Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 205 - Lip gun

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Chapter 205

Early winter rises, the morning frost has not melted. Just last night when it snowed, Liao Qiao was cold, and a touch of light sun sprinkled on people. There was no slight warmth, and he was still cold.

Outside the victory mouth, there was a stack of heavy mountains, a hundred majestic knights crossed the mountains and walked slowly. Liu Biao, Jing Foer, Wu Hanchao, and Liu Dabangmao were dressed as close guards, and Xu Tai was dressed as a head guard, and a group of people followed Yang Ling.

There is an open field in front, just below a Gangfu forest. The first ray of the first rising sun can shine right here, and the three solitary tents are standing on the snow.

Several Mongolian men who came back from the horse jumped off the smooth horseback, led the horse to the tent, and some put a saddle on the horseback, some wiped the weapon, and looked arrogant. Hundreds of orderly and majestic Daming officers and men stood in sight.

Yang Ling’s eyes swept across the lazy Mongols’ faces and raised his hand slightly. One hundred knights immediately strangled the horse reins, and more than one hundred knights stopped outside in an arrow’s field. sound.

Zhengde, Hu Zan, and Yang Yiqing could n’t rest assured that Yang Ling only brought a bodyguard of one hundred households. He originally planned to send 2,000 soldiers and horses to escort. I came here as a minister, “he refused.

The talks were about momentum. The three guards of Doyan sent a total of 5,000 troops. The forward special envoy had only three camps. Fifty people went up and down. If they sent a large army out, they would raise their opponents and make them look down on.

However, Duoyan Sanwei was a vassal of Daming, and the top leader of the three guards was granted the commanding knowledge of Daming. He was an official from Sanpin. Although he has already existed in name, Duoyan Sanwei did not publicly declare his defection from Daming.

Yang Ling is the leader of the former military. Zheng Sanpin’s military commander, and his handed-up identity, even in the face of flowering, his status is only high or low, let alone spending a few local messengers? Yang Ling went out and sent the bodyguards to inform him in advance that these envoys clearly knew the news, but they were stunned. Several pro-armies were also arrogant, obviously not paying attention to Ming Ting.

Xu Tai’s anger suddenly surged, and Ti Ma Yue approached Yang Ling, and Jianmei raised his head upright: “Adult, Duoyan Sanwei is so brave, knowing that the imperial court was sent, but so rude. prestige!”

Jing Foer licked his thin lips, with a bloodthirsty taste on his face and said, “Admiral, it is a sin to blame the emperor of the heavenly dynasty. Okay. That guy called Huadang sent some other sensible people. “

Yang Ling smiled and said: “Duoyan Sanwei is just trying the sincerity of the court alliance. After all, they have been too fooled and don’t have to worry about these barbarians. I tell you that negotiation is like doing business. It was the last winner. Today I bowed my head three times to him. Instead, he had to knock 30 heads at me to find it back. Go and call the Duoyan Sanwei Messenger! “

Jing Fo’er looked at Yang Ling suspiciously, and he whispered to the big account before loudly announcing that the special envoy of Emperor Daming had arrived, and Minghua was the messenger. In a moment of effort, three large tents came out, and dozens of Mongolian envoys with big sleeves and big sleeves greeted the tent.

Liu Dabangmao wondered: “Sir, how do you know that their envoy is ready to stop?”

Yang Ling shook his head and said: “Be brave! Nothing! Look at the ground before the account!”

Several guards around him looked around, and after a long while, they were still at a loss. Only Xu Tai and Wu Hanchao made a sound and smiled at each other.

Although the snow was not heavy last night, it had covered the ground. The snow in front of me was smooth like a mirror. In the sunlight glowing with bright snow, there are only two lines of hoof marks. That was left by the messenger who informed Ming that the envoy had arrived. Although the three camps looked snowy from a distance, the reflection of the light was different from the side. It was bleak and untidy. Obviously, there were dozens of people walking around in the morning, not the four in front of the camp. The effect that the five guards can cause.

Seeing that the envoys were already in front of the account, Yang Ling kicked the horse’s belly and led the guards to walk forward slowly. Before the camp account, Liu Dabang’s mallet turned over and dismounted, walking to Yang Ling’s horse and knocking on one knee, Yang Ling pulled the saddle Dismount the horse, gently on his spine, and jump down.

All the people embraced in front of them, with a smile on their faces. At first, a big man pressed Yang Yang with one hand to his chest and smiled in a fluent Chinese language. “Welcome you, the emissary of heaven and earth, I am the ambassador of Wuliang Habu. Picture, this is Wengniu’s special envoy Gerritai, Uziye special envoy Aqimai, Jianzhou Jurchen emissary Li Douli, Haixi Jurchen emissary Hu Chi … “.

As he spoke, he looked at Yang Ling and saw that the emperor’s most trusted minister, the emperor in charge of the emperor’s army and the internal factory wore a fur robe, a mink hat on his head, and satin leather boots under his feet. , Elegant, precious but not public. If it wasn’t for the silk gown that wasn’t tied with silk, it was vaguely visible that Jin Cancan’s Wolong Python robe was like a prince.

Yang Ling looked at the Wuliang Ha Minister, the most powerful and powerful guard of the Duyan three guards. His torso was magnificent, his appearance was magnificent, and he was steady. Although he was tall and sturdy, his eyes revealed wit and calmness, and he was straight and simple like the Mongolian herdsman on his face. The smile is very different.

Yang Ling said quietly, “It is said that the Mongolians are brave and warlike, with strong physique and lack of ingenuity. Looking at this envoy named Mu Tutu is very different. Although it is a tentative contact today, he has found each other’s alliance. It seems that the bottom line of the conditions also needs to be spirited up, not careless.

Yang Ling smiled and yelled in a circle. He gave a generous gift and gave a few to each other. The wooden figure extended his arms to the tent: “Master Yang, please let us enter the account.”

Yang Ling shook his leather robe without turning his head back. When he first entered, he left the guards out of the tent. The ambassadors such as Mutu and Gezhiletai saw the heavenly envoys without guards. , Glance at each other, the meaning of giggling on his face suddenly diminished.

Jianzhou Jurchen is closest to the territory of Daming, and has benefited a lot from the city of Daming. Both pastoral and farming, and some simple craftsmanship. It is the richest area in the Jurchen tribe, according to the distance from the border of Daming, a little farther from Haixi Jurchen is poorer. The savages farther away live entirely on hunting, and live half-savages.

These three forces are weak, so they are most respectful to Daming. Since the Yongle period, the tribute has never stopped. Although the Ming court did not give a price to the tribute, it allowed them to do some private market transactions for the goods they brought.

Jurchens exchanged iron tools and rice, salt, cloth, silk, iron pans, clothes and other items of Han people for horses, mink, Haidongqing and other products and donated gelatin, ginseng, fungus, mushrooms, pine nuts, honey and other mountain products. Depends heavily on the Han people.

The most traded between them and Daming is ginseng. But their processing method is very simple. They are soaked in water when they are dug out of the ginseng, but the immersed ginseng is also difficult to last. As long as the merchants of the Ming Dynasty delay it a little, the Jurchens are afraid that the ginseng will be rotten and can only be sold at a low price. .

They couldn’t think of any good way to extend the storage time, and suffered a huge loss in this transaction. Therefore, I am most enthusiastic about forming an alliance with Daming. I only hope that after the alliance, the Ming Dynasty will set a fair price at the official level and avoid commercial exploitation.

Yang Ling knew these things through careful work. Since there are three Jurchen ministers in all tribes, there is no danger in the accounts. Therefore, without any cowardice, some people, such as Ottoman, were surprised.

Yang Ling walked into the account and saw that the two long cases were separated from each other, with some cheese and milk tea on top. He walked to the right and sat according to the case. The tribe envoys entered the account. I saw Yang Ling sitting there smilingly and pointed to the opposite side: “Please sit down.”

Ou Mutu and others looked at him as the anti-guest, but it seemed that he was the master of the big tent land. He couldn’t help but look at each other with a bitter smile. The six had to sit opposite, with the Ou Mutu in the center. When the guest and the host sit down, the topic begins.

First, Mutu said: “The chieftain of Huadang heard that His Majesty the Emperor Daming was sincere. He came to Datong and was terrified. So he led the leaders of the three tribes of Duoyan and Jurchen.

The Duoyan Sanwei followed Emperor Yongle’s difficulty in coming, and had always been close to Daming, but the officers and men of Daming regarded me as a barbarian, suppressing deductions and unfair transactions. In the old days, the generals of the Ming Dynasty again drove my three guards to the people who had no iron in each other’s city as tartary offenders. The owl hung more than three hundred heads, which made my three guards sad.

grown ups. The Duoyan Sanwei has always claimed himself as a lord of the Ming Dynasty, but when the Valais invaded our three guards, we asked the Ming court for help, but the Ming court stood idly by. Instead, Boyan Khan led his soldiers to rescue him. .

Besides, the three Jurchen tribes, despite their tribute at the age of the age, the strategy of the Liaodong defending the border and the people, lacked goodness and platitudes, which made the people centrifuge. Nowadays, although the chiefs of Huadang and the chiefs of various tribes have good intentions to be kind to the Ming, they are afraid of being overwhelmed. I wonder why Master Yang taught me? “

The wooden figure opened a clear meaning, despised the Ming court, and secretly observed Yang Ling’s complexion. Yang Ling smiled and took a sip while holding a bowl of milk tea while listening. He put it down with a grin, and picked up a small piece of yoghurt. Biting bit by bit, tasting the taste, a casual look.

Ou Mutu originally thought to say a few unpleasant words, this flamboyant Daming senior official must be irritated by him, another set of words he prepared can be taken advantage of, but unexpectedly Yang Ling is so demeanor, Ou Mu In the picture, she felt awkward, but she felt terribly sad and desperate, but later she was completely dry.

Yang Ling heard him pour out these old sesame seeds, and he smiled and said: “If Duoyan Sanwei and Ming Ting had never had any quarrels before, then our meeting today should be to talk about the world and to celebrate the wine, so why should His Majesty the Emperor Labor meet with Huadang Chief What about? “

When Moutu opened his mouth, he vigorously accused Ming Ting of repeatedly losing his trust. Yang Ling knew that this was because they increased their bargaining chips for the next step of throwing up alliance conditions. Instead, he believed the sincerity of Huadang Alliance.

He dropped the piece of cheese, clapped his hands, and calmly said: “The Ming Dynasty’s frontiers and the Duoyan Sanwei and the Jurchen tribe have inherent frictions and grudges, but it would be unfair to say that the Ming Dynasty’s imperial court was not good to Er.”

Yang Ling smiled and said abruptly: “Since Hongwu, Daming has been very kind to the Mongolians who surrendered to the court. This is well-documented. In the fifteen years of Hongwu, Suge Timur and the perfect Timur, etc. In the six years of Yongle, Xile Wenhe, Qinzhenhe and other ministries came to the dynasty. Daming not only placed houses, but also provided food and clothing, cattle and sheep, money and Lingluo, which can be said to be responsive.

My Han people did not obey without service, but the Turkish army (Mongolian, Korean, Jurchen) who settled down south served alone, and the rest of the brothers, nephews were exempted from service. The taxes are light and unbelievable. The Tuoyan Sanwei, who lives in the eastern Liaoning, is even more ill-served, does not accept food, and does not serve. Are these messengers of Mutu not sure?

It is not that the court did not have cattle and horses when the Ming Dynasty set up a mutual market. Everything used by the ministries outside the Gain customs came from our Daming. In the fifteen years of Yongle, there was a drought in Wuliangha. With thousands of horses coming to me, there are 300 Da Ming Yi Mi Da, there are countless living people, but what have you done?

The change of the earthen castle, betrayal of righteousness, and surrender to the tile. In case of natural disasters and man-made disasters, Daming was taken for granted as a granary, disturbing the border and slaughtering the people. Halfway between Daming and Tatar, pedaling two boats!

As the so-called Shengmi Endou Mihou, when a person is starving to death, give him a liter of rice, he will treat you as a benefactor; but you will give him a bucket of rice. He will think, since you can afford a bucket of rice, you can give me more, if you want to give me. Then you are my enemy, and I will grab it myself. Isn’t that the case of Duoyan Sanwei to Daming? Insufficient greed and ungratefulness! “

“If there is no such past events, how can we give excuses to the officers and soldiers who are interested in greed and greed? How can the court stand idly by while attacking the Duyan Sanwei?” Yang Ling said with a pale face in his words, sitting at the envoys Some are like sitting on a needle felt, twisting around uncomfortably.

Yang Ling sighed slowly: “Of course, most of these are old things, and our border guards have suffered because of these suspicions. It has indeed caused ordinary people of Duoyan Sanwei to suffer, and the two sides have gone further and further and lost their trust. The reason is In this way, my Majesty the Emperor Daming only got close to Datong, and wanted to personally sign the covenant with the leader of Huadang, to stay together and help each other, and be an ally forever. “

喏 mutu took a breath and smiled cunningly: “Not only that? Daming wants to form an alliance with us. It is not just a mutual market transaction. Isn’t it also asking us to be wicked with the tile, and dragging the legs of the Tatar iron ride. Are they responding to each other? “

Yang Ling calmed his airway: “Yes, there is the tiger of Tatar, Daming is deeply hurt by it, and Duoyan Sanwei is not less bullied by them? Now the 70,000 army of Tatars, who lost their soldiers outside my Datong City, have nothing. As a result, once the sleepy tiger and hungry wolf returned to the desert, Duyan Sanwei bear the brunt.

Cooperation is for both benefits, and two is for two evils. I believe that Huadang’s chief is a forward-looking person. After seeing this, he readily agreed to form an alliance with Daming, help and defend each other, and jointly deal with this scourge? “

Mu Tutu smiled and shook his head: “Master Yang, the chief of Huadang is in memory of the sincerity of His Majesty Emperor Ming, so he came to pay a visit. You also know that if once dealing with Tatar, we will bear the brunt of the three guards, and we must bear the utmost. Pressure, and if the Ming court ignores it, the Duoyan three guards are difficult to support, but they are not Tatar opponents.

In the same way, if we stand by and watch the battle between Daming and Tatar, even if the Tatar rider is seriously damaged outside Datong City, once it returns to the grassland to rest and recuperate, the fangs and claws will come out again within two years.

We and Tatar are the descendants of the Great Yuan. Even if they are robbing us, they will not kill them. In the end, whether it is for the wealth of the Daming Rivers and Mountains or for revenge, we will still find you, and the borders of Daming will be forever. No tranquility.

So Daming wants to deal with Tatar’s urgency, I am afraid it must be far above our Duyan Sanwei? I don’t know what conditions His Majesty the Emperor wants to make, to gain our trust? “

Yang Ling flashed his eyes and smiled, “Yes! No real lies are told in front of real people. We do have the ambition to weaken Boyan’s forces. This owl cannot be removed, there is no peace in the nine sides, but the Tatars are weakened. “Yan San has every benefit without harm.”

He picked up the milk tea and ignored the weird taste. He took a sip and lowered his head to take the opportunity to say: “This wooden figure is an unusual envoy. The tribe’s special envoy is only the leader of the horse. He must be the most trustworthy of Huadang. People, today it is necessary to find out the bottom line of cooperation between Doyan and Sanwei and pave the way for the emperor to negotiate. It seems that he will land on him. “

Yang Ling thought of this, put the milk tea down, and smiled softly: “We are extremely vast, and we are also not good at nomadic riding. Daming has no ambitions outside the Serbia, but just hopes that his borders can be stable and the people can live and work. Now If the Tatar becomes a piece of scattered sand under the joint attack of Daming and Duoyan Sanwei, who will be the king of the desert steppe? “

As soon as Mutu looked, he calmed down and smiled lightly: “Boyan is a descendant of Genghis Khan, and he has an unparalleled appeal on the grassland. If he can’t be the king of the desert, I believe no one can replace him.” .

Yang Ling laughed at the case and got up and said, “Genghis Khan? Before Genghis Khan, who was the king of the desert? After Genghis Khan, did no other hero control the land? His reign extended to his descendants for hundreds of years, also It’s almost time. There is an old saying in our body: Wang Hou Jiang Xiang, would you rather be kind? An Zhihua will be the chief leader. Will he become Huadang Khan someday? “

In the eyes of Mu Tutu, two groups of faint flames ignited, and those hot eyes stared at Yang Ling Road: “What is the meaning of Master Yang … What is the meaning of Duoyan Sanwei? The three guards of the Majesty of the Ming Emperor, His Majesty the Emperor?” I want to … I want to allow us to stand on our own, no longer as a guardian? “

Yang Ling chuckled and said, “Da Ming is the wise and wise man of today. Apart from a nickname, Duo Yan Wei has already become a country. Why has he fulfilled the responsibilities of Daming’s vassals? Instead of doing so, it is better to be equal. Sitting on the throne of the king outside the customs, and for generations, good neighbors with Daming Yong. “

Tutu also stood up horribly, staring at Yang Ling in disbelief. Shivering: “Does this really matter?”

Yang Lingdao said: “That is nature, otherwise, the emperor came to see him as the leader of the Ming Dynasty, who was the guardian and commander of Huaming alone. Isn’t it a big joke?”

He said while secretly saying in his heart: “Otherwise, under such a false name, in fact the Daming court forces could not touch and control at all. You have such an umbrella, and the court cannot use troops against you. Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang Black land, is it still necessary to keep Jurchens into a big tiger?

Simply give you a fake name and coax you out of ambition, because you can’t deal with tartare anyway. As long as my soldiers are out of the customs, you will have to trouble you to help bring more belts, familiar with the situation outside the customs, and when the tartare falls, our soldiers will also become tigers, and then find an excuse to harm you. Eight hundred guys used troops, and they were not conquered against the rebels in the past, but were completely captured. You don’t want to be a vassal. I will stew you into a big sweet potato! “

The envoys next to each other looked at each other. Obviously, the condition that Daming had issued was too unexpected, and it was basically an empty check. There are no benefits and practical benefits.

However, Daming has always emphasized only the name and not the interests. For the sake of a nominal vassal, even if he could not collect a cent of tax money and exercise a little administrative power from them, Daming was willing to exchange it for real money.

In the eyes of these prairie men who struggled with heaven and earth, struggled for survival under the most difficult conditions, and were the most practical, they could n’t understand this kind of thinking, and now suddenly Shi Baotian was shocked to hear this kind of permission, and they surprised them all at once. .

This Yoon is too tempting, just like a beggar, who originally wanted to run to the door to ask you to eat a piece of steamed buns, but you gave him all the keys to the house, saying that the family will return to him from now on. After a while, they felt like a dream, and they couldn’t believe it for a while.

Omutu’s red face turned redder, and he suddenly turned around and slowly paced in the tent, his eyes flashing, as if struggling. Is it credible? Daming really willing to give such excellent conditions? From the leader, leap into Khan!

Duoyan Sanwei does not have this strength, but what if they have the support of Ming Ming’s military and financial resources? Still can’t? Khan! King of the grasslands! But … how much sincerity does Daming have?

Thinking of this, Mutu suddenly thought about it, and immediately turned around and said, “This fact is too important. I have to report it to the chief in order to reply to the lord.”

He said with a flash in his eyes: “If I reply to this, I am afraid that I will be the chief leader of the Ministry of Flowers. It is difficult to believe that the national policy of the Ming Dynasty and the three guards of the Ming Dynasty has changed constantly. I also have doubts.

Therefore, when the envoy was instructed to meet the adults, the leaders proposed two conditions. I believe that if Duoyan Sanwei is allowed to stand on his own and help us to deal with Tatar words, these two conditions will still be put forward. I went back to report to the chief, and I also asked the adults to report our conditions to His Majesty the Emperor Daming. “

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