Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 206 - Follow the boss

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Chapter 206

Yang Lingzhong sat down again and pondered: “Two conditions? Ha ha, please ask the Mutu Messenger!”

Mu Tutu smiled slightly, his eyes flashing authentically: “The Emperor of Duoyan Sanwei is favored by His Majesty, and Li Khan is allowed to be king. Of course, even if our chiefs call Khan, they dare not sit on par with His Majesty the Emperor Daming. Princes and princes “.

Yang Ling smiled and said, “That’s nature, but Huadang Khan can control the vast grasslands, land and cattle and sheep by then, and only pay tribute without paying taxes and serving, is it my lord of Ming Dynasty comparable?”

The wooden map was touched by the beautiful blueprint depicted by Yang Ling, and there was a flash of joy in his eyes. He calmed down, and then pretended to be honest: “But, the sweats of Wa’a and Tatar were all under the decree of His Majesty the Emperor Daming. Sealed, so we hope to also receive the decree of His Majesty the Emperor, and give him the golden seal and festival symbol. “

Yang Ling suddenly felt that the special envoy was afraid that Daming was only verbally agreeing. They had the least influence among the three tribes of Mongolian Tatar, Tatar and Wuliangha. Without the Ming Dynasty ’s public support, this Khan could not do it justly. Go on, at least until their power is enough to suppress the other two.

Yang Ling slightly groaned and nodded, “You are also justified in your concerns. I will report to the emperor about this matter. What is the second thing?”

After seeing Yang Ling agree, he sat down on the opposite side happily, and thought carefully before saying: “Your Majesty Yongle, in the past, because our triumphant Emperor Yongle had no merit from Longjing, he made Daning Wei (now Chengde City, Pingquan) County, Jianchang County and Laoha River Basin) are given to us.

However … presumably Master Yang also knows that our three guards live on nomadism, and cattle and sheep are all ours, but His Majesty the Emperor Yongle did not allow us to stay in the Daning area. The grassland cannot be used to graze cattle and sheep. So I hope the emperor will allow us to graze in the Daningwei area. “

After listening to Yang Ling’s heart, he couldn’t help jumping and speculated about the condition that Duoyan Sanwei might propose. He thought that Duoyan Sanwei might put forward this condition, but it was unexpected. In fact, a few decades ago, the Duoyan Sanwei, with the support of the Horqin department who had an in-law relationship with them, lifted troops into Daning City, and through Huizhou (Hebei Pingquan) went straight to Kuanhe (Hebei Waterfall) and continued to advance south. .

Now Duoyanwei arrives at Xifengkou directly from Daning City, and it is Xuanhua in Hebei across a mountain; Tainingwei’s forces go from Jinzhou and Yizhou to Daliaohe via Guangningwei. The Fuyuwei land forces went from Huangniwa through Shenyang and Tieling to Kaiyuanwei. To the south of the Xilamulun and Liaohe rivers, from the east to the original plains, a large area of ​​land near Xuanfu in the west is in fact already in the hands of Doyan Sanwei.

Tooyan Sanwei and Daming joined forces against Tatar, all they wanted was the identity of a public Ming Ming court, and recognition of their actual control of the area. It seemed that Daming did not have any real losses, but Yang Ling couldn’t help but hesitate.

These places are too weak to control. In fact, it is not false to have fallen into the hands of Duoyan Sanwei, but publicly acknowledging their ownership, that is, ceding the country, is a problem that has really been endangered.

In the past, Yongle Emperor gave them the land of Duoyan Sanwei, and they had already committed a fatal mistake. Damingwei is located in one place. The various health centers echoed with each other in a point-and-face manner. The three systems of Duoyan broke this strategic system as soon as they lost, and the effective connections between the various health centers were lost. The individual Liaodong Health Center could not resist the attack of a small tribe.

These areas are key strategic locations. Yang Ling is fighting to provoke the Tatar civil strife, and then drag Duoyan Sanwei into the water to increase troops in Liaodong and strengthen the control of this area.

Yang Ling immediately shook his head flatly and said: “The messenger of Mutu, you must know that although you take a big risk, but you gain more, once you let Tatar surrender to you, you can choose the most beautiful land to graze cattle and sheep. Even if you fail, you retreat to Duyan Sanwei, and Daming’s restraint on Tatar, they can’t help you. Liaodong is the barrier of Daming Jingshi, and we can’t give up. “

Yang Mutu opened his mouth, Yang Ling raised his hand and said, “I don’t have to ask His Majesty the Emperor, this is the messenger of Mutu. There is absolutely no need for negotiation. Liaodong. It cannot be used to bargain!”

Mutu took a milk tea and took a sip, whipping the thick black iron beard for a long while. Talent: “We are at great risk of breaking openly with Tatar. If there is no guarantee, how can the people of the entire tribe rest assured? Since the adults say so …, can you reply to your emperor, your sincerity? , What about our three Yanwei and the court? “

Yang Ling was stunned. He didn’t expect that Mu Tu actually had the courage to propose a pro. When Huadang has not become a big sweat, Doyan Sanwei thought that he was the Northern Yuan court with four major Khanates? Dare to ask for a close relationship with Ming Court.

Mu Tutu saw that his face was sinking, and he quickly said: “The chief of Huadang has a girl who loves Yinqi, the most beautiful flower on the Colin Qin grassland. She is only 15 years old this year. If the emperor does not give up, , The leader of Huadang is willing to dedicate her to His Majesty the Emperor Zhengde … “.

Yang Lingrong Yan Yiji: It turned out to be a beautiful woman, huh, huh. Anyway, it ’s political marriage. It ’s okay to be ugly. Just give a confession to the palace. Anyway, even the queen and the two concubines are now decorated. Is the Forbidden City still missing a bite to eat? Besides … Colin Qin? The first beauty of Manchuria, Dayuer, seemed to be the girl from the Colin Qin grassland, and this Miss Yin Qi should be a good response.

Thinking of this, Yang Ling smiled and wanted to go back and report to Zhengde. Unexpectedly, the wind of the wooden picture turned around and continued: “I am glad that the emperor has two royal sisters, Princess Yongfu and Princess Yongchun. And supported as the wife of the Masamune, and Daming became Qin Jin, and they must cooperate with each other. “

As soon as Yang Ling heard that, his face snapped up again: when you marry a daughter, you marry a daughter. Why do we have to spare another one? … No, the daughter of Huadang marries Zhengde, and Zhengde is his son-in-law, and he wants to marry his sister-in-law … what a mess?

I heard that Huadang already has five sons and three daughters. Should it be an old man with a beard of almost fifty? Let the gentle and pleasant princess Yongfu marry Huadang that old kid? Yang Ling thought of this, and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Should I change Yongchun’s little girl? The idea has just risen. Yang Ling fought a cold war and felt a chill in his heart. He would dare to agree to come down, it is estimated that Zhengde would have to carry a sword and go to chase him down like Datong’s uncle.

Yang Ling took a breath and secretly reminded herself: “You are here for peace talks, it’s a parliament. Even if you don’t agree, you can say something more euphemistic. For the same thing that can achieve your goals, don’t learn Guan Gong’s sentence” My Tiger Girl ” Is Anken married? “

He crushed his heart and sulked, laughing with a disapproved expression, and Mu Tu said in amazement: “Why did Master Yang laugh?”

Yang Lingzhan laughed and said: “The messenger believes that it is about the destiny of hundreds of thousands of people and the life and death of a family. Can it really be tied to a woman? Daming and Duoyan Sanwei form an alliance, exchange business with each other, help each other, and help each other. Only silver ground has sincerity.

Jiu Wenhua’s chieftain is one of the three heroes in the outside of Serbia, and his talents are broad and his vision is high. No less than Boyan and Huosi, how can the alliance be pinned on the relatives? Could it be that the messenger of Mutu made his own claim? Haha … After this, the Mutu messenger went back and did not mention Huadang as the leader, otherwise he would be ashamed of the leader. “

The red face of Mu Tutu’s red face rose a little, and he looked a little blackish. He said sadly: “The matter of marriage is ancient. There are princesses in both Han and Tang who marry outside the Serbia and become an eternal beauty talk. If neither of them can show sincerity, then What does Master Yang use to prove the sincerity of cooperation? “

Yang Ling said without hesitation: “Interest. Only common interests will make cooperation with each other seamless.”

He stood up and walked in front of Hu Chi, the messenger of the Haixi Jurchen, and said: “In recent years, the trade between Daming and Jurchen has become more frequent. The official gave an example of only one ginseng. Because flooded ginseng is not easy to preserve, the Han merchants wantonly lower prices Do you lose hundreds of thousands of silver every year? “

Mentioned this matter. Hu Chi was so angry that they had nothing to produce. They all depended on digging ginsengs in the mountains to hunt for salt and tea, cloth and iron pots from the Hans. But the ginseng just recognized the stuff by the Hans. There were not so many buyers, and there were not so many buyers. The Han merchants ’price reduction did indeed make them suffer. Hu Chi got up and said with respect and respect:” Master Mingjian. The tribe came this time. The willingness to join the alliance means that the court can treat women fairly. Real people. “

Yang Ling nodded. He said: “The official understands that only one ginseng and only you Haixi Jurchen tribe will export more than 50,000 jins of ginseng through the horse market every year. There are more than 100,000 pounds of rotten? So the poor and dead people are countless. If we form an alliance with the DPRK, we will not ban the market, and we are willing to officially set prices, reduce taxes and subsidies to Han merchants. This is not the biggest. What is your sincerity? “

Hu Chi was overjoyed and plucked his head to peck at the rice. He said, “Of course, of course, thank Master Yang, thank you Emperor, we are willing to … willing to form an alliance with the Ming Dynasty.”

Yang Ling nodded and walked in front of the messenger in Jianzhou Jurchen Li Dou Li, saying, “Jianzhou Jurchen originally lived on raising livestock and caring for Pi Wei, and I lived on farming and eating grain.

But in recent years, you have been gradually expanding your arable land, buying farming cattle and iron hoops from Daming, hiring Han professors to cultivate, and dressing and eating like Han people. You are the most prosperous in the Jurchen tribes. , Female needleless scissors, cooking without pot, food without salt, presumably in the beans in the messenger?

If we open multiple horse markets and change the first and the fifteenth inter-city markets to daily inter-city markets and relax the scope of inter-city items, do you think this is Daming’s sincerity? Or sent to a princess and relatives, sincerely bring 100,000 silver dowry? “

When Lidouli listened to both eyes and shined, as long as he was willing to change the three inter-markets in the original place from twice a month to a regular market, and relax the restrictions on exchange of goods, they would all wake up laughing in their dreams. Want to open another intercity location? This was more than they expected. Lidou thought about it and immediately said, “Naturally, we are sincerely open to each other and we have sincerity. We don’t want much. As long as the Ming Dynasty Tingken and our mutual city, Jianzhou Jurchen will be a permanent minister of Daming. Genus and friend! “

The messengers of Duoyan’s tribes were so excited that they could not sit still, but Duoyanwei’s Ou Mutu was obviously the leader of Duo Yan Sanwei’s messenger, and they all set their sights on Ou Tuotu. Seeing this scene, Mu Tutu pondered: “What the adults say, but in this case, how do we believe the Ming court is sincere?”

Yang Ling raised his finger and said: “First, it is also a public transaction. I believe your ministry will benefit greatly from it. Second, it is military cooperation. Once the troops are used, Daming will send troops from Xuanhua and Liaodong roads of Datong and become a horn. The middle road. In the middle, if there is no intention to cooperate, my heavy soldiers in Liaodong will be in jeopardy. Should we show our sincerity?

Third, just like the warrior’s first prince, the attack on Yanjing was blocked. This time, Boyan’s offensive was frustrated. After returning to Tatar, civil strife is bound to happen. We don’t need you to send troops now. Both parties can open the market first. When the soldiers have enough food and the Tatars are in chaos, they will take them down again and you will be able to take the initiative and seize the initiative. Can the above all show our sincerity? The maple messenger. “

After hearing this, Mutu raised his eyebrows and stood up with one hand on his chest. Solemnly said: “We believe in the sincerity of His Majesty the Emperor. If Master Yang, I will report to Huadang as soon as possible.”

Yang Ling smiled happily and said, “Good. Then I am waiting for the good news of the messengers in Datong City”.

He walked back to the table, picked up the bowl of milk tea and sipped it out, and then laughed aloud: “Next time, this officer will entertain the envoys in Datong. I hope that you will bring good news of being a big leader at that time, everyone, leave. Now! “

Looking at the more than 100 Qingqi gradually disappearing in the mountain depression, the envoys of the ministries still stood at the mouth of the valley. Wengniu’s Special Envoy Gerritai walked to the side of the wooden figure in a contemplative look, and said respectfully: “Master Hua, do you think this Ming Dynasty’s envoy is credible?”

The flower of the pseudonymous wooden figure, with a little bit of city eyes, has become eagle-like sharp and shrewd. He stroked his beard and smiled faintly: “If they just use us, they will not repay the heirs, then I am asking for prices, they are big You can agree to it first. The alliance is fake. Do you still care about fake and pro-fake cuts? The Ming envoy is so cautious, it seems that he is sincere. “

Geriltai was relieved. Zhan Yan smiled and said: “It is good to have sincerity. To be honest, our tribes fighting against Tatar will bring death to our ministries, but to fight against the Ming dynasty will not only bring death, but also poverty, that is more than death. It’s unbearable.

If the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was really not a cowardly monarch, but as great as the original Hongwutian Khan and Yongletian Khan, then obeying the will of Zhengdetian Khan might be a thing for us Very correct choice “.

Huadang smiled slyly and said, “If Boyan is really so easy to deal with, will Ming Dynasty offer such generous conditions? Don’t see Boyan eating a big loss outside Datong City, this eagle returned to the grassland, very It will soon lick its wound.

The golden signboard of the direct descendants of the Golden Family will quickly add up the ministries and warriors for him, unless … this Yang Yang’s civil unrest in Tatar will really happen, but Bo Yan’s prestige, Does anyone in Tatar really dare to challenge him?

Don’t rush to tie yourself to the Ming Dynasty tree. When the sun is hot, you can borrow its shade. If it can’t shield us from the wind and rain, then ride a horse and run far, hahahaha …… “.

A pair of bright stars stared at him fiercely. This is a handsome and handsome “boy”, but as a man on the grassland, he was too thin even though he was young, and his facial features were too delicate.

A bearskin short robe, high-waisted leather boots, brown leather hat, a pair of ink-brushed eyebrows, a sloppy nose, small lips and full lips, and a goose egg face with clear and perfect lines. Tao: “Since this is the case, why did my father give me to the Ming emperor? What if Fang Cai, the Ming minister, agreed?”

This man was one of the eight guards in the tent, and only then stood in the shadows. No one paid attention to him. At this moment, he only heard that she was a girl. Huadang froze for a while, and laughed over her shoulder and said: “Yin Qi, is it not good to marry the Ming court? Their house of a centurion’s house is more abundant than our big account, an ordinary The money of the rich family can buy all the cattle and sheep in our family. If you become a concubine, you will live in heaven. “

The girl snorted disdainfully: “I am not rare. My husband, riding a fast horse and shooting a sharp arrow. If he is the greatest hero on the grassland, he will follow him to the end of the world. Even if I suffer, Not afraid. Hearing that the emperor of the dynasty walked from one house to another in his own house, a group of people must carry it, oh my god, if I think about it, I will be crazy. “

When Huadang, Geraldai, Aqimei and others listened, they laughed loudly …

“Just before I heard that the adults laughed loudly, and the last one would feel relieved, otherwise I would have waited so long without movement, I couldn’t help but rush in.” Xu Tai took a whip on the hip and laughed Haha authentically.

“Adult. But have you reached an agreement with the envoys of Duoyan Sanwei?” Liu Biao flew close and asked happily. The war horse had just turned over a small mountain beam, and Yang Ling stopped standing recklessly, looking at the bright sun shining down the snow-capped snow mountains, saying, “It’s not easy to say that these people are very speculative, and the conditions for our Xu are quite perturbing. , But let them work for us wholeheartedly. I’m afraid it’s not so easy. “

He suddenly smiled and said: “Fortunately, my purpose is only for them to fetter the tilers, and then fetter them with the mutual market. The winning bet is not put on this grass, hehehe … The official laughed. It was because Huadang ’s envoy had proposed to change my relationship with Daming, to marry the youngest daughter of Huadang to the emperor, and then let the current emperor Dimei sister marry Huadang. Hey! No one in sight. “

He looked back, looking at the overlapping mountains, his eyes flashing, and he thought secretly: “Duoyan Sanwei’s disrespectful waking up early, it seems that it is right to lead them to the waters of Tatar Takan, see the Jurchen Trilogy Attitude, it seems that you can take advantage of it, an unfair boxing match. You have to find a helper for the weaker side, this fight is only wonderful. “

Xu Tai said, “Yeah! What a status as a flower, but also a marry me Daming princess, if it is a Wang Zhaojun-like maid or an ordinary sect girl, that is almost the same, the adult must have rejected it all at once?”

Yang Ling turned his head and said righteously: “Xu Tai, you are wrong! It is said to be a royal princess. Even one of the humblest Han nationality female or even maidservant maid. We can’t make them harm and make humiliation. The country’s affairs come. “

He mentioned Ma rein. I walked a few steps on the mountain beam, and greeted the mountain breeze that screamed with snowflakes: “Harmony, kinship, the most shame! Even if the ancient interracial kin, befriend my Han, it is actually because the strength of the Han is not insultable. Will they give up their greed because of a woman?

Self-deceived to establish the safety of Jiangshan Sheji on the sacrifice of a woman ’s happiness, let her let the Panbang alien race ravaged, even contrary to my Central Plains customs, let the father and son brothers alternately ravaged, the birth of a child is like a beast, and the name is also known as’ ‘Harmony’, in fact, pigs and dogs are not as good as a coward who swallowed their teeth! “

He turned around and said solemnly to Xu Tai, Jing Fo’er, Liu Biao, Wu Hanchao and others: “A man who does not know how to maintain the dignity of his own woman is a man of no interest, and he does not know whether a nation that safeguards the dignity of his own woman is. The people of interest.

Not only do we not have to be close to each other, but one day we will also kill the desert, recapture the robbed Han women, and let the barbarians who humiliate and oppress the Han surrender to our feet! You are all heroic men among my Han people. We should safeguard the dignity of our Han men. Can you do it? “

Wu Hanchao and others heard the expression, and the expression immediately became solemn. Xu Tai straightened his waist plate, and was about to answer. Unexpectedly, Liu Dabang gave a sigh of warmth, and Laiyang’s arms shook his arms and shouted: “Master, we Can do it! We will follow the handsome to kill the tart, rob the woman, do his grandma! Brothers, do you say that? “

More than a hundred famous school captains heard the words, shouting their arms and shouting, murderously and authentically: “Yes! Follow the coach, kill the tatars, grab the women, and **** his grandmother!”

The mountains roared, echoes burst, and the snow melted in the upper half of the snow peak crashed down, rolling into the valley like a snow wave.

Yang Ling almost vomited blood and fell down: “His grandma’s words came out of Liu Dabang’s mouth. Why is it not so smelly?”

The Taiyuan Zhongwei and Taiyuan Zuowei twenty-thousand army troops rolled their flags, the horses roared, and entered the territory of Shanyin County. At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the army was stationing selectively, taking the time to cook in a pot. Two small schools with the flag of the military post messenger hurried into the Chinese military account.

The Taiyuan Wei commander Zhang Yin smiled kindly: “The two messengers worked hard all the way, please have a cup of hot tea first.”

The two elementary schools said aloud: “Military affairs are present, and you do not dare to delay your inferiority. Here are the military letters from Master Yang, the three-level master system. Please direct the master to sign for them.”

Zhang Yin quickly received the letter and checked the seal of the lacquer. The seal was used in the signing book of the two. The two small school teas did not take a sip. He hurriedly left, and left the handsome account.

Zhang Yin returned to the account and opened the letter to watch under the lamp, but Yang Yiqing asked his army to move to the old Guangwu Fort and stand by. Zhang Yin flicked a few times on the stationery and smiled slightly. The secretary of Fu Fu filed the letter records, and then summoned the Chinese military officer to say: “Submit the order. He will be stationed here tonight, and he will leave for the old Guangwu Fort tomorrow morning.”

There are two old and new buildings in Guangwu Fort in Shanyin County. The new city was built in Hongwu for seven years and is close to the Great Wall. There is a guard horse, and the old Guangwu Fort is west of the new city, living within the Great Wall. It was originally the place for the troops. The Chinese officer listened to the order and Zhang Yin waved his hand to make the soldiers retreat and frowned with a cup of tea.

After the curtain was lifted, a Chinese army walked in quietly, and Zhang Yin didn’t look back. After a while, he sighed a little: “Many years of painstaking management, success or failure is in front of me. I am upset in my heart.”

The Chinese army raised its head, and it was the person who sat in the Taipaju with Yu Hufa on the drinking day. He said politely: “The leader, Hongfu Qitian, is now in desperate and unconscious. , I think this time he is inevitable to insert wings. “

Zhang Yin shook his head gently and said, “I heard that he was moving to the Leopard Room, and the old man brought the thief Yang Hu into Beijing. Who would have expected Liu Hufa to be buried in vain. Two hundred thieves were also beaten by Yang Ling. Injured. In Datong. Wang Long was found by him again, and even Wang Hu was beheaded … “

He lay half-tired on the handsome chair tiredly, and gently smiled: “Even the bishop believes that some of these people are vainly said, could it be that Yang Ling is a local nemesis? This plan, Wang Hu can play an important role. You can’t succeed in killing him. Without this person, I’m afraid Zhengde will go back to Beijing. Alas!

How much trouble I spent and how much money I spent to support him to the position of the general of Xichenghoucheng, I hope that one day it will be useful. If he responds at the gate of Xicheng, we will use Boyan to attack the land of the alliance. Bai Mountaineering, and then set fire to Datong, two-pronged approach, let Yang Yiqing lose sight of each other, unable to respond to rescue, at least 70% chance of winning. Nowadays Datong is solid as a golden soup, but only … “.

He stolen and laughed: “Although even if it fails, it is not the people of this religion who are losing their troops, but it is a pity that such a great opportunity is wasted.”

He suddenly lifted his eyes, his eyes like electricity, and shot directly at the middle of the military road: “Did that move Fuqi not attract their attention?”

The Chinese army said awe-inspiringly: “No, the leader is at ease. For the sake of confidentiality, no one in Datong except his subordinates knows his identity.”

Zhang Yin crossed his fingers and said with satisfaction: “Well, Yang Yiqing ordered me to be stationed on the spot. Zhengde should have got in touch with Huadang. Now, the only solution is to wait and see the changes. I was rushed to send the news to me at the meeting. I worshipped all the eighteen worshippers, and now it is the last trembling … “

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