Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 126 - ready

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Chapter 126

Mo Qinghe said with amazement: “Admiral Emperor Yang had drunk the Emperor Jian when he was in Beijing? Ah! Yes, Master Yang is the emperor’s effective courtier. He naturally has the opportunity to taste the best tribute tea, hehehe”, he said with a smile Shaking hands, the tea picker and the tax collector at Shizifeng all retreated.

Zheng Baihu looked at Yang Ling hesitantly. Yang Ling did not believe that Mo Qinghe would dare to be unfavorable to himself because of this matter. Moreover, the number of martial arts brought by him was superior, and the number of people was much more than that of the Mo tax supervisor. He waved his hand casually and ordered Zheng Baihu to take people out.

Mo Qinghe picked up a cup of tea and slowly blew the already floating camellia, gently sipped the tea, and then smiled and said, “The humble tea is actually better than the tribute of Huangjian Need. It ’s no wonder that adults are suspicious after they have tasted it. But this is not a secret, and most people in the industry know it. ”

“Oh?” Yang Ling turned her teacup gently, doubting: “Gong tea, shouldn’t it be the best tea? Why is this West Lake Longjing worshiping the Emperor Jian in Da Nei better than the tea leaves you intercepted? “

Mo Qinghe laughed and said: “Adults don’t know, this tea is only produced by a few peaks in the vicinity is authentic and the best tea. The best tea is greatly affected by the climate. Even if the weather is good and the weather is good this year, it can produce Some excellent tea is produced, and the long-distance transportation is also affected by the rainy and continuous taste.

Therefore, in order to ask the emperor to drink tea with stable taste and consistent quality, the tribute tea does not seek the best, only the most stable, otherwise the emperor will taste different this year. If the taste of the tea is slightly different next year, I think that the following things are not good. If you cut the heads of all the people in this tea garden, you can’t produce new tea.

This is not the disrespect of the emperor. There is really no way. Some people in Jingli taste the difference between these two kinds of teas. It is only because the freshly picked teas are delicious and will never be doubted. Humble people admired Master Yang very much, so they didn’t dare to hide it. Of course … Yang Da’s compassionate name of Li Min was already heard before, so he couldn’t bear to hide it. “

Yang Ling stunned, he only said that Mo Qinghe secretly kept good tea for personal gain. There are such reasons for not thinking about it. Mo Qinghe smiled bitterly: “My lord, those of us who are serving under the status of emperor, arrogant and magnificent, everyone feels extremely majestic, and who knows that we go up and down the world is also painstaking.

However, there is no way out. In addition to daring to tribute tea leaves with inferior qualities affected by the weather into the big house, we dare not hide them. We are handing over the silver coins sold by these excellent teas to the capital. Of course … I inevitably have to give some gifts to the Beijing Zhongguan Shangguan, the prince and grandfather of the priests and several leaders. I have to honor ten pounds of good tea every year. Now I am under the jurisdiction of the adults and confess. I also hope that the human body will find out. Consider the difficulties of our minions. “

Yang Ling listened with a bitter smile, and thought it was a case of bullying the king, but it turned out to be a customary rule in the officialdom: any tribute that cannot be guaranteed by quality and quantity, would rather be given back. Nor does it pay tribute to Ouchi, lest Long Yan be furious, but not beautiful.

However, Mo Qinghe’s frankness and confession also made him feel good. Whether Mo Qinghe was sincere or open-hearted, it at least showed that he really meant to be close to himself. Yang Ling laughed, raised his glass and said to Mo Qinghe: “Thank you Master Mo for confessing to me. To solve my doubts, Yang was just before the emperor. Of course I know your sufferings. Now that I know the clues, I will not Damn it. “

After listening to the situation reported by Liu Biao, Yang Ling decided to take the customs supervision to guard Yuan Xiong and make a fortune. It was just that Mo Qinghe’s tribute tea was in his mind and had always been a serious illness. Now I know the details. The heart is very cheerful, the two taste tea and talk. Each other’s feelings are warmed up a lot.

After two walks in the tea garden in the middle of the mountainside, the inspection mission was completed. When the two went down the mountain and climbed on the sedan chair, Mo Qinghe raised his hand. Authentic: “Is this …?”

Mo Qinghe laughed with him and said, “Master, there is nothing decent on this mountain except for tea leaves. In this box, there is a ten-pound super-long rain before Longjing. Please take it back and try it out. , But you ca n’t drink such good tea. “

Yang Ling knew that before such a real superb rain, if it was sold to the Jiangnan rich people at this time, one or two teas would be worth twelve silver. This small box of tea is 1,000 or two silver. The ration of the month is really too extravagant.

However, since all the people in Si Lijian had been used to it before, Mo Qinghe hadn’t gotten his heart at this time. Inside, there are four mandarin duck pillows. Although the tea in the pillow is not the tip of the emperor before the rain, it is also a first-rate good tea. “.

Yang Ling heard that it was a tea pillow, but she smiled a little, but the tea pillow smelled fragrant. The three girls in Jingli must like it, but when she heard the number, she was stunned for a while. There are only three people in Xueer. What does he mean by giving four sets? This also pays attention to good things in pairs? “

Yang Ling raised his eyes and saw Mo Qinghe with a smile in his eyes, and suddenly his face was hot, knowing that he believed that Gao Wenxin would be married back to be a concubine sooner or later, and he couldn’t justify it. He had to vaguely ask him to take his two boxes, two The man got out of the sedan chair and left Lion Mountain.

Out of the mountain pass, he had to pass through a small village before turning back to the official road. Yang Ling was sitting in the sedan and heard someone yelling in front of him. He quickly opened the sedan curtain and saw that two tax collectors were driving with whips. A ragged young child, who was only about ten years old at the age, quickly screamed, “Stop!”

The two men were vigorous and did n’t even hear it. Zheng Baihu, who was next to the sedan, rushed forward with one arrow, grabbed the whip in the tax collector ’s hand, and shoved him, shouting, “Sir, you Didn’t you hear it? “

The tax collector looked back and saw that Yang Ling had got off the chair. The fierce face suddenly put on a flattering smile, nodded and stood aside. Mo Qinghe also got off the horse sedan, hurriedly rushed over and said: “Sir, what happened?”

Yang Ling saw that the child had retreated to a tea stall. He was very thin, and his thin body seemed to have a bigger head, and his big eyes showed his wits, but his clothes were ragged. His face was very dirty.

Yang Ling walked over and squatted down, holding the child’s shoulder, only to feel skinny and poorly skinny. Yang Ling asked in a warm voice: “Little brother, aren’t you locals? How about the family?”

When Yang Ling walked forward, Zheng Baihu led four fans to catch up, and the child saw five majestic men behind Yang Ling. With a single knife in his hand, he dared not answer. Yang Ling looked back and frowned, “A child’s house, are you still afraid of the officer being stabbed? Don’t frighten the child, you retreat some more.”

Zheng Baihu quickly led people back a few steps. Mo Qinghe also walked over, squatted down, and smiled kindly: “Little guy, this adult is a good person. He asked you if you want to give a good answer, adults will be rewarded you a few penny to buy a few big meat buns to eat” .

The child heard the meat buns, and his eyes lit up. He swallowed a spit, and then said: “Master, my name is Wen Xiaohua, I am a native of Xukou Town, and I just became hungry. I saw wild fruits on the roadside trees. , Want to hit a few down to eat, the uncle … he whips me with a whip. “

Yang Ling glanced at Mo Qinghe, Mo Qinghe frowned, and said, “Xukou Town? That is the boundary of Suzhou. Did your child come here alone? What about your family?”

The child nodded timidly: “Well! Everyone in my family is dead, I’ll beg for stuttering everywhere.

Yang Ling asked: “How come the family is gone? Has there been a plague here?”

Mo Qinghe shook his head: “I have never heard of a plague. Child. You tell me, how did the family die?”

The child blinked his big, timid eyes and said, “My land is next to the river. In May, the water flooded my land. My father sold the house and went to the city to run a small business. Tax land, he … he secretly climbed the city wall and fell injured, my mother sold him to heal the wound, but the Japanese came, robbed my family of money and things, and killed my father and mother, I Just … begging everywhere “.

Yang Ling listened for a moment of sadness. At that time, the old man at the roadside tea stall recognized Mo Qinghe and couldn’t help but say with surprise: “Are you Mo Mo? Mo Dashan!”

Mo Qinghe froze for a moment and asked, “Do you know me?”

The old man said with excitement: “You know, last winter, Mo Mo porridge in the city, the old man went to your house to beg for food. Widow Zhang in our village remarried and left a small child, called the child in the aquatic land, no Personally, is n’t Mo Ye taking it in? Oh, the old man remembers you, this child is very pitiful, but looking at the cleverness, Mo Ye is kind enough to take him in. “

Yang Ling glanced at Mo Qinghe and said unexpectedly: “Master Mo really deserves the good man’s life. It turned out not only to save people but also adopted orphans.”

Mo Qinghe has n’t been humble yet, and the old man has preemptively said: “Mr. Mo is a good person, who does n’t know in Hangzhou City? Ms. Mo has adopted dozens of helpless children. This child met you today. But it ’s really virtuous. ”

Mo Qinghe listened to him praise in front of Yang Ling, seemed a little uncomfortable, busy said: “Okay, you old man,” he looked up and down at the child named Wen Xiaohua, nodded and said: “Okay , How about you go with me? I’ll find a place for you, eat and drink, and learn some craftsmanship. “

The child was very clever. After listening to his knees, he said joyfully, “Thank you, Lord, as long as you can eat, you will let me do everything.”

Mo Qinghe didn’t think he was dirty, he touched his head with a smile, turned his head and called to the housekeeper: “Lao Li, take this child, do you have a place to eat? Please pad him first.”

While walking back with him, Yang Ling said, “Sir Mo has taken dozens of orphans? This … this is really a good deed, but it is really difficult for you to raise many children in Fufu “”.

Mo Qinghe said slightly: “The adult has won the prize, our family … Alas, our family is also an adult. I also understand that I just want to do more good deeds and have a good retribution in the next life. These children I It ’s just to help them talk about food, not to stay in the government, but to send people to the local weavers to do some chores and learn some craftsmanship. Looking at my face, those weavers do n’t dare to help them. They’re just alive. “

Yang Ling really respected this **** at this time, no matter whether he wanted to accumulate good deeds, but did what he did. How many whole-day enthusiasm is for the country and the people, but people who can only read broadly and arbitrarily are inferior. Although he does not understand the many principles, he is actually doing many good things.

Although he took advantage of his power, he also received a lot of benefits, but he can think of the poor people under Zhou Ji, which is extremely commendable.

Local weavers are under the jurisdiction of the weaving **** Li Daxiang. The large weaving households are mostly concentrated in Suzhou, so Li Daxiang ’s Yamen Gate is located in Suzhou. Yangling and Moqinghe returned to the city. Instead of going directly to the house, they went to a small local restaurant. The two sat under the weeping willow and took a light drink. They laughed at the Jiangnan scenery. Afterwards, they had no idea whatsoever. They simply went to the local weavers to visit.

Yang Ling remembered studying as a child. It is clear that in the early years, Jiangnan weavers hired workers, which had a large scale and had the shape of capitalism. The weavers we visited this time were one of more than a dozen large weavers in Hangzhou, although they were not as powerful as Suzhou weavers. There are also dozens of looms, employing nearly 100 female workers. Yang Ling walked around in and out, feeling the flow of a modern industrial plant, and couldn’t help being excited.

When I went out, I saw a fat man of eleven or twelve years old, came in with a bag of white yarn, and when I saw someone outside, I couldn’t help but standing by the door, lifting my sleeves and wiping my forehead with sweat. Silly is just smirk.

Mo Qinghe smiled and pointed at the child: “This child. It is also fatherless and motherless. I looked at it pitifully. I took it down and sent it here. Well, that was last summer.

Ha ha, I ’m not afraid of the adults laughing, I ’ve sent them, these weavers do n’t dare to give face, they will never treat them badly, so I have never seen them, this child I remember, is still because of his big flesh , Otherwise I ca n’t think of it. “

Yang Ling looked at it, and the strong and sturdy boy was long and sturdy, and it seemed that life was good here, but his neck was thick and short, and a frightening large sarcoma was born on the side. Tired.

Although Yang Ling knows that this child has a pitiful life, he also has a strange feeling in his heart, not to mention others. If Mo Qinghe is kind, it is estimated that this child wants to do something right and knows that no one uses him for a lifetime. Be a beggar. Regarding the feat of Mo Qinghe, there was a kind of respect in my heart.

But the strange thing is, how did the little guy see Mo Qinghe’s look normal, without seeing the benefactor’s expression? Yang Ling was a little suspicious in his heart, and then remembered that the little fat man had only seen Mo Qinghe. After a long time, the child remembered so clearly, and his doubts dispersed.

The little fat man looked at a few guests and just smiled, and did not come to the courtesy. Gao Ming, the weaver, cursed and said, “Silly boy, look at it, move something in, don’t hinder your eyes.” The fat boy hurriedly picked up the yarn and ran in.

Yang Ling walked into the Xichuangyuan with a red face, and Gao Wenxin was bored at home for a day. Hearing that he was busy and welcoming, he could not help but stunned when he saw that Yang Ling looked strange. Yang Ling pretended to pass a roll of word axis and said: “Wen Xin, put away this good student.”

Gao Wen said with surprise: “Someone gave the master any celebrity calligraphy and painting?” She opened the scroll and glanced, her face suddenly pulled down, sour and authentic: “Just like a bright moon, I use fog … a good song Love poems, our old man is really a good-looking person. In this Jiangnan water town, I do n’t know how many daughters are going to be lost.

Yang Ling smiled and said: “This poem … was heard when I was in my hometown. Madam Mo appreciates it very much and copied two volumes. This volume was returned to me. Do n’t think about it, right. , How about the calligraphy of this Mrs. Mo? What a good hand. “

Gao Wenxin didn’t believe his nonsense. If it was so grand, why was he embarrassed? She looked at the word and hummed: “The word is not bad, but it is stronger than me, but it is this poem … It is deeply sentimentally, could it be the younger sister gave you?”

Yang Ling hummed twice. Didn’t take her place. As soon as she returned to the palace, Mrs. Mo took out two scrolls of painting with pleasure, and she had copied the poem in two copies, one for Yang Ling.

Originally, this was nothing, but I do n’t know if it was the Jiangnan woman who was so generous, or Mrs. Mo had been in the green building for many years, and I did n’t know there was a check. He dared to Yang Ling without knowing anything, opened the scroll, and smiled, pointing.

It wouldn’t be a big deal if that behavior was put on the modern day, but Yang Ling has been around for a long time in this era, and his wife who has never seen anyone else has been so close to her since she was so unavoidable. Just smelling the fragrant wind and puffing up like a blue, it made him embarrassed, but Mo Qinghe didn’t think he was at all wrong.

Until the end Mrs. Mo put away the scroll. Fasten it and hand it over to his hands, the slender jade finger wiped out frivolously in his palm, frightened Yang Ling’s heart and raised his eyes. I saw Mrs. Mo looking at a pair of soul-stirring eyes, voluptuous and charming, with beak teeth lightly biting their red lips. Although they were just showing the style in an instant, they were like slings of still water, rippling in the hearts of people. Knowing that she was not inconspicuous, she deliberately seduce herself.

The beauty of this beauty. Merry but not obsessed, although it is in front of her husband to seduce others, that kind of strange charm makes people feel no disgust, Yang Ling only said she was married to an **** husband, lonely in spring, and lived in a young family The man came to make her want to be wrong. Not daring to sit at the moment, and busy talking to Mo Qinghe. Then he ran away.

Of course, he would not tell Gao Wenxin such embarrassing things. Seeing that she still looks a little swollen, Yang Ling smiled and said: “Uh … Wen Xin. Should we take medicine and acupuncture?”

Gao Wen glared whitely at him, and said, “That’s not enough. Your old man still saw Liu Qianhu first. Let me yell again at acupuncture, waiting for your waist to be sifted. It ’s strange to go back to the younger sister if you do n’t desperately fight with me. “

Yang Ling smiled and said, “I’m not afraid, I’m afraid I’m yelling in the room and I was misunderstood by our fans …” He said that he suddenly stopped here and almost thought regrettingly. Give yourself a mouth: “You bastard, you clearly don’t want to provoke love debts, and you have to keep your mouth open. Did you chat with a female colleague in the office? At that time, the woman was stubborn.”

He was embarrassed, but wasn’t Gao Wenxin flushed with shame? But she didn’t have a look of sorrow, her eyes were very complicated, and she didn’t know what to think. She took a deep glance at Yang Ling and said softly, “I … the maid went to invite Liu Qianhu to come in”, one At that time, the tone was soft and unspeakable.

The woman was really dressed like a man. Gao Wenxin was wearing an ordinary Jiangnan woman’s dress. That noble and graceful spirit was exhausted. It was quite like the feeling of a small family jasper. She hurried upstairs, carrying the verdant skirt and stomping the pair. The red embroidered shoes whitened Yang Ling angrily and said, “Don’t look for me again next time. I still want people to smile at him. I just want to vomit.”

Gao Wenxin’s figure was long and his eyebrows were clear and watery. At this time, he was stomping his bow shoes, and he was beautiful and charming. He saw Yang Ling’s eyes lit up and nodded quickly: “That is, that is, rest assured, rest assured, if you are not afraid of playing grass and snakes. , I’m not willing to … cough, you go to avoid it first, let me take a look at the look of the pervert who smells of incense. “

Gao Wenxin snorted and turned to avoid the back room. He only heard a man outside the door laughed and said: “Yes, yes, you didn’t humiliate me, this woman really has a taste. But when it comes to the front, the resources of the head Lao Tzu can only pay twelve. You already have rice grains in your hands. I turned to the Chief Officer to buy it at a high price. You ca n’t make much money, ha ha ha … “.

With the voice, a fox-faced, black-faced military officer accompanied by Liu Biao, dressed as a city merchant, squinted into the room with a squint. It was a small flower hall, a young man in white and blue belts, sitting on the chair and looking at him with a smile, there were four black men standing behind him, with a stubborn and gloomy expression, he could not help but stunned. Feel the handle of the waist.

Liu Biao lazily swept away the city, lifted his leg and kicked it on his knee, followed by a sharp dagger that had been pressed against his neck, only to listen to this claim to have rice for sale. The merchant, who was devoted to the beautiful color, shouted: “It is the Admiral Neichang, Ou Nai guards and military commanders, and the purpose of inspecting Jiangnan’s taxation area is to send Yang Ling Yang. He hasn’t knocked on the ceremony.”

The officer was stunned. He heard that it was not a robber kidnapper. The danger of death was greatly reduced. He had put down half of his heart. But the governor of the in-house factory and the emperor Chingchao were not a single word to see him? What does this **** do mysteriously? He remembered the things that he had done that violated the law and discipline, and he couldn’t help but cold and sweat, and he hurriedly fell down. Shivered: “Xiaguan Longshanwei commanded Ding Lin, and met Yang … Master Yang …”.

Yang Ling leaned over and smiled, “Ding Xi matter, the Governor took the liberty to invite you to come, do you know what happened?”

Long Shanwei commanded the Ding Lin’s forehead, and sweat beads oozed from his forehead. Soon after the establishment of the internal factory, he did not know any powerful means. However, the torture of Jinyiwei in the east factory and the west factory had been heard before. Is that a lack of means? Ding Lin didn’t do much in violation of the law. While talking, he couldn’t help trembling.

Yang Ling straightened his waist and lifted up a robe, tilted Erlang’s legs, and a white boot swayed on Ding Lin’s forehead. He took a cup of tea leisurely and said, “Zheng Baihu, read it to him!”

“Best obedience!” Zheng Baihu responded step by step, stepping forward, and summed up Ding Linqiang’s illegal activities of buying the military field of the health center, greedy Mexican army rates, and adultery with the wife of the soldier. Ding Lin’s face looked as if he had finished speaking. Zheng Baihu had not finished speaking. He had climbed the first two steps and wailed: “Xiaguan is guilty, he should be guilty, please forgive me, and ask me to be kind!” The ground went straight.

Yang Ling put down the teacup and smiled slightly: “Ding Xi things. I have verified these facts. I believe that if you want to witness, the officers and soldiers you are so kind to will also come forward to testify. Any one of these is enough to kill you. Your head, do you say? “

Ding Lin trembled and said: “Yes, Xiaguan knows, Xiaguan should be damn. Begging adults …”.

Yang Ling said: “It is common to say. It is better to ask for help, if Master Ding wants to make atonement. It is up to you to do it yourself.”

Ding Lin heard something in his words and couldn’t help blinking his eyes. He hurriedly raised his face and said eagerly: “Please ask the adults to point out the maze, and all officials should obey.”

Yang Lingdao: “Actually, this officer also knows that, of the six of your brothers, only one of you has a military post. The family is huge, and you are all dependent on you. It is really not enough to rely on the salaries alone. As for your adultery with the soldier’s wife, You love what I wish, although sin is unforgivable, but also wishful. If you are willing to do something for the official, I will turn around for you for these sins, and I will be able to make things bigger and smaller. “

Ding Linxi said with a deep expression: “Thank you for your kindness. I don’t know if I’m going to be an official … what to do?”

Yang Ling’s eyes narrowed and said: “I heard that the commander of Longshanwei, Master Bi Chunbi, often framed the soldiers and violated the military regulations, and then oppressed the soldiers to hand over Wei Tian and privately swallowed Yuan Yuangong, the supervising army. However, one third of them are still old and weak and sick. Bi Chun and Yuan Xiong concealed their reports, bullied the military pay, and even paid the shipbuilding money to embezzle everyone ’s pockets. Now the ordnance is worn out and unbearable. This matter? “

Although Ding Lin is in charge of the affairs, Bi Chun is in power and colludes with Yuan Xiong. He covers the sky with one hand and does not take him in the eye at all. These benefits are limited to him, and he is already dissatisfied with Bi Chun in his heart. Jincha seemed to want to rectify Bi Chun and Yuan Gonggong, the supervising army, and he couldn’t help but feel secretly happy.

But under Jiwei for many years, he did not dare to tell the truth for a while, so he could not help hesitating. Yang Ling snorted coldly and said, “You can’t push your heart on this officer, and I’m too lazy to save you. Go back.”

Ding Lin no longer thought about it and hurriedly said: “Sir, don’t blame it, the official is here!” Ding Lin revealed the scandals of Yuan Xiong and Bi Chun as he knew, and even more outrageously, besides Bi Chun More than 500 people in the personal barracks are elite, and the rest are completely incompetent. Therefore, when the Japanese pirates came, he would go east and west, deliberately pass the Japanese pirates, and let the Japanese pirates robbery.

In terms of commanding ability and bravery, Bi Chun is really a brave general, otherwise he would not have the courage to connect with the Tazuko short soldiers when the elite soldiers of several health centers were concentrated on the north side. But this time, if he fights against the Japanese pirates, he will die for himself, out of selfishness. He was responsible for defending the soil, but he let the Japanese robbers rob. When the Japanese pirates retreated, they chased with great fanfare. When the Japanese pirates could not escape, they threw away a lot of looted property. Bi Chun took advantage of the opportunity to earn his own money. General. Instead, he became a black king.

Yang Ling stolen and smoked cigarettes, and when Ding Lin finished speaking, a fan at the corner of the room brushed a sheet of paper with dripping ink, and Ding Lin pressed his handprint helplessly. : “Very good, the current person is Junjie, I hope that Mr. Ding can cooperate sincerely with the Governor, and the matter you have just confessed has been recorded by the Governor. This pile piece also needs Mr. Ding to use it conveniently and collect more evidence, Ben Duna also has the right reason to take it. “

Ding Lin was dumbfounded: “It turns out that this factory supervisor is ridiculing him. Although he has heard of these things, he has no evidence at all!” Ding Lin regretted it a little, but he just signed the painting, and he was at this time. After thinking about the thief ship, think about it again. With this piece of paper alone, Yang Ling could capture him into the internal factory for torture.

The human heart is like iron, the official law is like a furnace, who can hide the secret under the torture of the factory guard? Even if Duke Yuan Yuan and Bi Chunken rescued him, he would be crippled when he came out, and Ding Lin had no choice but to let his head down.

Yang Ling didn’t blindly let him do things by intimidation. When he agreed, he helped him up with a smile. The official made a wish, drew a splendid future for him, and blew the dingy things down again before he let him go.

When he left, Liu Biao said slightly strangely: “Sir, our factory guards take people, only some clues, like Bi Chun. Officials like Ding Lin can take off the torture without asking any questions. Besides, we have some certainty Evidence, why bother to use this guy?

Yang Ling smiled faintly: “Liu Biao. Ding Lin … not scared! Bi Chun … not scared! Yuan Xiong … not scared! But, you think our enemy Are they really? “

He shook his head and smiled, “Yeah, our real opponent is in Jingli. These people are more of a weapon than the one we want to deal with. The few in Jingli are waiting to deal with them. We, we are also using them against Jingli, huh, huh, so the more conclusive the better, if the evidence is true, they just want to move away, there is no excuse. “

Liu Biao was surprised to hear: “Yeah, why did you forget why you came to Jiangnan? This is simply a bureau set up by Si Lijian and Dong Factory. Will they honestly watch Master Yang solve this bureau?” Today, when dealing with these eunuchs, they are actually fighting a battle. If they win, they will win the support of hundreds of tax supervisors in the world, which weakens the strength of Si Lijian and Dongchangdi. If they lose, they will lose more than one tax. Supervisors, by then various tax supervisors in various regions will be in trouble, and I am afraid that the existing financial paths and forces will also be finished! “

“Adults are more and more scheming,” Liu Biao glanced at Yang Ling admirably, and said respectfully: “So, do we have to wait for Ding Fei to get the credentials before we can handle them?”

Yang Ling shook his head and said: “No! Now it is the arrow that has to be sent on the string. The three eunuchs in the south of Jiangnan have indeed committed wrongdoing. If they do not investigate one, they will also teach the truth. This Yuan Xiong is determined. The taxes are not related, but the military discipline is corrupted. As a mission, I have the responsibility to investigate by the way, but I ca n’t do it without the will.

Now it is time to send someone to Beijing to make things happen to Emperor Ming Ming, and he has the will to take people immediately! This is nothing to hide from the factory guards, so you can only grab the speed. You pick a few clever points and immediately return to Beijing. You have seen Wu Dadu first, and then you can enter the palace.

“Yes!” Liu Biao agreed and hurriedly turned out.

Gao Wenxin came out of the wall behind the wall and blinked: “Master is preparing for the soldiers to catch the thief? Then ~~~ tomorrow, Brother Zhang Tian invited you to go to Suzhou to play, do you go?”

Yang Lingmin said with a lazy waist: “Go, why not go, how can Jingli send back the news so quickly? I am very relieved that Liu Biao is guarding here!”

He said that when he saw Gao Wenxin’s Jiangnan woman dressed, she couldn’t help but brighten her eyes, she smiled and said: “Wonderful, once you wear this dress, it’s the beauty of the water town at all. , Come up with your trousers legs and bare feet. Let ’s go to Taihu Lake to go rafting, learn that … then … “He patted his head and said:” Who is coming? “

Gao Wenxin couldn’t help but blurt out because of his discomfort: “Xishi Fanli!”

Yang Ling clapped his hands and said: “Yes, Xi Shi Fan Li!”

He did not deliberately criticize Gao Wenxin’s speech, but he did not pronounce the words of Dr. Fan. When Gao Wenxin said it, he realized that his metaphor was a bit inappropriate. What has become? So he couldn’t help laughing when he finished speaking.

Gao Wenxin turned his eyes and saw Yang Ling smirking. Zheng Baihu and a few fans behind him pressed their lips tightly and seemed very serious, but their faces all showed a strangely upturned shape and could not help but be ashamed. Like shrimps, even the neck is red.

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