Back To Eighty

Chapter 926

Chapter 912: Progress Award

Many people could not have imagined that such a large project, from funds, to manpower, to content, and such a huge workload, the Xin’an Group has actually been established in just two months.

This is incredible in the eyes of others.

What does this represent?

On behalf of, this project has not encountered the slightest resistance in Xin’an Group from its initiation to its establishment.

And Chu Yi, who was in it, really felt what convenience was.

The equipment applied for, from declaration, to approval, to appropriation, to acquisition.

It didn’t take more than a week before and after, so he was sent directly to the laboratory.

If it is imported, it was difficult to get it before. Here, Zhang Zhengqi can also purchase it directly abroad and send it back with each delivery ship.

This experience was something he had never experienced before.

What Chu Yi likes most now is to go to the laboratory, guard his pile of equipment, and carry out research that he wanted to do in the past, but has never been able to complete it.

As a result, he quickly launched a lot of results.

At the same time, the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Academy of Sciences established the first web server in my country and launched the first set of web pages in China.

Many people were very excited, and Lu Huai’an was no exception.

He looked at it and found that in addition to introducing the development of China’s high-tech, there is also a column called “tourina”.

Soon, the General Administration of Telecommunications opened two 64k dedicated lines through a foreign global communications company.

One is in Beifeng and the other is in Bohai.

Since then, the construction of the public computer Internet a has officially started.

Everyone has become a netizen.

Lu Xinghui especially likes to surf the Internet. After a long time, he got a computer of his own.

Just put it in his study, after finishing his homework every day, he can play for an hour.

His enthusiasm for doing homework was unprecedentedly high, and he didn’t even need to be urged. He took the initiative to do homework as soon as he came back.

At the beginning, he was a ghost, trying to finish the task quickly and play on the computer.

After Quan Yanling noticed it later, she said something to Shen Ruyun.

Shen Ruyun took a closer look and was very angry, and stipulated that he could not be wrong too much: “At most 10% wrong, otherwise it is done without brains and can’t be counted.”

This request is not excessive, Lu Xinghui agreed after hesitating for a long time.

Soon, the speed at which he did the questions increased.

It seems to be a one-size-fits-all.

It’s almost time to do the questions. In order to save time, he doesn’t want to go to the book all the time, so he starts to write down the questions he has done.

In particular, he hated the topics he missed.

Because once he made a mistake, Quan Yanling would ask him to copy the question again and do it again.

For those question types that were much wrong, he simply did one or two more questions in school, and won them back well.

When the mid-term exam came, Lu Xinghui was still thinking about the computer at home.

“After the exam, I have a vacation in the afternoon! I’m going back to play on the computer!”

With this thought in mind, he couldn’t be more excited.

Run away after the exam.

When the results were announced on the third day, everyone was surprised to find that this time, Lu Xinghui had improved by 15 places.

In the past, his grades basically needed to be counted backwards, but now they don’t.

He is the twenty-fifth of the counting!

It’s only worse than Quan Yuqing… oh, it’s still twenty places behind.

Yes, Quan Yuqing has climbed to the top five in the class.

“My God.” Lu Xinghui was so angry: “Are you human, the fifth place in the test!”

But what his friends don’t understand is that he will be playing on the computer tomorrow and tomorrow, and even when he is in school, he will talk about the computer the most, but he has made progress?

This unscientific!

But, as it is, he has really improved.

After Lu Xinghui reacted, he was also overjoyed.

He took the report card and smiled until his mouth went to the back of his ears.

But that’s not enough.

The teacher actually gave him a certificate: the best progress award.

Woohoo, this is really the first time he has received a certificate!

Lu Xinghui was so excited that his fingers were shaking. When he took the stage to receive the award, his body was straight, not to mention proud.

When he stepped off the stage, he subconsciously glanced down the stage.

so many people.

The bottom is full of black heads.

It turned out that standing so high feels so good.

All can see.

The most real feeling is: no wonder that every time he makes small movements below, the teacher can always see it at a glance.

It’s really obvious, his little friend is picking his feet right now, oh!

Lu Xinghui went down holding the certificate, his whole body was floating.

Excited heart, trembling hands.

This certificate is obviously light and airy, but in my hand, it really feels weighty!

He was so excited, but when he went back, he thought about it and carefully stuffed the certificate into his bag.

On the way, he also specially said to Lu Yuehua, Lu Yan and Lu Xi, “Don’t leak your mouth! I want to surprise my parents!”


Although they couldn’t understand what he was doing, the three sisters looked at each other and decided to cooperate with him.

After all, it was the first time he received a certificate!

Lu Yuehua thought for a while, and stuffed all three of his certificates into the innermost part of his schoolbag.

Hey, I don’t want to hit him.

When we got home, it was time for dinner.

Lu Huai’an and Shen Ruyun were both at home, and they were quite happy to see the four of them come in neatly: “You’re back? Go wash your hands, and have dinner soon.”

The three sisters answered happily, but Lu Xinghui lowered his head and said nothing.

“Huh?” Shen Ruyun was keenly aware of his strangeness, and beckoned him to come over: “What’s the matter?”

Standing in front of her, Lu Xinghui took a breath: “…It’s okay.”

Afraid that she wouldn’t continue to ask, he raised his eyes and glanced at her: “It’s just… the result.”

“Oh?” Shen Ruyun smiled and asked him how he was: “Is it progressing or regressing?”

Just look at him like this!

Lu Xinghui grimaced and sighed: “I passed the test… ah… Mom, can I still play on the computer in the future?”

This is what he worries about.

Shen Ruyun glanced at Lu Huai’an and thought about it: “Then what do you think, have you worked hard?”

“I worked hard!” Lu Xinghui raised his face and said seriously, “I really, really, really worked hard!”

But a poor test was not the result he wanted.

Shen Ruyun patted him on the shoulder and said softly and firmly: “As long as you work hard, your mother won’t criticize you, if you can control yourself and don’t be addicted to fun every day, if you say it’s just an hour, you can still play later. Yes, but you must promise that you will study harder in the future, okay?”

“…Okay.” Lu Xinghui lowered his head again, paused, and seemed to have summoned his courage: “Then, Mom, if I make great progress, can I play a little longer?”

Great progress.

How big is the progress?

In recent years, they have been worried about Lu Xinghui’s achievements.

If it can arouse his interest in learning in one fell swoop, Shen Ruyun feels that there is no need to hold on for this hour: “Of course you can.”

“Then, if I improve five places… can I watch it for half an hour?”

Progress five!

How many places did he score last time, Shen Ruyun thought about it, it seems like 40, right?

If I can get to thirty-five…

Shen Ruyun nodded happily: “Of course!”


Lu Xinghui was very excited, his eyes were shining: “Then, if I improve to ten places, can I watch it for an extra hour!?”

“…” Although there were some doubts in her heart, Shen Ruyun nodded: “Then, it should be possible.”

“Then I’ve improved by fifteen places!?” Lu Xinghui clenched the strap of his schoolbag with both hands, so excited that he only had a wagging tail behind his back: “Then can I play for an extra hour and a half!?”


Shen Ruyun was keenly aware of the abnormality, and narrowed her eyes: “How many…how many did you take the test?”

“Sigh…” Lu Xinghui lowered his head, sighed, and stepped heavily: “Forget it, I know that if my grades are not good, I can’t play for too long…”

The poor little one.

Shen Ruyun felt a little distressed, opened her mouth, and paused again.

Lu Huai’an laughed, obviously he had seen it through, but still cooperated with him in acting: “Of course, if you improve by fifteen places, you can…”

Um? Turnaround?

Although he hadn’t turned around yet, Lu Xinghui was obviously excited and his ears were pricked up.

“Consider playing an extra five hours a week.”

Five hours!

With a wow, Lu Xinghui took out his certificate from his schoolbag: “Dad! Your words count! Five more hours of play! You said it!”

Yo? Got an award too! ?

Shen Ruyun took it over, took a closer look, and smiled happily: “Yes! Progress Award, not bad!”

Hehehehe, Lu Xinghui rubbed his hands together, this time he made no secret of his excitement: “The teacher praised me today!”

He really made great progress, and many classmates asked him how he did it.

Lu Huai’an also looked at it and was quite satisfied: “Well, not bad!”

“That’s it!” Lu Xinghui smiled happily and said excitedly: “Then, what I said just now still counts, I have to play for five more hours!”

“Of course it counts.” Lu Huai’an smiled slightly: “It’s definitely not wrong to play five more hours a week.”

Oh, yes, he seemed to say, every week.

Lu Xinghui frowned, a little hesitant.

“It’s up to you to allocate these five hours.” Lu Huai’an patted him on the said warmly, “You can choose to play separately, and see if you want to play a little more every day, or if you are tired until the weekend, play all day. It’s cool, it’s up to you.”

Wow, this can still be done.

Then, if he doesn’t play much on weekdays, put it on Sunday, and start playing when he wakes up in the morning. He can play until lunch, and then he can play after eating!

“Wow!” Lu Xinghui instantly put all his previous doubts behind him and cheered: “Long live Dad! I want to accumulate!”

Little thing, I still want to play tricks with him.

Lu Huai’an and Shen Ruyun looked at each other, smiled and shook their heads: “It’s alright, just wash your hands and eat right away.”

This is really a surprise.


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