Back to the early Tang Dynasty to be a fairy

Chapter 51 Where is Gao Zan's head so big?

Chapter 51 Where did Gao Zan's head go?
He lived in Guanzhongfu for a long time and was a knight-errant in Wuling.During the down and out travel, the wealthy families depend on each other.

The cockfighting crosses the road and enters the heavy city.Drunk lying in Jinzhang Pavilion, talking about Wei Huoying.

Under the night, Chang'an ranger He Jiuzheng dragged his heavy body, and by the dim lights in the hall, he repeatedly looked at the head of the hideous Yaocha in his hand.

At this time, there is no swaying flaming hair on the head, only the three-pronged head that is as smooth as a pen holder is left. Although the face is bloody and scorched, if you look carefully, you can still vaguely see the previous eyebrows .

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, He Jiu would never have believed that the monster's head in his hand was that Gao Shugui, a knight-errant who spent a lot of money and generously with money, who he had been following for a while.

Yes, Kong Qing felt that the combination of his infallible sad breeze and one day's death did not really bring He Jiu down.

He is different from other rangers. Although He Jiu, who has been on the battlefield, is now an ordinary ranger again, the vigilance he developed in the past has not completely disappeared.

So when he coughed for the first time, and the other rangers hadn't figured out what was going on, He Jiu had already keenly sensed that something was wrong...

So he made the correct response immediately.

He stuck his head on the table, knocked over the drink in his hand, tried his best to block the sleeves soaked in the drink in his mouth and nose, pretended to be unconscious, and then quietly swallowed the detoxification he got from Brother Shi pill.

Although this antidote is not so symptomatic, this series of measures also prevented him from being overwhelmed by the death of a day after the sad breeze like other rangers, and he was able to clearly see what happened next. everything.

A little Taoist priest in white sang boldly from the outside of the hall, and Brother Gao Shugui turned into a hideous Yasha ghost, and then the two sides fought like a rabbit rising and falling.

Two shadows, one black and one white, moved quickly in the hall, and the sword light was like sparks.

Although because of the angle of view, He Jiu didn't really see how Gao Shugui, who had become a Yasha, was defeated in the end, but he really heard two thunderous noises.

"The whole face has become scorched black..."

He Jiu touched the head of Gao Shugui who had turned into a yaksha with his hand again, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Is this the legendary technique of thunder and fire? I didn't expect that Taoist priest Xuancheng couldn't do it back then, but that little Taoist priest Qingwei did it..."

He Jiu looked around for a while, then staggered and pulled a piece of clothes of unknown origin from the table next to the hall, wrapped the head of the nightshade in his arms, and even He scrambled out of the hall.

A gust of wind blew through, and He Jiu's still dizzy head became a little more awake.

"Gao Shugui turned out to be a monster..."

He Jiu held Gao Shugui's head in his arms, and stumbled towards the Fangmen. "Someone must inform Brother Shi of this matter!"

Just a quarter of an hour after He Jiu left Gao Zan's mansion, Kong Qing, dressed in white, fell from the sky like a night bird and landed in the front yard of Gao Zan's hall, followed by a burst of emptiness. Push the door open without hesitation.


After seeing Yasha Gaozan's body still lying on the floor of the hall, Kong Qing patted his chest with his hands and let out a long breath.

"It's a good thing you're still here, and it's a good thing I didn't give up..."

That's right, one second after realizing that he was so full of European energy and got the demon refining pot, Kong Qing's clever mind immediately thought of the first demon that could be refined by the demon refining pot.

That selfless demon who was just beheaded by himself, Yasha Gao-chan!
So Kong Qing ran over again without daring to delay at all.

If the description of the demon refining pot is correct, then a guy like Gao Zan who has turned into a demon can be refined, and he can refine it now... Wait!
His eyes swept across the hall, then looked at the bottom of the tables around the hall, and opened the door to look outside the hall.

Kong Qing blinked, with a dazed expression on his face.

Where is Yasha Gao-chan's head?
What about Yasha Gaozan's head with Sancha on a head as big as mine?Where did you go……

A certain little milk cat walked around the hall with four short legs, sniffing east and west, and then stood in front of a table with overturned wine, pointing forward with its little paws.


Kong Qing silently followed, carefully inspected the place pointed by the little milk cat for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion.

Not only did Yasha Gao Zan's head disappear, but also a black-clothed ranger who I remembered crouched next to the case at that time also disappeared.

"Could it be that Yaksha was still alive after his head was cut off, and was rescued by his subordinates?"

But Kong Qing immediately rejected his idea.

If Gao Zan was still alive when his head was beheaded, it would be impossible for the system to give a reminder that he had killed Gao Zan and obtained merit points.

The ogre Gao Zan is indeed dead, and the dead cannot die anymore.

"Then that means..."

Kong Qing used the ancient bronze sword on his back to poke a ranger on the ground next to him.

He is still unconscious...

Thanks to Gao Zan, some of the heinous ones among the rangers on the ground were killed without any chance of repentance and reform.

"...After Pindao slayed demons and demons, a ranger woke up for some reason, or he hadn't fallen asleep from the beginning, so after Pindao left, he woke up and took Yasha Gao Zan's head was taken away..."

Kong Qing scratched his hair with the hilt of the bronze sword.

"What's the name of the ranger who ran away?"


The little milk cat looked at Kong Qing with contempt, and Kong Qing's face turned red.

But there was no way, he really couldn't remember the name of that ranger.

Although it was true that Kong Qing lost the Appraisal Technique to these rangers one by one just now, and then chose a few heinous guys to beheaded selflessly, but at that time he always looked at the crime value first, and the people who were not high enough to a certain level Kong Qing I don't take it to heart at all.

Besides, most of these ranger's parents are uneducated, and the names they give are either Zhang San Li Si, or Zhao Qi He Jiu. After seeing too much, they all look the same, and it is easy to confuse them.

"Forget it, there is no way to find it."

Looking at the night outside, Kong Qing put his hands behind his back, whistled, and chose to give up under the contemptuous eyes of the little milk cat.

He has neither learned trace tracking nor similar spells. In this dark Chang'an city with no light pollution, he wants to find a ranger in black...

"Let's try the effect of the demon refining pot first!"

Kong Qing pressed one hand on the small bronze pot hanging around his waist, and the other pointed at the headless corpse of Yasha Gaozan on the ground.


A gust of wind blew by, and Gao Zan's body, which fell on the ground, seemed to have turned into a mass of colorful particles under the breeze, and then dissipated bit by bit.

A certain little milk cat watching the corpse disappear seemed to be unable to believe its own eyes at all. It jumped to the side of Gao Zan's body, patting and patting on the dissipated five-color particles with its small paws...

But those particles seemed to be unreal, and the little milk cat's paws patted back and forth, but nothing was photographed.

Just when the particles from the corpse completely disappeared, Kong Qing heard a ding-dong sound in his mind, as if he had received feedback from the demon refining pot, telling him that Gao Zan's corpse had been completely refined.

With a thought of Kong Qing, a purple-black pill appeared in his hand.

Yaksha Pills:
The demon refining pot uses the elixir made by the ghost Yasha, and after taking it, it can obtain part of the mana and certain abilities of a Yasha.

Looking at the pill in his hand, Kong Qing felt that his eyes were shining brightly.

The Demon Refining Pot is indeed worthy of being one of the top ten legendary artifacts. With this thing, those man-eating monsters can not only earn a wave of merit by beheading themselves, but also refine their corpses backhandedly. wave mana.

One fish and two eats, so happy!
Kong Qing walked around the hall again, making sure that the rest of the rangers were still in a coma and no one had seen what he had done just now, then he left Gao Zan's house with the little milk cat in his arms. Mansion.

At this time, in a magnificent mansion located in Chongrenfang, north of Chang'an City, a healthy old man in his 50s, dressed in brocade clothes, was sitting in his study.

Although he was holding a scroll of silk books in his hand, his eyes were wandering, obviously his mind was not on the book.

"Qingwei, Xuancheng..."

The old man caressed the silk scroll unconsciously with his hands, and softly read the two names that he had almost forgotten.

"Why does San Niangzi think of you all of a sudden?"

clap clap clap...

After a few knocks on the door, an old voice said from outside the door.

"Ming Gong, He Jiu is back, he wants to see you!"

The old man hesitated for a moment, then dropped the silk book in his hand.

"Go and lead him to the side hall, so-and-so will be here soon..."

Just when the old man met He Jiu, Kong Qing had returned to Qingdu Temple again, and was lying comfortably on his bed with the little milk cat in his arms, his consciousness a little bit on Qinglian Jiange in the system panel.

"Collect the reward, Qinglian Sword Song!"

(End of this chapter)

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