Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 289 - Ruler of the Three Wars (Part 2)

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Chapter 289

“Surrender is nothing more than a decent truce. Can my warship still fight? But I lost my injustice. My fleet, the brave and invincible fleet lost somehow!” Aizeg looked at with a wry smile. He was crowded with battleships.

“Boom!” A loud noise far exceeding that of ordinary cannons, shocked Ezege’s body, and then he heard a rumbling sound and looked around. A large rock on the steep cliff on the right side of the bay rolled and fell, carrying The diffuse dust fell into the sea, and a wave of water was washed up.

Ai Zege took a breath of air, and the visual distance was at least 500 feet. The shell’s lethality was at least twice that of his most powerful 12-pound gun.

“My God!” Is this big guy covered with guns equipped with such a lethal cannon? And its body is still covered with iron armor. My cannon can only tickle it at a distance of five hundred feet, and its cannonball …. As long as one hit, it can hit a square on the deck. Big hole.

Such a warship, wearing armor is an armed castle moving near the sea, and removing its armor is an ocean-going water behemoth. One such battleship can double the combat effectiveness of the entire fleet. If the Ming army had three such warships , Can swallow my entire fleet.

The Ming Army does not need to plan, and my fleet is not its opponent! This recognition frustrated Aizeg. No need to discuss with other warship generals, this artillery has already shattered the guts of all Portuguese soldiers. The huge body of the “Mighty General”, Cao Yu’s defeat and undecided mood, made it difficult for them to seriously analyze the battle force.

In their minds, the power of this artillery immediately increased the true fighting power of the Ming army by more than two times, fighting against such a fleet? It was simply a warrior riding a donkey delusional to challenge God!

The huge power gap made Aizeg completely give up the idea of ​​resistance, he immediately ordered to put down the communication boat. As the commander of the fleet, he ordered the five warships outside the harbour to carry out the interception task to immediately put down the main sails and sail into the harbour to surrender.

The five warships were in extreme anxiety. The warships pursued by the Ming army slowed down far beyond the effective range, but their blocking formation had just been set up, and they appeared from behind them and from their harbors. A team of Ming warships. And at this time there was a calm in the harbor, and no sound of battle was heard.

The Ming warships sailing out of the harbor did not take the opportunity to attack them, but parked quietly on the distant sea. The five warships heard a loud noise from the harbor in doubt, and for a moment, they saw the commander of the fleet commander Izeg hurried over.

The five warships sailed to the bay under the surveillance of Ming warships in the distance. The crowded Portuguese fleet was even more chaotic than the trade port. Excessive congestion allowed many fleet commanders to easily go from one warship to another without setting up a springboard. Transferred to the Earl.

The invincible fleet in front of the army remained motionless and did not prevent their convergence. The captains of the ships held one of the shortest military meetings, and finally Ezege adjusted his military. Say: “Okay, my friends, as the commander of the Royal Portuguese Far East Fleet, I now order you to restrain all your subordinates and give up unnecessary resistance. Now. I will board this warship and surrender to the commander of the Ming Army!”

At this time, the chasing Ming warships also sailed to the harbor, and they parked outside the harbor. Only one main battleship passed by the Portuguese fleet and leaned against that huge building ship. Ezege ordered the captains of the ships to rush back to their own warships, then walked down the gangway, boarded a small boat accompanied by the two guards, and rowed towards the giant ship in front of them.

Standing on the deck to greet him was a lost Louis Diego, and a middle-aged, middle-aged oriental man with a grumpy face. Aizeg recognized that it was the Ming Dynasty who was detained by him and sent to the Ming army to communicate the intention of negotiation. Jia Qingyou, a businessman, couldn’t help but show a smile that was uglier than crying.

“Are you General General Ezege? Our commander will meet you at the top of the building. Please!” A Ming general came up to him and said to him politely. This man has a bearded face and a tall, burly figure.

Ezege nodded heavily, and followed him step by step. Louis Diego looked at his own fleet, shook his head and sighed, and followed his head down with frustration.

What a huge battleship. When Ezege walked to the third floor. Two Ming generals who had just come up also appeared on the opposite ramp. Ezege saw the man in front of him, who was the Admiral of the Fujian Navy, Han Wu, who had taken hostage in his army. Ezege’s gaze fell on his battle shirt stained with dust, and it was this general who was at war with himself at sea.

His eyes moved a little, looking over Han Wu’s shoulders, just to see Adeni’s face, Aizeg couldn’t help but startled: Is there a female general in the Ming Army? Her appearance … The facial features are clearly of European ethnicity. Are there any mercenary officers in the Ming army?

He was hesitating, and a scream came suddenly behind him, startling Ezege. He looked back hurriedly and saw a pair of eyes protruding from Louis Diego, and a smirking expression on his face. .

Ai Zege was very angry. Although he was defeated, he hoped that his soldiers could maintain a little dignity of soldiers. Diego was also a heroic warrior. He had always been very popular with him.

Ai Zege resisted his anger and scolded: “Diego, keep the last dignity of a noble gentleman, don’t embarrass your family!”

Deaf, deaf, pointing to the opposite side and screaming in surprise: “It’s her, Baron Adrienne, my instructor!”

“What?” Ezege was also taken aback. As a naval general, he was naturally familiar with the family of Yali Adni who was born in the navy department, and the quadrant, horizontal indicator, compass, and hourglass used by his fleet were all in sight. The girl had been transformed. Of course, he knew this genius girl and her family’s involvement in the mutiny.

Ariadene hesitated, and finally came forward generously and gave him a military salute, smiling in Portuguese: “Hello, Major General Ezege, I have long admired your name, I am a former captain of the Royal Portuguese Yali Adni. “

“Former Portuguese navy captain?” Ezego repeated.

Han Wu whispered a few words to Jia Qingyou, and then came forward with a smile. Said aloud: “Yes, Miss Adene is now the Military Counselor of Governor Yang Ling Yang and the fiancee. He can also be called Master Adena or call her Yang Yali Ad Mrs. Ni. “

Two red clouds floated on Adeni’s pretty face, but the bright eyes were filled with a radiance of satisfaction, happiness and sweetness. Ezege was confused, how did she escape to the East, and how could she become the wife of Daming officials? Anyway, her failure obviously has her role in it. Is anyone more familiar with the tactics of the Portuguese Navy than she is?

Thinking of this terrible giant ship and amazing cannons, Izeger felt a little lucky: “Although I was inexplicably defeated by this, but if this were not the case, my own fleet must have suffered more losses?”

With Jia Qingyou’s translation, Diego was exclaimed again, this time even Han Wu and Adeni stared at him fiercely.

Upon seeing this, Louis Diego quickly covered his mouth and thought sadly: “The most beautiful angel in my heart can’t remember who I am. This little swan escaped so far. She even flew to the far east.”

Jealousy caused Diego to lose the demeanor of a gentleman. Looking at the front, although wearing a suit of armor, he still walked with a posture and a stern Adena. The wife of the indigenous chief. But … Governor Daming? Must be a fat and ugly old man, not as handsome as one-tenth of me! “

When he saw a handsome young man with a slender figure wearing a golden snake gown embroidered with teeth and claws, his curse was also broken. In front of the pavilion of the carved beam painting building. Yang Ling was sitting on a handsome tiger skin chair with two swords. The two guards at the left and right held the swords of the emperor and the Fang Jianjian respectively. On the small deck stood two rows of guards guarded by swords.

Ai Zege looked at the opponent who had negotiated several times with a complex expression, staring for a long while before sighing, and reached out to remove his sword from his waist. With a choking sound, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the tall ship building, the steel knife in the guard’s hands gave a dazzling chill, and Ezege’s movements could not help choking.

Yang Ling smiled and smiled. Stopping the guard’s movements, under the witness of Adeni, Han Wu, Jia Qingyou and Diego, Ai Zege dragged his long figure and walked towards Yang Ling step by step.

He stopped in three steps in front of Yang Ling, bent his proud waist, holding the command sword in both hands, raised his head high, and said in a heavy voice: “I. Major General Aizege, commander of the Far East Fleet of the Royal Portuguese Navy. On behalf of all the officers and soldiers of the fleet, I surrender to the Governor of the Ming Dynasty Emperor Yang Ling. And with my reputation and the life guarantee of the generals. We will surrender weapons and give up all resistance. Please accept the surrender of Yang Ling!

A sound of footsteps came, and a figure covered the setting sun that was shining on him, and then his hand was light, and one hand was extended, and he took the command sword from his hand.

Ai Zege straightened up, looked up, Yang Ling squinted his eyes with the red sun behind his shoulders, he saw Yang Ling raised his sword high, stopped in the air for a moment, Then close the sword and hang the sword on the jade belt around your waist, solemnly saying: “I, on behalf of Emperor Daming and Daming Master, accept your surrender!”

Ai Zege opened his eyes again, but felt a dizzy mind. The cheering from one place to another was increasing and getting bigger and bigger, and finally gathered into a huge wave like a mountain tsunami, which lasted for a long time over the bay …

The Royal Palace is located in the ancient city of Malacca. The northwest suburb is the deep-water pier, which can quickly enter the sea.

It was exactly a hundred years ago that the huge fleet of the three treasures **** Zheng He had been here. At that time, he brought to the locals porcelain, tea, silk and a kind smile, but the Manga Jiamin who greeted him first saw Zheng He’s mobile ‘Kingdom of the Sea’ for the first time, and he was still a little nervous. .

This time, Yang Ling brought artillery, guns, bows and spears, as well as armoured and murderous armies, but all the people were singing and dancing and cheering, because they returned to the country with the help of this powerful army.

The luxurious construction of the royal palace has the characteristics of Eastern style. There is also a style of Indian and Arabic architecture. In fact, the so-called royal palace is not too big, if only its housing construction. Although the buildings are not high, the buildings with special style are hidden in various tropical rain forest crops, but they are as beautiful as gardens.

In front of the palace is a large flat slate square, and the square is only a few thousand square meters. Next to it is a tall Malacca tree, a tall tree called Youganzi. Many soldiers in the square were busy carrying muskets and various loot, sorted and sorted in the square, and then packed the ship.

Yang Ling led Han Wu and Cheng Qiyun through the square in a hurry. Entered the palace gate, bypassed the main hall, and walked behind among the trees and flowers.

“Sir, it’s right here, right here.” Walking down the stone steps, the heavy stone door was pushed away in a rumble, and the two personal soldiers took the torch and walked into the secret room first. Raising the torch high, Yang Ling stood at the door for a while before slowly pacing into the long and narrow chamber.

Although he has never had too strong a hobby for gold and silver, although he has just witnessed the large number of gold and silver treasures captured by the pirates and brought from Dongying in recent years, and the gold bars on the Pedro pirate ship Silver brick. But all of this wealth adds up to less than one-tenth of this chamber.

This is a treasure trove of the Kingdom of Manga, and there is also a large amount of treasure seized from the Persian and Venetian and Arabs along the way. Yang Ling walked to the sand pile of half a person tall, the fire light reflected, the golden light gleamed.

He held his breath, bent down to grab a handful of sand, and then relaxed his fingers, letting it pour down the water between his fingers. Look around: one person tall mountain butterfly tree, all kinds of jadeware, plates, cups and saucers made of pure gold. Rubies, sapphires, emeralds, cat’s eyes, emeralds, and longan-like crystal clear pearls are mixed in a pile of necklaces and bracelets, piled up in a mess of boxes, and emit a colorful and attractive light.

“Gosh!” There was a sigh behind him, Yang Ling turned back and turned his head to see Cheng Qiyun staring straight at the countless treasures, and his eyes were about to become emeralds. . Adene is not as exaggerated as she is. But she also covered her small mouth. His eyes were wide, staring at those jewels with good eyes.

Yang Ling smiled softly: “In the fantasy story, it is said that the Dragon tribe likes jewelry the most. Beautifully the woman is a beautiful snake, and the dragon’s close relative, no wonder they like jewelry so much.”

“Cough! Cough!” Yang Ling coughed a few times, and the two beautiful snakes … the two beautiful women were awake.

Yang Ling pointed to the jewels, facing Cheng Qiyun and Han Wudao seriously: “This palace is too narrow, to prevent people from mixing water to fish. Remove all these jewels, clean them up and screen them. The property belonging to the surrender army is used as a loot, all Put it on our ship. Well, the belongings of the royal palace of the sultan, the governor of Oman, you go to find the treasure account of the royal palace and compare them item by item, so as to get them back. “

“Yes, thank you, Master Yang, and Governor Yang!” Oman, the former head of the Mangajia Palace, who had just been released from prison by Yang Ling’s people, was grateful.

Yang Ling glanced at the dazzling treasures again, turned and walked out, and Cheng Qiyun immediately and generously left as he left, not caring about the many treasures behind him. Adeni really wanted to touch and take a look at these gems from the hands of skilled craftsmen from all over the world, but …

Lord Ariadne also reluctantly glanced at those dazzling, drooling jewels, and then turned around resolutely and decisively, showing the courage of a soldier, forcing himself to move his long thighs …………

“You finished roaring? I said after you finished roaring.”

Yang Ling sipped his tea slowly: “General Aizeg, a loud voice doesn’t mean anything. If you want to be louder than yours, the officer’s bodyguard, surnamed Liu, can accompany him.”

Just after Jia Qingyou translated halfway, Archbishop Lamario said in a hurry: “Master Yang, please don’t be angry. General Aizeg is a soldier. I have some bad temper. I can guarantee that the King of the Kingdom is against Daming Very friendly, I came to the East by the order of His Majesty the King, just to establish good trade relations with your country. “

“It’s just …” He glanced at Ezege awkwardly and said, “We have some people in the navy who believe too much in force and believe that after this lesson. They will obey the will of the king. At present, this The Far East Fleet is too important for us, very important. We hope Master Yang will be generous and return the battleship to us. “

“Hahahaha …” Yang Ling laughed, and the generals of Han Wu, Peng Shark, and Wang Meiren also laughed, and the smiling La Mario and Ezege were at a loss.

Yang Ling leaned forward leaning forward. Said: “Sir Bishop, of course I would like to believe your sincerity, but what needs to be clarified now is: we are not negotiating now. If you can agree to the conditions for retreating during the Gulangyu negotiation, my fleet will **** you The fleet leaves safely. You will also be treated as friendly friends and will present beautifully oriental gifts. Unfortunately, you have chosen war. “

Yang Ling spread his hands together and said, “Now. You are the defeated army. As the captives of the defeat, do you have the right to ask us to return the weapons and warships to you? Daming is a state of etiquette, and we are not rare. Warships and artillery, but returning weapons is never possible. “

“We have the sincerity to sit down with your country to continue negotiations. If you don’t fight, you can’t close the deal. I believe that after this conflict, we will be able to establish a stronger cooperative relationship in the future. However, as a victorious country. Returning weapons to the aggressor is not in line with The war practices of any country in the East and West! “.

La Mario also sweated anxiously on his forehead. He said anxiously, “Master Yang, let me tell you the truth. You promised our country to release all the prisoners unconditionally after officially signing the trade contract. This is indeed very lenient.

However … To rebuild a batch of warships, in terms of the strength of our country, it is very slow. This fleet is missing. The Indian Ocean will become a paradise for pirates. Adventurer’s paradise, our remaining fleet will not be able to guarantee the safety of merchants. This maritime trade route will become a crisis, and adults … “

Yang Ling listened to his heart, and a thought came up: it is impossible to return warships and weapons. Now Daming is also using money everywhere and lacking money everywhere, but for the sailors who are currently short of funds, they are Without enough warships and artillery, these captured loot came in handy.

However, La Mario is also telling the truth. A stable regime controls this business path, which is definitely more conducive to the development of commerce than princes fighting for hegemony. Is La Mario really worried about pirates? I’m afraid it’s other Western countries that covet the Eastern Trade Road, right?

Yang Ling gave him a sly look and smiled: “This problem is easy to solve. You are worried that the safe and stable maritime channel opened up will be destroyed. Once you and our two countries become trading partners, your loss of interest is us Loss of profits, your Far East Fleet cannot guarantee the safety of the Indian Ocean, and our Daming Marine Division will shoulder this task. “.

Ai Zege was taken aback: “Da Ming sailor is also coveting this sea channel flowing with gold?”

But thinking about the Ming’s fleet’s ability to strike so powerfully, he was convinced that even without their provocation, it would be a matter of time before Daming sent troops to the Indian Ocean.

I heard that Daming was fighting in the north of their land with the descendants of Genghis Khan, the horror demon who swept the whole of Europe in the past. Presumably for this reason, they delayed the pace of going south.

Otherwise, with their powerful sailors, it is like a crocodile rushing into the muddy pool where ducks are playing. Who is its opponent? If you judge like this … This is something that will happen sooner or later, even if there is no war today, we will eventually have to give up the Indian Ocean. Ezege judged that his will began to shake.

Yang Ling is also doing his wishful thinking, and it will take some time for the construction of the navy to become formal. Daming Marine, who has never traveled to the ocean, needs an experienced master. There is no more suitable partner than the Portuguese navy who has lost its main fleet but is struggling to maintain its maritime superiority in the Indian Ocean.

He smiled and said in earnest: “The Ming Navy will use Manga as a bridgehead to explore the Indian Ocean. The Indian Ocean is divided into two parts and maintained by you and us. With the naval strength of your country, maintaining half of the area should still be possible. Can you think about it? Your bishop can give our local advice to the king of your country when you return home.

This is a completely favorable condition for you, think about it, or, you have completely lost the Indian Ocean and waited for it to be occupied by other countries, including our Daming. Or, we cooperate and share benefits. “

Ai Zege slumped back in his chair, and Yang Ling struck his weakness: he lost the fleet. Will they lose the Indian Ocean and choose a Far Eastern power that has established trade relations with them as a partner, or a Western competitor as an ally?

“Cooperation is cooperation, we will not sign a military offensive and defensive alliance agreement. Daming ’s trading partners will also be more than one country in Portugal. When we are familiar with the entire ocean under the teaching of your trading partner, when our caravan can arrive Portugal. We can establish trade partnerships with more countries.

At that time, as Ming’s trading partners and Portuguese competitors, they will unscrupulously and you seize control of the half of the Indian Ocean, and finally will be qualified and capable, and we will replace the defenders of the order that we all hope. Maybe … the first person who would like to invite Daming Master to enter this area to protect his own interests is you. “

Yang Ling thought secretly in his heart. This cake is poisonous, but Portugal has no choice but to swallow it.

Through Adni, he learned about the distribution of the power of the Western countries on the sea and the strength of each country’s military force. He knew the important impact of the destruction of the Far East Fleet on Portugal. So he dared to speak so surely.

It’s a little bit more to beat the rabbit by stalking the grass. Who is calling me to take the initiative?

La Mario clenched his brows and muttered, “This ……, Master Yang’s proposal, I will make it clear to His Majesty the King as soon as possible and reply you as soon as possible.”

“Excellent, I will arrange the ship to return the Bishop safely to your country as soon as possible. As for General Ezege and his men, as prisoners of war, we will protect their personal safety until you bring the goodwill of your king.” .

“To be stationed here, it is necessary to build several large military camps, a dedicated port for naval divisions, and other military facilities. These thousands of Portuguese soldiers are all laborers who do not have to pay. They can use it.” Yang Ling thought.

La Mario and Aizeg looked at each other helplessly, and got up to greet Yang Ling and the generals. The guards then returned to prison.

Although Yang Ling took good care of their diet and did not allow soldiers to abuse their prisoners, all personnel, including their families, restricted their freedom of movement.

Yang Ling and several generals discussed the military and political affairs of the garrison, and set up barracks, selected camp sites to prepare for a long-term garrison, and sent people back to Beijing as soon as possible to clarify the situation to the emperor and **** Sudan back to the country to stabilize the situation.

After discussing the major events, Peng Xiaoyun excitedly said to Yang Ling: “Master Yang, the nine Franco-style warships were sunk by us, and two of them were towed back, and they were rushed out of the seven sunken warships. There are more than fifty small and medium-sized artillery pieces. Uncle Wang just came over and merged with us. Their ships and artillery are too bad. Can those new artillery pieces be left to us? “

Shark Peng changed his face and immediately whispered: “You little beast, you are really ignorant, you should be well tuned for the brutal soldiers under your hands. Until now, they have been stealing chickens and dogs all day. Things. Good steel is used on the blade, and Master Yang is just using a military ship. How can idle artillery fill your facade? “

Peng Sharks are mature, their family is a convict, and the court is not a bit wary? Isn’t this a fire? Master Yang is willing to give so many artillery to his sailor?

Wang Meiren’s face twitched when he heard it, and he looked around Yang Yang, but his ears were stunned and he paid attention to his opinions.

Yang Ling said with a smile: “Okay, your fleet ships and firearms are indeed too bad. This batch of firearms will be left to you. Admiral Wang, go back and report the number and specifications of these batches of firearms. You provide ammunition. “

Wang Meiren was very surprised. He stood up in surprise, clenched his fists, murmured, tears in his eyes, and there was no word in his mouth: the scholar died for the knower, grandma, after this life It was sold to the Yang family.

Although Yang Ling did so deliberately, he meant it. In fact, there is a reason that the specifications of the small and medium-sized artillery ground guns do not match the artillery designed by Adeni and designed by Zheng Lao. Even if the artillery is given to them, as long as the supply of ammunition is always in their own hands There is nothing to worry about, but the **** man Wang Meiren was moved to look like this.

Yang Ling got up and was about to give a few words of relief. The door slammed open, and Oman, the general manager of the Royal Palace, stumbled in. As soon as he entered the door, he said angrily: “Master Yang, Master Yang, the big thing is not going well. A group of robbers suddenly rushed into the place where the treasures were picked and robbed them of all the treasures. They drove a boat to the sea, fast! Quick!”

He stomped his feet before screaming, “Go chase!”

At this time, Adni also hurried in and cried with a cry: “Yang. Sister Yun was injured by the robber. The injury was so serious, please go and see.”

“What?” Yang Ling Huo Ran discolored, and ran out after pulling his leg.

Oman chased behind and chuckled back, chatteringly said: “Adult, chase the ship quickly, so dark at night, you can’t find it when you run away.”

Yang Ling Huo Ran stopped. Tie Qing sullenly shouted, “Fuck, but it’s just some stuff, what’s the point? This officer will help you regain your sultan. That’s a big deal, and it’s a big deal to sacrifice any life. But some cold gold and silverware But, is it not as important as human life? Do you want your officials to ignore their lives, and fight for some flashy things first, to pile up your warehouse to fill the facade? “

Oman was furious when he saw him. Can’t help but startle. Never dare to answer again.

Yang Ling hurried to a house, where soldiers were already waiting. The wounded soldiers were carried away, Cheng Qiyun fell into the room, and there were several royal palace jewelry books on the ground beside her. Her palms were pressed against her chest, and blood oozed out from her fingertips, and she looked like she was breathing. So no one dared to move her.

Yang Ling hurried in, gently hugged her in her arms, and whispered a few times. Cheng Qiyun opened her godless eyes and saw that he couldn’t help but brighten his eyes, grabbing his shirt and gasping: ” Adults, there are … robbery … robbery jewelry … .. “.

Yang Ling raised his head and shouted: “Look for Langzhong, find Langzhong quickly.”

When the Mangga Royal Palace was occupied, these Franco soldiers who did not believe in Eastern medicine had already rushed away the palace doctor, and Oman had no way to do it. Someone reported it now: “Sir, we have already gone to the army. “”.

Yang Ling then lowered her head, took her hand, and said anxiously: “How do you … how are you? What kind of hand is moving?”

“Yes … a group of black-faced masked men who made Dongyinyao … knives, and I heard … when they fled, someone shouted … shouted …”.

Oman couldn’t help but interjected: “Someone shouted ‘Oshima Yanliang, the ship has been handed over’, it should be a Japanese man scattered on the island”.

There are Chinese, Japanese, Arabs, Indians and local indigenous people on this island, as well as foreign merchant seamen who were forced to stay on the island after the Portuguese army invaded the area. The race is extremely complex.

“Bold! Damn it! Damn it! Come on, Peng Qianhu, take the boat out to sea immediately, and must catch up with this gang of thieves! Admiral Wang immediately counted and tried the Japanese pirates to see if someone had captured and fled, and helped the Japanese to commit crimes!

“Yes!” Peng Xiaoyun and Wang Meiren agreed, and rushed out with their arms on their sleeves.

Yang Ling glanced at Oman, and saw him look like a god, and said: “You should go out to sea with the boat, lest the artillery fire be ruthless, and the treasure ship will miss.”

Oman finally heard this sentence, quickly agreed, and hurried out.

Han Wu saw Cheng Qiyun’s breath, and quietly applauded several Peng Shark generals. Everyone knew the relationship between Yang Ling and Cheng Qiyun. When he saw Han Wu’s signal, he hurriedly retreated. Adeni opened her mouth. Tears turned and followed.

Cheng Qiyun was lying in Yang Linghuai, her face facing the door, her lips breathing weakly, her eyes clearly cleared, and her life seemed to disappear from her a little bit.

But when everyone retreated, the door was closed gently, her eyes moved, and she slowly turned up and looked at Yang Ling. Suddenly “Baoer” smile, this smile blooms like a hundred flowers, indescribably charming and moving.

She chuckled and said, “What are you doing, crying with a sad face, like the real thing?”

Yang Ling sighed: “I’m really sad. Your old man’s clothing is too similar. I think you are really shot. How can you get this way? If you want to lie to me in the future. You sold it, and counted your money silly. “

Cheng Qiyun smiled “poof” and suddenly sat up from his arms. She gave him a cute white look, and then said, “I have come to you less. I can deceive you. I’ve deceived you already. As for selling you?” , Hum, if no one can afford the price that makes me want to move, I ca n’t bear it. “

The two giggled for a while. Yang Lingdao said: “You will go back early tomorrow morning, and I will tell you to send you home to Yanzhi. Jewelry and jade are handed over to Wu Jiyuan, who will help him out. The treasures with obvious goals will be put aside. As for gold and silver, the court is now Even the rates and bankrolls are in difficulty. The awards of meritorious service and the pensions of the dead and disabled soldiers are out of touch. The money cannot be delayed. The payment should be paid as soon as possible, otherwise the military will be hurt. “

Cheng Qiyun yelled and said, “What about the remaining treasures? Will it be delivered to the court?”

Yang Ling smiled and said with a smile: “The handover is to hand over the land, but it is only necessary to hand over the treasures found on the Spanish pirate ship and the Japanese pirate ship to the court. Our country is too big and the court institutions are too bloated. All the gold and silver are handed over. Water splashes will not splash.

Money has to be used on the edge of the knife, and I have asked for the opening of a maritime academy to train officers. If the emperor allows it. This money is used to start a school. “

Cheng Qiyun sighed lightly: “Adults are too eager to advance. It is not a trivial matter to start a military study. Especially if you are not in the DPRK now, if there is a villain, it will arouse the emperor’s envy …” Alas! “

Cheng Qiyun had already told Yang Ling that it would be too risky to bring his more than 20,000 elites from the training ground into the army of the six provinces. Because these troops are brave in fighting, most of them have merits. Once they transfer local troops, they immediately become A group of middle and lower rank officers. Anyone who is a little savvy king will not sit back and watch this situation.

As for the establishment of military academy, it is absolutely impossible in front of Daming’s monarchy system and the rigid bureaucrats. Although Yang Ling proposed that the current emperor serve as the principal of the military academy to train the students of the emperor. But this Huatouer estimated that the impish emperor Zhengde would be happy to agree.

How could the emperor really have so much time to preside over a school specializing in the training of military generals to teach? Let the generals with soldiers read more, read more books, and fight against the civil servants in court. They are all trying to avoid the situation. They will tolerate going out. Many generals will be one teacher, forming a huge army of teachers and students. Relationships and factions that shake the roots of the entire empire?

These two concerts were sent to Beijing. It is estimated that it is now Zhengde. If you change to an emperor, you will immediately have to start cutting his military power and cutting his wings. If you are black, you have to prepare an excuse to kill him. But even with Zhengde, he would never agree to endanger imperial power.

He despised traditions, he was so happy that he was good, and he wanted Jiangshan to stay true, but would he agree with such a proposal? Even if he absolutely trusted Yang Ling, he had to consider that once the system was formed, what about Yang Ling? Will the teacher in charge of this special training general form his family in the future?

If Zhengde really didn’t care about imperial power, he wouldn’t be so nervous about the rebellion of the King of Shu. From this, the clue can see that Yang Ling’s reckless remarks made it easy for him to be passive.

It is a pity that although Yang Ling has always respected her opinions, these two things have gone their own way and cannot be opposed at all. Cheng Qiyun now raises some grievances.

Yang Ling smiled and did not answer. He also had misery in these matters. In fact, although he never mentioned it, as time got closer and closer, he did not forget the matter in his heart, but always whirled around him.

He had planned to reach the end of October, when he was about to reach the end of his life, he would stay at home in Beijing. Don’t go anywhere, you must be safe after this time.

But who knows that he planned to return to the capital of Beijing before August, and he has been delayed in the southeast to the present. Whether he can safely return to Beijing, Yang Ling is increasingly uncertain.

He also wanted to return to Beijing as soon as possible. On the one hand, Liu Jin now has more and more power. Although there is a reason for Yang Ling ’s intentional indulgence, but as his power expands. Some undetermined environmental factors have also changed. Liu Jindi ’s power circle is like the center of the storm ’s magnetic field, which will attract more and more power to join. Yang Ling raises the tiger to kill the tiger, but not to cause trouble.

On the other hand, he did not accompany him when he gave birth, and he felt guilty in his heart. He didn’t want him to wander away when the baby girl gave birth. But he couldn’t help it. He now realized more and more that he could not help feeling.

Now according to time calculations, he is more and more worried that his trip to Sichuan may be the hurdle he hit the most, and it will be safe and peaceful after passing.

Because of this idea. So for some plans, he shouldn’t put it on the agenda as soon as possible, and try to lay the foundation for his own life. As for the misunderstandings and the incursions caused by intrusion, if he really finishes. Some of the slurs disappeared naturally, and his family would spend the rest of their lives safely as the family members of the heroes and emperors. If you are still alive and kicking after October, some things can be remedied.

He couldn’t say these things naturally, so he just smiled and diverged from the topic: “Although this is an empty-bomb bomb, it also frightens you? I always feel that this plan will not be too simple. Full It’s easy to provoke suspicion. “

Cheng Qiyun smiled and said: “For them, I am really too lazy to think of a perfect solution. Besides, treasure is lost in our big camp, no matter what method is used, there should always be rumours of land, As long as there is no evidence, what can he do with you, the General of the Restoration?

Even if Sudan has doubts, he can’t just mention it. And he dares to spread the rumors. After a year and a half, the wind naturally disappeared. “

She said with a blink of an eye. Suddenly grabbed Yang Ling’s neck, whispered: “Why does this plan even hide Adeni? You … you just trust me …”.

Yang Ling cut the mouth and said: “A goblin is enough, I’m afraid Adni has learned from you badly.”

Cheng Qiyun glared at him bitterly and pinched his arm.

Someone outside the door hurriedly said: “Master Yang, the middle of the army has arrived.”

As soon as Cheng Qiyun heard that the person he had arranged had come, he immediately fell back softly into Yang Ling’s arms. His face was dull, his eyes hazy, and he seemed to be in a state of persistence.

Yang Ling looked at her angrily and ridiculously, and then tried to lower her mouth, making her grief-stricken, Shen Sheng shouted, “Come in!”

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