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Chapter 925

Chapter 911: Technology First

But this kind of progress is invisible to the outside world.

They only know that after Chu Yi entered the Xin’an Group, they seemed to be like mud cows entering the sea, silently.

No news came out again, and they didn’t even go out much.

“It’s really, it’s a pity.”

When Chu Yi was defeated and was about to leave Boguan, many people handed them olive branches.

According to their ideas, if Chu Yi joins, no matter what they say, it will bring some results of the championship, and they will definitely announce what progress and success they have made.

Even if you can’t seize the opportunity, it’s good to be able to confront Bo Guan in publicity!

At least, Pingbai has raised the style of his company.

However, Xin’an Group did not do this at all, leaving them puzzled.

When Chu Yi talked to Lu Huai’an, he was also quite emotional: “In fact… many companies have reached the same situation as Boguan.”

In this general environment, everyone is facing the bottleneck of international competition and technological development.

This is an unavoidable fact.

It’s just that most people, their choices are the same as Boguan.

“Their choice cannot be said to be purely right or wrong.” Lu Huai’an pondered for a moment, then sighed softly: “It can only be said that everyone’s choice is destined for the future.”

As Chu Yi said, after Boguan made a choice, many companies that were waiting and watching also chose the same direction after weighing it for a long time.

Of course, under such circumstances, Xin’an Group is so prominent and conspicuous.

Many people were talking about it, and even newspapers began to publish a lot of debates.

In particular, the article “Pros and Cons of the Two Growth Models of “Trade-Industrial Technology” and “Industry-Trade-Technology” is the most prominent.

This article pointed out the short-sightedness of many companies with sharp writing, sophistication and coldness.

For the short-term gain, give up the long-term gain.

Maybe now you will feel that your funds have returned and you will feel that you have made a lot of money.

In the text, it seems that someone is standing with a pen, sneering: [As everyone knows, if you give up now, no matter how much effort it will take in the future, you will not be able to save it. It is obvious that in the future, technology will be the weakest and most lagging link in the core competencies of these companies. 】

After many people saw it, they were deeply convinced and fell into deep thinking.

And the author of this article, many people are stunned after reading it.

It was…

[Freedom] who hasn’t published an article for a long time.

No one else can remember who this is.

But Shen Ruyun remembered it clearly.

This afternoon, after Lu Huai’an returned to Beifeng, he was surprised to see that Shen Ruyun had also rushed home.

“I originally wanted to pick you up at the station.” Shen Ruyun wiped the sweat from her forehead and smiled slightly: “In the end, you’ve already arrived.”

“Well, it’s pretty fast today.”

She leaned against Lu Huai’an and sat down, and whispered to him about the newspaper: “I knew it was yours at first glance…”

How could he write this article, is he outraged?

Lu Huai’an laughed in a low voice and shook his head: “It’s just that my identity is here, and I firmly believe that my direction is correct…”

If he sticks to it, in the end everyone finds out that his direction is right and theirs is all wrong.

This will easily lead to their resentment.

Therefore, he announced the answer in advance, as for how to choose, that is their business.

“Do you think someone will change direction and follow you?” Shen Ruyun hesitated.

Lu Huai’an thought for a while, then shook his head: “No.”

General direction, want to change is not so easy.

In the current situation, the reason why they choose trade and industry technology is simply because of the fast money.

If it weren’t for his accumulation over the years and efforts to expand, and there are many ways to make money under the group’s name, he might not be able to choose industry and trade skills so confidently.

“It’s just this way…” Shen Ruyun sighed, a little worried: “In the eyes of outsiders, you are going retrograde.”

Retrograde is retrograde.

Lu Huaian calmly spread his hands and said calmly, “I was right.”

He is confident in himself.

“Hmm!” Shen Ruyun looked at him with bright eyes, and said seriously: “I also think that you are right.”

“Oh, is that so?” Lu Huai’an took her in his arms and tapped her forehead: “That night, don’t refute my proposal.”

Don’t do this, it can’t do that.

Shen Ruyun was stunned for two seconds, then stretched out her hand and beat him: “You’re really… an old man!”

What’s the deal with your wife.

Lu Huaian laughed and shook his head.

I was going to flirt with a few more words, but it turned out that someone was looking for it.


Hou Shangwei said hesitantly, “He said that he and Chen Yizhi are old acquaintances.”

Knowing Chen Yizhi…

Lu Huai’an sat up straight and nodded, “Please come in.”

The person who came was Xu Rongxi, who was polite and a little frail.

But his eyes are still firm, and his expression is calm and calm.

Even though he sat opposite Lu Huai’an, he didn’t have much emotional ups and downs: “Mr. Lu, hello.”

“Hello…” Lu Huai settled for a while, then asked hesitantly, “May I ask you to find me…”

“That’s it.” Xu Rongxi pushed his glasses and laughed a little embarrassedly.

He was originally an alumnus with Chen Yizhi.

After graduation, he and Chen Yizhi were colleagues.

Later, Chen Yizhi said that he wanted to repay his kindness and was going to go to Xin’an Group.

But at that time, Xin’an Group was still a small company in Nanping, and it did not even develop Nanping.

Therefore, Xu Rongxi did not follow.

He chose Beifeng, believing that Beifeng was more promising.

And in fact, it did in the beginning.

There is an electronic street in Beifeng, with many electronic companies and various high-tech enterprises.

But this time…

“All of them, without exception, chose trade, industry and technology.” Xu Rongxi sighed deeply and said in a low voice: “And I firmly believe that technology can change the world. And the advantages and disadvantages of the two growth models of “industry and trade technology”], and at this time, I found that the thinking of Xin’an Group coincided with mine.”

He also thought about it for a long time before he remembered that at the beginning, Chen Yizhi didn’t even want to work, he gave up the establishment, and the place he wanted to stay seemed to be called Xin’an.

So, he wanted to try his luck.

He has now left the original company and brought two assistants with him.

“The project I was working on was forcibly suspended by the company and asked me to transfer jobs. I resigned in a fit of anger.”

Although Xu Rongxi is gentle, he is determined.

Even if he left the original company, he still wanted to continue the project.

Lu Huai’an understood, he thought for a while: “I have to think about this matter…”

In the whole country, people like Xu Rongxi will never be a special case.

He made a phone call and had a short meeting with Chen Yizhi and Chu Yi.

“Actually, I’ve considered it before.” Lu Huai’an thought for a while, then said slowly, “If we want to grow bigger, our capital alone is not enough.”

Chip technology is changing with each passing day. No matter how hard they work, they spend a lot of money to develop a generation, but what about the next generation, the next generation?

This is a bottomless pit.

“Actually…” Chu Yi frowned and said hesitantly, “Our idea before was to set up a [National Core] project.”

This project needs to attract talents and apply for state support.

“That’s good.” Lu Huai’an pondered: “I’ll host, what do I need to do?”

First, they need to establish the project first.

The project was quickly approved and received strong support from the state.

Under Chu Yi’s suggestion, this project was divided into two project departments.

One is in Nanping and the other is in Beifeng.

Then, it is to gather those who are forced to leave and interrupt the project.

Xu Rongxi is not the first, nor will he be the last.

These people are underappreciated and deeply regretted that the project was terminated due to their own circumstances.

When they were desperate, Lu Huaian gave them new hope.

Beifeng’s project department was established to take over their projects.

Some projects can even be directly integrated.

If there is no project at hand, or if you want to join the chip project, you can apply and transfer to Nanping directly.

The addition of these people was like a spoonful of cold water added to scalding hot oil in an instant, activating the entire Xin’an Group.

The move of Xin’an Group, to the outside world, seems to be going against the current.

They believe that Xin’an Group will definitely be dragged down by these projects.

“Too self-sufficient.”

So many companies can’t support them.

Now, with one Xin’an Group, is it possible to do it?

At this time, Shen Ruyun got in touch, Chen Yizhi and Chu Yi applied together, and they were enthusiastically supported by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Electronics Industry because of their infinite imagination.

Xin’an Group turned the tide, held high the banner of “technology first”, and called on everyone to join their chip project.

Although there are almost no loudspeakers, at least not completely.

Bohai has a company called Weixiao Technology, which has always liked to fight with Boguan.

At this time, he decisively chose to continue to stand against Bo Guan.

Their idea of joining the Xin’an Group is also quite simple.

If Bo Guan is uncomfortable, they will be comfortable.

After taking the lead in joining, two or three companies joined in succession.

Lu Huai’an waited for another half a month, and there was really no new company to apply, before they announced that their project was established.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Electronics Industry also said everything joined together.

Not only resource sharing, but also led by Xin’an Group.

This national investment plan has really stood up.

In terms of banks, it was announced that Xin’an Group can lend unconditionally, as long as they need it, the funds are absolutely abundant.

Their slogan is: change the world of science and technology.

The current computer technology is basically controlled by these large foreign companies.

When Lu Huai’an was being interviewed, he calmly said, “From now on, this situation has been broken.”


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