Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 84 - April 28

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On the seventh day of April 18th in Hongzhi, the 12th Battalion Admiral Wang Yue, the British Gong Guoxun’s inspection of the Shenji Battalion, the Zhashenji Battalion deputy general of the left sentry, Bao Jinchen, and the Third Division Chief Liu Shiyong, etc., together with a total of 13 people The embattled Mexican army was full of money and full of money, and there were other unlawful things to be investigated. The emperor was furious, and he took Jinyi Weisuo into Beijing to attend.

On the eighth of April, the Superintendent of Supervision, Wang Liangchen and Bingke gave Chen Ting the impeachment of Shenji Battalion, the left guard of the army, and Yang Ling took the woman to the camp. Overnight in the army, the emperor issued a decree, and Yang Ling blamed twenty military sticks. Reducing a product for retention, fined half a year.

On the next day, the emperor summoned Yang Ling into the palace, severely criticized him, and ordered Admiral Wang Yue to rectify the military discipline, give Yang Ling a double tiger symbol, and lead the army to perform martial arts.

Down the hillside, a team of soldiers conducted marching and in-situ shooting training in the valley ahead. The sound of gunfire was rumbling and the smoke was rising. So far, Yang Ling has led his army to the mountains and has been training hard for more than 20 days.

The total strength of the third division of the left sentinel battalion is 4,500 people, plus the personal soldiers and supervision teams directly under the generals, a total of 5,000 people. Including 3,600 infantry, each with one infantry firearm; 400 artillery, equipped with 160 heavy generals of field heavy artillery, and each of these 400 people is also equipped with a handgun for self-defense, and another 500 are equipped with multiple fires pistol.

When Yang Ling got the golden arrow, he delegated the privilege to handle the exercise of military exercises and martial arts. When the whole army used firearms and ammunition, and then pulled this army to Colonel Yang, he almost thought that it was back to modern times through time and space: except Yang Ling ’s The personal supervision team is a fast-moving sword. The whole unit can be said to be a completely firearmed unit. Is this the army of the Ming Dynasty? Especially after passing through the fault zone of the Daoqing spear in the Manchu period, Yang Ling’s feeling of excitement was particularly strong.

Although the current firearms have a slow firing rate and close range, fighting with large cavalry alone has fatal flaws, but if this momentum can be maintained, then in the near future, when the firearms are approaching rapidly, we will not Behind the world, a most advanced and civilized country will not become a foolish and backward race in the eyes of Westerners, and will be bullied and suppressed.

Even with these shortcomings, this kind of firearm was still more powerful than the spear of the sword in the urban and jungle battles at that time. That is not something that the flesh and blood and personal martial arts can be hostile to.

Yang Ling had seen the power of the General’s artillery when he was in Jimingyi. Although it was far from being comparable to modern weapons, the defensive system at that time was equally weak, so its lethality was not weaker than the current artillery. There are many kinds of guns that are enough to cause a lot of damage in the moment when the two armies meet.

Although this kind of fully firearm equipped unit is currently not the best expeditionary combat weapon, it is the best help for the Beijing Division ’s defensive chaos. Yang Ling knows that it is not appropriate to consider such a long-term thing with his power and the configuration of this army. What he has to do now is to make his army the most elite in the five battalions of the Shenji Battalion in the shortest possible time, and even the most powerful force in the 100,000 troops of the 12th Regiment Battalion of the whole Beijing Division.

It ’s much easier to do this. After ten days of practice with empty-bore queues, soldiers can now skillfully perform three-column battles and three-stage marching shots. The shooting speed and shooting density are more than three times higher than the original. As a result, the combat power of the Left Sentinel immediately increased substantially.

The general who was still skeptical of his ability in the army immediately felt pleased and convinced. Even Peng Dafa and Lianzi looked at him with admiration. Yang Ling didn’t know the reward and punishment promotion system, training team, whistle, The independent combat capability of the team, the outstanding performance of the soldiers can be exceptionally promoted, and the lazy and incompetent low-level officers are dismissed on the spot, and the army immediately has high morale. The original lazy soldiers are as spirited as a leopard who has been transformed.

Yang Ling stood on the hillside watching the soldiers’ drills. After more than ten days of training, his clear face was tanned, but his temperament was a little more determined and decisive. Yang Ling nodded in satisfaction, and after he was ordered to take off his armor weighing forty pounds, the soldiers’ speed and resilience improved significantly.

The generals, who were extremely dissatisfied with the removal of helmets and armor, saw that the soldiers responded twice as fast as before, and had to admit that the soldiers ’self-protection ability had weakened, but the lethality of the enemy and the chance of avoiding damage were actually Instead, it has increased a lot.

“His grandma’s, I also took half a lifetime of soldiers, but I can’t think of the soldiers who can stand, squat, and lie in three rows to shoot? There is also a charge, an ignition, and a three-person shooting method for shooting. ? The three men were so fierce that they couldn’t beat the storm, and it was a hundred times stronger than the original shooting of a swarm of bees! “

Peng Jizu looked at Yang Ling admiringly and said to him: “Sir, the sun is getting hotter. Let’s rest under the shed for a while.”

Yang Ling nodded, and the two returned to the hillside with the trunks and branches. Lin Delu rubbed his palms and said, “Sir, I watched the soldiers training for two days, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. The leader is the leader, why do n’t you allow us to go down and lead the soldiers to practice marching? “

Yang Ling took a cup of tea and took a sip of tea. He glanced at the generals sitting in the tent and smiled, “Oh, then tell me, how do you lead a soldier for the general?”

Lian Delu said: “Why do you need to talk about it? To encourage morale, as a general in the battlefield, you must charge forward. The general of the army is the soul of the whole army, and the general will be brave and natural. Hehe, not in The adults boasted in front of them, but they will fight bravely at the end. When Miao Jiang is in chaos, he will assume the role of a hundred households. He will lead three hundred soldiers to go up the mountain at night, kicking the three large villages of Miaozi, and taking advantage of the chaos They killed the Miaojiangtong Lord who claimed to be an enemy of thousands of people. “

Yang Ling nodded and said with a smile: “Yes, really brave enough to hold the position of a hundred households.”

Lian Mazi laughed at the compliments and glanced triumphantly at the generals, only listening to Yang Ling and said: “If you still think so, you should be a hundred households in your life, and there is no opportunity for promotion.”

Even Mazi’s laughter came to an abrupt end, Peng Jizu smiled, and the thief glanced at him, and said inwardly, “I know that the adult must say something else, and it is true that he hasn’t inserted his mouth.”

Lianzi murmured: “Why don’t you think it’s wrong for the end to be brave?”

Yang Lingzheng said: “Yes, but only when you are in the position of a hundred households. The generals charge forward, which can inspire the morale of the whole army and make everyone fight to kill the enemy. But you are now a general officer, and you have a thousand hands. Five hundred soldiers, I ask you, the guns are blind, if you charge forward, the chaotic army is killed by the enemy, I would like to ask your 1,500 brothers who will command? Will the whole army be wiped out without a leader? “

Although Lian Mazi felt that Yang Ling asked him reasonably, did he cringe at the battle for this? His face couldn’t help but a look of dissatisfaction, most of the other generals also showed strange colors, and only three or two people seemed to be contemplating.

Yang Ling pointed to Jianer, who was under the command of the general, the sentry, and Shi Chang, and sometimes divided the soldiers, saying: “This is why I will not allow you to go down the mountain and let these lower-ranking officials independently lead the troops.

For a long time, these will only be a response bug and a megaphone in your eyes. They are only responsible for conveying your orders. They have neither the ability to independently command operations nor the courage to independently command operations. Therefore, the general has become a vital figure in the army, and there is no such thing as an unchangeable general and an invincible army.

But I thought that a general who relied on his personal reputation and bravery to raise the morale of the whole army was the most failed general. You see, here, all the teams are able to see the battles and retreat at a glance. As a general, you can always know where your soldiers are, where you have the upper hand, and where you are losing. You can issue orders at any time to dispatch and adjust the force distribution of the whole army. .

If you rushed to the front yourself, do n’t say that in the game you ca n’t see the changes in the battle between the enemy and the enemy, that is, the people you want to ask you to come to command and find no one, if you die in the battle, all If the army is scattered, even if it is ten times as large as the enemy, it can only be slaughtered. Is this a soldier’s incompetence or a general? “

Even Ma Zi said a moment, Yang Ling said again: “For the general, I don’t need you to be cut down by thousands of people and enemy by thousands of people, as long as you can command in the center, be well-dispatched, you have the ability to manage your officers, primary schools, Everyone trains thousands to slay thousands of enemies. That is the general, and that is an invincible army. “

These very simple truths are heard in the ears of these generals who have never realized the role of the little pawns. It is really a novel theory. There are a few generals who have risen from the little pawns to understand the fastest, and they have no place to start. Yang Ling looked at their convincing excitement and could n’t help but secretly regret: Unfortunately, I have n’t been in the army, otherwise I wrote the book “On the Significance of Army Grassroots Construction”. The Art of War “.

He took a sip of tea and narrowed his eyes to a jungle on the opposite hill, where the **** was short and the trees were not dense, but after a long glance here, he could not see a shadow in the forest. Yang Ling couldn’t help but be satisfied Smiled.

Yang Ling recruited 300 people from his own military and overseeing the team, and asked Yang Yiqing, Han Lin, and Han Wu to lead these people to train in that forest. After more than ten days of hard training, it seems to have paid off.

Yang Yiqing’s search, assassination, and ambush skills are first-rate. His father and son’s martial arts are better than Yang Yiqing’s, and he hunts in the mountains all the year round. He is a natural mountain jungle warrior. The ambush and tracking skills of the organization are superb. There are three of them professors. I believe that it won’t take long to train a special elite soldier.

Yang Ling has asked Nanzhen Fusi to provide a group of special ordnance for Jinyiwei’s detection and assassination. He deliberately looked at the forest in his eyes and continued: “Let the soldiers practise for two more days, and wait for them to become more proficient, it is up to you to take action. At that time, you will each lead an army and use each other as an imaginary enemy. How to march into an army, how to dispatch troops and send them to give them more practical experience. “

“Generals, to transfer troops, you must not only be familiar with the soldiers under your command, but also understand the strength and offensive and defensive of the enemy forces. It is not as clear as you see here on the battlefield, so the role of scouts cannot be underestimated.” He remembered the Jimingyi Hulu Valley that was almost completely overwhelmed by the army. He could n’t help but express with deep emotion: “A good scout can sometimes be worth thousands of troops, and their news can decide a war. Victory and defeat, Zhuge Liang, who is like a **** in the world and who has the opportunity to take advantage of the candle, is after all, but not for him. “

Guan Shoubei smiled and said, “Adults say that, even if it is Mr. Kong Ming, there will be miscalculations in his life, even those of us who are stinky.”

The audience laughed when they heard it. Then a soldier flashed in. Yang Ling turned his head and saw that it was his uncle’s brother Han Wei. He immediately nodded to several Zuo Zuo and followed Han Wei out.

Han Wei took his wife and returned to Beijing. Although a good man in this world is not a soldier, after all, he has a higher status than an Orion or a postman. Moreover, the military pay of this Jingying camp is not only the highest in the entire Daming army, but the chief of the army will be his brother-in-law.

Yang Ling followed him to a bunch of trees and asked, “Brother, how are you asking?”

Han Wei said: “This is strange. According to the evidence you found, Bao tried his best to steal the guns and fires, and even sold it to whom and how many pounds he wrote clearly. Has it been submitted to the palace, but now Bao Bao will The crimes disclosed by Liu Dusi in prison are still greedy, and the two are good. “

Yang Ling shook his body and exclaimed: “What? Are they still alive? Whose path did they take? Can this crime be covered up?”

Han Wei shook his head and said: “Then you gave it to the emperor, but the thirteen imperial envoys and six branches of the Supervisory Institute didn’t know what way they learned from the matter. You have a copy of my book every day, the emperor Just leave it alone and not send it. “

Yang Ling pondered for a while, and said flatly: “No, I have to go back. Tang Tang is uncertain about my life and death. I can’t watch the murderer go unpunished!”

Han Wei said in surprise: “This is a one-night trip back and forth. You are the coach. You are not allowed to leave Daying and you are known to be involved again.”

Yang Ling said: “It’s okay, the ammunition consumption in these two days has been exhausted. The emperor gave me the double tiger charm. It is necessary for me to collect ammunition. By the way, I will go to the military department.


On the night of April 28, it was raining heavily.

This was the first heavy rain after a long drought, from noon to nightfall. The rainstorm poured out. There were no traces on the street, the blue stone board road was washed by rain, and the lanterns on the third and second floors flashed a faint light. The two iron riders were like a whirlwind, and they entered the rain at this time.

Immediately, the two knights wore their clothes and leaned slightly to avoid the shower. The vigorous horse swept across the rainy road, and the wavy splashes of the horseshoes in the bowl were smoothed by the heavy rain and rushed to flow , No trace left.

In Donganmen North Town Fusi, thousands of households Yu Yongzheng sat on their chairs drinking tea, smiling at the string of rainwater pouring down the corridor like a curtain: He just bought Sanqing Liangtian in the suburbs of Beijing at the beginning of the year. Before the heavy rain, I thought I was going to lose the harvest this time. God has eyes. Look at this ruinous scene. The smoky land can quench my thirst.

He was thinking with a smile, and suddenly two men dressed in clothes hurriedly broke into the hall from the rain curtain, and the rain quickly ran down from them and merged into a stream. Yu Yong raised his eyelids and glanced, and asked casually: “What is so anxious, and it is not safe to fall in the downpour?”

Yang Ling raised his head and saw that the Qianyi Qianhu with Erlang’s legs was the descendant of the blond German nobleman he had seen last time, and he smiled while undressing, “It turns out to be Master Yu, huh, why is it today Are you on duty? “

Yu Yongjian saw that the man who walked under the clothes was wearing an army soldier’s clothes. A few strands of hair on his handsome and thin face were still dripping with rain. The face was covered with rain, but he couldn’t remember who he came from. , Can’t help but wonder: “Are you a member of the Ministry of Military Affairs? What is it that breaks into my town’s government office?”

Yang Ling said with a smile: “Yu lord and nobleman forget things, the brother is Yang Ling, can you remember?”

Yu Yong sighed, thinking of it all of a sudden, how could he not remember the character of the moment. Yu Yong suddenly said with a smile on his face: “It turns out to be Master Yang. It’s rude and rude. How can you dress like this?”

Yang Ling laughed and said: “This dress is convenient for returning to Beijing. By the way, is Mr. Mou here?”

He asked Mu Bin, the Fushun Fushen of Beizhen Fusi. Yu Yong used to drill camp. He knew that Jin Yiwei, who was dressed as a soldier in front of him, knew that the celebrity was in front of Governor Zhang. Jing Sanfen, busy said: “Unfortunately, Master Mou went out with the money Master in the morning. I haven’t returned yet. I don’t know what the adult has to do. Maybe a humble job can serve you.”

Yang Ling was disappointed when he heard these things. He couldn’t talk about these things with Yu Yong, so he said casually: “Oh, it’s okay. The official returned to Beijing to do a poor job, so let’s take a look at the two adults.”

Yu Yong smiled and said in a grinning way: “Adult has a heart, now that the rain hasn’t stopped, it’s better to sit down and drink a cup of hot tea. Maybe the two adults will be there for a while, but the adults are back.”

Yang Ling turned around and saw that the two sedan cars were carried into the courtyard until they reached the edge of the corridor. Two people in flying suits hurriedly got out of the sedan car and quickly entered the hall. Yang Ling hurried forward and said, “Yang Ling, a humble employee, have seen an adult.”

The Zhen Fu made Mou Bin’s expression dignified and stepped into the door with a tight face. When he saw Yang Ling, he couldn’t help but stunned. He wondered: “How did you return to Beijing?” Exactly, follow the words in my room. “

Yang Ling was panic when he saw that Qian Ning was following Mu Bin. He even forgot to say hello to him. He did n’t know what was going on and felt nervous. He hurriedly waved his hand and asked Han Wei to stay for a while and follow Mu Bin. study.

Mu Bin entered the study room and immediately grabbed the pen before picking up the book. He hurriedly wrote a few lines and took out the seal. He handed it to Qian Ning and said: “Come on, you will immediately go to Tianjin Guardian, please ask Master Zhang to return immediately Beijing!”

Qian Ning responded, took the paper and ran out in a hurry. Yang Ling couldn’t help anxiously saying, “Master, what happened to you, how can you look so dignified?”

Mou Bin said disturbingly: “Yang Tongzhi, I will talk about the details later. You must rush back to the barracks tonight. I am afraid that the purpose of leading your army back to Beijing will come later. The emperor fainted in the morning. Wake up at night, I have been waiting in the palace, to see the situation, this time he is afraid that the emperor he is not good. “

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