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Chapter 073: Convince the QiDians

Chapter 073: Convince the QiDians

"Who wrote this opening chapter? It's very good!'

Bao Jianfeng was the first to speak, full of surprise.

At this time, Singularity had just emerged, and the pretentious and slap-in-the-face writing was not an old routine, but a completely new style. After reading the first few chapters, everyone was deeply attracted by this article, marveled at it, and greatly appreciated it.

“It’s very stressful and very attractive!”

"This feeling of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is so refreshing!"

Everyone present was a master of this art. After reading a few pages, they all gave a thumbs up!

"I said I wrote it, do you guys believe me?"

Tang Qinghua said with a smile, and then became serious: "Although I am also in business, I prefer online literature. It has always been my dream to create my own fantasy work!"

"It turns out they are all of the same kind!"

Several people looked at each other and laughed.

Before the establishment of Singularity, several of them were literature lovers and had published novels on the Internet or in traditional Chinese. Bao Jianfeng's "The Legend of Magic Knight Heroes" was one of the earliest online novels published in Taiwan.

Tang Qinghua's book and words invisibly brought them closer together, making them feel like they were on the same page.

"Brother Tang, welcome to Singularity!"

Bao Jianfeng solemnly said: "If there is a singularity, this book is guaranteed to be a big hit. As long as there are no crashes later, it will definitely be a hit... As long as it gets publicity, it will be no less than "The Stranger" and other books!"

"Then Singularity has to sign me——"

Tang Qinghua was half joking and half serious: "As everyone knows, I came here today to join the team because I think it is a pleasant and meaningful thing to work with all the literature lovers!"

"Brother Tang, how do you feel about the singularity?"

No one expressed their opinions immediately, and Wu Wenhui, the heart of darkness, asked first.

In fact, everyone is meeting today to discuss’s investment in shares... Singularity Chinese Network is in great need of prosperity, and every aspect is in urgent need of capital investment. They are very excited by Feiniao’s intention.

“I think Singularity has great potential!”

Tang Qinghua knew that this was a moment to test himself: "There are many literary websites that have emerged from the Western Continent, including Cuiweiju, Tianying, Longkong, Huanjian, etc., but Cuiweiju is not good at adapting, and Tianying's traffic is okay but the editor No, Long Kong has always wanted to take the publishing route, and the management of Huanjian is too pedantic. Taking all aspects together, the most promising one is Singularity!"

"If a literary website wants to grow bigger, both readers and authors are important. Leaving aside the means of attracting readers, if you want to be attractive to authors, you must make them earn income. The remaining websites are thinking of free models. Rely on traffic to judge whether a book is good or bad, and then determine who can publish it.”

"Not to mention whether this method is pertinent, because there are many genres that are not suitable for publication. Even if the publication is successful, how many readers will buy it? The simplified publishing market has been flooded with pirated books, and the cost of genuine books is high. The selling price is high and it cannot compete with pirated copies. Even if it is successfully published, the sales volume will be very few.”

"The subscription model pioneered by Singularity is a very good innovation. The first part is free, and the latter part is charged. As long as the book is really attractive, there will definitely be many paying readers. As long as there are enough paying readers, the author will If they have enough royalties, they will steadily continue writing on Singularity."

“It’s still not easy to do this!”

"First, Singularity requires a lot of publicity and gathering a sufficient number of authors. But even if it attracts a large number of authors, how can we stabilize them? There is an author protection system. A penniless person does not have the energy to write; A person who is about to starve to death has no time to write. Just relying on interest is not enough. The author must be given financial security!"

"Second, if we have authors and good books, we also need enough VIP readers. There is really no shortcut to this. Only by spending money on long-term publicity and trying to open up recharge channels can we attract enough readers and let them Be willing to recharge and spend."

"For the above two points, everyone here should understand that the key to whether Singularity can stand out is whether it has enough funds. As far as I know, the current VIP income can only barely maintain the basic operation of the website. As the traffic increases, , as the number of readers increases, server, labor, and publicity costs will greatly increase. If Singularity does not have capital injection, it will soon collapse under the pressure, and there will be no way to stand out from other websites."

"Because I like Curiosity, on behalf of Feiniao, I hope to invest in Singularity. Feiniao is a game trading website, and point card recharge is one of its functions. If we can cooperate with Singularity, we will have great advantages in recharging... …”

Tang Qinghua spoke out his analysis of the current situation of Singularity in one breath.

As the saying goes: Bystanders are obsessed with the authorities. Everyone here knows about the situation of the Singularity, but when told from others, the meaning and feelings are obviously different... Several people also looked at Tang Qinghua with admiration and no longer dared to look down on him because of his age.

"How do you plan to invest in Brother Tang?"

This time it was Yi Zhe who spoke.

Internet literature has just emerged. There are many websites and many heroes are divided. Although Singularity has good traffic data, it does not dare to dominate the world. For the time being, no investors are interested in it. It is not very confident about its positioning.

Tang Qinghua’s current round is still an angel round!

"According to my understanding and investigation, the current market valuation of Singularity is estimated to be around 800 million to 1000 million. Feiniao is willing to pay 300 million in cash to purchase 30.00% of Singularity's shares. At the same time, Feiniao will provide Singularity for free within its capabilities." Click to provide the following convenience: "

"[-]. Open dedicated recharge for Singularity Coin. Provide convenient recharge services for Singularity readers, lower the recharge threshold and requirements, increase recharge readers from all aspects, and make every effort to retain VIP users."

"Second, my subsidiaries and have opened advertising links for Singularity to attract traffic and promote each other. After Singularity Chinese Network has sufficient funds, I will introduce you to reliable publicity channels to quickly increase the popularity of Singularity."

Tang Qinghua's attitude was simple and direct.

The Singularity Five were silent, looked at each other, and did not express their opinions immediately.

But seeing this attitude, Tang Qinghua secretly breathed a sigh of relief and expressed that he wanted to go to the toilet, leaving room for everyone to discuss.

"The market valuation he proposed is similar to what we budgeted, which can be considered very sincere."

"Recharging is indeed a problem. If can alleviate this problem, it will be of great benefit to us!"

"I'm in charge of technology, and I don't know much about anything else, but as far as I know,'s data is growing rapidly, and it has stepped on 5177, and it's just around the corner to become the industry leader. Although is a new website, it has a very strong publicity offensive. We are investing heavily in offline promotion, and these two websites are very potential websites.”

"I have studied Their main users are college students. College students are also the main components of VIP readers of our website. If we can cooperate with, it will definitely be of great benefit to us... For our website,'s The potential is even greater than that of Feiniao.”

Several people were talking about it and seemed particularly excited.

The traffic of online literature websites is huge. It is an era when all heroes are coming together. Cuiweiju, Tianying, Zhulang, etc. are looking for capital investment, but not many are really willing to take action.

"Everyone, please be quiet——"

Lin Feng had to stop it on the spot: "If we reach a cooperation with, these will not be a problem. What we are discussing now is the issue of capital injection and share capital. Everyone should think carefully about it first."

"30.00% is too much!"

Heart of Darkness was silent for a long time and said: "He is very clear about the potential of our Singularity... I think it is more reasonable to invest 300 million and 20.00% of the shares. And it is stipulated that Feiniao has the right to make suggestions, but cannot interfere with the operation and management of the website."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and nodded.

At this time, they are not pure businessmen, and they are not particularly sensitive to money and numbers.Singularity Chinese website is their hard work. In fact, no one expected that in just one or two years, Singularity would become worth tens of millions.

Ten minutes later, Tang Qinghua came in slowly.

"What do you think of my opinion?"

Tang Qinghua stretched and asked everyone with a smile.

"Brother Tang, after our discussion, we believe that even if you raise 300 million yuan, you cannot own 30.00% of the shares. We have a complete editorial team and a first-class operation team, whether it is traffic, registered users or VIP users. The highest in the industry, we are already the leader in the industry.”

The one who spoke this time was Hidden Sword Jiangnan.

"Yes, Singularity is currently the highest among similar websites in terms of traffic and users. But there is a limit to how high it can be. Tianying and Cuiweiju are not much lower than you, and there are many popular novels such as Yixia, It’s all still in their hands, so Singularity’s advantage is really not that big.”

"My valuation of Singularity is definitely not low, and I will not reduce my 30.00% stake, but in order to express my sincerity, I am willing to add another 100 million. This 100 million does not need to be used for website development, and several shareholders can directly distribute dividends extract."

"Furthermore, I only retain the right to make suggestions for the development of Singularity and will never interfere in Singularity's management."

When several people heard this, their hearts beat again.

When they started Singularity, it was just a hobby.Turning their hobby into a job was a dream they worked hard to create. Unexpectedly, in just over a year, with a total investment of more than 100 million, the market value could reach tens of millions.

But this 1000 million,

You can see it, but you can’t touch it!

Unless Singularity is sold and realized, the 1000 million is just a mirror image.

Even if they get millions of dollars in financing, which can greatly improve their treatment, it cannot be turned into money directly. At this moment, Tang Qinghua's proposal instantly made them extremely excited. Compared with the potential and cash, the temptation of cash is greater!

Especially Yi Zhe and Zangjian Jiangnan both want to buy a house in Zhonghai. However, the average house price in Zhonghai at this time exceeds 5000 yuan. With their current wages, it is really not enough to pay the down payment.It would be a great thing for the two of them if they could have 100 million to share.

"Mr. Tang, give us some time to think about it."

Finally, Bao Jianfeng spoke slowly: "The hotel has been booked. You have to rest for the night. We will give you a definite answer tomorrow!"

"of course can!"

Tang Qinghua smiled, he was not in a hurry.

"Everyone, let's eat, the food is almost cold!"

Everyone started laughing and moving, and the guests and hosts were enjoying themselves for a while.

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