Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 288 - Ruler of the Three Wars (Part 2)

Biquge, the fastest update back to the latest chapter of the Ming Dynasty King!

Chapter 288

The Portuguese fleet was still lined up in two rows and inserted straight into the Ming fleet at an angle of 45 degrees to the left, trying to defeat them in one fell swoop while they had just changed the battle formation. The first fleet has changed the shape of the goose wings into a long snake formation. The second column is slowly adjusting the angle, and it is necessary to connect with the first column to form a parallel naval artillery strike camp.

Adeni stood on the bow of the handsome ship and immediately realized their true intentions from the movement of the Portuguese fleet. The Ming warships that were evacuating in a flat u-shape immediately adjusted the angle. The two sides were separated by a burning fire in the middle. The ships traveled parallel to the left, and at the same time began to shoot each other with naval guns.

When the entire fleet flew away from the fireboat area, nearly 40 warships from both sides fired more than 6,000 shells, but the damage caused was minimal, and the fleets of both sides seemed to be completely unaffected.

Because they are too far apart, at a distance of nearly 500 meters, if a soldier runs on foot, it will not take much time, but the shells have fallen from such a long distance, and have lost most of their lethality. At most, it is an iron ball. From the sky, even the deck may not be able to break through.

“Bite them!” Ai Zege noticed that the twenty Ming warships were all five-masted warships with well-equipped firearms. This was definitely the main battleship of the Ming army, so he ordered the fleet to pursue it.

After a violent confrontation, both sides of the ammunition on the deck were accused. Quartermasters were hurriedly carrying ammunition out of the ammunition compartment. Both sides had an intermittent phase.

The Ming army mobilized a large number of warships from north to south. Among them, it was possible to get at least fifty ships that could be regarded as heavy warships. It would never stop at the fleet in front of them. Aizeg knew this well and did not dare to carelessly.

However, no other ship’s shadow can be seen on the sea level, perhaps because the Ming army had their own consideration in the dispatch and command, or they dared not devote themselves to all warships. But in any case, if you can take the opportunity to destroy the combat effectiveness of this fleet, then you will no longer have to worry about the threats posed by the Ming Navy sailors.

The sail was full of sea breeze, and the warship began to accelerate. The swelled waves slammed violently against the bottom of the ship, and the battleship almost jumped forward on the waves. In fact, fighting at sea is by no means the same as that on land. When a big group decides to fight, both sides can concentrate their manpower and material resources to choose a suitable location and decide the victory or defeat in the first battle.

Due to the special conditions of the sea, sea wind and sea fog are all factors. It is also often seen that the two fleets spent half a month at sea. However, the current financial situation of the Ming Court could not support the huge naval divisions to gather in the South China Sea for battle.

Even if the issue of supply is not considered, but the Indian Ocean Navy is all transferred to the Far East. This “empty city plan” can only be played for a while, once the truth is known by Spain and other countries. Knowing that they won’t take advantage of it? All kinds of factors made Aizege desperate for a battle, and this experienced veteran also joined in.

After half an hour, Ezege’s patience gradually disappeared. He could not stay away from Mangajia. The soldiers left behind were as few as the Ming Dynasty sent a boat with a broom aunt to sweep all of him into the sea. He had to rush back.

Ezege was about to return to the division, but at this time the Ming fleet also slowed down. Because they fled ahead, the formation was somewhat scattered and the attack formation needed to be rearranged. Ezege was overjoyed. Ming Jun also lost patience. This is like a game of hunting ground. Whoever can’t hold his breath first will fall into the other party’s trap.

The word “return to the teacher” rushed to the mouth, but it became “rushed over and passed through between them.”

Ezege noticed the formation of the Ming army was scattered. If he quickly approached the past, the muzzle of the warships on both wings of the Ming army would be blocked by his own warships, and his move was a bit risky. It can fire at the same time on both sides of the gun.

Once formed close-fitting state. With more than a dozen ground warships and navy more than the other party, you can also jump to fight. Maybe … maybe you can not only destroy the Ming army, but also capture their warships and artillery to make up for the losses caused by the fireboat.

The traps are one by one, which is familiar with the Portuguese army ’s fighting habit, Adeni, Cheng Qiyun, who is familiar with the character ’s psychology, Peng Shark, who is living in a swindle, and senior water and army generals who understand the art of war. It seems that the brain is not very clever, but Yang Ling often has bold and bizarre ideas, and Yang Ling has set a joint order for history.

In the present words, it was a perfect plan made by a super spy, a psychologist, a conspirator, a group of militarists, and half a political ‘genius’ team. Although Isaig is an excellent commander, he can The intelligence of the Ming army is extremely limited, is it an opponent of this group?

Ai Zege commanded the battleship to rush up, and immediately screamed all the two halves of the Ming warship, and the side cannons on both sides roared. The No. rushed forward with my ship, completely cutting off the contact between the two-wing enemy ships, and not allowing them to converge. “

“” Storm “led the fleet to occupy a favorable position to support each other, interrupted the enemy ship’s mast with chain bullets, jumped through the melee, and the six warships in the wing were led by the” Dreadnought “…..”.

The orderly order suddenly stopped, and Ezege ’s mouth opened wide, and he was surprised that the jaw would fall off. The Ming army once again surpassed his expectations. They did not bother to think about the cooperative battle at all. The warship that was washed away only returned a few guns in a hurry, and then pulled their sails and escaped.

They made an irregular m-shape on the sea centered on Ezege’s fleet, fled to the rear of Ezege’s fleet, and showed a v-shaped confluence to block their retreat.

“Can their warships and firepower block our return journey?” Despite the suspicion, Aizeg had just killed a fleet by the Ming Army’s scheming soldiers, and he dared not care any more.

The two-wing Ming warships were exposed on the side of his fleet and were within the range of artillery attacks. All Portuguese captains immediately ordered the warships to seize the opportunity to carry out violent artillery attacks without the commander ’s order. Although the Ming army was also fighting back . However, due to the angle problem, counterattacks have obviously not been effective.

The warship was bumping in the waves, the Portuguese fleet was pouring grape bullets and chain bombs, trying to smash the Ming army ’s canvas and masts, and the Ming army hit them with solid bullets on the side of the ship, and shot countless iron with a shotgun storm. Nails and sharp pieces of iron forced their soldiers to lay back and avoid to reduce the blow.

The Ming battleship finally fled to the rear wing of Aizege. Due to Izege ’s decisive rush, they were caught off guard. Although they escaped in time and reunited, four of the twenty warships were severely damaged and their maneuverability was greatly weakened. One mast was broken, and another battleship was opened a large hole on the ship’s side by the Giant.

Ezeger was ecstatic. He pulled out the command sword and waved shouting: “Turn the bow, don’t let them escape, this sea area will become their cemetery!”

“General Aizeg, found a large number of Ming warships!” The sailor on the lookout suddenly shouted. Ai Zege hurriedly boarded the bridge and looked into the distance, and saw the sails as clouds, a large piece of Ming warship swooped from the front and the upper left.

The ship was moving very fast, and it could be seen that they were all smaller warships. And the ship model is very strange. If Aizege is familiar with the oriental ship type, he will recognize it as a small blessing boat, a wave boat, a bird boat, a mandarin duck boat, a wide boat, a Cangshan boat and other various purposes.

“Another fire attack?” This was the first impression of Aizeger. Seeing the speed of the ship, he knew that it was too late to make a roundabout to the upper left, so he immediately ordered: “The” Fearless “led the ship around the Ming army. The warship, the other ships turned to the right and went around behind the Ming fleet. I want them to eat their own evil! “

The huge fleet began to move to the right, and the entire fleet took half an hour from moving to redeploying, so he ordered the “Fearless” to entangle the Chinese warships in case they escaped.

But the Chinese warships did not escape. When countless warships appeared in the distance, Han Wu and Adeni ordered five severely damaged warships to turn into a water fortress. The artillery and the Portuguese ship fought a positional battle. The remaining fifteen warships are also lined up, not retreating and advancing. Fan-shaped to the Portuguese battleship.

The two sides were extremely fierce this time, and they were too close to the ground. They were completely within the shooting range of various types of artillery. A water column was raised in the sea. The hit shipboard and deck were smashed with wood chips. Both sides were in Fight for time regardless of cost.

The warship in the distance is getting closer and closer, and the transfer formation of the Portuguese ship has not been completed. Ai Zege gave up the roundabout battle plan and ordered the warship to intersect the Ming fleet. The warships on both sides are bound to die at the same time.

The fleet turned again, and the Ming army fleet that suddenly appeared at this time had also been overtaken. The warships chased and the waves flew. The small warships like the wolf quickly inserted into the Portuguese fleet with the advantage of flexibility and speed. The gloomy murderousness pervaded the entire sea.

Ai Zege took a long breath, the last time it looked like “wolf tactics”, but it was actually “fire company”, this time mistakenly thought it was “fire company”, but the Ming army seems to be using “wolf group tactics” .

Ezeger ordered the fleet to counterattack annoyedly, while signalling the ships to prepare for close combat. On the ship’s side and deck, a black hole of gun barrels sprayed flames of thunder. The sound of rumbling artillery on the warships continued to send out the password and repeat the password.

Experienced Portuguese warships use intensive artillery to ensure that the right area is not surrounded by the Ming army, so that if there is no confrontation, there can be a way for the fleet to break through and return. All kinds of warships plowed the sea, and the waves rolled, like a giant catfish that stirred the small pond. At least in this wrestling sea, there was no calm water.

In naval warfare, in general, the party that is at a disadvantage in terms of the number of ships always tends to preserve their ships so as not to be easily damaged. Therefore, they tend to enter the battle on the downwind side of the enemy ship. In this way, if the fighting is unfavorable, they can quickly leave the war zone.

Ai Zege led all the main naval forces of the Portuguese army in the Indian Ocean. He was even more reluctant to fight against the Ming army. If it was a victory, Portugal would surely fall into Daming ’s revenge and the Spanish nations ’fight for the Indian Ocean, fighting on both sides. The outcome is unpredictable.

The situation is now: the Royal Portuguese Navy along the Dagamadi track, easily defeated the Arab merchants in the Indian Ocean, and established a trading empire extending from East Africa to Manga. This guarantees Portugal’s monopoly on the spice trade in the East Indies.

While Spain conquered Mexico and Peru, the plundering of the Indians led to the influx of precious metals such as gold and silver mines from the Americas into the Spanish treasury.

This war, which took place south of China, will likely change this balance and directly affect the pattern of European power beyond 10,000 miles. Whether it is Governor Al-Berkerk or Commander Aizeg, after all, he is an aggressive soldier who has relatively few political considerations, but is now in the downwind of combat. Finally, Isaze realized the terrible consequences.

“Even if we lose the full amount, we must try our best to preserve our fleet!” Although the main fleet of the Portuguese army has not suffered major trauma so far, and even caused great damage to the Ming army in the confrontation, this idea has Constantly flooded his heart.

But he still doesn’t want to retreat immediately in the current situation. Both Miyamoto and Pedro have repeatedly said that the Ming army’s melee ability is very low. They lack the fighting skills and courage to fight. They have always depended on the absolute number of soldiers to win, and the navy is closer to the army. Wrestling is even worse.

He was not mistaken in this information. At least Yang Ling did not have the time and energy to improve the navy’s melee combat capability during this period. However, today’s main force of attack is the ‘Pengjiaban’ people, and it is also the first battle after Wang Meiren surrendered to the court.

Although Yang Ling treated Wang Meiren pretty well, he not only did not weaken his team, installed his cronies, but also promoted Peng Shark and him as naval admirers after accepting Zhao An. However, the newly descended people must have the eagerness to express themselves.

At the same time, the tactics of maritime melee are precisely the best skills of the East China Sea group who are living on looting and attacking, so after repeated analysis, Yang Ling and Cheng Qiyun boldly handed this task to them. And the power is completely decentralized.

Of course, the 20 main battleships of the Ming Navy who are not on the outside and joined the melee are not vegetarian. In addition to blocking the retreat of the Portuguese ship, their other mission is to supervise the war.

On the surface of the sea, smoke was permeating, drums were roaring, gunfire was rumbling, and smoke was erupting from the port of the Portuguese ship, and it quickly spread out. A warship is like a monster spitting smoke, destroying enemy ships with gunfire, and trying to overturn them with a bump, but their moving space is too small, and the sailor maneuvering the boat is very skilled and easily Avoiding it, the result of the collision caused them to misalign their artillery.

Some Ming warships were already close to the Portuguese ship, and all the hooks hooked the sides of the ship. The officers and men began to fight on board. These soldiers who have just changed from pirates to officers and soldiers still maintain their wild and fierce nature. The flesh and blood of the Portuguese ship was murky, and they threw their axes and split their heads and chests. Instead, they aroused their greater wildness.

But the real lethal force is the small French Franc cannon of the Portuguese army. This small cannon used shotguns in close combat, making a loud noise, and countless steel **** and iron pieces flew across and killed countless boarding ships. soldier.

The Ming’s guns, crossbows, and artillery on the battleship also desperately suppressed the Portuguese ship’s counterattack. The Fran robots who were hit by the Ming army’s shots, some turned into the rough seas, and some covered The fleshy face rolled over the deck, and the rumbling artillery could not suppress the screams.

The shortcoming of the firearm is that the launch speed is slow, and several warships climbed from different angles at the same time, making them even more at odds with each other. , Or suppress it.

Three Portuguese ships have entered full combat, and more and more soldiers rushed to the deck. Portuguese officers and soldiers swarming on the deck, in the cabin, and beside the corridor. The cold knife and axe slashed the opponent’s flesh, and blood flowed across the deck like water, sticky and slippery.

Dead corpses, axes, and steel knives were thrown everywhere. The swords and axe flew, blood was splattered, and the cold arms of the cold weapons flashed everywhere on the deck and in the cabin. In close combat, the advantages of the Ming army were revealed. The Cold War weapons in Western Europe were mainly knives, swords, axes and muskets, but because the soldiers were so large that they did not have enough steel to cast weapons, they used mainly spears.

Some of these spears are made of flexible white wax rods, and only one iron spear head is added to the top, and some are a bamboo spear from beginning to end. Portuguese soldiers want to attack the target first is to close combat. There is also enough fighting space, and the Ming army with spears can overlap positions. They only need to stand one foot away from their opponents, and they can all enter the attack within 90 degrees from the outer periphery. Portuguese Mariners Festival It was a matter of time before the warships were defeated and the warships were mastered by the Ming army. Some people began to surrender their weapons.

Ezege finally made up his mind and prepared to get rid of the Ming army to return to the monastery. The notch that the right wing had torn open with fierce artillery fire became the only way for him to escape. The fleet returned to the right wing with artillery fire, while turning towards the right wing. Here is the downwind, and he rushed out and was sure to escape back to Jiajia.

The Portuguese fleet that really belonged to him, but only lost three ships, the strength is still there, and there is a chance to regroup and fight again, if it fails. Then, the gold and silver treasures that have swept through the centuries of the Royal Palace and the Royal Palace have been swept back to India, and the savings will come back in the future.

Ezeger was thinking bitterly while giving orders.

Adeni stood on the bow and saw the movement of the Portuguese fleet. He turned his head to look at Han Wu, and Han Wu was also staring at the movement of the Portuguese army. His eyes showed excitement and waved to command: “Ming. Let Admiral Peng withdraw his troops and the headquarters fleet attack!”

The Ming fleet was in a hot pursuit position, with Han Wu’s main fleet in front, Peng Shark and Wang Meiren’s ‘wolf pack’ in the back, and the forefront battleship of Ezege was full of sails, flying fast in the smallest arc From the battlefield.

There was a loud noise in the distance, the wave head raised the old high, and the hull rolled. The creaking sound from the ship’s board seemed to be audible. Immediately after that, a high water column rose from another sea surface, and another ship rocked violently.

The Portuguese fleet does not yet know what happened and is still moving forward at high speed. Adeni sighed, turned his head silently, and walked towards the cabin. Behind, Han Wu shouted orders: “Turn the rudder and drive away sideways!”

Adni knows. This situation is inevitable. The two sides had a decisive battle in the fleet, and the wolves tactically attacked violently. It is all for this moment to prepare, in order to let Ai Zege into the minefield. The poor fleet, the invincible fleet from the west all the way, controlling the powerful armed forces of the entire Indian Ocean, is now doomed to failure, and it can never fail to turn over.

Such an ending is inevitable, even if General Da Gama or the Governor of the God of War Krk personally command it, the same ending. Just because there was no such weapon as mines in the world before, this is enough.

Ezeger did not know what happened, and the powerful explosive force caused the hull to tip. There is no ship that can hit this angle with the naked eye, and the explosion point comes from underwater, he really can’t guess what weapon this is.

The fleet slowed down, and the explosions continued one after another. Aizeg finally recognized the fact that no matter what weapon the Ming army used, it was obvious that this was a kind of deployment in the water, waiting for his fleet to go. Collision bomb.

At the order of more than thirty warships in Aizege, the iron anchor sank into the bottom of the sea “stunned”, all the sails were put down, and their warships were moored on the spot. Surrounded by clear blue sea water, the waves undulate gently, but who knows where and where there are bombs? The entire sea area became a terrible place of death in their eyes, making them unable to move.

Five warships were hit, including the command ship of Isaig. Because the explosion point was underwater, all the warships that were hit are now facing the same problem: seawater began to invade, even if there was no obstruction by the Ming army. Whether such a warship can sail back to the port safely is a problem.

The Ming warships carefully circumvented this sea area and watched the delay at their upper hand. The Portuguese warships could not retreat, but the three directions of forward, left, and right were fearful in their eyes, and they were trapped in the minefield.

Several neighboring Portuguese warships signaled to each other, and began to approach slowly, setting up a springboard, connecting several generals to the intact Count and began to urgently discuss countermeasures. This area is still within the firing range of the Ming’s naval guns, and the Ming is moving towards the best attack position.

No one can come up with an effective way. Underwater is full of explosive monsters, unable to rush out. Until now they have not seen what those things look like. It is also impossible to stick to the original place. The Ming army cannot wait for the wind to change and let them retreat along the way.

The fierce quarrel caused the fiery captains and the captains to nearly smash the Count ’s conference table, and at that moment, the Ming army fired.

Ezege was too late to discuss it again. He led the generals to the upper deck in a hurry and ran up to the side of the ship to look upwind. Next to him was a soldier hanging upside down on the side of the ship, half of his head was cut off by shrapnel, his brain was overflowing, and the blood condensed into black.

Another corpse sitting on the ground was even more terrifying. He had been shot by a shot, and his face was covered with shrapnel everywhere. A tribulus terrestris was deeply buried in his bones on his forehead. This is a kind of shrapnel peculiar to Ming artillery.

Since the whole army had fallen into despair, no one had to conquer the body of his comrade-in-arms. Ezege was already familiar with blood, and he pushed away the soldier’s body expressionlessly, staring quietly at the Ming warship.

These enemies have only had a brief head-to-head confrontation with him so far, and they have been using conspiracies. Ezege’s navy has also used tactics, but usually used tactics to cooperate with frontal operations. Until now, the Ming army has used frontal engagement to cooperate with the strategy, and used the trap as a main weapon.

Ezege was dissatisfied, he really dissatisfied from the bottom of his heart, he hoped to be like a knight. Dignifiedly defeated, but Ming Jun did not give him this opportunity.

The Portuguese naval guns also began to counterattack one after another. Ai Zege looked around his fleet and asked blankly: Is my fleet going to be lost in the Far East? How to rush out?

at this time. He noticed another change in the Ming army camp. Thick smoke was blowing from the rows of battleships, it was not smoky smoke, and the dark and thick smoke was sent down the sea with the low pressure of the dough. Ai Zege choked and immediately squatted down on the ground to cough. The soldiers on the battleship in front of him were tears and snotted with continuous smoke.

The two guards helped him back to the cabin stumbled, and got a wet towel to cover his nose and mouth. Another unconventional style! Ezege’s gas jumped like thunder, and all the battleships were shrouded in smoke, despite the sea breeze constantly blowing the smoke away. But the subsequent smoke continued to blow.

The smoke was pungent and spicy, and there was a bad smell between them, and the people were almost suffocated. They could no longer see the location of the Ming warship. The gunners could only wipe their tears while staring blindly at the red eyes.

Using the main fleet as a bait, wolves tactics to drive, and really used to destroy the Portuguese fleet. It is mine warfare and chemical weapons. Ezege knew he couldn’t stick to it. There are too many warships of the Ming army, if every ship carries items that make poisonous smoke. Officers and soldiers of his fleet will be smoked alive.

Ezeger gritted his teeth and issued the final order: “Order the fleet to force a breakout, a thirty-degree angle on the starboard side, and take the five warships as the pioneers to make a journey!”

The Portuguese naval fleet pulled anchor again in the billowing smoke. The soldiers shed tears and snotted their noses, closed their eyes, and fumbled to raise the sails. In a series of heartbreaking coughs, back to the light The right side of the army set off.

The thick smoke obscured the soldiers ’vision, preventing them from accurately following the five warships in the minefield, and at the same time, a large tank-type mine fixed with iron anchors, ropes and bamboo rafts was attached to the mouth of the water from time to time. It will hook the bottom of the warship like a swaying water grass, and many active mines that are semi-submerged in the water with small tanks, although the lethality is limited, but the psychological deterrent effect is great. Under their constant explosions, they are panicked. The Portuguese ship began to hit more large mines.

The first battleship “Giant” had too many strikes, and the seawater ripped open a few openings, and began to sink before rushing out of the minefield. The sailors cried and tried to seek the rescue of the friendly ship, but no one took care of them. The subsequent thunder ship with a mortal determination to bypass it and continue to rush forward, the remaining warships followed closely.

Aizege ironed down and ignored his soldiers in cold blood, and ordered the warship to go out at all costs. He now only wants to escape to Manchuria immediately, as long as he can load some fresh water and food for him to start the first phase of escape.

The rest of the supplies needed, he can be robbed along the way, he must flee back to India, even if the dignified Royal Portuguese Navy has been reduced to a sea beggar, he will also reserve several warships for Lord Albuquerque, even if only Ten ships, otherwise this failure may become the beginning of the Portuguese weakening.

Adventurers always like to get rich overnight, but the greater the benefit, the greater the risk, and one failure. They can also send them into a situation where there is no more.

There were no more terrifying explosions ahead, and they also burst out of the poisonous smoke of the Ming army. There are five warships with broken halves and heavy sand, and they remain in that terrifying sea forever. Less than ten warships escaped intact, and the rest were more or less scarred.

The Ming’s fleet discovered that they had rushed out of the minefield and began to chase over the sails. Ezege hurriedly inspected the fleet and then ordered Captain Mourinho of the Intrepid to serve as the battlefield commander and led nine ships with serious leaks on the bottom The battleship and the Ming army fought against each other. The remaining eleven warships used the time earned to return to Manchuria.

The large and small warships of the Ming army rushed over, and the nine Portuguese warships that were not turning quickly were swallowed up by the wolves, and the melee battle began again.

A group of peach-like ‘super Seiya ’s with sharp axes and long swords and swollen eyes desperately opened a slit in their eyes, trying to find their opponent ’s gun head with watery eyes …

Han Wu left five warships with damaged sails to assist Peng Shark’s fleet. He led 15 warships with no damage, followed by nearly 30 small boats. The DPRK-Portugal fleet was chased.

Ezeger did not think that the full thorns and the possibility of being captured by the Ming army were divided, but he had too many reasons to rush back to find out: the huge wealth searched by the fleet cannot be ignored; his wife and children cannot be ignored; although the archbishop It’s a ridiculous guy, but he can’t be thrown here to provoke the anger of the king; the warship can’t be left without supplies, except for the lack of food, the ammunition they carry consumes very little.

The fleet is about to sail into the bay. The front was calm and there were no warships blocking outside the seaport. “Thank God!” Ai Zege shouted, and in tears ordered the five warships behind the fleet to use the terrain of the bay to intercept the Ming army to pursue soldiers, and to buy time for the entire fleet.

“Lucky” turned into the bay first. Ezege ’s Earl followed, when the huge hull slipped across the sea, bypassing the turquoise peaks of the harbour, and the entire stable and vast bay appeared in front of everyone, everyone on the Earl shocked.

On the far left, a neat row of battleships was sailing out to sea. The fishhook-shaped line was blocking their possible retreat. But Ezege had no time to take care of this. He stared at the behemoth in front of him, the terrifying killing machine.

It has black muzzles all over its body. If it was n’t because it was floating on the sea that it had just driven away from in the morning, Ai Ze thought it was a stable steel giant that was built here a long time ago.

The poor “Lucky” was driving too fast, perhaps to avoid the sharp angle of the sharp and heavy elephant that could plow the mountain. It must have made a sharp turn while falling the sail and throwing the cat, so it is now Use the **** of the ship to lean to the side of the giant ship. Obediently is like a yellow-billed duckling cruising beside a female duck. It’s just that the top of its head is not warm wings, but rows of muzzles.

Behind this giant ship. There was a row of battleships quietly stopped. Aizeg roared loudly: “Left full rudder, left full rudder, fall sail, anchor, quickly!”

“Boom”, the seawater agitated by the sharp turns rolled like a giant wave, and became a gentle wave when it hit the foot of the giant ship. Count Earl stopped dangerously and turned around without being cut in half by the coulter. But the warships that he turned into were not so lucky.

The space for them to turn is getting smaller and smaller. One ship hits the stern of another that has been stabilized. The other ship’s side that collided with other battleships shattered, and the two ships rubbed together tightly.

The warships in a row are like the scene of the traffic accident. The armored ship is still quietly anchored in the bay, and Ezege has not moved. He noticed that the muzzle of the giant ship has several muzzles hidden, that is to say, this giant The ship does not need to turn, it can fire the gun immediately, and use its heavy artillery to smash the boat under its eyelids.

Ai Zege’s eyes continued to move upward. The Chinese-style architecture, the cabins were like gorgeous palaces and pavilions, and dragons and phoenixes were carved with great honor. On the high flagpole of the bow, there is a golden flag in the middle. With the sea breeze fluttering, the slanting sunlight is shining on the top of the pole. It is a Chinese dragon who is eager to fly.

Someone was shouting, the tone was magnificent and majestic, but Aizeg did n’t know what he meant, and he saw that with this sentence, the sails of the giant ship boomed up, at this time the sun was sloping west, and the three sides were huge As soon as the main sail rose, it immediately blocked the sky, and the surrounding light was dim.

The chaotic Portuguese officers and men calmed down, staring at the opponent’s movements in horror.

The rise of the giant sail made many anchor chains in the water straight, and Aizege was convinced that if all of these anchors were raised, his sturdy battleship would have to be ploughed out of the bay by the ship in front of him.

Someone shouted again, using Portuguese: “General Aizeg, Daming … Governor Daming Yangling, request you to board immediately … Board the ‘Mighty General” and surrender to Daming Marine ! “

Ai Zege narrowed his eyes, and a pale man stood on the bottom deck of the giant ship, that was Captain Louis Diego.

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