Back to the Ming Dynasty as a Prince

Chapter 85 - Lead the army into the palace

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In the room, the three old patriarchs, the six ministers and the rotating minister were anxiously waiting for the news from Dongnuan pavilion. The heavy rain lashed the ground like a whip, and their hearts twitched.

Most of these old ministers were gray-haired, and they could only hear the wind and rain outside the room, and the thunder and thunder, but a few people were silent, just staring at the direction of the dry palace, and worried.

A thunder thundered violently, and the elders shivered in shock. With another flash of lightning, a figure flashed into the room and preached loudly: “There is a word on the holy word!”

Several veteran officials heard that Huo Di stood up, and the official Shang Shu Ma Wensheng was so excited that he had to tremble with excitement, and said repeatedly: “Duke Zhang, the emperor is awake? How is the emperor?”

Liu Jian and others were also full of excitement. As the head of the cabinet minister, he restrained his emotions and paid a visit to Prince Gong, Zhang, the **** of Sili, saying: “Clerks wait for the purpose”.

The adults awakened and worshipped together. Grandpa Zhang said: “The emperor said the word, I bowed without any trouble, and all Aiqing do not need to be concerned. All Aiqing are the pillars of the country. Supervisors from China and Japan sent their vehicles to each other. Tomorrow will be closed, and everything from North Korea and China will be decided by three university clerks, “

Grandpa Zhang gave his will and turned to go. Liu Daxia was anxious. He jumped up and stopped Zhang Gongdao, saying: “Grandpa Zhang, what is the dragon body of the Holy Lord, what can the doctor say?”

Liu Daxia was the emperor of Emperor Hongzhi. Although Duke Zhang was one of the four chiefs of the court, he did not dare to offend, but did he just say anything about it? Grandpa Zhang had to say, “Master Liu, don’t you want to make it difficult for our family? Do you still understand these rules?”

Liu Daxia was stunned, and then let go of his sleeve. He saw that the emperor’s condition was not light. Otherwise, would he tell them to go back to the house to rest without seeing them, so tightly blocked the news?

Seeing that Grandpa Zhang was leaving the court, Ma Wensheng paused heavily, and said to Jiao Fang, the right servant of that day’s rotating official: “Lao Jiao, you will have the news of Dongnuan Pavilion tonight if the Emperor or Emperor calls for something urgent. , Must not be delayed “.

Emperor Hongzhi likes to use his old minister. This right-hand man, Jiao Fang, is also a 71-year-old white-haired old man, but he is energetic and has a tough body. He understands the meaning of Ma Shangshu’s words and also knows well The importance of this matter was heard when he told him to hurry and say: “Yes, although the adults are at ease, they are always waiting for the next officer, and they dare not be negligent.”

Ma Wensheng nodded. At this time, the driver of the imperial guard outside the door had already driven to the door, and the emperor sent the car to send him. This grace is that these old ministers had never suffered before. At this time, when I saw my heart, there was no joy and rain. As he boarded the car, Li Dongyang stood on the cowl and glanced at the direction of the dry palace. From afar, the lights were like daylight, and the maiden and **** came in and out. The atmosphere was very tense, and he could not help but sigh.

Queen Zhang, Crown Prince Zhu Houzhao and Yongfu and Yongchun princesses are outside the Dongnuan Pavilion. Although they are only separated by one door, but what is the situation of their closest and most important relatives inside, they can only pass the **** and the doctor We heard some news in our mouths, and they were not allowed to enter without Hongzhi’s call.

In the Dongnuan Pavilion, Hongzhi leaned on the pillow and listened to the sound of the heavy rain in his ears. Wang Yue, Miao Kui, and Fan Ting knelt in front of them, their foreheads were close to the ground, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out.

Hongzhi had a serious illness years ago, and it was only enough to raise for more than a month, but this time he suddenly fainted in the Chaotang and rescued for a whole day before waking up. He knew that his body had been exhausted and the lamp was dry. This time it was really not far away. .

He is a very superstitious person, and now after the drought of Beijing Normal University, the rainstorm suddenly fell, and shortly after he fainted, when he wanted to come, this was the most obvious prediction given to him by the sky: I am the emperor, Tiangong tears, wind and rain Masterpiece, is n’t it that I am going to die?

He sighed and kept thinking about his son who was relieved. He was not very young when he succeeded to the throne, but his son is still out of temper and not stable enough even though he is 15 years old. That is by no means a qualification in the courtier ’s mind The image of a king.

This son is energetic and clever, but like a wild horse, he can’t be restrained at all. He thought that if he was older, he would calm down, and now it’s time to give him the world, can he do it?

He glanced at the three most beloved internal officials kneeling tremblingly in front of them. They were all loyal and unfaithful to themselves, but if they changed their young prince, could they still be so loyal? Or gradually rely on their own weight to suppress the Lord? In their hands, they can hold the three elite Beijing camps and the largest secret detective organizations.

Hongzhi could n’t help but worry that although the lords everywhere were cut off the three guards early, they might not have no ambitions. A few days ago, Yang Ling presented his book of Baoshang to the greedy ink, which made him alert and stayed in Beijing. The battalion general is extremely excellent, and a third-rank clerk can violate the military law for some young Ligans. If the princes around the world award jewellery, can no one be bought?

Moreover, the production of ammunition in Jingying Huozhen is a great secret in the military. At this time, it is not arbitrary that a craftsman can make the most excellent firearms and ammunition. Those who claim to buy fire guns are used to eliminate theft and self-protection. After Jinyiwei’s investigation, it turned out that the fate of the ammunition was unclear. The number of firearms was not enough to worry about. Someone was afraid that someone had sought a craftsman to copy it.

Firecracker lost to the cavalry in the north, but it was an excellent weapon in the paddy fields, jungles, and mountains in the south. It was also the best option for the princes who were cut off. Who can be a firearm? Is it King Chu, King Ning, or King Wu? These are not defenseless.

Hongzhi thought deliberately, and after a long sigh, he said wearily: “Fiction.”

The **** Si Lijian, who was waiting behind the red sandalwood long table, responded quickly, and caught a wolf, only to hear Hongzhi breathe for a while, and then said: “The first purpose, Wei Guogong Xu Yi took the opportunity The battalion had been under strict control for 20 years, and the military discipline was loose. The soldiers in the military privately sold military assets and corrupted the discipline. Today, the officer of the Shenjiying battalion was removed as a punishment. The British Gong Guoxun took charge of military affairs. “

He said quietly and said: “The second purpose is that the 4th Battalion of the Imperial Horse Guard Wu Xiang, Teng Xiang, Zuo Wei, and You Wei transferred out of the Royal Palace, stationed in the Nine City, the 3000th Battalion, the 5th Military Battalion, and the Shenji Battalion. The Tunjing division left and right, and the Zuoqi Battalion left sentry troops were stationed in the palace. “

Miao Kui listened to Ji Lingling to fight a cold war and leaned even lower. The emperor’s sudden adjustment was obviously due to the long-term imprisonment of the four battalions of the Imperial Horse Guards. This was a bit of precaution. However, the emperor was still trusting himself in his own way, and obviously Miao Kui turned over and over, I can’t tell the taste.

Hongzhi felt dizzy for a while, and some wanted to vomit. He insisted: “The third purpose is to garrison troops stationed in various health centers, strictly guard the pass, and guard the entire army. All lords must not leave the fiefs or enter Beijing without any purpose. , Otherwise it will be treated as rebellious! “

He said a will, that **** Bingbi knocked a head, and then raised the pen to write. Hongzhi listened to Bingbi’s **** and hurriedly read it again, um, said: “Just go, use the seal.”

Hongzhi said and waved his hand again: “You all go down first, call the prince in, I want to talk to him.”


Yang Ling walked into the Chaofang. The Chaotang was a long hall. The light inside was dim, because the emperor was dying. The Chaohui had stopped. The Chaofang was cold now, with only a clumsy civilian facing away. He was dozing on the table.

Yang Ling didn’t disturb him either, walked to a chair in the corner and sat down, leaned back on the chair, only feeling backache.

On that day, after coming out of Jinyiwei, Yang Ling wanted to go home and see. The lights in the courtyard of Mazhi Huguo Temple Street had been turned off, and he didn’t want to disturb the young girl, so he hurried back to the mountain all night. His will is also correct, he entered the handsome account at the forefoot, and the decree at the hind foot arrived.

Yang Ling, who had not taken a break at all, immediately returned to Beijing with his army. This journey was even harder. It was much slower than his sprinting alone. Five thousand officers and soldiers walked for three days and one night and only returned to the Beijing division today.

Yang Ling had covered the imperial edict outside the court room, but after waiting for a while, the **** hadn’t called him to see him. Yang Ling remembered the emperor’s illness now, and it seemed he could not say when he would see him, so he hid in the court house. I want to take a break first. Yang Ling straightened his legs and let out a long breath, closed his eyes and rested in a daze.

I do n’t know when I heard a sound of footsteps. Yang Ling, who was half asleep and half awake, opened his eyes and saw a few people who did n’t know come in. There can be five or six people, all of whom are civilians of the third or fourth grade. Irrelevant, he closed his eyes again to refresh himself.

In the past few days, the three college clerks still have office work in the palace, and the divisions have to enter the palace if they need to make decisions. Those civil servants have just submitted official documents to the college clerk, because several of them are in urgent need of approval. Come to the room for a while.

The eyes of these adults were almost gone, and no one could see the dim corner of the wall. There was a military officer sitting on the bench, and he started a business. The official Zuo Shilang and Wang Zheng were worried and said: “The emperor’s dragon body is unsafe, and the rumor is shocked. These days are not good, and many things. The three university graduates can’t be arbitrarily. How can this be good?”

Zhan Shi Yang Fang comforted: “Master Wang, don’t worry, I heard that the emperor has ordered the East Palace and San Gong to discuss politics, and the crown prince is the prince. At this moment, there are certain things that can be used by your majesty.”

Wang Sheng sighed: “The prince is young and still does not know the sufferings of the people. If he gives the instructions later, I don’t know how many victims will suffer.”

The lying officer on duty heard the sound woke up and turned to see Wang Sheng, who couldn’t help but smiled and said, “It turned out to be the best. I said it sounds familiar.”

It was only after Wang Sheng could see that the rotating officer who was dozing on the table was Jiao Fang, the right servant, and he quickly arched his hand: “It turns out that it was Master Jiao’s rotation. What about the dragon’s body?”

Jiao Fang shook his head, opened his mouth and was about to speak, and an old **** walked in with a bunch of playing. This **** was the **** Liu Jin, the bell and drum division serving the East Palace. The crown prince was ordered by the emperor to do his duty to discuss the affairs with San Gong, and he brought several powerful eunuchs around him. Of course, they are nothing more than sending the custody of the signed custody. It is not a big deal to pass on the officials to be asked.

However, Liu Jin had only hit the Jingyang Bell and knocked the Sichen Drum at the Bell and Drum Division. He was an obscure eunuch, and now he is holding the imperial edict of the imperial court and summoning the minister of the imperial court. He is a errand guy, but he is in contact with first-class characters, and he can’t help feeling “*” in his heart.

Especially now that the emperor is in critical condition, ascending the throne in the East Palace is a matter of time. As a person trusted by the prince, he has a bright future in the future. When he thinks of these, Liu Jin ’s work enthusiasm suddenly rises. He didn’t feel the hard work of the bachelor’s office and running around the room all day.

At this time, he was holding the discounts of the two officials of the Ministry of Industry and the Criminal Department. The two accepted them and thanked him. Liu Jin accepted it with a smile, as if he was the one who approved him, and the expression was quite glorious.

Wang Sheng asked: “Isn’t this father-in-law, Xinyang suffering from floods, the discount for poverty relief?”

Liu Jindao said: “Our family received only the discounts from the Ministry of Industry and the Penal Department. I think the three university graduates have not read the discounts yet.”

Wang Sheng Dun Road said: “I have added urgent words, how can I still not reply, Xinyang floods, people have no food and clothing, the court should be exempted from taxation and relief food in a timely manner, how can it be good if the civil agitation is aroused after a delay?”

Liu Jinmeng remembered that several eunuchs in the palace had talked about the fact that hundreds of local members lied about reporting the disaster year and evaded taxation. He couldn’t help but smiled and said: “Adults don’t worry, now it has just entered May, how come the news period comes It’s so early? Maybe it’s Feng Sui’s misrepresentation of the famine year. Maybe the magistrate and the courtiers of the Xinyang nationality of Chaozhong were embarrassed. They bought a good place and won a reputation. The adults had to check for accuracy. “

Coincidentally, the servant Wang Wangxi happened to be a Xinyang person. When he heard Liu Jin’s words, he could bear it. He suddenly became furious and slammed the table. He said: “My father-in-law wants to spur people with blood. Isn’t the famine a fake thing? The North Korea-China event, what do you know? Don’t be vulgar! “

Liu Jin was scolded by him, and his face could not be hung up. He could not help but sneer with embarrassment and annoyance: “Our family is also a means used by some dirty officials and corrupt officials, whether it is, it is not, the adult is not that embarrassed. People, why should you be so annoyed and tell others to tell you that you are guilty? “

Zhan Shi Yang Fang, who is also a genius of Xinyang nationality, sneered immediately after hearing the words: “If you cheat, you should come up with evidence of cheating. Is it possible to do that indiscriminate ability with your three-inch tongue? What? “

Liu Jin was furious: “Grandma, our family kindly reminds you not to be fooled by the magistrate. One by one, half a year old, who is a few years older than me, how come you are like a stunned head, our family invites you to provoke you is you?”

He forgot to be respectful and humble for a moment, and he didn’t feel angry: “If we go to our house to find evidence, what do you guys do in the court? I only said that it might be collusion by officials, but I didn’t say it must be, if you don’t Conscience, why did you step on your tail? What are you thinking of? “

The old man Yang Fang was furious and stood up and shouted loudly: “I am a third-ranking member of the imperial court. What kind of **** you don’t even know the saint’s book is also worthy of speaking in the court?”

Liu Jin was scolded face-to-face and cast off, and he was touching the taboo in his heart. His face turned red for a while, and he couldn’t take care of it. He came forward with a palm and was hitting on the face of old man Yang, Yang Fang made a strange cry Liu Jin scratched Liu Jin’s hand with five fingers sticking out of his body. Liu Jin’s face suddenly had five fingerprints. An old scholar and an old **** shouted and wrestled together.

Seeing that the **** dare to beat the court official in the court room, Wang Zhi and other friends immediately rushed over to fight together, and there were also those who were not familiar with Yang Fang, but they were also civil servants, and they inevitably persuaded the enemy and pretended to persuade, but they were just holding hands Liu Jin didn’t let go, Yang Fang got a gap, Liu Jin suddenly suffered two old punches.

Sitting in the dark, Yang Ling was awakened by their quarrel, and he also looked at each other’s disputes. Although Liu Jin in history was a bad man who could not be worse, he didn’t say much about this matter today. In fact, Xinyang may have sent a flood, but it is not without the false report of the famine year, buying a good place, and seeking for the promotion of capital for his own. If he is not right, just ignore him. Why should there be such a big fire?

In order to do something like this, so many aggressive old men started to fight, and it was really boring enough. Yang Ling rushed past angrily and funnyly, pulling Liu Jin out of the crowd.

Several adults saw the military officer who broke out to save people, and couldn’t help but angered: “What kind of person are you? This **** is sinister, evil-spoken, and slander the court minister. How dare you intervene to save him?”

Yang Ling was annoyed when he heard this, and he frowned, “Masters, don’t you need to buckle your hat for a trivial matter? Today’s thing is just because of his unintentional words, everyone just takes a step back and it’s okay, why should they be aggressive?” ? “

Liu Jin was pulled to distribute his hair. At this time, it was Yang Ling who rescued him, and immediately opened his throat as if he saw his loved ones: “Master Yang, look at it, look at it, what does this look like? What am I saying, they This is too bullying. “

There was a quarrel here, and a little **** stood at the door and summoned: “Which is Master Yang Ling Yang, the emperor summoned it!” After looking at the posture in the room, the little **** also froze.

Yang Fang and others have heard Yang Ling’s name for a long time, but he didn’t recognize him. At this time, when he heard that this person was Yang Ling, he couldn’t help but stunned. Yang Ling took the opportunity to pull Liu Jin with five blood-stained faces on his face and pulled it out of the room. Consolation, Liu Jin wailed crying and asked Zhu Hou according to the complaint.

Yang Ling followed the **** behind the little **** and walked straight to the harem. She just turned over the moon gate of a corridor and a girl with a palace skirt hurriedly grabbed it from behind the rattan shelf. He rushed into his arms.

Yang Ling hurriedly supported her, and the girl yelled, her face blushing away from Yang Ling’s arms, rubbing her sour nose, her eyes on the man in front of her, the beautiful girl suddenly froze.

She stared at Yang Ling with wide eyes, and suddenly rushed over with surprise in her face. She stepped forward to his arm and shouted excitedly: “It turns out to be General Yang, hurry, hurry, hurry up with me to save people, the emperor is chasing What about Uncle Guo? “


ps: The following three books are recommended:

1: Book No. 121751 “The Prodigal Girl”

2: Book No. 106058 “World Heroes”

3: Please see the quick connection below 🙂

Click to see the picture link: Lecherous Sinless Sword

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