraft must be used to illuminate the target and provide the missile with data on the opponent. Now, the radar target disappears, and these missiles have lost their target.

The first round of volleys did not shoot down the results.

The opponent must have entered the low altitude. The MiG-25 is an excellent high-altitude and high-speed interceptor, which is not suitable for fighting with the opponent at low altitude. Reyer had to order the formation to slow down and wait for the opponent to appear again. Let those sluggish MiG-21s and MiG-23s take care of it.

Chapter 10 Meet Saddam Hussein

Chapter 10 meeting Saddam——

When Zhang Feng returned to the Osirak nuclear reactor, everything was over.The nearby factory building has already caught fire, but the nearby nuclear reactor is safe and sound, and several fire trucks are putting out the fire.

At this time, the nuclear reactor has not been loaded with nuclear fuel, has not started operation, and there will be no risk of nuclear leakage. Besides, the opponent's bomb has not fallen on the nuclear reactor at all.Therefore, it can be said that the Israelis failed to achieve their goals this time.

History is finally being rewritten from now on, and Zhang Feng is full of confidence.

Zhang Feng suddenly found that the eyes of the soldiers next to him were full of admiration!

"Your Excellency Qusay, you are really amazing!" Warikh looked at the person in front of him and said very excitedly.

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