Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 125 - Unannounced visits

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Chapter 125

Gao Wen felt that he was in a state of turmoil, but he couldn’t help but be angry and annoyed. He slapped for a while and for a while, slammed with a snap, even she was stunned. Yang Ling opened his mouth wide and looked at her in amazement for a long while, before Gao Wenxin woke up, she hurriedly knelt on the ground and said: “Maidservant is rude, please punish him!”

Man said that she was only Yang Ling’s maid, even if his wife and concubine, no matter how intimate with her husband, there is no reason to spank him, that is extremely disrespectful. When Gao Wenxin helped someone to see a doctor, he had heard of a grandfather who had divorced his wife. The accusation was that his wife had acted inconsistently. In fact, he was a bit forgetful when he was happy with his husband.

Yang Ling didn’t have the kind of consciousness that a big man should have, but was stunned by her sudden behavior. At this moment, her horrified lips were white, and she turned away from it, so she smiled and said: “I’m not good, Suddenly getting up makes you caught off guard, uh … the next time you massage, you can do it lighter. “

Gao Wen thought that he had never been angry at all, but also pushed himself to say that he was massaging, so she let her mind down, she stood up again and then gave him a needle, and then pulled him off his underwear, showing the buttocks at the tail vertebrae. At the time of the needle, I saw a red spot on the buttocks of his hips. Gao Wenxin couldn’t help but secretly spit out his tongue. He intentionally and unintentionally gently rubbed him a few times with the back of his palm. The jade hand skin was smooth and extremely comfortable to touch. Yang Ling Piao was a little proud.

As soon as Yang Ling finished acupuncture, he immediately got up and said, “The maid servants in Fufu are all from Gonggong Mo. I usually deal with business affairs with me. It is enough to have you by my side, no other person is needed. To serve, this small building must be completely under the control of our people. You asked Zheng Baihu to take over with his sons, let all the people in the valley leave, and then call Liu Biao to see me. “

Gao Wenxin saw him solemnly. There are indeed official matters to be dealt with, and I dare not stop any more. Gao Wenxin went out for a cup of tea, and the fans started to lay out the building inside and outside the building, and drove all the maidservants out of this independent small building, and inside and outside were full of guards brought by the inner factory, Then, as soon as the door opened, a man dressed in ordinary clothes flashed in quietly.

Yang Ling was sitting at the table. Just filled with two cups of tea, after this toss, his alcoholic taste has been awake a bit, and his eyes have returned to clarity. Seeing Liu Biao coming in, he waved his hand and said, “Come on, come on, sit back and talk!”

Liu Biao arched his hand and said, “Yes, I have seen the supervisor of the factory in a humble job.” He approached and gently sat down opposite. I haven’t seen him in recent months, and suddenly saw Yang Ling, and there is some joy in his expression.

Yang Ling pushed a cup of tea and said, “Liu Qianhu has worked hard these days. What happened to the news I asked you to ask?”

Liu Biao said: “Sir. I’ll humble Jiangnan and immediately cast a detective net, disguising the people as businessmen and tourists. The three guarding eunuchs have been holding Jiangnan taxes for many years. Although the forces are everywhere, they are also There is no way to conceal what he has done. “

He said that he was obviously very proud of his achievements, so he looked a little pretentious. He took a cup and took a sip to moisten his throat, and then took out a small book from his arms and handed it over: “Adult, everything that the lowly office has checked is recorded here.

Let me first talk about Yuan Xiong, the customs guard and the army superintendent of the Longshan Guardhouse. Yuan Xiong ’s department specializes in setting up taxes on important towns, passways, and land and water transportation lines. For example, on the canal line, he sets up a tax every 40 miles to cut off the river. A boat sails for three to four hundred miles, at least After paying five or six taxes, some of the smaller local shops are overwhelmed, and many satin stores, cloth stores, and grocery stores are closed. “

Yang Ling’s frown raised his eyebrows: “The taxes are too heavy, and the short-term profits are high. But this is a waste of money. It suppresses the development of industry and commerce, which is greatly harmful to the country and the people in the long run. Yuan Xiong every 40 miles Without a tax card, it clearly exceeded the conditions stipulated by the court.

However, these measures must have been approved by the Secretary of Civil Affairs, and cannot be used as a means of sanctioning others. Moreover, the reason why the internal factory develops so quickly is because of these illegal and legal severe taxes, so the behavior of the internal factory has a market. In order to accomplish one’s own ambitious goals, temporary sacrifice is necessary. “

He pondered for a long time, and secretly calculated for a while before saying: “Well, this matter has been recorded by the governor, can he have other wrongdoing to impeach?”

Liu Biao smiled slightly, and seemed to know that this was not enough to cure Yuan Xiong ’s crime. He had a good idea: “Yes. I sent someone to dress up as a hawker selling alcohol and food, and had dealt with the officers and soldiers of the Longshan Health Center. To complain, only 40% of the military pay issued by the Hube can fall into their hands, and the rest are greedy by officials such as Yuan Jianjun and the command of the health institute.

Moreover, the officers and soldiers of the guards originally had their own land. Over the years, they have been looted by local tyrants and generals by means of strong buying and selling, so that many officers and soldiers have to flee for their families.

There should be 6,500 garrisons in the Longshan Guardhouse. At present, there are only 2,800 officers and soldiers, and most of them are old, weak and sick, and the rest are eaten by air. As for the ordnance, it is very pitiful. Many warships have long been unable to Yes, when the Shangguan is on the inspection, the fishing boat will be temporarily charged up. When the Japanese attacked, they could only flee from the wind. The coastal defense line of thousands of miles was almost useless. “

Yang Ling’s anger was unstoppable, and he snapped the table and said: “Unexpectedly, the inland military affairs are so wasteful. No wonder I heard that even if a few pirates of hundreds of people came ashore when they were in Beijing, they could enter a land of no one and harass .. … “.

He said that he suddenly remembered something here, and said strangely: “But … when I was in Jiming County, the Tatar attacked and recruited Dinan soldiers with sufficient troops and good equipment. It seemed … Liu Biao, are you sure the inquiry is correct? “

Liu Biao said strangely: “The inferiority investigation is very careful and there will be no mistakes. Since the south does not have the threat of a strong enemy like Tatar, the Japanese pirates went ashore and plundered, and they did not dare to stand for a long time. Chi, who is the commander of the South Army of the Northward Transfer?

Yang Ling said: “Uh … I don’t know whose army they belong to, but the military commander I remember is named Bi Chun.”

Liu Biao laughed and said with a loss of voice: “Sir, the commander of the Longshan Sanctuary is Bi Chun. In fact, the south soldiers transferred north to see the flaws in the defense of the imperial court. The troops recruited are usually drawn from the local guards. Because this matter is good for the health centers around Jiangnan, all the generals are very supportive. The army that Bichun sees in the adults must be the strongest fighting force put together by several health centers. “

After listening to Yang Ling for a long time, he hated authentically: “Good means, I can still tolerate other things for a while, they self-destruct the Great Wall, but this is unbearable, I will take him to the sword first. Kill the chickens, let the coastal people The health centers are all converging, and you continue to collect their information, taking care not to frighten the snake. “

Liu Biao said enthusiastically: “This is the second place, and the second one, let alone the weaving tax supervisor guards Li Daxiang, the Suzhou-Hangzhou silk weaving industry has a very strict division of labor. There are special craftsmen such as lathe workers, yarn workers, satin workers and weavers. The wealthy merchants in the weaving workshop also hired a large number of female workers who were specifically responsible for threading, dyeing, changing machines, and picking flowers.

Li Daxiang is not too arrogant, but the world is famous for weaving in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and its benefits are very big. He secretly pretends to be a businessman by his cronies, and uses his powers to suppress prices and make huge profits. The rich and the rich in Suhang dared not to speak.

For example, most people in Songjiang prefecture take weaving as their sideline business, and the number of cloths produced by thousands of people every day is tens of thousands. The people in Jiashan live on spinning. The output is also very large. There is a saying here: “You can’t buy Songjiang cloth and Weitang yarn can’t be collected.” These fabrics and yarns were all acquired by his monopoly and price reduction, and then concentrated on reselling the four parties, from which he can get huge profits, so he naturally does not have to Like Yuan Xiong, he was so angry.

Moreover, mulberry and silkworms are grown in Huzhou, and most people in Henan and Shandong grow cotton. Suhang Weaving needs to import a large amount of raw materials from these places. Because Yuan Xiong controls the tariffs and hinders the delivery of these things, it is not conducive to him to make a fortune.

Yang Ling nodded secretly. In fact, centralized purchasing, transshipment, and sales have their own benefits. If Li Daxiang is not exploiting too much, he can leave a way for the people. This matter does not need to worry about him at this time.

After all, although he is in charge of the tax supervision department. But he can’t sit in all parts of the world in person, and he still has to rely on these people to do things for him. If the imperial court is not perfect in terms of legal system and system, it may not be as honest as a group of people. It is not a one-time thing to want to make the government clear, even if there is no such authority, if there is such profitability, can there be no corrupt officials by replacing them with a batch of officials? “

Yang Ling nodded at this thought: “Well, although this person is greedy for ink, his heart is not too dark. He is a person who can get in touch. By the way, what about this Mo Qinghe Mo Gong Gong?”

Liu Biao laughed: “Among the three guarding eunuchs, the best-known is the Grand Duke Moong, Jiangnan Tianfu is the one who collects the silver and does not collect the actual goods. Later, the silver discount rate changed greatly, and one or two silver grains would be levied for silver. The tax paid by farmers here is equal to three times.

The people said that the seven acres of land on one acre of Guantian were sent to Huangzhou first, and only one bucket was left to get married. The sadness made people come to blame. It can be seen that the tax is heavy. If it is not rich in Jiangnan, harvest of fish and rice, the people are early Can’t live anymore.

Because the people had to sell the grain and sell it into silver to pay the tax, there was already a loss in the middle, and Yuan Xiong continued to levy taxes. They shipped out five buckets and were able to get back the money from the three buckets.

After Mo Gonggong guarded the south of the Yangtze River, at the time of the autumn harvest every year, he sent people to bring the official ship to take the initiative to buy it. Although it was slightly lower than the market price, but considering the tariffs and losses, the people ’s profits were still greater than their own shipping, so they were happy to sell. To him, therefore, Mo Gong Gong’s reputation is very good, and Jiangnan people call them kind people. “

When Yang Ling saw Mo Gonggong on the ship that day, he dared to lose his bag. Even when he presented the Emperor Di Gongcha, he dared to drop the bag. Only when he was a castron who was afraid of death in the eyes of money. Is he a clean official? “

Liu Biao chuckled and said: “The Qing government is not worth it. After all, he has to profit from it. Jiangnan is a land of fish and rice. If he has so much grain, he will earn a little bit for every grain of grain, and it will be a gold mountain to gather. After all, the people also benefit. These people do n’t care whether you are greedy or not, as long as they can take care of the people when they are greedy, they will be grateful. “

“What’s more … Grandpa Mo has very strict control over high-value items such as tea, spices, medicines, and salt. As for civil construction sites, this is also very rich. It is only three people. Among them, Mo Gong Gong is considered the most generous, if in disaster years. He also often set up sheds to congee and lived a lot of lives, so his reputation is very good. “

Yang Ling stood up and took a few steps slowly in the room. After a long thought, he said flatly: “Okay, you will leave tomorrow morning, transfer your manpower to Yuan Xiong, and focus on investigating him for me. As for myself? … Ha ha. My trip to Jiangnan was only responsible for traveling in the mountains and rivers, and the rest was not responsible. I will go to the Lion Village to taste tea tomorrow. “

Liu Biao, as Yang Ling’s confidant, knew his plan long ago, and heard Yan Yan stood up and said: “Is this Master going to fight Yuan, La Li, is it okay?”

Yang Ling smiled and said, “Oh, there will never be a stick to kill all. By that time, all the eunuchs in the world have put me up with stalls, and the court has no silver to use. Wouldn’t it push the tax inspector back to the ceremony? Go to prison? “

Although he said so, Mo Qinghe’s replacement of Gongcha was still difficult to understand in his mind, so he wanted to visit the Lion Mountain of Longjing Village in person tomorrow. Naturally, there is no good tea at this time. He went here to check that he wanted the three eunuchs to be relieved, thinking that he was just coping with the situation and was not interested in doing things. Secondly, I also wanted to knock on the side and explore Mo Qinghe’s tone.

Liu Biao responded with a laugh, and was about to turn around to withdraw. Yang Ling suddenly remembered that strange thing that came to him when he saw it. He called him busy and asked, “Liu Biao, I have something to ask you, our eunuch, Daming. … Can I also get a wife? “

Liu Biao was startled. He secretly inspected the three guarding eunuchs and knew their family affairs naturally, so he was a little stunned and suddenly laughed: “Adult has seen Mr. Mogong’s wife?”

Yang Ling said in surprise: “Do you also know? Isn’t that … Grandpa Mo is half monk … Ah! Was the palace halfway in after he got married?”

Liu Biao lost his smile and said: “Adults misunderstood. In fact, the **** in the palace and the maid of the palace are not only a few, but they are not called husband and wife. They are called” feeding “and” caihu “. There is the same sex. This matter has existed since ancient times. The emperor Hongwu was banned for a while. Later, he let it go, and now even if the emperor and the queen heard about it, they will not intervene.

The father-in-laws in those places are powerful, not only will they marry their wives and adopt their children, but also the wives who are married are often good girls from the **** family. The first prostitute. “

Yang Ling remembered the beauty’s peerless style and couldn’t help but laugh: “I said, seeing her today scared me, and said that Grandpa Mo was married to the wife before entering the palace, otherwise how dare to dare to openly **** Get married as a wife. “

He said that he remembered the Jiangnan woman’s 10,000 styles, but he married a eunuch, and he couldn’t help shaking his head and felt sorry.

Liu Biao said: “Sir, don’t look at them as fake phoenixes. These **** couples are more affectionate than ordinary people. The vegetable households in the palace often respect and love each other once they have the same feelings. If the **** or the court lady empathizes occasionally, the other party often feels uncomfortable and even hangs on their own. This is often seen in secret palaces.

If most of them die, the other party will no longer be matched for life. In their own room, they are provided with the spirit position of the other party. Every time they die, they often mourn and mourn, crying to die, their feelings … it is not what we ordinary people can understanding. However, it is not known whether a married wife outside the palace can be as loving as ever. “

Yang Ling did have some contempt for the **** to marry his wife, and listened to Liu Biao’s words, only to save those people, although they could no longer be called a man physically, but they were mentally more eager to live a normal life than ordinary men. It also makes people sympathetic.

Yang Ling smiled and said with a smile: “Listen to Jun’s words and read ten years of books. The official has been taught. As long as others love you, we really shouldn’t say anything because he is an eunuch.”

On the second day, local officials and gentry came to visit the Chinchai adults, especially those officials and gentry who were not qualified for Yang Qin’s mission yesterday.

Naturally, all the people who come to visit will not come empty-handed, or silver tickets, jewelry, calligraphy and paintings, local products, precious medicinal materials, etc., Yang Ling intends to dress up as an image of doing nothing for money and profit, so it is The visitor does not refuse.

Gao Wen didn’t know that she didn’t like her master’s change. I was angry and unrelenting in my heart, so although Yang Ling was sent to sit there as a clerk, he ignored the gift-giver.

Fortunately, those people had earlier heard that Yang Ling had only brought such a beautiful maidservant, and heard that she often sneaked into the Chincha room every night. Who dares to treat her as a maid? No one dared to offend her.

Jiangnan is the most prosperous place in the world. How can those rich people who have hundreds of millions of dollars and who have the right to visit the factory in the factory have the right to send some ordinary gifts? Although I dare not say it is a rare treasure. The items delivered are also extremely expensive.

Gao Wenxin remembered one item at a time. Suddenly, he led a big salt merchant. This man actually sent four beautiful women, two Koreans and two Dongying people. Although the four women were not as beautiful as Gao Wenxin, they could stop there , That exotic style is indeed fresh.

Gao Wenxin was really hot, she rushed into the living room with a writing brush. Yang Ling had just sent away a tea merchant, and she looked at her with a brush and her exquisite and charming look, and she couldn’t help laughing: “What’s wrong? Who made you angry again?”

Gao Wen said sadly: “The presents sent by the maids are received by the maid in the barn. Now some people have sent four living creatures. The maids don’t know if they should be put on the bed of the old man.

Yang Ling rolled his eyes and smiled, “Send it to my bed? Ha ha, but did someone send a beauty? Go and go. Go and see.”

He also said that someone had sent Jiangnan beauty to him, and when he went out to see it, it was actually four exotic women, who, with a small burden on his waist, naturally recognized Dongyang people, and didn’t even startle.

The big salt merchant was waiting for the summons of the Emperor Qincha to see the four young men surrounded by a young man surrounded by a golden robe and a jade belt. The bookkeeping beauty followed behind with a writing brush, and her lips could hang on her lips. You know, this one in front of you is Master Yang. Can not help but flattered with a smile and kneeled: “Caomin Du Ce paid homage to Master Chingcha”.

Yang Ling smiled and said: “The official went to Jiangnan, but he only inspected the local tax situation. He didn’t want to work in the local gentry celebrities. Mr. Du came to visit in his busy schedule.

The great salt merchant Du Ce laughed and said, “Where and where, Caomin had the luck to see the adult, that is the blessing of Caomin, er … Caomin heard that the adult is a servant. There is no servant girl around. So specially I bought four maidservants and sent them to the adults to wait and live, please accept them. “

Gao Wenxin coughed beside him. Yang Ling smirked in his heart, he didn’t want to get a bunch of beautiful women back in Jiangnan next time, and turned his home into a grand view house. Yang Ling was about to refuse, only to hear a big voice smiled and said: “So boss Du is also here? Running faster than me, ha ha ha, you should send some beautiful things to the beauty, I thought there was someone I saw There is no one else in the world who is so pitiful that he has a deep heart for Master Yang, and Master Yang has refused again and again. How come he fell in love with these women? “

As he talked, he saw a bearded civil official, striding with his belt in his hands and his stomach tucked. Yang Ling raised his eyes and looked at it. It was Min Wenjian, the county magistrate who had cut off Prince Tatar with a knife, He hurriedly grabbed the first two steps, shook his hand and shouted happily: “Master Min, I haven’t seen you in a few months, but I want to die.”

Min Wenjian was still as rugged as before, but his stomach was bigger. He hurriedly broke his hands and knelt down to Shi Li said: “Xiaguan Min Wenjian has seen …”.

Yang Ling lifted him up and blamed: “My Master Min, has come to Jiangnan. See how you are talking about it. Why are these red tapes also paying attention? If there is no adult to know the grace of the encounter, how can there be the next? Today, you can never be so polite “.

Min Wen established himself and smiled: “The etiquette should always be said, haha, adults have gone to Beijing since the visit to the Jiangnan, and Min has heard of it, and sometimes he is worried and sometimes rejoicing. Activity, I want to transfer the adults to Jiangnan, which is good. The adults are here, but it is not Min Mou’s transfer, hahaha … “.

The salt merchant Du Ce stepped forward and laughed: “Yan Yun made the old friend and the old man who sent the old man are friends, wow, disrespect and disrespect.”

Min Wenjian glanced at him with a pair of mung beans and smiled, “Why? Is there a feeling of respect for the official?” He glanced at the four exotic beauties again and said, “Don’t call them pestles here.” By the way, you can be regarded as an exquisite figure, have n’t you heard of the purpose of giving concubine today? What kind of vision is Lord Yang, how can these yellow-haired girls look into the eyes of adults? “

Yang Ling laughed and said, “Master Min. You have been in Jiangnan just a few months, but now the export is well established, which is really impressive.”

Min Wenjian listened and said with a smile: “There is no way, there is no way. I listened to them saying these words all day, and the ears heard the cocoon. How can I remember a few words?”

Yang Ling talked with him and laughed, while letting the two into the living room, called people to tea reception.

The Du Salt Merchant is actually doing other business. This time I came to Hangzhou to receive a batch of goods from Beijing and China on behalf of Yangling ’s official ship. I saw that the beautiful people I had sent were not in line with the wishes of the adults, and I could n’t just go there in vain. In the future, he will make a casual comment, and I don’t know how much to use.

Boss Du thought of this and found a pair of pearl earrings from his arms. This was originally bought from Jinling to be prepared for the most beloved concubine. With both hands in the aisle: “It was Cao Min that was reckless, and the four women Cao Min will take it away in a moment. These pearl earrings are just a small gift, which is really not respectable, and adults must have a face.”

The pair of pearl earrings is delicate and elegant, and the pearls are round and full. The size is uniform, the color is bright and charming, and the deep moisturizing light is placed on the palm. At first glance, it is extremely expensive jewelry. Yang Ling took over and handed it to Gao Wenxin. When she saw her holding a pen, she smiled and said, “No need to remember, these earrings are for you.”

Gao Wen’s heart blushed, and when he glanced at him, he turned around and walked out. The sudden expression of shame and joy was very moving. Boss Du showed a sudden look, and said, “It turns out that the grown-ups are obsessed with this woman. No wonder he doesn’t accept my beautiful maidservant, this girl’s appearance is indeed better than them.”

Yang Ling and the two talked about the short parental relationship. The boss Du’s heart has been sent to him. The loved ones and the mins have been together for a long time. They must have something to talk about, so they will get up and leave after a while.

After sending away Du Ce, Yang Ling and Min Wenjian re-seat, Min Wenjian said: “Master. This time I must take the time to go to Haining to go south. The left and right are not too far, so I will do my best to the landlord.

Yang Ling said with a smile: “If there is a chance. Certainly it will go to the ground, Master Min is all right in Haining?”

Min Wenjian said: “Fortunately, the wealth here is far from that of the north, but the army here is far worse than our border troops. It is said that the names of the places around Dongying are now in chaos, and there are often some samurai who are lost. The Prodigal had no place to stand, so he colluded with some merchant ships and ran to us to rob everywhere.

His grandmother had some local profiteers, local tyrants, hooligans, and pirates who gave them information, led them, and even directly participated in the robbery.

When I first arrived in Haining, I was catching up with Japanese pirates to attack and harass. Fortunately, the Yan Yun Division had only escorted the team with more than 300 people. The combat strength was stronger than that of the officers and soldiers. Tutuzi had a hard lesson, and a machete chopped to death more than 20. At present, I haven’t seen them dare to come to Yanyunsi to have a business. “

Yang Ling heard the word pirates again and couldn’t help but ask: “Are these pirates powerful?”

Min Wenjian said disdainfully: “The combat power is not as good as Tatar, and the number is even more of a group of soldiers. But the coastline is too long to guard against. In addition, the army here is too weak, and often a small group of pirates from a hundred people come ashore. , It is enough to rampage.

I heard that the various localities in Dongying battled each other for power, and all of them were short of money. Some of them had wanted to do business with our Daming, but unfortunately we allowed too few ports and goods to be traded to satisfy them.

The group of guys hurriedly jumped the wall, simply organized collusion with our unscrupulous businessmen to smuggle secretly, if they were chased by the navy and could not make a sale, they switched to become robbers. When they came, they left and hid in the sea, we Really can’t help them “.

Yang Ling thought in his heart and thought, “Originally, some of these pirates only switched to pirates because they couldn’t do business properly. I used to hear that the Japanese pirates were brutal and greedy, and often robbed people along the coast. This is the reason I never heard anyone say. Was up “.

Yang Ling nodded silently, thought for a while and said: “To solve these problems. It seems that it is necessary to clear up the parallelism. On the one hand, it will strengthen the force, make it fearful, and dare not commit crimes easily. What are the disadvantages of trading ports to actively trade with them for mutual benefit?

How much can the pirates **** from the people just by moving? Mostly enough for them to make ends meet. If there is profit to be made, these people will inevitably transform into merchants … “.

Speaking of this, Yang Ling suddenly stopped: Can the people in the factory be able to rectify the army? Open a trading port? The Korean Chinese minister does not nod, is this policy feasible? Power and connections are not enough, people’s ideology and consciousness need to be changed, too many, too many conditions are immature. So all this is not what he can do now. Does he have the opportunity and time to do these things?

Min Wenjian didn’t understand these things. When he frowned, he seemed worried for the Jiangnan people. He smiled and said: “Adults don’t have to worry, most of the pirates come from the sea. Ships on the sea must rely on the wind. So what season is it? Most of them are fixed, and they ca n’t be changed.

We are ready. They will not be able to toss more than 0. The storms and robbing fishing villages at best are not very capable. Um … Generally, it is suitable for boating in April, May, September, and October each year. Japanese pirates will come to plunder at that time. After two months, they will have to wait until April next year if they want to come again. “

Yang Ling and Min Wenjian were chatting, and Zheng Baihu ran in and said, “Master Qi Factory Supervisor. Grandpa Mo has prepared a sedan. Please come to Lion Peak for inspection.”

Yang Ling listened and stood up, apologizing: “Master Min, you and I don’t have to be back again for a long time. I should have had wine and have a good chat with you, but today I have agreed with Mo Gonggong to visit Chashan. I don’t know where Master Min lives. , When I come back tonight, I will send someone to invite you. Let’s talk about the wine. No drunk, no return. “

Min Wenjian smiled broadly and said: “Due to your friendship, what kind of politeness do you want? It’s just that you came from afar. It’s not easy to see you, so I just ran away. Yan Yun made my father and his father ill, and has returned to leave. Township, I did n’t dare to lay it down for too long, so I have to rush back today. If the adults can come to Haining for an inspection, let ’s have a drink. “

Yang Ling said happily: “Okay, it is rare to come to Jiangnan, I will definitely go to Haining.”

Min Wenjian raised his eyebrows and smiled slyly: “I know that it is rare to come to Jiangnan, so … Will Jinling go?”

Yang Ling said: “Nanjing? It seems that you don’t have to go to Nanjing this time to visit Jiangnan tax?”

He said in his mouth and thought to himself: “What are you going to do there? Wang Qiong is in Nanjing. Although the old man hates himself, his nature is not bad. I do n’t want to be embarrassed for him, but I inevitably have to deal with him. When he met, his son died in my hands. When he saw him, he didn’t know what the situation was. As for Ma Er’er … oh! “.

Min Wenjian smiled and said, “The distance is not too far. In fact, you might as well take a look at Jinling,” he said with a smile: “When I transported salt to Nanjing, I happened to meet Ma Yicheng and love her daughter. That little nizi, I am deeply rooted in you, Master Yang. If you fail, I can’t even see it. “

He said that he took out a folded piece of paper from his sleeve and stuffed it into Yang Ling’s hand and said, “This is her address, huh, huh, I’m exhausted here. You can decide whether you want it or not.” Min Wenjian got the job done, and seemed very happy, grinning and smugly complacent.

Yang Ling sent him out of the door and saw that two horses had stopped at the door. Zheng Baihu took some fans, as well as tax officials and some servants from Gufudi standing outside the door.

Yang Ling and Min Wenjian said goodbye, watching him go on the sedan chair, and standing under the green wall with creeping creepers, looking at the green Liuqing River by the wall, and fumbling for a long time with a note in his hand.

In a trance, he seemed to be dressed in white, like a branch of peony that is dim and invincible, and a beautiful woman jumped out of the water, and came toward him with affectionate eyes, the style of gait, no The unpretentious behavior is distracting: “

I am like a bright moon, I am like a mist, and the mist is hidden with the moon,

As soon as Yuan Ganjun looks back, I will think about the dynasty and the twilight.

The soul followed the king to the end of the world, and the belt gradually widened and he did n’t cry.

It’s a pity that when the years are like Chaolu, when will it be the nest house of the mud …

After thirty-six rounds of the moon. Make a neon dance for the king … “

Yang Ling murmured this last sentence, remembering that after thirty-six rounds of the moon, he and Ma Lian’er were already separated from each other, and it was a rare encounter. There was a sorrow in his heart. The papers of the detailed address are tightly clumped together, and we are about to throw it down the river. But someone beside me clapped and praised: “Good poetry, good poetry, if you guess the ground is good, it must be a passionate girl who gave it to adults.”

Yang Ling looked back and saw that Mo Qinghe was standing beside him, applauding happily. His charming lady of various styles stood beside him.

The atmosphere of Jiangnan is open. Unlike the northern part of Beijing, Mo Qinghe’s wife did not have too many taboos. Her grandfather was going to Lion Peak, she sent out the door, and just heard Yang Ling recite the poem, and she couldn’t help but smile to Gu Qinghe: “Master. The concubine has heard from Suzhou talent Tang Yin since June this year for his peach blossoms. After the “Peach Blossom Temple” made by An’an Villa, I have never heard such a poem with such an artistic conception. If Master Yang is not surprised, can I allow the concubine to write down this poem? “

Gu Qinghe frowned and said: “Meng Lang is rude, how can it make adults so embarrassed?”

Yang Ling smiled and said, “It’s okay,” he said, and put the paper ball back into his arms, saying, “When Ben Du and Gu come back from the mountain, then recite it to Mrs. Yu.”

In the presence of a wife’s eunuch, Yang Ling was inconvenient to call his father-in-law and changed his name to an adult. Gu Qinghe and his wife suddenly looked very happy on their faces. Mrs. Gu said with a smile and a smile: “Only the mood in the poem is considered, and the whole word has not been remembered. The adult only has to recite it again, and the concubine can write it down.”

Yang Ling glanced at her in surprise, but did not expect the woman to have a strong memory of Bo Wen Qiang, and had something she could never forget. Now he said the poem again, and Mrs. Gu listened intently. Then he couldn’t help but clap his hands and said: “The concubine took note. I will go back and record it”, saying that she was happy to say goodbye. He wore flowers and brushes, and led the two maids back to the house.

Gu Qinghe smiled helplessly towards her back, and said to Yang Ling: “The cheap concubine has always been invisible, making adults laugh.”

Yang Lingdao said: “Being honest, being a real person, Mrs. Zun is frank and has no intentions. What’s wrong with this? Haha, the official responded to several guests, so he came out late, Master Lau has been waiting for a long time, we Let’s go to Lion Peak for a tour. “

Gu Qinghe listened to him saying “swimming” Lion Peak, and he couldn’t help but chuckled. The two got on their horses. Yang Ling brought a hundred and twenty people. Gu Qinghe also brought forty tax collectors to the Lion Mountain.

There are many beautiful lakes in West Lake, Fuchun in Lianqing, Qiantang in ebb and flow, Nanwu Mountain and Beigu Mountain. In fact, its scenery mainly lies in the charming Jiangnan gardens and human landscapes. Many natural scenes have very heavy artificial traces. If you put aside that layer of artistic conception, nothing will be considered.

For example, Su Xiaoxiao’s tomb on the edge of the West Lake, if it was not because she was a prostitute in the south of the Yangtze River, because there were so many writers and scholars leaving the “Yellow Orchid Dew, like crying eyes. Nothing is concentric, the fireworks are unbearable. , Song Ruai. The wind is the clothes, the water is the admiration … “A beautiful verse like a tomb looks nothing like that tomb.

The scenery of Hangzhou is not known by mountains, and the Lion Peak is ordinary, and it is extremely boring in the eyes of Yang Ling, who is accustomed to the world’s famous mountains, but this is what it looks like to see a mountain in ordinary places, but it has produced a world famous Longjing good tea.

The mountains in Suhang and Tiger Hill are named after springs, and Feilai Peak is named after Lingyin Temple. This Lion Mountain is famous for its Longjing tea.

The official sedan entered the mountain, and the tax supervisor responsible for guarding the mountain had hurriedly greeted him and let the two adults into a wooden house built on the mountain.

Yang Ling sat on the bamboo chair and said with a smile: “In this month, if it is in the north, the autumn wind has long been practiced, and Baimu has withered, but this place is lush, and the weather is still so hot.”

Gu Qinghe said: “Jiangnan water town is still cool, and further south to inland, it will be even hotter. Come on, come and give adults a cup of good tea to relieve the heat.”

Yang Ling heard the word good tea and couldn’t help but sneer secretly. He touched the small bag of tea leaves in his arms, and waited for the taste of the tea to be tasted, so he had to ask Gu Qinghe in public. But he already had the idea of ​​conquering Gu Qinghe, but he didn’t want to be too serious. He just wanted to oppress him and make him surrender.

A tea-chasing woman wearing a navy blue robe, a light-colored flower dress with batik, a black belt on her slim waist, and a cloth towel on her hair, with a smile on her face, she walked into the room gently and skillfully. Good pot of tea, serve a cup for Yang Ling and Gu Qinghe respectively.

Yang Ling picked up the cup of tea and saw that the tea-like tongue was still twirling in the water. Yang Ling glanced at Gu Qinghe, slowly put the cup under his nose and sniffed it, then he couldn’t help being there again.

The taste of this tea is fragrant, and it is exactly the same as the taste of the superb imperial tip he tasted in Shanghai. Gu Qinghe secretly keeps good tea, and the tea offering to the palace is much worse than this good tea. Now, in the presence of his mission from Beijing Middle School, he did not know anything to avoid. He offered this tea without hesitation. Is he not afraid? I have discovered that there is a difference. Is he involved in a crime of bullying?

Yang Ling froze for a moment, raised his eyes and looked at Gu Qinghe who was waiting for him to taste the taste, and he couldn’t help but asked: “Master Gu, you are full of tea and tea, refreshing and heart-stirring, it is really the best imperial tip. But … … The governor also drank the royal tea in the palace when he was in Beijing. The emperor’s tribute tea is more than your tea, but it is more than one. I don’t know what Master Gu explained? “

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